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… Theories, and studies on the origins of our land, ..siate curious .. (Ilene Long)

June 23, 2014 paul ruggeri Leave a comment

The megalithic walls LAZIO:




Italy, the country’s culture, history and archeology is, in many cases, testimony from a legendary and mythical past that constitute historical evidence outstanding. One example, the territory of Lazio and the neighboring regions, characterized by impressive remains of circuits megalithic polygonal, certain most intact talaltri more meager, erected on top of hills or mountains. He wrote thus, in this regard, the American scholar Louisa Caroline Tuthill in his ” History of Architecture “ of 1848: “In an age earlier than the Romans, the fair land of Italy was inhabited by people who have left monuments to indestructible testimony of their history. Those wonderful early and cities in Italy, which have been defined cyclopean, are thickly scattered in many regions and often perched like eagles’ nests on the crests of the mountains, at an altitude such that surprises and confuses the traveler today urging him to visit wonder what prompted people to build in places so inaccessible and rooted within those beautiful fortifications. “

The pre-Roman Italic period is a crucial period in our history and wanting to look carefully we can find numerous and widespread traces. And ‘essential to gain properly this remote past, to understand the mission of the ancient Italians, of which Rome claimed primarily the burden and honor [1]. Testimonials extraordinary, therefore, not studied in depth, hastily cataloged in historical periods “not worthy” and therefore not valued properly. Thesis in “official” our contemporary, about these impressive archaeological remains, there are shortcomings and discrepancies that academia can not or very often does not want to answer. This is not a criticism of the archeology official and academic researchers who diligently perform their work, according to “duty”, but is more of a way to bring attention to certain topics and issues a must review and revise, with ‘hope that sooner or later to open a large and direct debate on the issue, for a proper appreciation of this period, with the aim to investigate and gather all the material as possible, even that is not immediately relevant. That ‘s what we try to do, by means of our articles on this site, placing the attention of the reader, writings, hypotheses of past and contemporary scholars (known and unknown), places and archaeological sites, showing a cross-section of History often forgotten or even worse “ignored”.

To identify a historical framework, potentially plausible, in which to place these megalithic walls is necessary to make known (as many contemporary scholars are doing) that existed a large but little-known group of authors [2] that, since ‘ 700 until the first half of ‘900, has largely addressed and examined the question of an ancient civilization and remote, creator of these archaeological let inheritance ; civilization to which these authors gave the name of “Saturnia Tellus”, “Land of Saturn “ or “Land of plenty” , referring to the mythical Golden Age of Saturn. Devoted themselves, then, to the rediscovery of the primordial Italy, collecting and processing the texts of Greek and Latin authors who dealt with the topic directly or in the form of myths and legends, reconstructing the history, religion, the arts , the first and most ancient Italic peoples and especially by addressing the historical precedence than those of the Mediterranean basin. These authors, in turn, continued, developed and changed the work of the previous, although they differ in some places, for example in setting chronological, identifying places and interpretation of myths, but it is always possible to find inside of their work a “common matrix” , devoted to clarify the alleged existence of an ancient Italic people downtown and glorious past. Some were the heirs of their predecessors, lobbies met and compared with each other, many seem to have been encouraged and inspired by “knowledge centers” not only an intellectual [3]. Their work is a testimony of an archaic world, a land disappeared because of the great cataclysms: the Tirrenide. Geographically different from today, consisted of the Italian peninsula, together with the major and minor islands to Malta and Gozo. And it is from Tirrenide who come through these authors, the traces of an ancient civilization and their “wisdom prisca Italic” sometimes present in the myths and sometimes set in the stone of the most ancient monuments of the Lazio.


A work of extraordinary interest and that most of all acted as the basis for many of the subsequent authors, was that the scholar Angelo Mazzoldi Montichiari [4]. From the first authors of the ‘700, with the passing of decades, the research was extensive, reaching the first systematization in a complete way with its work, in the first half of the nineteenth century; precisely in 1840, in Milan, the scholar published two-volume work entitled “Origins Of Italic and the spread of civilization Italian Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece and all the Asian nations placed on the Mediterranean”, based on the reports received through the myths, epic poetry and other writings of the ancients, favoring, therefore, the traditional sources and eyewitness accounts, which according to the author had more value than the writings of his contemporaries: “Fixed in my About way to turn for guidance only ancient, modern and not read except when the succession of ‘facts had already clarified and orderly, so as not to be misled by any of the many contradictory assumptions s’aggirarono in until now all the research. “

The first part of the work devoted to criticism of the old and new hypotheses about the origins of Italian civilization, he alleged fact that the opinion of the scholars, consider Egypt and Greece as the center of civilization, was actually wrong, as to the ancient Italic was conferred this primacy: “Greece which had received all the Italians, led vanity and petulance to the degree you want to believe the alloppiato world that she instead had come to Italy all the principles of civilization. (…) Among the clamor de ‘vantori Greeks and Italians greek-mania, every memory of the nationalities and greatness was turned off. Who was studying with chronologically Greek literature, it could be certain of this fact. In the books that precede the age of Herodotus, we find traces of our ancient memories, disfigurate and misrepresented by mischianza is true of the two peoples, but yet without obvious about falsarle. After Herodotus and Thucydides, who were perhaps the last who wrote the ancient traditions which ran for Greece, we find almost always a general rush to the will, even at the risk of the most enormous contradictions, Refer to that country alone all the old memories , and make it up the head of all social origins. “ The second part, in three stages, intended to prove existence, origins and spread of this ancient maritime empire, saying that Italy in ancient times it was inhabited by an ancient and civilized people native: “All writers who speak of the ancient peoples of Italy, made ??mention of a common strain of whose memory was preserved in the name of Aborigines. Greeks themselves that they had made ??about their country to arrogate all our traditions, had to confess to having had their headquarters in Italy civilized peoples that there had come from any other part. “ Through his writings, from which the author drew , are explained many coincidences that highlight the dependence of the main Mediterranean civilizations from the ancient sacred center Italico. The Tirrenide was inhabited by indigenous peoples of a high level of civilization to be identified, according to the Mazzoldi, with Tirreni he called often Atalantici, Italantici or Italic (but to keep separate from subsequent Etruscans considered a descending branch of them) and to which ancient writers assigned different names over time considered by the author to indicate synonyms peoples of the same strain: “They talked all the news that associates and compared persuade our minds with prove that the names of Uranides, Oceaniti, Titans, Atlanteans, Cyclops, Pelasgi, can not belong and do not belong if not to a unique people, that you wanted in those mysterious words, concealing the name, and that such a people so variously known he could not be unless the Italian. “ In these ancient Italic peoples, according to the reconstruction that outlined the Mazzoldi in his volumes, was to be given primacy in many fields and aspects of life. The state was governed by a monarch and a council of aristocrats, architecture very advanced, so as to allow the buildings we call megalithic and that the author called “saturnie” or “Cyclopean”: “Ben had to be the Italian arts fate at very high ideas of magnitude if they were sufficient to erect the enormous piers that last even after so many centuries, and will last until it jumped or buried soil on which they arise, they do all the day to surprise our artists, and make it almost believable the story that told by a race of giants. And coll’architettura must have made ??huge advances in science and mechanics maximum, because it certainly would not break, raised and put in place without the help of machines those huge walls consist of rectangular, in which for the most part each side equals or exceeds the height of a man, and de ‘which, to say the least of Pausanias, the child could not budge with a pair of mules. “ But the highest grade was achieved in the spiritual, in fact the author attributed their religion pure: “these ancient people worshiped a single deity that is mysterious cause of the universe, it depicted a symbol and a picture in the sun” . With time abandoned, remained uncorrupted only within a restricted circle of priests. Experts and skilled sailors, this their faculties reached high levels of perfection, in a time when other nations of the Mediterranean still did not have boats capable of crossing the seas, thus giving rise to a vast maritime empire.

 Founders of this primeval civilization were Saturn and Janus, god of ancient Italy, which would have indicated, according to the author, the sources Hellenic (based on information reported by the greek historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus): “Italy for their judgment – the Greek historians –  was the best land in the world, and one in which more reason could locarsi the kingdom of the Gods, the birth of mortals and that golden age where people complained about the transmutation. “ Saturn and Janus offered the ancient peoples of the Italian peninsula the rudiments of civilization and founded various centers (including so-called city saturnie Lazio), beginning at that golden period characterized by a wealth and abundance known as the “Golden Age”: ” Among the tales which were embellished or disfigurate all historical locations, we find rooted in popular beliefs of the ancient Itali, the (…) that the Saturn and Janus had established a life not only civil but happy, introducing not the communion of things, as he wrote Trogo Pompey, but rather the equal rights; waves peoples acquaintances of the benefit from the first named it the ancient town of Saturnia, and the second that of the Janiculum, which, if we believe in Virgil, just remained the ruins at the time of the Trojan War “ .

It would seem that even before the arrival of Saturn in the Italic land, would reign Camese [5] that very few citations claim are even previous to Janus, who would donate the territory of Lazio today, according to the testimony of Macrobius (Saturnalia I, 7 19 ): “Janus got to reign on this earth that is now called Italy and, as he wrote Igino following Protarco Tralli reigned sharing power with Camese, also a native” . Camese would be the king of the so-called Metropolis (the capital of ancient Italy) at the time of Tirrenide, you mentioned later Camillo Garganelli them, then before the catastrophe Italic. While then it should equal the time of Saturnia built by Saturn, given to him by Janus (the god Janus), represented with two faces as kings of the past and the future, survived the great cataclysms of water and fire, as he wrote the Mazzoldi: “because he found himself having before the catastrophe that divided and submerged Italy and had full and very true knowledge of what was later to that, he saw again the restoration of the men and the subsequent story of empires founded”.


The events that destroyed the Tirrenide and that determined major changes, giving it its present form, were: a cataclysm of water or a rapid rise in sea level caused by the melting of glaciers and a subsequent cataclysm of fire, due to the action of volcanoes Italic, factors that convinced some of these authors, including Mazzoldi, of a possible identification between the end of Tirrenide and that the hypothetical Atlantis [6]. “He found himself in the most ancient scriptures of the Gentiles (…) that in ancient a frightening upheaval had placed upside throughout Italy: detached Calabria, Sicily and the Aeolian Islands and overwhelmed all the intermediate country “ [7], an event that did Mazzoldi traced: “a year before Jesus Christ in 1986, that is, seven hundred seventy-seven years before the fall of Troy; and we believe with good reason that the catastrophe of Italy and the dispersion of ‘its people over the sea, can not be assigned times more true of this “ [8].

The extension of the Italian peninsula once (during the last glacial period, about 22,000 years ago) was greater than that of the present: on the basis of the research reported in the Notebooks of the Italian Geological Society (2007, 2), is known as to the east it occupied a good part of the Adriatic, in the west was one with the island of Elba, Corsica and Sardinia, while in the south came to understand Sicily, Malta and Gozo; on the Tyrrhenian beaches formed large plain as the level of the Tyrrhenian Sea was about 100-120 meters lower than today. This, writes the doctor and humanist Paul Galiano in his “Rome before Rome” , ” proves that the assumptions of the authors concerning the Tirrenide, an Italy that is profoundly different from the current form, are substantially accurate “ and continues: ” changes in the Tyrrhenian Sea would take place in three stages corresponding to small alternations (thousands of years) of glaciation and deglaciation. (…) It was the third deglaciation to have a more disastrous, because as a result of the coincidence of different factors it was much faster than the previous: in about 6000 BC, the Laurentide ice sheet, which covered nearly a third of Canada, raised from below the waters of the sea that penetrated under the glacier by Hudson Strait, collapsed in the Atlantic raising ocean levels from 5 to 25 meters (depending on the region of the Earth) in the space of a few decades or even a single generation. In this way, the average sea level rose from -20 meters to just under the current, flooding all the low-lying areas previously emerged. The sudden redistribution of weights was accompanied by earthquakes even more disastrous for the speed of the previous event. “ The result was the sudden eruption of the volcanic chain that crossed Italy from Tuscany to Lazio, Campania to Sicily which erupted million cubic meters of lava and ash triggering earthquakes and tidal waves and inabissando coastal regions, making them uninhabitable to be populated. In this volcanic chain joined the eruption of volcanoes now submerged (whose peaks are currently at 600-700 meters below sea level) located in the Tyrrhenian Sea between the Gulf of Naples and the islands of Lipari (one of which, the Marsili , is still active) [9]. In conclusion we can say that ” the modern geology validation widely tales of ancient authors who have provided the basis Mazzoldi and his successors in the formation of a coherent story of civilization “atalantica, italantica or Italic” as they call it and its development until the birth of Rome. “


Following these catastrophic events [10], the inhabitants of Tirrenide were forced to flee away, as explained Mazzoldi: “When it comes to tramutamenti of peoples from one country to another overseas parlasi necessarily terrible upheaval of land, because only for these peoples are reduced to abandon their land. “Part of them took refuge on the Apennine regions taking the name of Aborigines and part instead turned away by sea to try hospitable lands, taking the name of Pelasgians: “Under the name of Pelasgi we find mentioned in all the writers of ancient Greece a people stranger, thrown from their seats, went erasi nell’Ellade offerendo the wild inhabitants of that land, oracles, rituals, language, letters, arts, laws, navigations, wisdom Civil (…) the name of Pelasgi was not the territorial Tesmofori of these, but arbitrarily imposed by the Greeks admired and wild (…) With this designation the Greeks wanted to indicate a colony coming from Pelago, that is to say, from the great sea (…) and we can not attribute this name if not the Mediterranean, since the Greeks knew no other seas. The Pelasgians expert navigators, because already the inhabitants of the Italian coasts, came to Crete and Egypt and from there went to Greece after arriving on the shores of Turkey and in the Fertile Crescent, going to Iran and India, according to the reconstruction of the author. Over the centuries, they dispersed in small communities over a vast territory. Reduced in number, were partly offset by the people who had civilized and partly defeated in local wars, which is why they asked the oracle of Dodona indication (founded by themselves), whose response [11] was to return to Earth Saturnia, as also wrote the Mazzoldi: “Now these refugees fought and consumed by a continuous pilgrimage far from the native homes, seeing henceforth wane from day to day their numbers from many colonies left here and for Greece, had recourse to their oracle, wondering how they would finally have peace and prosper in istabile seat; and the oracle not forget the point of common origins, and you know well that the only consolations of home they could appease these people uncertain, responded with this response that engraved with ancient characters in one of the tripods seats in the temple of Jupiter, was read by Lucio Mamio “ [12].

In this migration towards the east, would follow, therefore, a phase of “back to basics” , a migration probably accomplished in different periods, either by sea or by land, and as he says Galiano: ” The Indo-European migration has been one of them, but before that there were other migrations westward and from Italy, the place of origin of these people, so as to form layers of cultures seemingly different but actually having all the same matrix, cultures which in turn were merged with those of the countries where these indigenous peoples had long been inhabited, forming an amalgam of ethnic groups, so as to make at times, the researcher, very difficult or impossible to distinguish what belongs to the indigenous cultures or those brought by people outside. “ This return to the homeland has been misinterpreted by some authors as a primary action of civilization of Italy by Greek people, while only question of a “return” of archaic Italic (originally colonizing the Greece), the ancient mother-Tyrrhenian italics. Italy reached the Pelasgians landed seconds ancient authors on the Lazio coast near Ceri and from there went deep into Reatino up to join their relatives Aborigines: the union of the two forces allowed to form a powerful army that drove north the Celtic-Ligurian and south of the Sicilians, who then occupied the site that would have been to Rome, where they settled the Pelasgians. Thus began a new era for Italy, divided by the river Tiber between the Pelasgians in the center-south and the proto-Etruscan (not to be confused with the Etruscans of historical age) north to the plains of the Po, who lived in peace for long time.

Mazzoldi thus argued “that civilization does not spread from East to West, so far as it was believed, but rather well from the West to the East” at the hands of the Italians and that migration to Italy was simply a return to the land of ‘ origin. The archaic Italic land, the Tirrenide, was the cradle of the formation of the oldest civilizations which were widespread in the Mediterranean. With the lost in history, the mythical memory, you also lose a distinct memory of the common origin of different Mediterranean civilizations, which, while retaining a call to ‘ old mother , largely developed separately from it.


Of course, that of Mazzoldi was a work intended to arouse great enthusiasm, yet lively debate, in a historical context certainly not in favor of certain assumptions, indeed in Europe in the first half of the 800 theories of the German School were in full expansion. It arrogated to itself the right to interpret correctly the spirit of the ancients on the basis of a rigorous “scientific method”, which should have excluded all other possible approach to the classics, defining parallel primacy greek: Greece was imposed as the only true foundation of civilization ancient and Mediterranean (vision, this, which influenced all the developments of the studies and culture next decisively) subordinating to it all that was Italico.

“Of the Origins Italic” gained some success with the first edition, and after a reprinted with permission and some clandestine, the author published his work again adding the lessons he taught at the Royal University of Turin, as Professor of History Italian , partly responding to the objections that had been raised by several members of the time. Among these, the journalist and politician Aurelio Angelo Bianchi-Giovini, who devoted two works to the refutation of the thesis of Mazzoldi, highlighting their more questionable. First of all, the one regarding the date of the cataclysm italics, placed by the author in 1986 forward the Common Era and the consequent great migration of the Italic peoples who spread civilization throughout the Mediterranean. According to Bianchi-Giovini the conclusion was: assume that before that date in the different regions of the world (in which the Itali primitive brought culture) lived only populations in the wild and this was contradicted by some incontrovertible data. The dating fact so recent, historical events primordial, appeared to be a strong inconsistency that threatened to compromise the entire work and which was later followed by subsequent authors as Camillo Ravioli and Ciro Nispi Landi. Another exponent who analyzed the work of the archaeologist was Mazzoldi Neapolitan Nicola Corcia declaring the newspaper “Progress” , with a flattering introduction, his great esteem and admiration for the professor, for his noble intent to illuminate the ‘ ancient history of Italy: “work of such doctrine (…) and that only a man of scholarship and criticism of Mazzoldi, and in the knowledge of the ancient stories like him skilful, can take upon himself the load to reason as we ought” . Precisely because of what he felt compelled to exert a fierce rebuttal focusing on three points: the instrumental use of ancient sources and modern (some interpretations were in his view “forced”), the inconsistency of the chronological system, “We believe, therefore, which is not easy to quiet the judgments of the A. and useless to question, if not impossible, is assegnar the era of that flood her, because we notify you that far transcends time traditions “ and the tendency to historicize the ancient myths with extreme lightness, calling it an “absurd Euhemerism “ [13]. The publication aroused strong irritation even in ecclesiastical circles that saw questioned the biblical thesis on the genesis of humanity; consequently the Church historian, German Barchi wrote a pamphlet for contrast with the doctrine of the Church which, in his opinion, could not be gainsaid in its historical data [14].

Returning to the dating of the “catastrophe Italic”, it must be said that the Mazzoldi the end of his work seems to contradict his own dating, bringing the work of the astronomer and mathematician Jean Bailly on training calendars and on the computation of time: in his ” Histoire de l’astronomie ancienne “ of 1775 Bailly “look all the more recondite news astronomical at the various ancient peoples, found to conclude that none of the people themselves had made ??astronomical system and instead just did not know if the leftovers d ‘ a common doctrine of precedent. This doctrine was that of Atalanti, afterwards spread through the world in the terrible catastrophe of their homeland. “ Galiano, in this regard, said that “Bailly, calculating the starting date of the computation of time for the various peoples, from the Egyptians to the Babylonians, from the Indians Arabs, and also from authors such as Diogenes Laertius and Diodorus, and converting them years ahead of the Common Era, came to the conclusion that all began to count their years in a period between 6204 and 6100 BC. To understand the value of work of Bailly it should be noted, first, that in the nineteenth century still resisted the dating based on the biblical chronology and the other that only then made ??its way to the discovery of the fossils, which forced him to anticipate this date, but nonetheless there is always kept within time somewhat shorter than those of our present paleontology “, then ” if Mazzoldi believed that the beginning of the calculation time had been spread by the Tirreno-Pelasgians implicitly stated that the Italian people from which the previous the Tirreno-Pelasgians had descended was considered one of the earliest civilized peoples existed on earth (…). Although Mazzoldi does not say explicitly, the date of the “catastrophe Italic” should therefore not be 1986 BC, as he claimed, but if anything around 6000 BC, when the catastrophe was due to the spread of the people and then the Tirreno-Pelasgic transmission time calculation with the peoples of the Mediterranean (…) the year 6000 BC assigned by Bailly at the beginning of the computation time is singular confirmation with the date that would have occurred the catastrophic events of water and fire according to the most Recent geological and volcanological! “.

How Siro Tacitus writes in one of his notes in “Before Tellus” , in the work of Mazzoldi – as in that of other authors who preceded him and followed him – “there may be inaccuracies, of naivete, but there is a core, a core profoundly true and plausible “ . In these works, there is something valid and worthy of being taken into consideration that should be further investigated and verified that a great literary tradition should not be lost or forgotten. We end with the words of the scholar George Copiz, which says:   ” the important thing is to ask before making a contribution to the problem (…) or against this hypothesis, to redefine with an acceptable degree of verisimilitude, but without excluding any clue or testimony is not yet sufficiently investigated, the history of Italy from the end of the last ice age to the affirmation of the Roman “ .


[1] Rome, the Rome of Romulus Square, is considered by many scholars as the last of the “Four Rome” , which overlapped each other, leaving each to the next the memory of the previous age. Those previous to it, would be based in times far more remote: the first Rome, the metropolis of the scholar Camillo Ravioli, would be placed at the time of the ancient Tirrenide or Italian peninsula; the Second Rome, the Saturnia built by Saturn, the days following the disaster Italica; the Third Rome, would be identified with the Pallanteo Evandro.

[2] In the ‘700: Giambattista Vico, Anton Francesco Gori, Guarnacci Mario, Luigi Lanzi, Vincenzo Cuoco; ‘800: Giuseppe Micali, Angelo Mazzoldi, Camillo Ravioli, Ignazio Ciampi, Giovanni Ettore Mengozzi, Ciro Nispi Landi; ‘900: Evelino Leonardi, Guido Di Nardo, Joseph Brex, Constantine Cattoi, Enea Lanari; but we can still find first, traces of this cultural research with Annio da Viterbo that the ‘500 spoke of a “Prisca Sapienza” of the first Italic peoples.

[3] We intend esoteric centers more or less identifiable and secret societies (which seems would take part famous people of the time) who worked from “behind the scenes” between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, so that confidential information circulated among the scholars in question , about an ancient wisdom tradition and Roman Italica.

[4] Born in Montichiari, in 1802, he was professor of Italian history at the University of Turin, jurist and politician, a member of the University of Brescia. Champion of the national cause, took up arms against the Austrians in the war of 1848, holding the position of secretary of the Committee of war. Represented the college of Brescia Montichiari the Chamber of Deputies of Turin. He died in his native country in 1864.

[5] Some authors consider Camese female name and identify the character with his sister or the bride of Janus, who would reign with him on Lazio.

[6] In some passages of his work the Mazzoldi explicitly stated that the ancient land Italica was to be identified with the Platonic Atlantis, ending in this case to operate erroneously transposed to a mythical island of its possible secondary dislocations.

[7] The evidence cited by Mazzoldi about were particularly those of Diodorus (Book V) and Virgil (Aeneid, Book III).

[8] Mazzoldi poses this date based on the figure of Inachus, considered him a italics: “The Greeks laid the first origins of their civilization at the time of Inachus father Phoroneus, a Oceanita, the first from the costumes that feral and bestial, lured him to the institutions of civil life; at the time of quest’Inaco is they marked a great inundation countries littorani of Greece, known under the name of flood Ogige “; the author claimed to have found similarities to that event in the traditions of other peoples of the Mediterranean: “Glue that guidance which touch no less the case that the effects of the great migration atalantica or Italian, it is difficult to assign a time. Why having Inachus, as we shall see, in Argo established a civil society, who once had in him a leader or a king, and chased them ‘his children or grandchildren offspring continued down to historic times, history could be deduced from the generations progress of times. Inachus’s place in history as corrected by the Greek Fathers Maurists, year 1986 before Jesus Christ. “

[9] Paul Galiano writes: “These destructive eruptions and earthquakes that ensued would be remembered in the stories of the ancient myth of the war between Jupiter” young “and Saturn with its race of Titans: although many authors From Mazzoldi and the ravioli were all too evemeristici in the reconstruction of this war as the whole myth of the Earth to Saturn, as reported in the “myths” of the Latins and the Greeks seem to coincide very precisely with these distant events. “

[10] Mazzoldi, in his work, although preferring the upheavals caused by water and fire, he never failed to consider the possibility of an astronomical event, such as switching, very close to Earth, a comet.

[11] reported by Lucius Manlius and transcribed by Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Rom Ant I, 19, 3).

[12] in the known Mazzoldi wrote: “And ‘to be felt that some read Manlio”.

[13] Mazzoldi not defended minimally from that accusation but instead made a declaration of faith against the doctrines of the philosopher Evemero.

[14] At Barchi said GL Gherardi who defended the work of Mazzoldi claiming the validity of the theories.


“Of the Origins Italic and the spread of civilization Italian Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece, and all the Asian nations placed on the Mediterranean” Angelo Mazzoldi Edition Victrix, Forlì 2006

“Before Rome Rome – metahistory tradition Italic” Paul Galiano, Symmetry Edition, Rome 2011

“Before Tellus – On the trail of Italy Primigenia” by Siro Tacitus Edition Books Grail, Rome 1998

“Rome Renovata Resurgat” Fabrizio Giorgio, Editions Seventh Seal, Rome 2011

“From the Apennines all’Atlantide” Annalisa and Giorgio Copiz, Editorial Bellator

“Ancient Italic peoples” of Giorgio Copiz and Gianluigi Proia, Archeomitika

“Notebooks of the Italian Geological Society” # 2, October 2007


Original text

Primo tra tutti, quello riguardante la data del cataclisma italico, posta dall’autore nell’anno 1986 avanti l’era volgare e la conseguente grande migrazione delle popolazioni italiche che diffuse la civiltà in tutto il Mediterraneo.

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