Hahn, Paul-Jürgen
Paul-Jürgen Hahn (1945-) is the author of a 2020 translation of a 2015 paper focusing on the Carolina Bays.(a) His own summary gives the most accurate outline of his illustrated essay.
“The following study describes the astronomical processes of the comet impact into the Zaragoza Sea (Sargasso Sea) 11,400 years ago, which led to the Atlantis catastrophe. The dating coincides with the lore of Plato’s Dialogues, the ancient Egyptian monuments of Giza – the Great Sphinx and the pyramids in their correlation to the belt stars of star constellation Orion – as well as astronomical evaluations of the so-called Carolina Bays, according to which the still existing meteor shower of the Cepheids represents the remaining remnants in the orbit of the comet that impacted at the time. The reconstruction using astro-programme Guide 9.0 leads to the date of impact as 12 March 9,337 BC (Greg.), 10:19 true local time in South Carolina, respectively 09:27 Bahamas time.”