An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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  • NEWS September 2023

    NEWS September 2023

    September 2023. Hi Atlantipedes, At present I am in Sardinia for a short visit. Later we move to Sicily and Malta. The trip is purely vacational. Unfortunately, I am writing this in a dreadful apartment, sitting on a bed, with access to just one useable socket and a small Notebook. Consequently, I possibly will not […]Read More »
  • Joining The Dots

    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Ancients. The very meaning of this word has been dragged into the Atlantis debate. The argument claims that (i) ’ancient’ means ’of times long past’ (ii) its Latinised form is ’antiants’ (iii) this is linked to ‘atl-antiants’ (iv) in turn this is stretched to mean ‘those that came from Atlantis’. It is this sort of convoluted nonsense that has continued to provide Atlantis sceptics with an endless supply of ammunition.

In reality, the word is derived from a compound of two Latin words ‘ante’ and ‘annus’ that mean ‘before’ and ’year’. It originally had a specific historical meaning of ‘years prior to’ (the fall of the Western Roman Empire).