Archive 2926
Mt. Sinai and the Great Pyramid
By:Charles Pope
Date: 10/4/2002, 4:34 pm
Ralph Ellis has posted an excerpt from his recent book called “Tempest and Exodus.”
On The Daily Grail web site, I posted the following comment:
“Bravo Ralph! The Great Pyramid as Mt. Sinai makes perfect sense. When the god Ra was accused of ordering the murder of Osiris, he fled to the Great Pyramid. He was first sentenced to death, but then extended mercy. This was brilliantly reconstructed by Zecharia Sitchin in “The Wars of Gods and Men.” What I have learned in my own research is that the Biblical Moses was typecast after the god Ra. Of course, Akhenaten (Moses II) was himself worshipped as the sun god. I need to think this through a little further, but it is logical that Akhenaten would flee to the Great Pyramid in emulation of Ra and to elicit mercy from those who sought his own life and forced his abdication in his Year 17.
I agree that the Hyksos Patriarchs were part of the “scarlet thread” of kingship represented by the Biblical Patriarchs. However, my identifications are quite different than those made by Ralph. I also place the Exodus during the reign of Tut, which is more consistent with evidence published in new books by Gerald O’Farrell (“The Tutankhamun Deception”) and by Andrew Collins and Chris Ogilvie-Herald (Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy). The Hyksos Exodus was real and very important to understand, but in my opinion not likely related to the Biblical Exodus account. See the 13-Sept-02 post “Hatshepsut, the Hyksos and the Exodus” on the DomainOfMan bulletin board for an explanation.
I certainly intend to purchase Ralph’s “Tempest” book and his upcoming “Solomon” title, and encourage all TDG readers to do the same. There are very few researchers who are seriously trying to extend and refine the revolutionary works of Ahmed Osman. They deserve your support.”
Now that I have thought this through just a little bit, I can offer some additional insight. As you know, in my book the Exodus story is revealed as a composite of two Exoduses. The Exodus parties did not necessarily go to the same place. In fact, there are two names for the mountain. One is Mt. Sinai and the other Mt. Horeb. They could be one and the same place, but possibly not. They could even represent the Great Pyramid, but possibly not. It is still a most intriguing identification that Ralph Ellis has made and one that I will certainly be thinking about more!
A TDG reader asked for more background on the link between Moses and Ra/Re. I sent him the following response:
“In regards to your question, Re/Ra was the god who was exiled not only once, but twice! His Biblical epithet is Irad, the ‘fugitive.’ The first exit was from Egypt and was due to the murder of Osiris. (This is covered in Chapter 3 of my book.) The second egress was associated with the building of his new city of Babylon and the ‘Tower of Babel.’
Almost all pharaohs chose for themselves a prenomen (p’re-nomen), ‘the Re name,’ and considered themselves to be the ‘son of Ra.’ However, two pharaohs in particular were considered to be more or less a ‘repetition’ of Re. As I try to explain in my book, the first Moses was a prince of the Middle Kingdom, who was guilty of a high crime and forced to seek refuge in Mesopotamia under the name of Hammurabi. The place he chose was Babylon, the very site of Re’s exile. Hammurabi successfully rebuilt the temple and tower of Ra. Late in his life he returned to Egypt, but was again repelled. This second exile of Moses is called the Exodus.
A prince of the New Kingdom lived out a similar odyssey. He was exiled from Thebes in his Year 5 and then forced to abdicate the throne altogether in Year 17, after which he also led an Exodus. The Egyptian name of the first Moses was Wahibre. In identification, the second Moses, Akhenaten, adopted the name of Waenre in his city of refuge at Akhet-aten (a sort of Babylon on the Nile). The first Exodus in the Middle Kingdom occurred during a time of devastating flood. The second was in a time of equally devastating drought. However, in both cases, it was seen as appropriate for Moses to lead the people through a baptism of the river/sea. As the sun god Re, Moses was seen as stirring up the winds and creating dry land from out of the Nun, so that the ‘Israelites’ could pass through and be saved while the others perished.
There is a not so subtle difference between Hammurabi and Akhenaten. Hammurabi seems to have been far more humble (the Bible calls him the most humble man on earth!), and there is no indication that he gloried in kingly divinity. Akhenaten on the other hand seemed to be obsessed with his deification and claimed exclusive access to the secret world of the Aton, a form of Re.”