An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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  • Joining The Dots

    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Welcome To Atlantipedia

The Atlantis story is complicated and should be studied carefully. I can say without fear of contradiction that most of what has been written about it is flawed. Just think about it, if you take the 20 most popular Atlantis theories, at least 19, if not all, must be wrong. Atlantipedia is intended to offer a full spectrum of theories that have any claim to rationality which have emerged over the centuries. However, before venturing into the 2,000+ pages of Atlantipedia I would recommend a read of an introductory paper by Thorwald C. Franke –

After many years of recording everyone else’s Atlantis theories, I finally completed my own, which is now available in a Kindle ebook. Its full title is Joining the Dots: Plato’s Atlantis in the Central Mediterranean, which is fairly self-explanatory. I’m advocating Plato’s Atlantis to have been a military alliance centred on a region that stretched from southern Italy across the Mediterranean to include at least part of north-west Africa as well as many of the islands in that region. I have endeavoured to answer some of the many questions posed by the Atlantis narrative, such as when, where, who and how. In particular, I have investigated the incredibly large numbers recorded by Plato, which have only provided ammunition for Atlantis critics.

ATLANTIPEDIA is aimed at providing the most comprehensive source of information regarding the development of Atlantis theories, particularly since Ignatius Donnelly produced his seminal work on the subject towards the end of the nineteenth century.

The content is intended to assist researchers, journalists and anyone with an enquiring mind. Unlike many other sites on the Internet, ATLANTIPEDIA will not be providing open forums, which I have seen so often devolve into time-wasting squabbles between ego-trippers. However, we are open to all ideas and data that might improve the quality of the information on offer and invite emails from readers.

My intention is that Atlantipedia be primarily concerned with the scientific search for Plato’s Atlantis. Speculative theories or alleged psychic revelations without any supporting evidence are as worthless here as they would be in a court of law. Atlantipedia encompasses a wide range of theories and their proponents, including, if I may badly paraphrase, the good, the mad and the unbelievable.

I also reserve the right to editorialise from time to time. See INTRODUCTION

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Where books referred to are available to be downloaded or just read online their bibliographical reference [1152] will be identified by a red plus sign beside it [1152]+ and listed at the head of any links. This new feature will be gradually introduced.

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