Saba, Pier Paolo
Pier Paolo Saba (1947- ) was born in Cagliari, Sardinia and since childhood has been fascinated with archaeology. In 2009 he published Atlantide – Sardegna Nuova Atlantide?[739] (Atlantis – Sardinia the New Atlantis) in which he locates Atlantis in the Atlantic, although he thinks that the Pillars of Heracles were situated between Sicily and Tunisia(a)(b).
He then suggests that following a catastrophe around 10,000 BC Atlantis was destroyed and survivors were dispersed to the Americas, Northern Europe and the Mediterranean. One group settled in Saba’s native Sardinia, where they became the Shardana and were responsible for the building of the thousands of nuraghi found throughout the island, and
were part of the Sea Peoples who attacked Egypt.
>(b) (Italian) (Link broken)<