An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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Archive 5135

Atlantis may be in the Bay of Bengal
My theory about the location of the continent Atlantis are as follows :
I based my theory on set of assumptions based on my research on ancient history , and historical facts .
1- Concluded that the ancient world did not (presumably) as it is now, but people think that the old world
ends at the west coasts of Spain, and starts at the east coasts of India, and separated by large so-called
(Atlantic Ocean or “Sea of Darkness” ).
Note : how could be that great civilization ” as it suppose ” like Atlantis being in Ocean it called Sea of
Darkness .
2- Christopher Columbus when he left the shores of Spain and entered the Atlantic he wants to come to
India thinking that India overlooking the Atlantic, in order to find a new route for trade in spices, and did not
know America and the Pacific Ocean, the ancient world did not put them on the map .
that mean if they talk about that Atlantis existed in Atlantic ocean that mean that it could exist in the seas
around India . ” depend to their knowledge at that time “.
This is what the old world was think
Christopher Columbus went into the Atlantic and he thought that he will arrive to India
India’s eastern sea was believed to be piece of the Atlantic
Plato said that Atlantis existed in the Atlantic Ocean and he did not say west Spain
Therefore, based on my research that the sea in eastern India is the Atlantic

3- Europe talked about Atlantis and east as well as Greece as well, everyone mentioned, this means that it
was not as distant as we expect in the deep Atlantic .
that mean also that Atlantis was in the middle of the civilizations not in that forgotten area . ” at that time ” .
4- Alexander the Great Aristotle’s wise child, and lover of mythology, why head east when his long wars,
he moved to the west a quarter of the distance that income in the East, he did not arrive only to Alexandria,
the Temple of the Sun in the Egyptian desert . (Note that his travel to the east because of the Egyptian
civilization there ).
This is map for the empire of Alexander in it’s Maximum widen , You can see the lands that he take it . And
note that didn’t move to the west at all .
5- Plato came from Greece in search of knowledge and wisdom, and went to Egypt, and at that time was
not in the world centers light and science, but in Pharaonic Egypt, in India and China, and the lives of Plato
accurately and his travels do not have enough information about, perhaps directed Plato to India and there
heard about Atlantis and wrote about .
Note 1 : all the informations about Atlantis that all the research centers based on it comes from scripts of
Note 2 : the great Alexander is the student of Socrates that he Student of Plato that mean there is no long
time between them and all of us know that Alexander he like the legends and study it , this is good reason
for him to search about that continent.

From all that information that collected by me , I suppose that Atlantis existed in
And I suppose that’s in the Bay of Bengal to the south-east of India .
Qusai Ayman Naser
Syria , Countryside of Damascus , Ashrafeat Syhnaya
Tel: 00963 935 374 846
Sunday , 11 August 2013
Last Update : 14\01\2015