South Africa
Bock, Johann Christian (N)
Johann Christian Bock was a German theologian who in 1685 co-authored a book with George Kaspar Kirchmaier, De Atlantide, ad Timaeum atque Critiam Platonis, in which they located Atlantis in South Africa. The Bavarian State Library has published a copy of the book (in Latin) online(a).
Kirchmaier, George Kaspar (t)
George Kaspar Kirchmaier (1635-1700) was a German professor who wrote a number of works on a variety of subjects, including, alchemy, unicorns and metallurgy. He was also a distinguished philologist.
At Wittenberg, where the Protestant Reformation began, Kirchmaier, with co-author Johann Bock, proposed in a 1685 book, De Atlantide, ad Timaeum atque Critiam Platonis, that Atlantis had been located in Africa. The Bavarian State Library has published a copy of the book (in Latin) online(a).