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Archive 3514

NOAH’S ARK – Verification of Alien Contact

By Dr. Barry M. Warmkessel
With Support From Lawrence P. Giver, Sonja M. Kawamoto and Jane Yin

© 10 Mar. 2003, Update 7 Apr. 2017


The Great Flood and Noah’s Ark legend is common to the Christian, Jewish and Moslem religions. But as often occurs with religious beliefs, few have analyzed the Ark’s nautical restrictions. Instead, a common belief exists that it was a simple rectangular vessel built by a single man and his extended family. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Ark’s relic has been found (and re-found time and again) in the mountains of Ararat. Matching biblical parameters, it was 64% longer than any modern wooden vessel and had an (unloaded) displacement greater than that of a modern British aircraft carrier.

Government (Los Alamos) personal, once helpful with tests and measurements of it, no longer believe this relic to be Noah’s Ark. No wonder, it clearly shows that it was NOT built by humans ~5200 years ago. It offers details of alien engineering principles involving the Golden Ratio. Its metallurgy shows ironwork not even possible until ~3200 years ago as well as the presence of other metals (e.g. titanium and aluminum) that would have been difficult to fabricate even in the early twentieth century. The Book of Noah explicitly specifies that “angels” (with extensive metallurgical skills) built the Ark. They were likely the Nommos, an amphibian species reportedly from the Sirius star system. They left mankind with cuneiform writing and the wheeled vehicle (alien technology of that day). They offered us astronomical knowledge of their own and our solar system (including Vulcan) and evidence of a past major comet/meteorite Earth impact. Finally, they appear to have left repositories of technologies far more advanced than our own. Their story tells of an alien species’ attempt to save a deceitful mankind from an approaching comet impact catastrophe that caused Noah’s Great Flood. Apprehensively, they may have recently returned to again warn us of a similar impending impact event.


  • APPENDIX D – THE CAVE OF THE ANCIENTS – A Time Capsule Of Alien(?) Technology
  • APPENDIX E – THE CAVE OF THE ANCIENTS – Remote Viewing The Great Flood


Figure 1. The Noah’s Ark Relic.

Moses, nearly 4300 years ago, saw Noah’s Ark. The Ark was well-known in Josephus’ time (the 1st century A.D.) because he mentioned it in the “Antiquities of the Jews” and that people were still visiting it and removing pieces of bitumen for amulets against imagined evils. A thousand years ago the Crusaders recognized it and carved crosses on the stones used to stabilize and anchor it.

The Ark Of Noah was discovered (or rediscovered) in mid-May of 1948 by a local Kurdish shepherd boy named Reshit Sarihan, who is still alive (Sep. 2000), in the village of Üzengili, Turkey. Üzengili, previously called “Nasar”, was changed in the 1950’s but still has Kurdish Ark story overtones. Note that “Nisir” was the Babylonian name for Noah’s city. Heavy rain in May of 1948, combined with three noteworthy earthquakes, exposed the Ark’s impression from the loose mud that had entrapped it for hundreds of years. The collapse revealed an erect Ark-like impression raising out of the terrain.

Mt. Ararat39 o 42′44o 18′16,946 ft.
Fasold’s Predicted Location39o 26′44o 15′
Anchor Stones #139o 37′ 31.8″43o 59′ 42.4″
Bow39o 26′ 23.8″44o 14′ 04.4″6,575 ft.
Middle39o 26′ 26″44o 14′ 05.3″6,524 ft.
Stern39o 26′ 08″44o 14′ 06.6″6,449 ft.

In the 1950s, the Turkish Air Force took NATO photographs of the Ark 2 miles from the Iranian border. The original landing site was further “up mountain” where an impression of structure became petrified in mud-rock. An ancient mud-flow carried Ark down to its present location where remains and artifacts have been recovered. This site is recognized as Noah’s Ark by the Islamic peoples and officially identified as such by Turkish Government. While the relic has been analyzed extensively by Fasold, Wyatt and Windsor, many Christians as well as The National Geographic Society ignore it. It is not in the US government’s interest to recognize it. Instead, they would rather “sell” people on a fruitless search on Mount Ararat, 17 miles away. The chronology of Holocene volcanic activity associated with Mount Ararat is poorly documented. However, either archaeological excavations, oral history, historical records, or combination of these data provide solid evidence that volcanic eruptions of Mount Ararat occurred in 2500–2400 BC, 550 BC, possibly in 1450 AD and 1783 AD, and definitely in 1840 AD. . . Archaeological evidence demonstrates that explosive eruptions and pyroclastic flows from the northwest flank of Mount Ararat destroyed and buried at least one Koura–Arax culture settlement and caused numerous fatalities in 2500–2400 BC. Oral histories indicated that a significant eruption of uncertain magitude occurred in 550 BC and minor eruptions of uncertain nature might have occurred in 1450 AD and 1783 AD. The Biblical scriptures (Genesis 8:4) say Ark came to rest “upon the mountains of Ararat”, not “on Mount Ararat” an important difference. The anchor stones offers solid evidence that this is the Ark’s location.

A Map Of Noah’s Ark was published in “The Ark of Noah” (1985) by the late David Fasold. THE BABYLONIAN TRADITION that have come down from the Greek historian Berosus of the 4th century BC.

“Xisuthrus, son of Ardates was warned beforehand about the approaching Great Flood by the deity (alien?) Cronos, and told to build a ship and trust himself fearlessly to the deep, whereupon he built “a vessel 5 stadia long and 2 stadia broad.” Actually, these dimensions referred to a 5:2 (right-angle) survey triangle. Using Berosus’ description and a compass Fasold measured 706.1 nautical miles at a bearing of 324o from the Tomb of Darius (at Persepolis) to where this line intersects the ancient Persian Empire Prime Meridian (8o 35′ West). He theoretically triangulated the Ark’s anticipated modern coordinates of 39o 26′ North, 44o 15′ East (within a half mile of this artifact’s actual GPS location). See Table 1. Historians from ancient times up until the Inquisition recognized this as the Ark’s actual location.

Newton protégé William Whiston (1667 – 1752) took upon himself the task of differentiating the claims of science and religion. His central belief was that biblical and scientific accounts of the deluge could be reconciled. He presented this view in “A New Theory of the Earth” written in 1696, where it was argued that a comet impact was the probable origin of the deluge (i.e Noah’s Great Flood). While Whiston’s theory was controversial, he received support from Halley, Locke and from Newton himself. Christ clearly correlated the “end times” with Noah’s Flood in Genesis:

  • Matthew 24: 37 – 39: “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be for the coming of the Son of Man (children of men). For in the days before the flood, people were eating & drinking and giving in marriage, up to the days Noah entered the Ark, and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away.”
  • Luke 17: 26 – 29: Ibid Matthew 24: 38 – 39; and: “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating & drinking, buying & selling, planting & building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.”

Theological data suggests that two comet (fragments) or meteorites were the cause of the Great Flood. Both the Talmud and the Koran suggest that there were multiple impact events.

  • THE KORAN states that Noah’s deluge was a vast wave that united with other waters from more southern latitudes.
  • CATCH A FALLING STAR – From Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1998
    The Talmud records that God caused the flood by taking two stars and casting them to earth.
    The Epic of Gilgamesh describes the fire, brimstone and flood of possibly mythical events. Omens predicting the Akkadian collapse preserve a record that “many stars were falling from the sky.” The “Curse of Akkad,” dated to about 2200 B.C., speaks of “flaming potsherds raining from the sky.”
    Roughly 2000 years later, the Jewish astronomer Rabbi bar Nachmani created what could be considered the first impact theory: That Noah’s Flood was triggered by two “stars” that fell from the sky. “When God decided to bring about the Flood, He took two stars from Khima, threw them on Earth, and brought about the Flood.”

If this is Noah’s Ark, why isn’t it front page news?. While the story has made the tabloids and appeared on network news, it has certainly been aggressively repressed from the main-stream consciousness. If it were an alien artifact, neither the US government, nor its covertly controlled media, would direct attention to it. Los Alamos National Laboratories have been suspected of silencing knowledge of extra terrestrial alien contacts since Roswell – July 1947 and they have been involved in this relic’s investigation. Another reason it may have been repressed is that it so clearly illustrates the dangers of meteorite impact catastrophes. And there could be an alien presence that aids humanity during times of catastrophic collisions. Noah’s Ark offers the most dramatic example of these past interventions. Further, there are also alien predictions of an impending catastrophe. The Ark and its related technology offer the clearest evidence yet of past alien intervention in human affairs.



Comet impact predictions have been made by several sources and seem to cluster around 2006 – 2016 AD. These predictions are often associated with UfO activity and UFO reports are certainly in current abundance. Christ’s predicted catastrophe may soon be upon us. This is likely the reason for the suppression of this relic’s discovery. But first, focus on when Noah’s Great Flood occurred.

Almost everyone is familiar with the story of Noah and the Great Flood. See Appendix A for the biblical rendition. Theologians and historians have attempted dating this event, both recently and as far back as the time of Christ. The following are some of the results from these attempts:


Theologically, it seems quite reasonable that Noah’s Flood occurred between 3000 and 3250 BC and the Ark would have been built slightly before that time.

Did a Comet Cause the Great Flood?

Masse’s biggest idea is that some 5,000 years ago, a 3- mile-wide ball of rock and ice swung around the sun and smashed into the ocean off the coast of Madagascar. The ensuing cataclysm sent a series of 600-foot-high tsunamis crashing against the world’s coastlines and injected plumes of superheated water vapor and aerosol particulates into the atmosphere. Within hours, the infusion of heat and moisture blasted its way into jet streams and spawned superhurricanes that pummeled the other side of the planet. For about a week, material ejected into the atmosphere plunged the world into darkness. All told, up to 80 percent of the world’s population may have perished, making it the single most lethal event in history.

The Burckle Crater is thought to be the result of this impact.

The Burckle Crater is an undersea crater the Holocene Impact Working Group considered likely to have been formed by a very large scale and relatively recent (c. 2800-3000 BC) comet or meteorite impact event. It is estimated to be about 30 km (18 mi) in diameter [1], hence about 25 times larger than Meteor Crater.

It is located to the east of Madagascar and west of Western Australia in the southern Indian ocean. Its position was determined in 2006 by the same group using evidence of its existence from prehistoric chevron dune formations in Australia and Madagascar that allowed them to triangulate its location.

Burckle Crater lies at 30.865oS 61.365oE Coordinates: 30.865oS 61.365oE in the Indian Ocean and is 12,500 feet (3,800 m) below the surface.

A tsunami also resulted from a comet/meteor strike near the Caspian sea (forming the adjacent depression known as Kara-Bogaz-Gol). This impact could easily have created one such localized flood. The water lifted the Ark from the plains west of the Caspian and deposited it in the Araxes valley. See Figure 2.

Figure 2. The location of the Ark Relic and the Kara-Bogaz-Gol impact site.

Biblical catastrophes like Sodom and Gomorrah record even the mild havoc caused by heavenly bodies around 2300 BCE – give or take a few hundred years occured later. Around 2213 BC. These impacts cause lesser havoc, still the world’s first urban civilizations fell away, all in a short period of time. It was the same in Egypt, Israel and Mesopotamia. Two-thirds of all settlements were destroyed or abandoned. Genesis states that:

  • Genesis 19:01: The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.
  • Genesis 19:11: Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness (maybe flash blindness?) so they could not find the door.
  • Gen. 19:24: Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah – from the Lord out of the heavens.”

These angels are credited with advanced technology that could (flash?) blind people as well as an apparent knowledge of celestial mechanics. They hustled Lot and his family out of Sodom before the fire and sulfur” fell and destroyed it. These characteristics seem to describe extraterrestrial aliens trying to warn peoplein the Dead Sea basin of an impending celestial catastrophe. The same may have befallen Moses and the “children of Israel”. Could the Fatima apparition be a similar warning?

Sumerians were the first to develop cuneiform writing around 3200 or 3300 BC (just before the Great Flood). It used wedge-shaped characters and recorded the first epics in world history, including the Epic Of Gilgamesh (the earliest story of the Great Flood) about 500 years later. All early civilizations regarded writing as very magical. Note also that the Sumerians were the first to use wheeled vehicles, first sail for long-distance travel, arches, columns, and ramps, inclined walks 3200 BC. Perhaps man invented neither the wheel nor writing. The Vulcan web site’s Synopsis section favors the Great Flood’s date to be 3195 BC based on tree ring data. This date is supported by both Paleoclimatalogical data as well as theological data. The Paleoclimatalogical data references below also indicate that a crustal shifts accompanied the Great Flood (causing a “super-tide”). Furthermore, notice that the average of Josephus Dr. Hales Septuagint Great Flood date is 3183 BC years, close to the 3195 BC tree ring date.

    The Flood (3150 BC) 3150 BC(?). Abrupt cooling at higher latitudes, possibly related to oceanic effects, especially in Northern Europe, corresponding to peak of megalith cultures. Probable oscillation in sea level shortly before 3000 BC followed by 10-15 ft. alluvial deposition in river valleys.
    Links to GEOLOGICAL AND PALEOCLIMATALOGICAL DATA bear on the remarkable events around 3000 BC, when urban/technological society began. Most of the data comes from referenced scientific literature. A graph of scientific events around the Biblical Flood Period (3200 – 2800 BC) is offered. This is a Stanford University project.
    The Beginning of a Turbulent Millennium.
    While less destructive in a global sense than the seven cometary impacts of 7640 BC, the 3150 BC impact gave rise to a large number of flood myths, such as those associated with Sodom and Gomorrah, and Noah’s ark. Following this catastrophic event, the oldest societies with written records – Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley – emerged without any cultural antecedents. Seemingly out of nowhere there rapidly appeared a uniform code of laws, the wheel, and keen knowledge of astronomy.
    Evidence presented in Uriel’s Machine points to the likelihood that the highly advanced astronomical and mathematical information were transferred from the early megalithic culture of northwestern Europe to the regions of both Egypt and Mesopotamia, whence it later influenced the sacred geography of the Greeks.
    The Tollmanns relate these established facts to a number of impacts which occurred about the same time and suggest that the ‘Deluge’ was caused a comet that broke into seven pieces all of which landed in the sea, causing tidal waves, floods, global warming and an end to the ice age. They also go as far as to suggest it may have prompted the ‘seven stars’ of the Enoch story. When the Moon is to one side or the other of the Earth as seen from an approaching comet, it is attracted toward the Earth’s outer crust which could move catastrophically from the impact.1
    Evidence exists that the poles have changed position during the past ages. This possibility has been disregarded so far because such a phenomenon was thought to be physically impossible. This article shows the possibility of very rapid pole shifts due to the impact of astronomical objects as small as a half-kilometer diameter asteroid.
    proposes that such a runaway episode was responsible for the Genesis Flood resulting in massive global tectonic change at the earth’s surface. Runaway Subduction vrs The Laws of Physics challenges this work.


Most people assume that Noah built the Ark. But the THE BOOK OF ENOCH. CHAPTER 65 (Book of Noah) clearly states that the angels were its builders. Perhaps the angels mentioned therein were extra-terrestrial aliens. The record suggests that human’s fear and distrust surround their efforts. Either that (or deception by their leaders) was why only eight choose to board the Ark while the rest waited in ignorance of the impending catastrophe. The Ark was large enough to carry many to safety. Selected verses from the Book of Noah (found within the Book of Enoch) are listed below. Comments possibly related to aliens are italicized.

  • 65.1 And in those days, Noah saw the earth had tilted, and that its destruction was near. The position of the Earth relative to the path of the threatening comet.
  • 65.6 . . . For they have learnt all the secrets of the Angels . . . and all their secret power, and all the power of those who practice magic arts, and the power of enchantments, and the power of those who cast molten images for all the earth. Molten images imply molten metals.
  • 66.1 And after this, he showed me the Angels of Punishment, who were ready to come and release all the forces of the water, which is under the earth, in order to bring judgment, and destruction, on all those who reside and dwell upon the dry ground. The “power of enchantments” may be the ability to show “movies or holograms”.
  • 67.1 And in those days, the word of the Lord came to me, and he said to me: “Noah, behold; your lot has come up before me, a lot without reproach, a lot of love and uprightness. Telepathic alien communication with Noah?
  • 67.2 And now the Angels are making a wooden structure, and when the Angels come out from that task, I will put my hand on it, and keep it safe. And a change shall take place, so that the dry ground may not remain empty. Perhaps Noah’s Ark was the wooden structure made by the extra-terrestrial aliens (Angels).
  • 67.4 And they will shut up those Angels who showed iniquity, in that burning valley . . . in the west, near the mountains of gold and silver and iron and soft metal (aluminum?) and tin.
  • 67.5 And I saw that valley, in which there was a great disturbance, and a heaving of the waters.
  • 67.6 And when all this happened, from the fiery molten metal, and the disturbance, which disturbed the waters in that place, a smell of sulfur (smelting?) was produced, and it was associated with those waters. And that valley of the Angels, who led men astray, burns under the ground (humans’ distrust or fear of the Angels (aliens)?).
  • 67.7 And through the valleys of that same area, flow out rivers of fire, where those Angels will be punished, who led astray those on the dry ground perhaps the aliens came from under the water.

Who were the angels? In a passage from the book of Noah, there’s an explicit reference to the angels who “infringed the word of the Lord, the law of the sky”. This tale, just before the Flood, is confirmed by the Dead Sea srolls. The story describes the fall of 200 angels, called Vigilants, who came down on Mount Hermon (north of Palestine). A Vigilant called Azazel taught men how to build weapons & armor and how to manipulate metals. Other Vigilants taught magical arts like clouds, meteorology, signs of Earth and astronomy. Peneum, another Vigilant, taught the use of spices in the food and also ink and paper. The Vigilants specifically are cited as those who introduced (cuneiform) writing.

The Nommos, aliens from the Sirius star system, reportedly visited Earth at the time of Noah’s Flood. Thus, they may have been the angels who built the Ark. Sirius is in the proper galactic region to support sentient life. See Galactic Life – Local Limitations. The U.S. Naval Observatory claims that planetary orbits in the “habitable” zone are unstable. An Earth-type planet could contain liquid water about 4.6 AU from 300 million years old Sirius A. But simulations suggest stable orbits exist at circumstellar distances around both stars up to more than half the binary’s closest separation (8.1 AU). Sirus C, companion to B at 1.4″ suspected but not confirmed”. and this flare star could host a habitable plane where an amphibious or ant like species could exist.

    The Dogon live in the Homburi Mountains near Timbuktu and are believed to have some Egyptian ancestry Their astronomical lore goes back to 3200 BC. According to their oral traditions, aliens from the Sirius star system, called the Nommos then visited Earth. The Nommos were ugly, amphibious beings that resembled mermen and mermaids. See Figure 3. They also appear in Babylonian, Akkadian, and Sumerian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis, sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with Sirius. They told the Dogon that Jupiter has four major moons, that Saturn has rings and that the planets orbit the Sun. They could have excellent knowledge of sophisticated marine engineering techniques like those used for the engineering and construction of the Ark.

Figure 3. A Nommos And One Of Their “UFO’s” In Spiraling Decent Over Chung-Tu China (30 N, 105 E) – 10:40 PM; 24 July 1981

They landed on Earth in an “ark” that made a spinning decent with thunderous vibrating noise and wind. The Dogon draw its decent as four concentric circles implying circular motion of the vehicle.2 Flight path continuity demands the circles be connected like the UFO’s spiral decent depicted in the photograph shown in Figure 3.

The Dogon believe that Sirius B occupied the place where our Sun is now. Clearly this is not literally true. Temple associates another star, Sirius C (Emme Ya) with Sirius B (Digitaria or po tolo).3 Then Sirius B would be analogous to our Sun and Sirius C to Vulcan (our unlit Sun’s companion star – a main theme of this web site).Further, there is confusion as to why the Dogon hold their celebrations every 60 years when Sirius B orbits Sirius A every 50 years, Obviously, the 60-year cycle is relevant to our own solar system and is utilized in Chinese astrology.

    At the center of Dogon religious teachings is knowledge about a star in the Sirius star system that is invisible to the eye – even through a telescope. A faint companion star to Sirius A was detected in 1862. No photographs were taken of it until 1970. Astronomers recognize Sirius B as an extremely dense white dwarf star. Although small and faint, it is heavy enough to influence the motion of Sirius A. The Dogon also describe a third star Sirius C, in this system. Astronomers now detect the presence of Sirius C with a 0.05 solar mass red or brown dwarf star (like Wolf 424’s B flare star) with a 6 year period, but it is unknown if it orbits Sirius A or B (at ~3 AU).4 Temple implies an 0.25 solar mass Sirius C orbiting Sirius B with the Nommos from a single satellite, a reed rich “water world”, orbiting it.5 Presumably, it is close to and receives warmth from Sirius C as it would be too far away from Sirius A or B.
    The Dogon claim their astronomical knowledge was given by the Nommos, amphibious beings sent to Earth from Sirius for the benefit of mankind. The Nommos were more fishlike than human, and had to live in water. They were saviors and spiritual guardians. The Grey soujourn to Procyon on the The Hill Star Map could have been a journey to the Sirius star system instead. At the time of this analysis, the Sirius system was rejected because it was felt that no planets existed in the liquid water zone of the A or B star. The possibility of a C star was not even considered.
    A Nommo was crucified and resurrected and in the future will again visit Earth, this time in human form. Later he will assume his amphibious form and will rule the world from the waters. This sounds like an infinite soul avatar of our Artisan Combo co-sentient species and is relevant to the inch and acre discussion in the Implications section.
    There are references in the oral traditions, myths, drawings and tablets of the Dogons, to human-looking beings who have feet but who are portrayed as having a large fish skin running down their bodies.
    Their spaceship landed somewhere to the northeast of the Dogon’s present homeland. There was a great noise and wind. The space ship landed on three legs, skidded to a stop, scoring the ground. After the landing, something with four legs appeared and dragged the vessel to a hollow. Then the hollow filled with water until the vessel floated in it. The Dogon call this spaceship “Pelu Tolo” or “Star of the Tenth Moon”.
    At the same time a new star was seen. Possibly it was a large space ship. It was described by the Dogon as having a circle of reddish rays around it like a spreading spot, yet it still remain the same size. There is a Dogon drawing of the spaceship hovering in the sky, waiting for the Nommo who landed on the Earth. It represents three stages of ‘Pelu Tolo’ when it was spurting different amounts of blood or flames (as if it crash landed).
  • EARTH’S SIRIUS CONNECTION – Tracking the alien astro-engineers.
    The Dogon know quite well that the Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana was formed when a giant meteorite fell on the Earth around 1.3 to 1.6 million years ago. It is doubtful that anything, then living on our planet, could have retained this information and conveyed it to the Dogon or any other homo sapiens. This happened during the epoch of Homo habilis or maybe of early Pithecanthropus. The point is that the Nommos knew of previous meteorite strikes on Earth. Thus they may have observed the one that occurred during Noah’s time. The reported “redness” of Sirius was likely due to atmospheric dust from the meteorite impact scattering out Sirius’s blue light component.
    Meet The Nasa Astronauts Who Believe Aliens Are Visiting Earth And Communicating With Humanity
    You might think that the only people who believe in aliens are forum-dwelling internet conspiracy theorists.
    But it turns out a lot of NASA astronauts also think extraterrestrials are real and that they have been in touch with humanity for a long time.
    At least four celebrated spacemen have become famous for their outspoken beliefs about the existence of extraterrestrials.
    Some have seen UFOs soaring through the sky, while others claim to have been tipped off about alien contact by military top brass.
    Here are four Nasa astronauts who believe aliens are real.

The Nommos seem to have gotten around a lot. The book, “Uriel’s Machine”, claims that those who built the standing stones at sites such as Maes Howe in Orkney had extensive knowledge of mathematics and astrophysics. They plotted movements of the stars and planets and predicted the approach of a comet that would cause the floods. Noah’s Flood occurred about 3150 BC, during the time of the builders of the standing stones, known as megaliths. The evidence is from an ancient Hebrew text, The Book of Enoch, which was among the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is hard to believe that human, who were just developing wheeled vehicles, could have such knowledge. But the Nommos would. Perhaps Noah’s Ark should be called Nommos’s Ark.

The knowledge about our solar system (including Vulcan), as displayed on the Akkadian Seal, is attributable to the Nommos. Should they have detected and formulated Vulcan’s orbit from their own solar system, it is just a matter of mathematics to deduce when a swarm or cluster may be threatening Earth. Noah’s Flood was from a comet strike due to passage of swarm A cluster Cl – 1.


It is really not known where the Ark was built as the Nommos activity was globally widespread. Most sources suggest that the Ark was built in Mesopotamia. But high mountain ranges exist between there and the Ararat mountains. If the Ark were built near the Caspian Sea, the intervening mountains would not have been too high. The movie “Deep Impact” offers an example of a tsunami generated by a nearby one-kilometer comet deep-sea impact and it reaches into the Appalachians. The Kara-Bogaz-Gol (western side of the Caspian) is another possible strike location. Should the comet have come out of the northwest (not having yet rounded the Sun), it could have induced massive “super-tides” from slippage of the Earth’s tectonic plates towards the southeast. Thus, a strike on solid ground would generate a “super-tide” that would seem to move towards the northwest. The theological data reports that there were multiple impacts as if a comet broke apart during its flight through our atmosphere. Thus, there was a vast wave (super-tide) that united with other waters from more southern latitudes.

Should a comet strike have caused Noah’s Flood, there would be a tremendous amount or residual dust in the air. Much of it could come from the impact of smaller debris that often accompanies a comet originating from the Kuiper belt. This, combined with the relative warmth of the water (either from their pre- flood ambient conditions or from the energy released by the comet strike itself) would have caused heavy fogs to occur both day and night. Warm water meeting the cold air, that occurs at more than 6,000-foot altitudes, would have quickly resulted in such natural fogs. Additionally, volcanic activity of parts of the Ararat range could result from the strike. These could be present on a hemispheric wide basis shortly after the strike. Tree Ring data clearly shows the presence of the cold environment this strike may have caused 3195 BC. Some lifting of this fog could be why the “mountains of Ararat” appeared to emerge months after the initial comet strike.

Should this artifact be Noah’s Ark, its landing sight is well known. A large number of the Ark’s anchor stones are found near Kazan, Turkey. The village of Kazan lies just north of a large rock formation (called the Bed of Heroes) that could have been used as a temporary “anchorage” while waiting for a suitable landing area to appear. The topography indicates that the anchorage on Mt. Cudi near the rock outcropping was a relatively fortunate location. The place where the Ark may have finally been “beached” was the last protected cul-de-sac in Turkey before an outlet into the next lower valley eastward into present day Iran. Noah appears to have “cast off” from his protected anchorage when a natural dam broke 150 miles to his east. Fortunately, the topography may have been well know to the Nommos who might have had mapped it from their space-born vantage point. They could have directed the Ark to a “fortuitous beaching location” just as the dam broke. Otherwise, much luck would have been involved as well as a traumatic ride. Should Noah have missed this beach site, the Ark would have rocketed to the next lower valley, breaking up on the way breaking up from collisions.

  • Wikipedia: Noah In Islam

God commanded Noah to build a ship, the Ark, and as he was building it, the chieftains passed him and mocked him. Upon its completion, the ship is said to be loaded with pairs of every animal available that time, and Noah’s household,[38] and a group of believers who did submit to God. The people who denied the message of Noah, including one of his own sons, drowned.[39] The final resting place of the ship was referred to as Mount Judi.
For Muslims, Noah was married to a woman whose name is not mentioned in the Qu’ran. Some Islamic historians such as Al-Tabari have suggested that the name of Noah’s wife was Umzrah bint Barakil but this cannot be confirmed. Most Muslims simply call her by her biblical name Naamah.[7] Islamic scholars agree that Noah had four sons whose names were Ham, Shem, Yam and Japheth. According to the Quran, one of Noah’s sons was a disbeliever who refused to come aboard the Ark, instead preferring to climb a mountain, where he drowned. It is agreed among most Islamic scholars that Yam was the one who drowned; the other three remained believers.

Many mud-flows occurred around the Ark during the last 5,200 years. The figure shown on this hyper- link shows the local topography. This is the actual 1959 Turkish Air Force mapping photograph taken by Air Force pilot Sevkit Kurtis. The purple arrows represent a path of mud flows ending in a circle representing the Ark area. The upper, white plateau section is Iran and below the escarpment (shadow of cliffs) is Turkey. Down in the lower, right-hand section in convergence of several mudflows, is seen the elliptical Ark remains. The mud-flows have moved the Ark from its original beaching position nearly two miles to its current location. It is near the old “silk trail” road into Iran, and many could have visited it as Josephus reports, and chipped off bitumen to sell as amulets that could ward off evil.

Naxaum is believed to be the oldest post flood city. It is found in and around the Ark discovery area. Artist/author David Deal illustrated this “House Map” of Naxuam. It is a rendition of Naxuan’s city map as derived from a satellite photograph suggesting foundations of ancient buildings.

  • Naxuan, The Lost City Of Noah Found!

The site of the remains of Noah’s Ark on a mountain across the valley from the much-favored Mount Ararat is, and probably will be controversial until all of the evidence is excavated from this amazing location. First, and very briefly, there are the Ark remains in the form of a 538 foot long boat impression in a mud-flow adjacent to the Kurdish village of Uzengili. The boat shape is a double-ender in classical shipbuilding terms and necessarily so, for the Ark of Noah was a nautical design, not a large shipping container. This structure is not a naturally occurring one. Geologist have looked at it, and no honest, reliable geologist will claim that it is natural, except perhaps someone like radical evolutionist ( & skeptic) Ian Plimer of Australia (who has been recently discredited in an Australian court for his zealous and untruthful attacks on those who believe that there was a flood and wants to discuss it publicly). We should be skeptical of Mr. Plimer whose irrational and ultra-zealous attacks on Noah’s Ark or flood believers has caused him not a few problems at home.
The traditional box-shaped ark has become a reality in most minds because of the square dimensions given in the Bible. What is not generally known however is that ships are referred to in three measurements: first the length, which is a hard number, and an actual measurement of length. The second number always refers to the average width, given that a ship is wider in the midships section than at either end. This figure is ALWAYS an average of width. And finally the height dimension which includes the hull and superstructure if any. The dimensions of the Ark-mold shape at Uzengili on the slopes of the mountain called locally Cudi Dagi (pronounced Judi in Turkish), fit precisely into a 50 x 300 square-measure rectangle using the 22 inch cubit. It is an assumption that the 18 inch Hebrew cubit was used in the Ark’s construction. One will notice that the actual length of the cubit is nowhere given in the Bible. The site of the Ark of Noah on Cudi Dagi is, for now, going to have to be left to the reader’s evaluation of the photographic and geologic evidence thus far gathered. Several photos will be presented here.
The name for the mountain “Cudi” makes reference to the first and longest lasting inhabitants the Kurds. Josephus claims that the ark landed in the mountains of “Cordyaeans” meaning Kurds. The actual name of the mountain is Cudi Dagi which means “mountain of the Kurds.” In Hebrew the word kHD (Strong’s # 2298) means “first.” Cudi was the first landfall, the first human habitation, and the present inhabitants still refer to themselves as Kurds. The Kurds at some past time must have seen themselves as the first people in the area. Thus the importance of the original name of the mountain, phonetically “kHudi” cannot be over- stressed. (Judi is a Turkish and Arabic pronunciation based on the difficulty in pronouncing the Shemetic kH (cHayth) used at the time of Noah. It is a gutteral explosive growl sound. It may be transliterated as C, Kh, Ch, and perhaps has even crossed over to Jh, as the evidence seems to suggest, hence “Judi.” is an early Chaldeanattempt at vocalization. (because Berosus made the claim first).
I was given a 1959 Turkish Air Force mapping photographic negative by Dave Fasold, which was given to him by Rene Noorbergen. It clearly shows the Ark stuck in the mud-flow. What attracted my attention was the fact that it was impaled on a large rock outcrop. My reasoning was that it must have slid down from higher up on the mountain, which indeed it had. I made a 16″ x 20″ enlargement of a 3″x 5″ section of the negative and soon found the impression where the Ark had originally touched down. Here was a clear outline, highlighted by the sun, of the berm created by the great ship, lying hard against a thirty foot high escarpment of limestone where Noah had landed her. The outline was precisely the same shape and size of the Ark-mold a mile farther down the hill and 1,200 feet lower where it had obviously slid after many years -perhaps by earthquake and rain to soften the earth. One may see this in the accompanying 1959 photo. This detail had not been previously noticed.
This led me to send a copy to Professor Salih Bayraktutan with Dave Fasold for further evaluation. Later, I made an even larger blow-up and began to see hundreds of house foundations. In the final analysis, there were at least a thousand still visible rectangular depressions in the area. Here was the long- lost city of Mesha- Naxuan, referred to in the Bible (Genesis 10:30) and by Gilgamesh as the “Mountains of Mashu,” where Noah and the flood survivors built the first city. Other writers have also mentioned it, they include Claudius Ptolomy, Josephus, and Armenian historian, Moses of Chronensis.


The Bible Code appears to offer data that supports the ET alien involvement with Noah’s Ark and that it is likely going to be found near the ‘End Times’ (when an impending cosmic catastrophe is threatening). What is worse, the dates of 2011 to 2016 and ‘Obama’ are mentioned and this web site predicts a 2016 to 2017 date.

    Sirius – Triple – Star – White – Dwarf -Emme Ya – Nommo – Musari – Dagon (alien) – Monitorial – Mission – Inhabited – Aquatic – Marine – Animal – Anthropoid – Paternal – Sage (clever) – Angelic – Angel – Creator – Noah – Ark – Saturn – Phoebe – Hollow – Moon – Space – Space-ship.
    – In the end of days I will bring back
    Key Words: 2011-2016 (The Days Of Noah), The Nephilim, Obama, Apollo, Nimrod, Raphaim, Hybrid, From The Beast, From The Annuach, The Dead

These Bible Codes seem to verify the thesis of this web site. Further, tends to support Temple’s (The Sirius Mystery) hypothesis that Phoebe is a hollow object, possibly a space-ship or ark of the Nommos. Temple reports that it is a Dogon legend that seems to suggest the “Star of the Tenth Moon” is Phoebe, the tenth satellite of Saturn. This space-ship may have been parked in Earth orbit during the Nommos visit to Earth thousands of years ago.

Except for Phoebe, the satellites of Saturn orbit close to it and in nearly posigrade circular orbits. Most (except for Iapetus and Phoebe) are found at orbital inclinations close to Saturn’s spin plane. Seven are tiny (a few tens of kilometers in size) and are probably captured asteroids or residue from a “detonated” tiny satellite that produced Saturn’s rings. Phoebe is almost four times as distant as Iapetus, Saturn’s most remote major satellite, and in an elliptical retrograde orbit. Phoebe’s orbital plane is close to the ecliptic (the plane in which Earth and most other planets orbit the Sun), rather than in Saturn’s equatorial spin plane as are most of Saturn’s other satellites. If Phoebe were moved from Earth orbit to an orbit about Saturn, it is reasonable to expect that it would be inserted in a more distant orbit than any of the other major satellites and in an elliptical orbit contained in the ecliptic plane because Earth is likewise located in the ecliptic plane. The reason for its retrograde motion is not clearly understood, but it stands out from the posigrade motion of Saturn’s other satellites.



Anchor or drogue stones were among the first items discovered at the Ark site. They were used to keep it stable in rough seas, to anchor the Ark, or maneuver the vessel during beaching. About a dozen of a probable two dozen such stones weighing from seven to ten tons each have been found. The Crusaders marked these stones with crosses acknowledging Noah and his extended family’s voyage.

Figure 4. Anchor Stones Believed To Have Been Employed By Noah’s Ark.
(Later Test Indicates One Of These Stones Is An Upper-Mantle Derived Ophiolite Sequence)

Depictions of other anchor stones like the one in Figure 4 can be found below.

  • Prophet Noah’s Ark (Miracles Of Allah) – November 17, 2011
  • This Is Noah’s Ark!
  • Understanding The Remains Of Noah’s Ark
  • Noah’s Ark
  • The Discovery Of Noah’s Ark
  • Noah’s Ark Is (still) In Turkey
  • NOAH’S ARK: It’s Still In Turkey Stupid, This Should Be A Much Bigger Story – OCT 14, 2014
  • Noah’s Ark Rediscovered!
  • Village Of Kazan & TheAnchor Stones
  • October 2000, Tour To Noah’s Ark
  • The Real Noah’s Ark Found In Turkey: Phenomenon Archives Documentary – Jun 22, 2013
  • And Counter Arguments:
  • Anchor Stones Noah’s Ark? – Hole Stones of Arzap – Nov 20, 2007

The remains of Noah’s Vessel had been covered by mud and volcanic ash, but the shape of the vessel is clearly resolvable especially after the heavy rains and earthquakes have disbursed much of the obscuring mud in 1948. The sharp-ended stern is uphill (about 98′ higher) than the rounded bow. This is just opposite what one would expect if it were a natural formation. We must also remember that the Ark was covered by a disintegrated lava (from magma) mud slide, and became gradually petrified with molecules of the substance in the earth ABOVE the Ark, which were minerals.

The anchor stones are located about twelve miles from the Ark relic (shown in Figure 5). The gentle grade of the place where the Ark was beached is the only such local site at this elevation east of the anchor stones’ location. It could accommodate such a large vessel and permit it to be successfully off loaded. All other such large, “beach like” landing sites are at lower elevation lake bottom locations. This site is the last available one west of a steep downhill slope.

The terrain on the way in may not have presented the same obstacles to the Ark as it did on the way out. The water depth from the tsunami or super-tide combinations generated by the comet’s impact was much greater onto the land and was at a very much higher flow rate than the water’s recession. But without much flood depth, the Ark faced limited options on its downhill journey. The water trapped in high, intermountain basins forced the Ark to beach in the highest location available, or run “rapids” down into each successive lake. The first such run would probably have destroyed it. Noah must have had a wild ride from the anchor site to the beach site. Apparently, the Ark cast off from its protected anchorage, perhaps when those controlling it were informed that a water dam broke 150 miles to the east. It is doubtful that a small collection of confused humans would know what to do. Further, the Ark had to be maneuvered with very little margin for error. Windsor8 feels that Noah would have had to take depth soundings to inform him that the potential beaching area was fairly level. Alternately, the aliens (Nommos) had mapped the area previously, and they could direct the Ark “from above”. Once on the move, there was little choice but to follow the currents and grab the first beach site available.

The Cuneiform Tablets found in the Epic Of Gilgamesh supports this scenario:

“After embarking, the storm broke with fearful violence and the steering of the ship was handed over to Bezur-Bel, the ship man. But amidst the roll of thunder and the march of mountain waves the helm was wrenched from the pilot’s hands and the pouring rain and the lightning flashes dismayed all hearts. “Like a battle charge upon mankind” the water rushed so that the gods even were dismayed at the flood and cowered like dogs, taking refuge in the heaven of Anu while Ishtar (the winds?) screamed like a woman in travail.”

Notice that the “gods” take to the heavens, possibly to help the Ark’s ship handlers who may also be aliens. Communications between the Ark and the aliens would be most critical at this time.

Figure 5. The General External Image Of The Ark.

Mapping of the Ark’s bulkheads was no casual affair. Sophisticated ground penetrating radar was employed to outline the remains of the relic. See Figure 6. Ground penetrating radar proved the boat to have three decks, the top two decks had collapsed leaving the bottom deck intact which contained 144 rooms. Walls, cavities, a door near the front, ramps, and two large 14′ by 24′ barrels near to the bow were also located. The radar scan revealed four protrusions extending from the stern that were probably stabilizers.

Figure 6. Ground Penetrating Radar Ark Bulkhead Map. Note: 20′ (typo 26′) Fore And Aft Reversed.

Ron Wyatt, Dave Fassold and John Baumgardner surveyed the site with metal detectors and found a U – shaped item which had the appearance of ‘wrought iron.’ See Figure 7. It was reported by Dave Fassold that the semi-quantitative analysis of the iron samples, which was arranged by John Baumgardner, found them to contain from 60 percent to 91.84 percent Fe2O3. Sub-surface radar is a device built by Geophysical Survey Systems Incorporated (GSSI) that can chart the presence of objects below the surface. A metal detector found about 3,400 iron masses, and these were mostly spaced at a nominal 21-inch interval. A total of 5,400 such places (both estimated and found) show linear patterns consistent with the shape of the hull. Stakes were driven at these locations and yellow surveyors ribbon laid on the ground over them. They depicted both contoured patterns of longitudinal and transverse lines. The Ark had apparently slid downhill after beaching (possibly at a much later date) and struck a rock. One part of the forward port side was impaled, and the location lines compressed neatly around the rock. Joe Rosetta, vice-president of Geophysical Survey Systems, reviews the sub-surface radar scans. His conclusion: “This is not a natural object. The reflections are occurring too periodic for it to be a natural type interface.” “You’d never see anything like this in natural geology…. Some human made this structure, whatever it is.” As this was found in a structure of this artifact is almost identical with those mentioned in the Bible – assuming the Royal Egyptian cubit is used.

Figure 7. The Ark’s Hull Structural Outline As Defined By Iron Signatures.

Rivets or some sort of metallic fasteners were also found by Wyatt. See Figure 8. The fossilized object shows circular impressions left from striking an apparently heated metal rivet.

Figure 8. A Fossilized Metal Rivets Found By Wyatt.

The Ark relic shows evidence of vertical and horizontal support structures. There is marginal evidence that recovered joints structures indicate that they were held together with hexagonal arrays of six rivets with a seventh central rivet.

Figure 9 shows the outline of the hull that reveals vertical slabs (Rib-Slabs) of “something” that was placed along the hull’s exterior. Their purpose is believed to be to protect the softer reed structures from contact damage. The hull and superstructure were formed of reeds laid in a sealing cement-like material. Then the sides, including the inside of the Moon Pool (discussed later), was coated with a bituminous clay compound. The curved vertical slabs were affixed outside the sealed hull. There are color difference in the lighter soil areas that appear to resemble ‘rib timbers’ as contrasted against the darker soil. The rib timbers were found to be fragmented and to be held in place by the surrounding material. These are believed by the Turkish Government to be ‘rib timbers’ (or what is left of them). At the very least, these are suspicious structures found in a structure that matches the biblical dimensions of Noah’s Ark.

Figure 9. Hull Outline From Ark Rib-Slab Remains.

An unusual chip of rock is found about two miles west of Kazan. See Figure 10. When it is tapped with a rock, it emits a hollow sound. It is about 16 inches thick and appears to have been made of bundled reeds. There are seven crosses inscribed in it. This is in an area that has very few trees. This is thought to be part of the Ark’s deckhouse, but there is no certain way to tell where it may have come from.

Figure 10. Bundled Reeds Chip From The Ark (Later Test Indicates Is An Upper-Mantle Derived Ophiolite Sequence).

Figure 11 is a petrified wood samples recovered from the Ark site using Ground Penetration Radar to locate a structural member. Its collection was done under Turkish government supervision. Specifically:

“Governor Ekinci issued instructions that the American crew was to stay upon the hill. They were not to film this event, for it was his. He allowed some journalists, a Turkish cameraman, some members of the military, and other dignitaries only to witness the next events. . . The Governor then order one of the soldiers to dig at the location Ron had indicated, which he did. There soon emerged what looked like a flat rock. As more dirt was removed, it could be seen that it was about 18 inches long and it was then removed. All captured on film, it was obvious that it was a petrified section of a hand-hewn timber! . . . The Governor . . . told Ron Wyatt to take it to the States and have it tested. He then placed it in the radar case, which would protect the extremely valuable specimen during transport. The entire event was shown throughout Turkey on TRT (Turkish Radio and Television). . . “

Figure 11. A Hewn Timber Sections.

Figure 12 shows a close-up photo of an 18 inch deck plank unearthed before Turkish officials by Ron Wyatt and features three distinct layers of wood with glue (dark pitch) on top. The glue oozed from the layers. The outside of the wood appears to have been coated with bitumen. It was tested and proved to be petrified wood. It is 18 inches in length and has two visible nails with dark pitch on top. Tests by Galbraith Labs showed the sample to contain over 0.7% organic carbon, consistent with fossilized wood. It was once living matter. Even more surprising there were iron nails embedded in the wood! See the red arrows in the below figure.

Figure 12. Petrified An 18 Inch Deck Plank,

The test result showed it almost totally petrified, with only 0.71% total carbon, but only 0.0081% inorganic while 0.7019% organic – a 100 times more organic than inorganic carbon! Laboratory analysis was performed on artifact labeled “deck timber”. Galbraith Labs in Knoxville, Tennessee tested samples taken both from within the “formation’ and from without. All of the laboratory procedures were videotaped, including the taking the sample from the specimen, and the actual execution of the analyses.

Figure 13. Notice This Ark Artifact Illustrates Three Equal Width (Laminated?) Sections.

Other petrified wood samples were also excavated in the presence of a number of Turkish officials. One piece was sawn in several places, exposing lamination of 3 layers exposing the wood grain. See Figure 13. Wyatt considers the petrified wood to be laminated and it contained a much higher carbon content than the surrounding area (4.95% carbon compared to 1.88% for specimens from the surrounding area). The high concentration of carbon was consistent with the presence of prior living matter, such as decayed or petrified wood. It also showed a surprisingly high iron content. Thin sections revealed that it consisted of three laminated layers. Despite these finds, petrified wood offers the weakest evidence of the Ark relic because it is so easily formed.

Fibers also have been recovered from the Ark relic. Some fibers revealed all of the features characteristic of mammal hair while others some sort of plant fiber as the cellular structure was plainly visible. Another hair-like fiber was evaluated which revealed very unusual characteristics: the shaft was long and cylindrical like hair, but revealed nothing commonly associated with hair. Along the outer surface of the fiber, angular spines extended from the shaft. The specialists believed this to be some sort of plant fiber but all agreed that they had never seen anything like it. All this above was found in a structure whose gross measurements is almost identical with those mentioned in the Bible. And these matching parameters, combined with all of the above, leads to the inescapable conclusion that this artifact is, indeed, the remains of Noah’s Ark.

From a 1959 Turkish Air Force mapping photographic negative, it clearly shows the Ark stuck in the mud-flow. It was impaled on a large rock outcrop and it must have slid down from higher up on the mountain. The negative shows the impression where the Ark had originally touched down. There was a clear outline of it, highlighted by the sun, of the berm created by the great ship, lying hard against a thirty foot high escarpment of limestone where it landed. The outline was precisely the same shape and size of the Ark-mold a mile farther down the hill and 1,200 feet lower where it had obviously slid after many years. One may see this in Figure 14 showing this part of the 1959 photo.

Figure 14. Original Ark Position And Its Current Location.

Summarizing the result of a June, 1991 joint Wyatt/Sunset International Bible Institute investigation of this artifact:

Metal detection shows iron in 13 parallel longitudinal lines and nine latitudinal lines. These reveal the iron spikes used in construction. The lines reveal the bulkheads or walls of the different partitions within the ship.

  • The ends of 2 latitudinal deck support beams (appearing to be petrified wood) can be seen sticking out of each side of the walls of the ship.
  • Radar scopes revealed a deck only a few feet from the surface. Mr. Wyatt got permission from the Turkish government to dig down to this deck and take a sample of the petrified wood that was found. This sample is a dark red or mahogany color, is obviously petrified wood, and is composed of three layers of 1 to 1 ½ pieces of wood, laminated together. This sample is the only petrified, man-laminated wood ever known to be found.
  • During our visit to the site in 1991, Jody Jones saw Mr. Wyatt pick up from the ground, at the site, an iron spike driven through a washer into petrified wood.
  • Ted Stewart examined both the iron spike and also a copper or bronze spike driven into petrified wood that was found at this same time by Dr. Jerry Nicewonger, a physician from Paradise, California.
  • A Laminated Deck BoardIn the home of Mr. Wyatt Ted examined a laminated deck board that the Turkish soldiers dug up at the site.
  • Ten of the largest anchor stones ever discovered was found near the site.
  • The holes at the top of the anchor stones were finely drilled so that the diameter in the center was smaller than the diameter on the outside edges.


The metallurgy offers the initial clue that something unusual is associated with the Ark relic. Iron residue is found throughout, but the Iron Age did not start until about 800 BC in Egypt. It started earlier around 1100 BC or 1200 BC in Crete and Greece. There is some data that indicates that iron was obtained from local ores (not meteorites) as early as 2500 – 2700 BC by primitive metallurgical processes. Oxidized beads dating to 4000 BC have also been discovered. There is documented evidence that an iron tool was found in the Great Pyramid of Giza dating to 3100 BC around the time of the Noah’s Flood.6 Adding to this consternation is the presence of a carbonized iron (steel) dagger in the museum at Ankera possibly dating as early as 2900 BC.

“Noah’s Ark – The Evidence” lists the composition of many of the metallic finds. Note that chemical analyses are always reported as oxides because most metals oxidize over the course of thousands of years. These metallic residues shows not only is this relic the Ark of Noah, but also that its construction was by angels (or aliens as they are now called) as described previously in the book of Noah. Metal is found in the rivets, washers, brackets as well as the ballast spilled from a breach in the relic. Some of the results are considered below and the words are largely those of Mary Nell Wyatt.

  • Iron Rivets
    As Ron and the group approached “Noah’s Ark” from the south end, he noticed an object that bore the shape of a very large “rivet” head with a washer around it. Other Ark rivet samples were found to show 8.35 % iron, 8.35% aluminum, and 1.59% titanium. We know the aluminum was incorporated in the metallic mixture because it does not exist in metallic form in nature. This implies an extremely advanced knowledge of metallurgy and engineering. Characteristics of an iron-aluminum alloy have been investigated in The Russian Chemical Bulletin (2005) and reveal that this alloy forms a thin film of aluminum oxide which protects the material from rust and corrosion. Note: Traces of aluminum and even titanium may occur from normal soil materials.

    The analyses of the “rivet” revealed the following and lots of silica as would be expected from a fossilized metallic object.
Metal Oxide
Percent composition
Note: metals contained are always reported as oxides.
  • Manganese And Other Related Ballast Specimens
    Manganese was found in extremely high concentrations in these ballast specimens. It is used in the production of many alloys: “More than 95 % of the manganese produced is used in the form of ferroalloys by the metal industries, chiefly for steel manufacture…. Produced without manganese, steel breaks up when hot-rolled or forged. Steels generally contain less than 1% manganese. Manganese steel (12% – 14% manganese) is used for very rugged service as it presents a hard, wear resistant, and self-renewing surface over a wrought unbreakable core. Manganese produced electrolytic ally is used mostly in steel-making but also in the production of nonferrous alloys of copper, aluminum, magnesium & the nickel-base alloys and in the production of high purity chemicals. Practically all commercial alloys of aluminum and magnesium contain manganese to improve corrosion resistance and mechanical properties.”6
    Aluminum-manganese alloys are popular today for the manufacture of cooking utensils, heat exchangers, chemical equipment, storage tank… etc. These are examples of modern metallurgy. Adding major amounts (about 10%) of silicon to commercially pure aluminum yields an alloy with a relatively low melting point. Because silicon imparts great fluidity to molten metal, this alloy is used in castings. The addition of up to 5% magnesium yields an alloy with good tensile strength, weld-ability, hardness and corrosion resistance in marine atmospheres… . Adding both silicon and magnesium to aluminum produces alloys that are easily formed, machined, welded, and finished, have good resistance to corrosion, and are of medium strength.
    The ballast materials, under the electron microscope, displayed the appearance of slag. The exact type of metal production they resulted from cannot be precisely concluded. But because of the content of the specimens, which are consistent with present day processes of metal alloy production, it can be stated with confidence that these are slag products. Even a lay-person can easily realize that these are the products of modern metallurgy. But these may not have been just regular waste products. They were valuable metal (now oxidized) materials saved in the Ark as ballast. Perhaps one of these was the source of the carbonized iron dagger found in the museum at Ankera after it was reworked around 2900 BC.
  • The “Manganese Nodules”
    Jim Irwin sent a (ballast) specimen that Ron Wyatt had given him from the site above the Ark to Los Alamos for analysis. It contains a negligible amount of inorganic carbon, as contrasted with the petrified wood, but an incredible amount of manganese dioxide 80%, 84% and 87%. Los Alamos determined that other specimens showed tailings of aluminum aloid production. Some have proposed that the manganese dioxide specimens are nothing but a “manganese nodule,” something often found on the ocean floor and therefore quite common. Sea manganese nodule analysis compared to that of the Ark specimen is listed below.
Metal OxideManganese Sea NoduleArk Nodule
  • 50% manganese content is considered the highest percentage to be found in sea nodules, as well as in land ores. Higher concentrations are only available by electrolysis. The average concentration is considered to be around 25% – 35%. All these are far below the concentrations found in the Ark nodules. Also, the sea nodules contain traces of cobalt and nickel, yet these impurities are not present in the ballast specimens. Further, there is the size of the nodules to be considered. The sea nodules average about 4 centimeters while the Ark nodules are 25 centimeters (and more) in diameter. These factors offer more than enough evidence to rule out the theory that these are naturally created materials.
  • Hand-Wrought Iron
    Los Alamos also preformed analysis of the iron samples recovered from the Ark. The results of seven samples varied from 60% through 91.84% FE2O3. The highest reading was obtained from an angular bracket having the appearance of wrought iron. According to Baumgardner “… (who is well known in the continental drift modeling community) these occurrences of limonite are of special interest as they could represent the rusted remains of metallic iron objects.”
  • The Ballast – Titanium Rich(?) Preflood “Slag”
    The “strange material” found scattered around the Ark’s bottom section and at the site further up the mountain side, was identical to the “strange material” found falling out of the northern end hull in massive amounts. It contains a negligible amount of inorganic carbon, as contrasted with the petrified wood, but it contains an incredible amount of manganese dioxide (over 80%) and titanium. The importance of these specimens is that they displays attributes which indicate that it is slag, or the waste product of some type of metal alloy production. It was this strange ballast-like material that first attracted Dr. John Baumgardner’s (of Los Alamos National Laboratories) interest. On one analysis of the ballast material, John Baumgardner wrote: “tailings of aluminum aloid production”, signed his name and wrote “Los Alamos”. This specimen contained 31.44% manganese, 41.95% titanium, no iron, 11.33% silicon, and 7.19% aluminum, among other constituents apparently according to Los Alamos (National Laboratories)! Were humans producing 40% titanium aluminum-manganese alloys 5200 years ago? Perhaps there were more than one type of alloy included in these specimens, but this one was the waste product of aluminum production. Another specimen revealed a 74% titanium content. Moreover, this specimen displayed attributes showing that it was slag, or some type of molten metal alloy production identical with modern Titanium alloys. Note: this is associated with the angels’ metal fabrication found in the Book Of Noah.


The Ark relic has both its supporters and critics. Most notable is one of the original investigators, Dr. John Baumgardner of Los Alamos National Laboratory (who is well funded although his work is questionable). He no longer believes this artifact to be Noah’s Ark.8 Los Alamos and the UFO mystery have been related since February 16, 1948 and “Project Twinkle.” Some of the other critics have even not visited the ‘Ark site’. These critics feel that they would not have sampled materials from the relic differently than Fasold if they had gone there themselves. Fasold brought back labeled specimens and map locations from all of the key places on the supposed relic. They were labeled as fossilized wood from alleged gunnels, staves, deck planking, walls, etc. and the black sands that were thought to be iron supports or anchors for masts holding sails and the supposed iron rivets or spikes that held the walls together.

A retired geologist also investigated some of the samples brought to him and found that they were common basalt. He may be right on this matter, but he is also biased in his evaluation of the documented Noah’s Ark reports. For examples, he considers the Great Flood story to be just a shallow flood on the Mesopotamian Plaines with the Ark being just a large fishing boat. Thus, he rejects the Ark’s dimensions as recorded in the Bible and its location on Mt. Cudi as recorded in the Koran. He also is extremely forceful in denying that this relic is the remains of Noah’s Ark, almost acting as if he is on a personal crusade to do so. However, he may be correct in thinking that the sides of the ‘Ark’ defined in this relic are now mostly made of basalt. His ‘zeal’ in denying this relic makes his Ark related work questionable, and he has temporarily persuaded Fasold that this is not the Ark near the time of Fasold’s death. Fasold recanted his denial just before he died. Remember, the secreting of Alien technology and related ET alien data seems to be the policy of the elite that largely control the USA government. The elite would like to keep knowledge of an impending impact event from the general public so they could have an advantage is one were to happened ‘without much warning’.

The following are typical of this geologist’s work, although they may have been edited by others. Microscopic thin sections were made of these samples. It was found that:

  • These were compared to know fossilized wood looks like in thin section to what fine-grained volcanic lava looks like in thin section for lava rocks which have either an andesitic or basaltic composition. Fasold was shown this and he could see that none of his samples were fossilized wood. Further, the late David Fasold agreed that there was no fossilized wood at the Ark site. It was concluded that all the samples that he thought were fossilized wood were from cobbles and boulders of andesitic and basaltic volcanic rocks that had either been transported by streams or by mud-flows (lahars).
  • In eastern Turkey near where the “Ark site” is found, there are outcrops of both fine-grained volcanic rocks of andesite and basalt composition as well as their coarse-grained equivalents (diorite and gabbro). Many gabbros are quite titanium rich and either contain ilmenite (iron-titanium oxide) or rutile (titanium oxide). There would not be any pure titanium in any of the rocks. Pure titanium does not occur anywhere in the earth’s crust because of the ease in which it is oxidized. Remember, no other of these rocks have been analyzed for their titanium content.
  • Some gabbros (rocks usually composed of felspar and diallage) in California, masses of ilmenite, 2-3 meters across have been found. Stream erosion of these gabbros transports ilmenite fragments that become either black heavy cobbles or black sand, depending on the size of the initial ilmenite crystals or aggregates of crystals and the degree to which the ilmenite is ground up into granules during transportation in streams. Because ilmenite is insoluble, resistant to erosion, and quite heavy, the cobbles and sand is often concentrated as ‘placer’ deposits just like gold nuggets that are concentrated by stream erosion as placer gold. So there is a good reason that abundant titanium finds at or near this ‘Ark site’ have been reported because it occurs naturally there as the result of stream erosion of nearby titanium-rich rocks. Moreover, local concentrations of cobbles of ilmenite would give the appearance of being ballast for the bottom of a boat. Remember, no other of these rocks have been analyzed for their titanium content.

While this appears to condemn the metallurgical results, some problems remain.

  • Fasold was under financial duress at this time and recanted this agreement a few months before his death.9
  • The cobbles look like melt (not a sedimentary deposit), a 74% pure titanium and 87% manganese melt!
  • These are large samples, inches across. Such large pure samples are seldom found in nature.
  • The Turkish government has sent an archaeological group to the site and recovered four-foot-long iron spikes, petrified wood and other metal objects, Baumgardner said.”

The most disturbing part of this data is the high concentration of titanium found in the Ark’s ballast. Titanium metal production process has only been known since 1936. No wonder Baumgardner was so interested in the ballast. The sample was not only 74% titanium (oxide), but it displayed attributes indicating that it was ‘molten’ slag, not a sedimentary deposit as would be the grabbos). Neither was it volcanic ejecta as the concentration of titanium oxide is too high. Additionally, aluminum metal was first obtained in pure form in 1825 and by the modern electrolysis process in 1886.

The presence of such high concentrations of manganese and titanium and in such large samples was an immediate tip-off that the relic associated metals were made by beings of superior intelligence. Certainly ones of more intelligence than found in the indigenous human beings dwelling there – or any place else on the Earth of that day. Those humans existed two thousand years before the iron-age. No wonder the titanium caught Los Alamos’ attention. No wonder their representative visited the Ark site. And no wonder they reversed themselves on the validity of this find at a latter date.

An article Did Ron Wyatt find Noah’s ark? written by Andrew Snelling is an attempt to debunk the Finding of Noah’s Ark.

  • Trainloads of Petrified Wood? and I can only present a few pieces??
  • Rivets, Metal Rods, and Cotter Pins. It sure looks like a washer or rivet to me. Show me another such thing occurring naturally
  • Turkish Government declares site to be a National Park – Bayraktutan is a devout Muslim who is aware that Noah’s Ark is also mentioned in the Koran. . . Instead, the Commission has said that the site has historical value and should be protected in case there is some object in the mud of archaeological significance. – Perhaps if it would be Noah’s Ark as well as an alien artifact, that would qualify it.
  • Dr. Snelling and CSF have their own interests in this site. – As for Dr Baumgardner, his job at the Los Alamos National Laboratory right from the outset Would Los Alamos be interested in an ET alien artifact?
  • If it is not the Ark of Noah, then what is it? – In 1987 Bayraktutan and Baumgardner, with a suitably qualified team (including Fenner), conducted systematic, detailed geophysical surveys . . . The same two investigators returned with another team in 1988 Just to investigate a natural formation, of course … Would Los Alamos want to investigate an ET alien artifact.

Once it is recognized that the Noah’s Ark find is that of an alien artifact, one can easily recognize the reason for denial of its existence.

Also, erosion could not have formed the vertical ribs on the outside walls of the ark for two reasons. First, water flowing down the mountain would create a horizontal inscription on the ark, not vertical. Second, it was not until 1978, when God sent an earthquake to drop the earth from around the sides of the ark, that any erosion could have started to take effect. But most importantly, when the earthquake took place, the sides of the ark were revealed and exposed for the first time ever, showing the vertical timbers in their natural, man-made state. Erosion had NOT formed them.

  • First, Mr. Snelling says the rivet was found fifty yards away from the ark, when in fact it was found on the ark in front of 25 witnesses who each signed a statement testifying where it was found.
  • Second, the rivet does not have a “vague” appearance, instead it has a definite shape of a man-made round washer with a center shaft, the end of which was struck and flared out to secure the washer in place.
  • Third, analyses performed by Galbraith Labs, showed the rivet to contain 8.6 percent aluminum metal, 1.9 percent titanium metal, 10.38 percent iron, and .21 percent manganese. It is unfortunate that Snelling knows aluminum metal is a man-made substance, and yet he refuses to acknowledge the man-made qualities of the rivet.
  • Fourth, basalt does not contain aluminum or titanium metals, so the rivet cannot be basalt. Basalt is “rock that is low in silica content, dark in colour, and comparatively rich in iron and magnesium
  • Also, the partial rivet we retrieved from the side of the ark in 2000, matched the test results Wyatt achieved in his analyses. Wyatt also tested his rivet for carbon, and an area 1 cm. away from it. It showed .14 percent carbon in the rivet and 1.9 percent for the material (petrified wood) just outside of it. This means the wood around the rivet showed 15 times the amount of carbon as the metal. Also, basalt does not contain carbon as the rivet does. There are numerous rivets on the ark in various conditions. Snelling refuses to acknowledge the obvious man-made shape of the rivet and totally discounts these excellent specimens that prove the formation IS Noah’s Ark!
  • Mr. Wyatt performed a five foot deep core drill into the western, starboard side of the ark, penetrating a chamber at that spot. He then used a long rake device to pull out these loose specimens for analysis: animal dung, the base of an antler, human hair, cat hair, and man- made fiber. They were not found on the outside of the ark, so animals in the area could NOT have deposited the specimens. Evidence of Wyatt’s core drill is still visible today when you visit the site.

One must consider that the likelihood that the ‘ribs’ are merely discolorations of where the structure actually was and that nearly all of the L or U shaped iron objects has completely disintegrated. The ‘rib’ like association is speculative, and has not been scientifically investigated. The conclusion that they are related to ‘ship like ribs’ structure is based on the matching dimensional parameters, rivets, nails etc. of the artifact. There is precious little of Noah’s Ark left in tact and how the ‘brackets, etc.’ where actually formed is certainly unclear. More geological testing and analysis is certainly needed. However, if this is actually an alien artifact, inter government requests would be needed and government investigators would be permitted as the Los Alamos team was in their 1997 and 1988 investigations (See the Snelling Case above).

It must be remembered that the Nommos did not bring most of the Ark’s building material from their home world. Utanapishtim (the Faraway) built the Nommos’s Ark, that which we call today Noah’s Ark. They may have recovered the iron and other metals from the asteroid belt, and simply harvested local reeds and timbers. Their saucers could ‘helicopter’ much of this local material to the construction site as the Iargans do:

I was delighted when they agreed to my request to see one of their flying saucers. I cherished the hope that we might also become capable of constructing such a machine, but, alas, the technique was so advanced that I was unable to understand the first thing about it. It was a beautiful, polished, silver, streamlined discus, about ninety feet in diameter, with a domed glass pane above and below in the middle. There were slots around the rim on the underside, and when the machine flew low over the ground, I could see dust being blown up. I thought at first that this was caused by air pressure, but they explained that it was due to the “ground echo” from the antigravity machine. It was astounding to see just what these machines could do. They showed me the transportation of a rail section to an inaccessible mountain area. The saucer lifted the heavy section on two steel cables and transported it effortlessly over the mountains. It was maneuverable in all directions, and could, even in a storm, hover motionlessly in the air. It was equally capable of operating either in the atmosphere or outside it.

The arguments that this relic is a natural one instead of one made by an intelligent species are inadequate. Some participants are in denial (without adequate explanation), and that is even more disturbing. Noah’s Flood is considered by many as one that cost the lives of the vast majority of the human population of that day. Civilization, as it was then known, was swept away. That was only 5200 years ago. Another strike, ~531 AD, is believed to have caused the death of 70 – 80% of China’s population. We are living on a dangerous little planet. Should a similar strike occur and cause a similar death toll, while the public was deceived as to the impending danger, those responsible would assume a karmic debt of monumental proportion, taking thousands of agonizing lifetimes to repay.


Perhaps the easiest structural problem to be resolved about the Ark is the use of the anchor stones. Thee were used to keep the rear facing the waves, especially when there wa an incoming tsunami. These stones were discovered by the Crusaders who, it is believed, carved crosses on them. Sometimes eight crosses are depicted representing Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives.

Figure 15. The Ark Being Stabilized By Anchor Stones.

The anchor stones were simply drogue stones or “sea anchors”. They could also have been used to stabilize the Ark in rough water, to aid it in cross current navigation and when finding an anchorage. See Figures 11 and 12. The majority of the stones were found near the village of Kazan Turkey. Apparently the Ark was anchored near an enormous rock outcrop that reached to 7,000 feet. This must have served as a temporary shelter while waiting for a landing beach to appear as the fog lifted. The Ark may have used both the flailing and anchor stones to maneuver itself towards the beaching position. This process could have been aided by space or airborne observations conducted by the Nommos (angels) who may have previously mapped the geographical regions where the Ark was likely to reach.

Figure 16. Anchor Stones Aiding In “Landing” The Ark.

Table 4 yields the Ark relic’s dimensions. Moses (educated in the Egyptian royal household) recorded its exact dimensions (using the 20.625- inch Egyptian cubit) as 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide by 30 cubits high. It was longer than the six masted 329′ USS Wyoming, the longest wooden ship built by modern man (or the legendary 400′ Chinese Treasure Junk). The “Hebrew” cubit (which assumed different lengths at different times) wouldn’t have come into use for many years after Genesis was written. Nevertheless, the NIV Bible still assumes the shorter Hebrew cubit (Genesis 6:15).

Measured Ark Parameters
Ark Parameter10FeetInchesEgyptian Cubits
Length515.0′6180.5″ +/-4″299.6 EC
Maximum Beam (Computed)138.58′1663″ +/-6″80.6 EC
Average Width85.7′1029″ +/- 6″49.88 EC
Hull Depth (estimated)51′612″ +/- 6″29.7 EC
(Max. Beam Point) to Stern318′3819″ +/- 6″185 EC
(Max Beam Point) to Bow197′2361″ +/- 6″144.5 EC
Moon Pool Length201′2412″ +/- 6″116.9 EC
Moon Pool Width26′312″ +/- 6″15.1 EC
  • Total Area Of The Moon Pool At Deck Level = 752,544 inch2
  • Total (Computer Calculated) Area Within The Ark’s Deck Circumference = 7112112.72 inch2, Windsor10

The bow seems to have draped or fallen forward to form a strip about 15 yards in front of the bow. This suggests that the minimum height of the hull was about 51′ (implying a height of 29.7 cubits). Maybe this strip was originally miss- interpreted as forward beams required for supporting the anchor stones. Likely the stones were only deployed and operated through the Moon Pool (discussed later).

Windsor has done comprehensive analysis of the Ark relic and his tear drop shaped hull is shown in Figure 17.8 Windsor’s lofted (designed) is fit to Fasold’s hull outline. The Moon Pool is centered at the Ark’s maximum beam point, the exact location required to stabilize it. The Moon Pool’s aft end is reinforced with a triple row of iron fittings about 30″ apart. This bulkhead appears to be tripled suggesting that considerable strength was required in this area. Two 4′ or 5′ foot wide iron masses are also found here and these are suspected to be iron pipe-like posts for windlasses. Notice the presence of the Moon Pool in Figure 17 and in Figure 6.Figure 17. (click for displays) Windsor’s 1992 rendition of Noah’s Ark based on Fasold’s Relic.8

The Moon Pool offers many attractive options to the design of the Ark.

Advantages Offered By The Ark’s Moon Pool

  1. Its midpoint is centered at the maximum beam width of the Ark to eliminate sagging and hogging.
  2. it offers overboard drainage and waste disposal without compromising hull integrity.
  3. It offers forced ventilation via the natural internal wave motion.
  4. It is wide enough to permit handling of the sea anchors or anchor stones.
  5. It is in a position to retard forward motion caused by wind without reversing the orientation of the Ark.
  6. It is far enough back to permit dragging a sea anchor and flailing stone with the bow held forward.
  7. It is located far enough forward to permit easy turning of the Ark with the flailing stone.

Another cutaway view of the Ark is offered in Figure 18. This one differs from Windsor’s solid reed hull design. It is more in line with the Geneses description of the Ark as having three decks but it is not consistent with the Gilgamesh description. Moreover, a loading door below the main deck offers a less “seaworthy” design. Further, the hull is more susceptible to collision damage. Figure 9 (the rib-slabs) suggests that extreme measures were taken to limit the Ark’s vulnerability to collision damage.

Figure 18. A cutaway view of the Ark.

There is no clear indications of the superstructure or exactly how many levels it had. Figure 18 suggests a superstructure-less Ark with a work-deck located forward. It would more likely have been needed just aft of the Moon Pool. The Ark was maneuvered through the use of the anchor and flailing stone launched from this area. There is no evidence of a rudder, so this area was extremely critical. The Ark had to be maneuvered in adverse currents by skilled dragging of the anchors and by “flying” the flailing stone in combination with the wind bearing against the entire structure. The “hole” in the flailing anchor is about a third way down the stone. The anchor stones, on the other hand, had a hole near the top with one side larger than the other to prevent fraying or tearing of the rope. The flailing stone was used in conjunction with an anchor stone, and in this way the Ark could be worked cross wind (or maybe cross current). The reason was the necessity to pivot the vessel about an anchor line. To some degree, the superstructure, or even the hull itself, acted as a sail. This design would work only if the hull is “shipshape” and not like a common barge. A box like Ark would rotate sideways, heel over in a broadside wind, roll violently and possibly even capsize. The long narrow back end of the Ark acts like the feathers on an arrow to point the Ark in the desired direction. There is no evidence of sails or other propulsive devices. The passengers of the Ark were in for a wild ride as the waters from the tsunami (or tide) drained back into the Caspian Sea. The opportunity to find a safe anchorage was a fleeting one. Missing that opportunity could mean that the Ark and its passengers (and crew?) might hit a rock formation and capsize or even sink. Figure 19 indicates that the joints are joined by seven rivets, not the single one as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 19. Fastening Ark Beams As Suggested By The Ark Relic Remains.


The Epic OF Gilgamesh is another version of the Great Flood and was written around 2750 – 2500 BC. The Ark and Flood tale is largely confined to Tablet XI. But the first two tablets, Tablet I and Tablet II, loosely refer to an object from space, deemed a meteorite, that seems to be associated with this tale. These Tablets depict an alien presence with a strong aquatic association or presence. Utanapishtim (the Faraway) is postulated to be an extra-terrestrial (amphibian) alien (a Nommos). It would certainly be from “far away” as the Sirius star system is about eight light- years from Earth. Some of the “alien” related items found in Tablet I are listed in Appendix B and summarized in Table 6

The Flood Of Giglamesh – Tablet I

  1. A mighty alien, operating in and around water, is present.
  2. Gilgamesh seeks to catch the alien with a harlot.
  3. Gilgamesh dreams of a massive meteorite (or a space ship)
  4. His mother claims the dream is of a man who will help Gilgamesh (e.g. Utanapishtim, the Faraway?).
  5. Gilgamesh has another dream.
  6. Again his mother claims this is of someone who will help him.
  7. Gilgamesh acknowledges that a Great Counselor will come to befriend him.

Tablet XI tells of a six deck Ark with a 14400 (120 X 120) square cubit deck area. It contained 9 compartments (see Figure 6’s transverse bulkheads). The Ark design was initially laid out (lofted) in a field where it was built of Kopher, not Gopher (which defies translation), wood, a wood coated with a tar like substance. See Appendix A. Metal (precious or otherwise) was loaded into it acting as ballast. There is no suggestion that this metal was slag (waste) but rather valuable material. The Ark was launched by rolling it on logs until it was two-thirds into the water. Windsor thinks it was built in a dry dock. The Nommos likely had the necessary earth-moving equipment (to build their own survival ponds).

A “rain of fire” from the comet’s debris cloud was depicted in the Epic. The tsunami (or tide) from the comet’s impact washed over the dikes. Debris from the comet impact clouded the air. The winds and waters raged, carrying the Ark about in the resulting darkness. Civilization was washed away. The Ark wallows then found an anchorage. Birds were released and found land. The flood-waters drained away. Table 7 summarize these events and correlates them with details from Tablet XI of the Epic Of Gilgamesh as documented in Appendix C. Joseph Smith identified Noah as “the angel Gabriel” who in turn has been identified as an alien, along with Utanapishtim and the Nommos.

The Flood Of Giglamesh – Tablet XI

  1. Utanapishtim (the Faraway) is an extra-terrestrial alien and certainly would be from far away. The difference in appearance is noted, but Gilgamesh recognizes Utanapishtim as sentient.
  2. A massive flood is destined to occur. The location of an old alien base revealed.
  3. A wide Ark is specified.
  4. Food will be provided from heaven?
  5. The Ark was lofted (design laid out) in a field. This is a normal way to design a ship.
  6. An Ark deck area 120 cubits by 120 cubits is indirectly implied.
  7. An Ark of six decks (three in the hull and three in the deckhouse) is implied.
  8. Figure 6 (generated from ground penetrating radar) illustrates transverse bulkhead that would appear to divide the Ark into 9 compartments. The presence of the Moon Pool makes it appear to have more than 9 compartments.
  9. The implication is that the Moon Pool was initially closed off to the waters in which it floated, perhaps to aid in the launching procedure.
  10. The Ark was coated with a tar like substance for waterproofing purposes.
  11. A great celebration accompanied the completion of the Ark.
  12. The Ark was launched by rolling it into the water on logs.
  13. Metal (ballast?) was loaded onto the Ark
  14. The Ark was loaded with animals and people (craftsmen and relatives). Some translations indicate 50, not 8.
  15. Food (Manna?) was provided by the Gods (or aliens) and they told Gilgamesh to seal the entrance to the Ark.
  16. Storm clouds form.
  17. Gilgamesh gives away his palace.
  18. The debris cloud preceding the comet strikes raining fire (torches) and sets fires. The tsunami (or tide) strikes the dikes. Debris from the strike darkens the area.
  19. The winds and waters raged and carried the Ark about in the darkness.
  20. Civilization, as Gilgamesh had known it, was washed away.
  21. The Ark wallows in the flood-waters and runs aground.
  22. The birds are released to find land. One does; the waters are draining back into the ocean basins.
  23. The animals are released and sacrifices are offered.
  24. Note to remember the destruction brought on the Earth by the flood.
  25. The “Gods” had decreed that mankind was to die.
  26. The Ark is a ship of the “Gods”.
  27. The “Gods” caused the flood, particularly Enlil.
  28. Utanapishtim is to be taken back to his home star system. Perhaps he was a human in a previous life, or possibly an avatar from an alien species
  29. Recall that the Nommos (who may have constructed the Ark) were a species of amphibians.
  30. Perhaps a UFO or saucer ride offered.
  31. Note that Utanapishtim refers to mankind as if it was another (and very deceptive) species. Aliens have twice described us as such recently.
  32. The passage of time?
  33. Utanapishtim curses Urshanabi, the ferryman. (Note the aquatic references because Utanapishtim is believed to be a member of the alien amphibious Nommos species.)
  34. Gilgamesh is cleaned up and sets sail for a new destination. (Note there is some civilization left, which implies that the flood was local, not world wide as many religions preach.)
  35. Gilgamesh is to be given a parting gift.
  36. The promise of eternal youth (or maybe just some medicine.
  37. The anchor stones recognized and “explained”.
  38. Gilgames acquires the medicine, but decides to check it out on someone else before he takes it.
  39. Gilgames loses the medicine.
  40. Gilgamesh finds a home.


Windsor<=””> performed extensive analysis on the Ark Relic. The Ark’s biblical box-like construction would have had to hold its cargo below the water line. Such a design ignores the need for a bilge and the sharp box like design would lead to a bumpy ride. The “ship shape” structure smoothes the inertia when it changes directions from wave impacts. A survivable box shaped 300 cubit by 50 cubit by 30 cubit Ark could likely not even be built of wood. Seismically generated water vibration frequencies (in the 14 to 20 Hz region) from wave impacts would likely tear it apart by their sharp jerking forces.

Figure 20. Windsor’s Noah’s Ark Layout. (Note: dotted Region Represents Solid Reed Hull).8

Windsor’s Ark is has a ‘solid’ hull filled with reeds woven around logs. Apparently, the logs were stacked vertically near and joined with a framing structure about a cubit apart. The log may not have extend to the bottom of vessel. “The reeds appeared to be laid in sealing cementous material”. The Ark’s sides had to be protected from collision damage during its wild ride. The outer hull may not even have been ‘planked over’ and certainly was not water tight. Nevertheless, Windsor feels that some sort of vertical slabs made of ‘something’ were spaced along the hull’s exterior to protect the soft reed bundles from contact stress damage. They might be made of “wood or they might have been cast from some sort of cementous material”. The triple laminated bitumen covered ‘plywood’ shown in Figure 12 is possibly a good candidate. The massive gunnels (ribs) shown in Figure 9 were needed to hold this structure together and the reeds were used to soften the impacts from rock and debris the Ark struck along the way. The interior of the ‘Moon Pool’, which was used to pump air for the Ark’s ventilation, may have been planked or sealed along the sides. Notice also that the Ark had no rudder to be likewise damaged, but was steered with rock hard ‘flailing stones’. There is no evidence what these ropes were made of.

The superstructure depicted in Figures 16 and 17, was not based on any Ark recovery items. The Bible (Genesis 6:16 – Appendix A) indicates an Ark with three decks while the Epic Of Gilgamesh (Item 7 – Appendix C) specifies a six level Ark with seven decks. The top appears to contain an attic of about a cubit high. A three level hull (bottom, middle and top) could have appeared as the reeds decayed leaving layers of horizontally and vertically stacked log residue. These indications could have lasted till the time of Moses, 2,000 years later. Perhaps some of the superstructure could have been visible when the Epic was written, 500 to 700 years later. This could account for the two different reported levels. Windsor postulates no compartments, only bulkheads to separate the reed-woven log clusters. That means a solid Ark hull. However, Gilgamesh’s reported compartments (Item 8 – Appendix C) indicates nine bulkheads which is consistent with the ground penetrating radar images (neglecting the Moon Pool). Gilgamesh may have imagined that the Moon Pool’s bottom was covered to promote easy flotation, but Windsor feels this is unlikely. Windsor thinks that the Ark was ballasted before flotation.

Figure 21. Note The Foundation Stones Around The Ark’s Bow Permitting A Ship-Shape Structure.

Figure 21 shows major structural items such as log ends and foundation stones and the probable location of the loading ramp. The relic supports the Ark’s engineering items listed in Table 8.

Structural Ark Related Items

  1. The presence, size and location of the Moon Pool indicates a very sophisticated design.
  2. The bow stem (on the front) curls back and over the fore deck.
  3. The stern (back end) terminates with a vertical log.
  4. Large “foundation stones” support structural members only at the bow front).
  5. Fossilized log ends (sediment circular layering) appear at several places along the sides (gunnels) and at the stern.
  6. Transverse bulkheads are found at each end of the Moon Pool. The aft end of the Moon Pool exhibits a triple row of iron fittings about 30″ apart.
  7. Log ends are found outside (outboard) the sides (gunnels) except at two places believed to be near the loading port.
  8. The loading port is found about 45 yards from the front on the left (port) side.
  9. Apparently the loading port was left open after last used permitting a portal for mud to flood the inside of the Ark.
  10. 515.7′ relic lenght/300 cubits biblical Ark length = 20.628″/cubits, close to 20.625″ per Egyptian Cubit (EC).
  11. The ark is broad and stubby (300 EC – length, 79.7 EC – maximum beam).
  12. The depth is assumed to be about the reported 30 cubits (supported by the fallen bow stem).
  13. The Moon Pool is 114.6 EC long and 15.1 EC wide and center at the maximum beam point.
  14. Twelve of the anticipated twenty-four anchor stones have been found. Holes in the anchor stones are wider on one end, and of such size that the stones could be supported by a hand wound hemp rope with sufficient safety margin.
  15. One of the lighter anchor stones is a flailing stone, with a hole a located about a third of the way down its length.
  16. Bollards (posts possibly made of iron pipes whose remains are the 48″ wide circular ferromagnetic signatures) were used as tie-downs to maneuver the Ark using a combination of anchor stones and flailing stones.

Windsor’s analytical model suggests the end-point design requirements for the Ark as listed in Table 9. Notice that the light ship displacement is greater than a current British Harrier aircraft carrier (20,000 tons). It is more in line with the post WW II Hermes and Centaur class British aircraft carriers.

Ark End Point Design Items

  1. Light Ship Draft – 25.75′ (14.98 cubits)
  2. Max Load Draft – 45.08′ (26.23 cubits)
  3. Light Ship Displacement – 23.596 long tons.
  4. Max Load Ship Displacement – 48,219 long tons
  5. Max Beam (at light load water line) – 136.83′ (79.61 cubits)
  6. Length (at light load water line) – 513′ (298.47 cubits)
  7. Light ship GM – 56.9′ (33.11 cubits) Note: GM = metacentric height.
  8. Max Load GM – 3.17′ (1.84 cubits) Note: GM = metacentric height.

Figure 22. The GM Of Noah’s Ark.

The stability of a 80 cubit wide Ark is four times that of a 50 cubit wide Ark. The length to width ratio of 3.75 is a reasonable value for a “life-boat”. The width to depth ratio of 2.7 is reasonable for a stable high center of gravity raft or barge.

The metacentric height (GM) is a measure of stability of a vessel. See Figure 18. It is the distance between an imaginary point about which the vessel rolls (called the metacenter) and the ship’s center of gravity. It is the “lever arm” that keeps the vessel upright when it encounters an open ocean wave that can roll the vessel as much as 60o. Destroyers (length to breadth ratios of 9 or 10) were notably unstable during WW II. This was likely due to the pressure to add lots of top-side gear (like radars, dual purpose guns, etc.) Often, when listing during a turn they would only very slowly return to their proper upright position. The Ark was ten or eleven times more stable than a WW II battleship! The biblical recording of the heights of the waters above the mountains as only 15 cubits (Genesis 7:20) suggests that the Ark was lightly loaded (maybe with only Noah and his extended family and farm animals). Thus, the Ark’s draft of 15 cubits was sufficient to permit it to remain afloat while the tsunami’s (or tide) waters rushed over hazardous terrain. This “lightly loaded condition” is also consistent with the fear with which humans viewed the builders of the Ark (See the Book Of Noah 65.6 and 67.7). Humans then, as now, either feared the aliens and what they were doing or were deceived by their leaders. Comparative GM’s (in feet) for modern ships are listed in Table 10.

Ark Stability – Metacentric Height (GM)

  • WW II Battleship – 5′ or more
  • WW II Cruiser – 3′ or more
  • WW II Destroyer – 1.5′ – 2′
  • Cargo Ship – 2′
  • Noah’s Ark – 57′

Windsor9 further concludes that the Ark’s shape provided maneuverability, stability, low structural stress, good sea keeping characteristics, forced air ventilation (from wave motion in the Moon Pool) and an inboard refuse discharge area. While metal was used in its construction, long conductive paths from the roof to the sea were not present (providing shielding from lightening strikes). Apparently, he thinks the Ark could survive a 200 mph wind and 100 mph current. A comet strike would produce dramatic weather changes as well as powerful currents that could carry the Ark up into the mountains of Ararat. Massive turbulence would be encountered and potential compression damage could possibly have occurred as the Ark’s bottoms and sides struck natural obstacles. The Ark was engineered to undertake a very wild ride. Windsor’s analysis further suggests the Ark related standards listed in Table 11.

Ark Related Measurement Standards

  1. The inch, not the cubit, was the measurement standard used in the design and lofting of the Ark.
  2. The “inch” is also found utilized in the Great Pyramid of Giza
    1. The inch is found on the “boss” (semi-circular 1.001″ thick slab) found in the grand gallery.
    1. An ancient iron tool carbon dated to 3100 BCE also found in the pyramid.6
  3. The Ark’s deck area
    1. The total area enclosed by the deck edge outline minus the moon pool’s area or 7,112,113 – 761,713 = 6,350,400 inches2.
    1. Deck area from Genesis, 50 EC (1030″) x 300 EC (6180″) cubits = 6,365,400 inches2. Note: 20.625″/Egyption cubit (EC)
    1. Ark deck area from Gilgamesh is one “Iku”, 120 GBC2 = 6,350,400 inch2. Note 21″/Great Babylonian cubits (GBC).
    1. One British acre = 44,100 feet2 = 6,350,400 inch2
    1. One British acre = one “Iku = (120 GBC)2 = 6,350,400 inch2

Notice that the measured Ark deck area almost precisely matches the “Iku” which has been handed down from the original Mesopotamia Epic Of Gilgamesh. “Iku” and “acre” even sound alike. Further, the old English inch equals 1.001 times the modern inch, and this value closely matches the “inch” thick boss found in the Great Pyramid of Giza. This connection between England and Mesopotamia is further strengthened by the observations of the author’s of “Uriel’s Machine”.11 They claim that those who built the standing stones in sites such as Maes Howe in Orkney had extensive knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. They suggest that the ancient Scots knew of a threatening comet which would cause the Great Floods. This knowledge could have come from the Nommos. That ancient connection is still carried (in our collective conscience-ness) by the memory of the acre and inch.

Windsor also found that Fibonacci’s Golden Ratio, phi, was used throughout the Ark’s design. He was nbot the only one. See this report from the Shabbat Shalom Family, dated: June 9, 2007
Description of Noahs Ark and the Length and width. What is a cubit? The Golden section or Ratio

I have added a post in the forum section under the Heading of Noah’s Ark 2007. In it, with the aid of the local Turkish news stories, I show you what was going on behind the scenes, as we traveled in Turkey, which I did not know of, until after we had left the Dugubayazit area. In this News Letter we will look at the measurements (the length and the width) of the boat shaped object.<

  • The length of the Ark can be viewed as exactly fifty times the measuring reed, or pi, for 157.08 meters. When viewed in inch measure the resultant numerical series is phi, or 6180, more commonly known as the Golden Section
  • First, consider that this ratio has increased the width of the Ark from 85.8 to 138 feet for a gain of 53 feet. This figure divided in half gives the center slot if 26.5 feet. I measured it at slightly over 26 feet, so we might assume this to be so. If we take 26.5 times 1.6180 we find it close to the distance measured between bulkheads #9 and #8. The correct figure should have been 42.877 feet. If we multiply this by three, we can calculate the next figure to be 128.631. I had measured it as 128 feet between bulkheads #8 an #7. Surely we are on to something here.
  • would therefore suggest that the entire vessel is laid out by this ratio, that the bulkheads #6 is indeed the dividing point of the entire design, and that the portion to the forward end, 318.27 feet, times the 1.6180, give the vessels inside measure as 514.96 feet, again almost exactly 300 cubits.

Soon, everywhere I turned this strange number kept popping up. The 20.6 inch cubit times the 50 cubit width of the Ark was 1030 inches. If the angel’s measuring reed was 6 cubits or 123.6 inches, this would be 10.3 feet! Yet the 123.6 inches of the reed was the 123.6 feet between bulkhead #9 and the very end of the Ark’s bow extension. There must be a connection! The Ark seemed to be designed with some ratio in mind. This is apparent in the Holy Temple of Solomon as well, where the number 12 is important.

Phi is such that if a line is divided into two parts, a & b, then the Table 12 relationships exist.

Phi Definition

  • If a is the larger part “Phi” = a/b when a/b = (a + b)/a
  • Phi, like “pi” (about 3.1416), is an irrational number.
  • Phi = a/b = 1 + b/a = 1/2 x (1 + 51/2) = about 1.6180.
  • The inverse of phi is phi-1 = b/a = a/b – 1 = about 0.618.
  • Phi2 = phi + 1
  • Phi-1 = phi – 1

This Golden Ratio is used throughout the Ark’s construction. Define y as its length, b as its maximum beam, m as the average beam width, d as its depth, and A as the circumscribed deck area (minus Moon Pool). M is the “deck area” of the Moon Pool and z & w is its length & width. Further, define MBP as the point along the length of the vessel where the maximum beam width occurs. Then MPB – S is the distance from this point to the stern and MPB – B is the distance to the bow. The MBP – S is the longest of these extensions (like a board protruding out of a structure), and thus the segment most susceptible to vibration. Windsor found the “phi” proportions in the Ark relic at least eight times.10 They have been reformulated in Table 13 to be linear in terms of phi because a linear relationship is thought to be fundamental to reducing vibrations in a vessel. Assume that the Ark’s design criterion was to have the deck area of one acre and to take a 10,000″ or 833′ trough to crest non-broadside wave – at least one time (although Windsor has doubts about it surviving a high velocity tsunami). Then:

Phi In The Ark Structure (In Order Of Design Use?)

  1. Phi = 10,000″/y(Ark’s length) = 0.618. Thus y = 10,000″/1.618 = 6180″ = 299.6 EC
  2. Phi = m/d = A/(y x d). Thus, d = A/(y x phi) = 6,350,400 inch2/(6180″ x 1.618) = 635″ = 30.8 EC
  3. Phi = b/m = (b x y)/A. Thus, b = phi x A/y = 1.618 x 6,350,400 inch2/6180″ = 1662.6″ = 80.6 EC
  4. Since phi2 = phi + 1, then d x phi2 = d (b/m x m/d) = b = d x (phi + 1) = d x (m/d) + d = m + d
    Thus m = b – d = 80.6 – 30.8 = 49.8 EC
  5. Phi = y/(MBP-S). Thus (MBP-S) = y/phi = 6180″/1.618 = 3819.5″ = 185.2 EC
  6. Phi = (y/z) – 1). Thus y/z = phi + 1 = phi2 or z = y/phi2 = 6180/1.6182 = 2360.6″ = 114.5 EC
  7. Phi = mean hull length/mean Moon Pool length = (A/b)/(M/w).
    Thus w = phi x b x M/A = 1.618 x 1663 x 752,544 inch2/ (6,350,400 inch2) = 319″ = 15.5 EC
  8. Phi = (MBP-S)/(MBP-B) = 1.618. Because y = (MBP-S) + (MBP-B) then y/(MBP- S) = 1 + (MBP-B)/(MBP-S) or phi – 1 = phi-1 = (MBP-B)/(MBP-S)
  9. Length of Deckhouse (assumed) = b x phi2 = 210 EC. No mathematical or relic supporting data found.

Phi is a natural number that defines the structure of an ocean wave (and how the Ark would “ride” one). Windsor believes that including phi in the design some way reduces resonate vibrations that would tend to destroy the vessel. Note that the above phi relationships all involve linear ratios that could define an imaginary plate. Phi has very interesting properties related to the modes of vibration in thin plate structures and the frequency mixing (heterodyning) of electro-magnetic wave- forms as follows:

    For a thin rectangular plate with free edges and using the standard equations of motion where the dimensions of the lengths of the edges are in the ratio (51/2+1)/2 = 1.618033989… (the golden ratio), the first two modes will occur at the same natural frequency (eigenvalue). The mode shapes (eigenvectors) will be very different however. One of the modes is the first bending mode and the other is the first twisting mode. Thus, a forced natural vibration induced in one mode will be shared, and damped, by the other mode.
    Take two frequencies, f1 = 1 unit, and f2 = a frequency that is Phi times larger, or f2 = 1.6180339 f1, and modulate them (nonlinearly mix them). The two new frequencies are the sum (2.6180339f) and the difference (0.6180339f) of the two frequencies. That is the same as Phi2f and Phi-1f. These powers of Phi are automatically generated whenever two frequencies that are related by a ratio equal to Phi are mixed or “heterodyned”.

Apparently when impulse energy is put into a thin plate of golden ratio dimensions, two separate vibration modes are stimulated. Any fastenings onto supporting structures (bulkhead members, etc.) will dampen this energy. Distributing energy naturally in two separate modes accentuates the dampening. This is why the phi constant was so extensively integrated in the Ark’s design. It is a natural way to distribute impulse energy and limit the hull vibration that could damage the vessel.

Further notice that the Figure 17 (Computer Estimated) Circumference Area less the Moon Pool Area compared to the Designed Area (acre) is:

(7,112,112.72 inch2 – 752,544 inch2)/6,350,400 inch2 = 1.001

Thus, the measured deck area of the Ark met the designer’s specifications, one acre, and direct measurement of the Ark’s parameters match the theoretical values. See Table 14.

Measured Verses Theoretical Ark Parameters
Ark ParameterMeasured inches/(EC)Theoretical inches (EC)Bible
Length (Design Parameter)6180.5 +/- 4″ (299.6)6180″ (299.6 EC)300 EC
Hull Depth (estimated)612″ (29.7 EC)635″ (30.8 EC)30 EC
Maximum Beam (Extrapolated)1663″ +/- 6″ (80.6 EC)1662.6″ (80.6 EC)None
Average Width1029″ +/- 6″ (49.88 EC)1027.6″ (49.82 EC)50 EC
(Max. Beam Point) to Stern3819″ +/- 6″ (185.2 EC)3819.5″ (185.2 EC)None
Moon Pool Length2412″ +/- 6″ (116.9 EC)2360.6″ (114.5 ECNone
Moon Pool Width312″ +/- 6″ (15.1 EC)319″ (15.5 EC)None
(Max. Beam Point) to Stern/
(Max Beam Point) to Bow
3819″ +/- 6″ (185.2 EC)/
2361″ +/- 6″ (144.5 EC)
3819.5″ (185.2 EC)/
2361″ (144.5 EC)
Area (Design Parameter)6,359,568.72 inch26,350,400 inch2Table 11

The Ark’s superstructure’s shell is proposed to be a scaled down (9/10?) version of the Ark’s shape, about 270 EC long and 27.7 EC high. This would provide a 58.5 EC hull girder modulus, close to the 60 EC Windsor assumed. Its cross section would still be much as Windsor suggests. The 01 and 02 -level decks would have similar Moon Pool like area (but reduced by about 10%) except that they would be split into four or more nominally equal-length segments. The top could have a similar reduced Moon Pool like open area, probably with a “roof”. This design would offer a 3 – 4 EC wide walkway around the Ark so lines could be handled and hull/superstructure inspections made. It also would offer the same vibration resistant features as found in the Ark’s hull.

The superstructure would end 47′ or 27 EC before the stern and begin 3 EC before the bow. It major framing members would attach to the Ark’s bulkheads depicted in Figure 6. The compression braced bow stem (possibly as much a 16 EC wide) would splay a large wave’s impact and protect the superstructure’s front if the Ark was pointed towards it. The force of the impact would be transferred through the entire Ark by the extended box girder structure of the Moon Pool as shown in Figure 6. If this wave were tsunami driven, the Ark would likely have to take the impact only one time.

The “Jewish Tales Of Ancient Times” offer an even more precise description of the Ark:

“150 chambers shall be the length of its right side, 150 chambers shall also be the length of its left; 33 chambers shall be its breadth at the front, 33 chambers shall also be its breadth at the back. In the middle shall be ten rooms for cooking utensils, also five store-rooms at the left side; there are to be pipes to bring water, (from the two large cylindrical tanks at the bow, 14′ high and 24′ across bound with metal bands) which can be opened and shut. The vessel shall be three stories high; as the first level is, so also shall be the second and third stories; in the lowest story are to be housed the cattle and wild animals; in the middle story shall nest the birds; the upper story is for men and the worm-creatures.12
The Nommos See Table H-13 here offer a viable image of the worm-creatures from Sirius.13

The above description can be fit to the relic accordingly. The living spaces would be around the ventilation provided by the Moon Pool. This is its 117 EC length and a roughly semi-circular bow region with a nominal radius of 36 EC. Two rows of 25 chambers, each about 7 EC wide (with about 0.4 EC more for framing), are postulated with a ventilation strip along the middle of the mutual walkway on the 01 and 02 decks. The walkways would be about 4 EC wide with a 4 EC strip running down the middle between them. An 8 EC walkway around the Moon Pool is anticipated for line handling and refuse dumping. The main deck chambers would only have a 4 EC walkway separating them. The chambers would be about 10 EC deep. The front 11 chambers (per story) would be along the curved bow and about 76 cubits long. Living area near the Moon Pool was prime real estate on the Ark. The best quarters were “topside”. The five storage aft rooms would be formed from vertical extensions of the bulkheads aft of the Moon Pool. The existence of the described aft chambers is questionable as the aft end of the Moon Pool may be needed to ventilate the store-room and they would be poorly ventilated. The middle ten rooms (per story?) would be above the Moon Pool (maybe on the 02 and 03 decks) and the cooking fires vented directly upwards. The anchor and flailing stones could be handled from mountings attached to the 01 deck. The worm-creatures refer to above are the amphibious aliens (Nommos) who would “man” the Ark using skills from home. They could also communicate with their air and space born craft tracking the Ark’s progress and offer navigational direction during its wild ride.

Babylonian Ark Stories were recorded by the Greek historian Berosus (4th century BC).

“To him [Xisuthrus] the deity Cronus deity (the alien – Utanapishtim (the Faraway)) foretold that on the fifteenth day of the month Desius there would be a deluge of rain … after the cessation of the rain Xisuthrus sent out birds, by way of experiment, that he might judge whether the flood had subsided. But the birds passing over an unbounded sea, without finding any place of rest, returned again to Xisuthrus. This he repeated with other birds. And when upon the third trial he succeeded, for the birds then returned with their feet stained with mud, the gods translated him from among men. With respect to the vessel, which yet remains in Armenia, it is a custom of the inhabitants to form bracelets and amulets of its wood.”

ET Aliens Archangels(like Gabriel) instructs that the Ark be made of reeds and comved with pitch. Also, it is provided a form of artificial light in the Ark.14

  • Wikipedia: Noah’s Ark
    It is made of “gopher” wood, a word which does not appear elsewhere in the entire Bible, and is divided into qinnim, a word which always refers to birds’ nests elsewhere, leading some scholars to amend this to qanim, reeds, the material used for the boat of Atrahasis, the Babylonian flood-hero. God instructs Noah to kapar (smear) the ark with koper (pitch):
    Precious stones, said to be as bright as the noon sun, provided light,
  • How Does Archangel Uriel Warn Noah To Build An Ark For The Great Flood? The Book of Enoch, which is part of the Jewish and Christian apocrypha, describes how several holy archangels are disturbed by witnessing the toll that sin has taken on Earth, and how God assigns each of those archangels to help the fallen world.
    Enoch 9:1-4 describes Uriel and several other famous archangels watching the pain and destruction of sin playing out on Earth: “And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. And they said one to another: ‘The earth made without inhabitants cries the voice of their crying up to the gates of heaven.
    In his book Invoking Angels: For Blessings, Protection, and Healing David A. Cooper writes about a mystical sapphire on Noah’s ark that may have symbolized Uriel’s presence with Noah throughout the flood: “Regarding the archangel Uriel, the light of God, we find in Kabbalistic [Jewish mystical] literature that when Noah was instructed by an angel on the building of the ark, he engraved the teaching on a mythical precious stone, a sapphire, which he then built into the ark as a kind of skylight. This stone was a mystical source of light and became the main source of illumination for the ark. The oral tradition teaches that during the entire twelve months of the flood, Noah did not need normal daylight or moonlight, for the engraved sapphire of illumination shone all the time.

This light giving stone correlates with the 16 “shining stones” used by the Jews in crossing over to South America circa 600 BC. And they also can be correlated with the technology found in the “Time Capsule Of Alien(?) Technology” considered in Appendix D. Open fires on the pitch coated wooden Ark would have to be carefully contained. A single “great pearl” would have been inadequate to light such a massive and intricate vessel as the Ark appears to be. However, 16 or more such lights could have provided the necessary lighting. It is proposed that the 16 shining stones recovered from the Ark relic were lights.

The Ark may have housed six (or more) per chamber, totaling almost 2,000. Gilgamesh was a “king” and gave away his palace before the deluge. The ET aliens may have been surprised when so few showed up along with farm animals. The Naval Observatory, Los Alamos National Laboratories and the CIA(Temple15) aggressively suppressed the Ark find, the Sirius Mystery and the IRAS point (Vulcan or Planet X) association. A Rand scientist suggests secrecy should there be an impending impact. Meanwhile the US Government works on its “Continuity Of Government” shelters.


The boat shaped formation examined by Windsor and Fasold appears to have had sea keeping features appropriate for its mission of riding out a massive flood from a comet or meteorite strike. While some may argue that it is just a natural formation of “dirt, iron and rock”, it is highly unlikely that all the reported historical information could be generated by a natural structure. Specifically:

Why This Is Noah’s Ark

  1. It looks like a boat from the air. See Figure 23.

Figure 23. The Noah’s Ark Relic As Seen From Above.

  1. The measured length, depth and average width matches the value specified in the Bible (Genesis 7:15).
  2. The Ark has been found time and again as reported by Moses’, Josephus, the Crusaders, and countless others.
  3. The Ark site location corresponds to ancient folklore and literary (e.g. Biblical) descriptions of the flood event.
  4. The Ark site location was specified by 4 th BC historical data (using geographical triangulation techniques).
  5. Fasold predicted the Ark’s longitude and latitude to within 1/2 mile by using the ancient directions before seeing it.
  6. The Ark relic formation is like a modern “lofted” ship shaped in three dimensions.
  7. The measured “deck area” matches the value specified in the Epic Of Gilgamesh (120 Great Babylonian Cubits)2 and the Bible 15000 Egyptian Cubits2 (50 Egyptian Cubits X 300 Egyptian Cubits) = one English Acre (an Iku).
  8. The nine bulkhead reported in the Epic Of Gilgamesh match ground penetrating radar images.
  9. “Log ends” (with circular sediment suggesting petrifaction) are found at points of high stress.
  10. Small samples found near the Ark look like petrified wooden beams and contains traces of organic carbon.
  11. Patterned metal residue found in thousands of places implies oxidized “fasteners” used to attach transverse and longitudinal framing members forming a “ship-shaped” hull (with minor damage where striking a rock).
  12. Fossilized heavily corroded iron oxide “metal” rivets and U shaped brackets (exhibiting fabrication) have been found at the Ark site.
  13. Small clusters of fossilized metal rivets have been found indicating a major beam joining structure.
  14. Ballast thought to be slag or unused metal was found spilling from the hull at an appropriate hull breech.
  15. A Moon Pool of just the right size, shape and hull location needed to enhance stability and ship handling requirements has been identified by bulkhead detection using ground penetration radar.
  16. Anchor stones were found at a potential anchorage apparently left “upstream” from a logical beaching site.
  17. The gentle grade of the beach site is the only such site at its elevation east of the anchor stones’ location that would accommodate a large vessel where it could be successfully off loaded.
  18. A flailing stone (with a proper placed circular hole) has been found that is of the appropriate size for maneuvering a vessel of this size across wind or current.
  19. The anchor stones are carved with crosses (probably not by local Muslims, but rather by Crusaders) representing Noah’s extended family and indicating that earlier generations believed them to be Ark related.
  20. The drilled holes in the anchor stones are beveled and conform to the use of wound rope line knotted on the wider beveled side. The ratio of drilled hole- size to stone weight indicates that they weredesigned to known and consistent strength of both rope and stone. The holes are appropriately sized for hand wound hemp rope.
  21. Flat foundation stones are found in regular positions located precisely where they would be needed to support the compression columns required to support bow stem “masting”.
  22. Engineering analysis indicates that the Ark’s stability (a GM) was eleven times that of a modern battleship, Such stability was required to enable the Ark to survive its anticipated wild ride (200 mph wind, 100 mph current).
  23. The Ark’s solid hull did not need bilge pumps and could resist compression damage.
  24. Impressions from rib-slabs used to protect the Ark’s hull from compression damage still exist at the Ark site.
  25. Six to eight of the Ark’s structural engineering parameters accurately reflect Fibonacci’s Golden Ratio and suggest that it was designed with an acre sized deck area and able to survive an 833′ high wave.

The Ark has been found before time and again. Not only is it in the mountains of Ararat as specified in the bible, but near Mount Cudi as specified by the Koran. There are no indications of a current or prehistoric lake where the Ark relic was found. But the most surprising evidence of the Ark’s structure is related to its engineering and the “phi relationships” used in its design. These predicted its measured length, depth, maximum beam, average width and Moon Pool specifications. The largest error is the Ark’s depth as that has not been measured because excavation has not yet been permitted. There is little doubt that this relic is the remains of Noah’s Ark. But the implications of its discovery far outweigh the simple verification of scriptural text.


Other evidence suggests that there was alien activity on Earth around and after the time of Noah. Other than Noah’s Ark, there are two other ancient artifacts exhibiting alien technology. The most obvious is the Great Pyramid, the world’s largest building and, at the start of the 20 thcentury, the tallest. So perfect is it that it could not be reproduced today. Both Pi (3.14159…) and the phi (The Golden Ratio) are found woven into its design. The Great Pyramid’s four sides are concaved (dimpled) and it is actually an eight-sided pyramid. The question of how the pyramid was built (or why it is concave) has never received a wholly satisfactory answer. See Figure 24.

This concavity divides each of the apparent four sides in half, creating a very special and unusual eight-sided pyramid; and it is executed to such an extraordinary degree of precision as to enter the realm of the uncanny. For, viewed from any ground position or distance, this concavity is quite invisible to the naked eye. The hollowing-in can be noticed only from the air, and only on the equinoxes. This explains why virtually every available photograph of the Great Pyramid does not show the hollowing-in phenomenon, and why the concavity was never discovered until the age of aviation. It was discovered quite by accident in 1940, when a British Air Force pilot, P. Groves, was flying over the pyramid. He happened to notice the concavity and captured it in the now-famous photograph.

Figure 24. The Concavity Of The Great Pyramid

Additionally, no one knows how anyone of that day could have been reasonably built this structure. But the alien presence adds a whole different dimension to this problem. The amount of building material used for constructing the Great Pyramid was monumental by itself.

The Great Pyramid consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks which most believe to have been transported from nearby quarries. The Tura limestone used for the casing was quarried across the river. The largest granite stones in the pyramid, found in the “King’s” chamber, weigh 25 to 80 tonnes and were transported from Aswan, more than 800 km (500 mi) away. Traditionally, ancient Egyptians cut stone blocks by hammering into them some wooden wedges, which were then soaked with water. As the water was absorbed, the wedges expanded, causing the rock to crack. Once they were cut, they were carried by boat either up or down the Nile River to the pyramid.[18] It is estimated that 5.5 million tonnes of limestone, 8,000 tonnes of granite (imported from Aswan) , and 500,000 tonnes of mortar were used in the construction of the Great Pyramid

Many alternative, often contradictory, theories have been proposed regarding the pyramid’s construction techniques. One was that it was built by about 100,000 men over a time span of 20 years. Does that really sound even reasonable?

Given the presence of ET aliens, especially the Nommos, an Artisan Sentient species, it seems more reasonable that they built the Great Pyramid. Sirius, the Nommos home star system, is also used in the yearly initiation of the Egyptian lunar calendar. Their antigravity equipped saucers, similar to those of the Iargans, could easily transport and accurately place these gigantic stones from hundreds of miles away (even though much of this was along the Nile river).

After the Great Flood of 3195 BC, Egypt languished. About 3025 BC, Egypt’s first kings appeared, then the first dynasty appeared over 2925 to 2575 BC. The Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx of Giza were built during Cheops reign in the fourth dynasty, between 2575 and 2465 although radiocarbon evidence dates it to about 200 or 400 years earlier. However, the southern shafts in the kings chamber align with Sirius in 2500 BC. The Nommos (ET Aliens) home star is in the Sirius star system. They are a species of amphibians, use to water travel (in ships) and perhaps weaving reeds.

This is about the time the famous Akkadian seal appeared showing our solar system. The Akkadian Seal depicts Vulcan (AKA Nibiru) as well as known planets.

Figure 25. The Akkadian Seal. (© Sitchin 12th Planet) Note: Planet Diameters Are Related To Logarithm Of Their Masses.

Figure 26 shows that effectively, the mass of the Jovian planets relative to the Sun were depicted on this seal in a logarithmic manner.

Figure 26. A Mathematical Fit Of The Depicted Diameters Of The Jovians/Sun Vs. The Logarithm Of Their Masses.

Vulcan drags comets from the Kuiper belt into an orbit passing near Earth and an impact from one caused the Great Flood. Vulcan is estimated to be of 22nd magnitude or more. The Akkadians could not detect it but it is reasonable that Nommos aliens could. They may have explained its significance after the Great Flood as recorded on the seal depicted in Figure 25. Further, is it logical that humans would not have the technology discovered in the Ark relic but it is logical to attribute it to alien sources. Thus, the Ark relic indirectly confirms Vulcan’s existence and that directly leads to Earth impacts that may have caused several biblical catastrophes.

It is rumored that Noah’s Ark was built in Iraq. The Akkadian civilization was active there, and one would expect those in the US government, greedy for ET alien technology, would want those treasures. Sure enough, war soon broke out and the USA invaded a country that had never attacked it, Iraq. Some did suspect that it more about ET alien technology than about oil. There are lots of other oil rich countries, so that would hardly be an issue.

  • More About Iraq And The Sumerian Relics – February 3, 2003
  • The Secret Race To Control Iraq’s Extraterrestrial Heritage – March, 2003
    Soon after Saddam’s elevation to power in 1979, he started the construction of a sophisticated network of underground tunnels and bunkers. These elaborate constructions were motivated both by the threat posed by Iranian missile attack, and Saddam’s awareness that Iraq’s ancient (ET) heritage, much of which lay buried, was the key to his own grandiose plans for regional dominance. It is very likely that at some point in the construction of these underground constructions throughout Iraq, evidence of Iraq’s extraterrestrial civilization was first encountered. The complex task of studying and eventually reverse engineering these ET assets would have begun.
  • Conspiracy Theories I Must Discuss… – December 18, 2006
    “Anti-gravity, longevity, cures for AIDS and cancer, limitless free energy, faster-than-light space travel — no wonder certain persons would go to any lengths to obtain, or conceal, such knowledge. As detailed in Jim Marrs’ “underground bestseller” Rule by Secrecy, the United States has long been governed by men connected to secret societies such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati and the Freemasons. All of these groups can be traced back to even earlier societies, all with a particular interest in alchemy and the occult.
    It may well have been this interest and knowledge that prompted certain U.S. leaders with secret society connections to desire sending troops into Iraq in 2003.
    This desire may have been intensified after ABC News reported nearly 400 ancient Sumerian artifacts were discovered in Iraq in 1999 in the southern Iraqi town of Basmyiah, about 100 miles south of Baghdad. The Iraqi New Agency said the objects ranged from animal and human-shaped “toys” to cuneiform tablets and even “ancient weapons”. At least one cylinder seal depicted a tall person thought to represent the ancient King Gilgamesh. The antiquities were dated to about 2500 B.C., said excavation team leader Riyadh al-Douri. Further discoveries in Iraq were made in 2002 and early 2003 by archeologists from the Bavarian department of Historical Monuments in Munich, Germany using digital mapping technology.
    According to spokesman Jorg Fassbinder, a magnetometer was utilized to locate buried walls, gardens, palaces and a surprising the network of canals that would have made Uruk a “Venice in the desert” the remember, the Nommos were amphibians. This equipment also located a structure in the middle of the Euphrates River which Fassbinder’s team believed to be the tomb of Gilgamesh, the ancient king who claimed to be two-thirds god and only one-third human. An epic poem describing Gilgamesh’s search for the secret of immortality was inscribed on clay tablets more than 2,000 years ago and is thought to be one of the oldest books in history. Reportedly, other astonishing finds were being made during this time by both German and French archaeological teams given permission to excavate by Saddam Hussein. It may be worth noting that Germany and France were the two nations most opposed to the U.S. invasion in 2003.”
  • Military Report On Ziggurat Of Ur – Jun 9, 2009
    Ziggurat of Ur is an ancient Sumerian ziggurat in Dhi Qar Province Iraq,. the ziggurat was built by Sumerian King Ur Nammu & his son Shulgi. apparently the 21st century BC during the Third Dynasty of Ur in. honor of the moon god Nanna
  • Oh, So THIS Is What ET Looks Like: Proof Of Ancient Aliens In Baghdad – January 27, 2014
  • Proof Of Ancient Aliens In The National Museum Of Iraq?? – Mar 30, 2014

Even more compelling (alien?) technology is found in the Cave Of The Ancient’s (Appendix D). It contains models of cities, moveable gear and long duration lighting as well as thought generating picture machines. The witness (T. Lobsang Rampa) associates this with a “Sphinx”. He and his lamaist monks friends undertook a “remote viewing” exercise and came up with a story very consistent with the one of the Great Flood (as being an impact event). See Appendix E. The accompanying meteorite shower and flood are “viewed” along with the horror of the event. The book was published circa 1963, and the experience happened long before that, when “catastrophism” or “aliens” were not popular subjects.


There are three major implications associated with the Ark relic, and they are meaningful to us today. The First Major Implication, and probably the one of most value, is that the Ark relic verifies the various legends found in Genesis, the Epic Of Gilgaesh and various other flood tales. But more importantly, it verifies the words of Christ. Christ is an Avatar Of The Infinite Soul, for example similar to Buddha as can be mathematically demonstrated. Objects orbiting the Sun have to move about in an Orbit plane, so points supporting that orbit must be co-planer which is what was found. These Avatars have access to all knowledge and Christ recognized Noah’s Flood (Matthew 24: 37 – 39) and by extension, Noah’s Ark. Noah’s Flood and his Ark are not a fairy tale. It was a very real event.

Windsor asks “Was this the vessel built by Noah, and if not, who did build it?”. That is a very good question, and it brings us to the relic’s Second Major Implication. It appears that Noah’s Ark is a relic of alien design and probably construction. ET aliens are the angels found throughout the Bible. Perhaps Noah’s Ark should be referred to as The Nommos’ Ark. This conclusion is supported by the following observations:

  1. The Nommos, an alien amphibian species, arrive in North Africa just before the Great Flood.
  2. The reference of Utanapishtim as being the “faraway” (e.g. a Nommos) in the Epic Of Gilgamesh.
  3. The aquatic references associated with Utanapishtim in the Epic Of Gilgamesh.
  4. The Dogon recieve extensive astronomical knowledge about the aliens (Nommos) home star system, Sirius.
  5. The warnings recorded in various Flood accounts imply predictability. Space mobile aliens would be aware of the celestial mechanics needed to time and locate the impact point (and places that may be flooded).
  6. The assertion that angels (not humans) built the Ark as stated in the Book of Noah.
  7. William Cooper, Major John Lear and Air Force officer William English, at the risk of their very lives, are trying reveal the Alien Presence on this earth. . . Throughout history the aliens have manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religion and the occult. The CFR and the Trilateral Commission are in complete control of the alien technology and the nation’s economy.
  8. The presence of high concentrations of titanium oxide (74%) and manganese oxide (87%) in the ballast.
  9. The presence of iron fittings and rivets 2,000 years before the iron age.
  10. An unknown technique was used to drill the holes in the anchor stones and other ancient artifacts.
  11. The Ark was lofted (laid out full scale on land) by modern methods and made of reeds (a material likely familiar to an amphibious species). Such a vessel wouldn’t be possible until steel was available (late 1800’s).
  12. The ancient lofting procedure involved making ellipses, “camber” circles to produce “parabolic-like” lines and related knowledge to generating vibration damped water flow.
  13. The sophisticated Ark design with a Moon Pool in the proper location.
  14. The Ark reveals alien engineering principles. Up to eight relationships between its dimensions and the “Golden Ratio” offer a new way to reduce resonate vibrations in ships and planes.
  15. Phi (and pi) are found in the Great Pyramid of Giza, a structure whose construction still remains mysterious.

The first seven items offer evidence that non-humans built the Ark, and that an extra-terrestrial space mobile alien species of amphibians have been reported to have visited Earth at about the time of the Ark’s construction. There are extensive reports of their imparting astronomical knowledge to the humans of the day, particularly that Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana was formed by a meteorite strike. Further, the Akkadian Seal (2500 BC) indicates that Vulcan was then known. The comet swarms that threaten Earth result from a simple analysis of its orbit. Further, notice that the first human use of wheeled transportation began in Samaria about 3300 – 3200 BC, around the time the Ark would have been under construction. Perhaps it was that:

  • The wheel and the ship’s sail were the “alien technology” of their day
  • Cuneiform writing and astronomical knowledge about Sirius were a product of alien teaching.

The aliens then, like today, considered humans a “deceptive” species. This is a serious issue because it indicates that we have failed to even recognize the importance of our integrity to our fellow humans. This can cause catastrophic consequences.

  • Note that Utanapishtim refers to mankind as if it was another (and very deceptive) species.
  • The Crabwood crop formation: The message: “Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. – broken word (EELRLJUE?) – There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. COnduit (partly damaged word) CLOSING [Bell Sound].
  • The History Of Crop Circles 1991. Now explain this: OPPONO ASTOS­ “I oppose acts of craft and cunning.”

The Sirius star system was not considered able to support life because a Naval Observatory’s analysis indicated that habitable planets were impossible. But new simulations indicate such planets are possible. The Nommos are thought to be from a single “water world” orbiting (and receiving warmth from) a detected 0.05 (or 0.25?) solar mass dwarf (flare?) star, Sirius C suspected to orbit Sirius B at ~3 AU.

Items eight through ten indicate the use of advanced metallurgy. Additionally, an iron tool found in the Great Pyramid has been radiocarbon dated to about the time of the Ark’s construction, 3100 BC. The Naval Observatory (and even the CIA) appear to be involved in the suppression of both the Sirius Mysery and Planet X – IRAS point discovery. Los Alamos National Laboratories knew of the Ark’s titanium, and quickly moved to suppress its discovery. The Ark relic is the “smoking gun” that implicates the U.S. government in both the UFO cover- up and another to suppress knowledge of frequent dangerous comet strikes. Such a strike could cause the death of billions .

Items eleven through thirteen indicate the Ark’s builders used modern ship- building techniques. The Samarians were a culture that had just discovered the wheeled vehicle. How then could they know about lofting techniques that used ellipses and parabolas? Items fourteen and fifteen deal with the extensive use of the Golden Ratio “phi” in the Ark’s design. This alien technique stimulates two separate vibration modes that can be independently suppressed. It is a new alien technology that should be further investigated and could be applied to modern aircraft and naval vessels.

The Third Major Implication is “Why would aliens travel light-years between the stars to help human beings”? It is doubtful that we could offer a new source of food or labor for such an advanced race. Our raw materials are much farther away then those likely available in their own solar system. Two “spiritual” consequences, reflecting on actions found in the physical universe, are postulated to be the reason. The first is a “Philanthropic karmic debt”, one just the opposite of a negative one gained by those suppressing knowledge of the dangerous comet swarms. By saving humanity, the favor would be returned to their species. Humans, a warrior species, would act to save them. Having a Warrior species around on one’s side when trouble comes could prove beneficial.

The inch and the acre (Iku) unit of measure are found in the (Christian) cultures of England and the USA. This is a clue as to what drove the Nommos to go such great lengths to save the humanity. Noah’s story is common to Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The former two are large religions, driven by the manifestation of an avatar. Avatars form a “club”. The memory of their existence in human culture is treasured. The Dogon legends imply that the Nommos were involved with an avatar of their own species. Technically, avatars are shared by a set of seven sentient species (a Combo) so it was likely one known by humans. Perhaps mankind’s infinite or transcendental soul (e.g. Christ or Mohammed) also “manifested” with the Nommos. Perhaps in such a manifestation, one or both of them were reaching out to save mankind from a catastrophic comet impact. Certainly, Christ (Revelation 8 and 9) was reaching out to us with just such a comet or meteorite impact warning.

The Nommos were likely the origin of our tales of mermaids and mermen. However, it is unlikely that the Nommos’ avatar accompanied them to Earth. A species intelligent enough for space travel would likely not risk the “life” of their avatar on such a sojourn. Avatars are just too valuable. In fact, they are more valuable then the entire incarnate sentient species because they impact its evolution in such a positive manner. Truly, they are the “light of our lives”. This is why “religions” form around them, irregardless of how poorly the religion interpreters the impact of their manifestation.

Returning to the First Major Implication, since Christ’s words about Noah’s Flood have been scientifically verified, perhaps his other words also warrant sincere scientific evaluation. The Bible is full of warnings of comet or asteroid impacts, especially from Christ as found in the New Testament. For example, A retired Nuclear Physicist & Engineer, who worked U.S. Department of the Navy, has interpreted Christ’s warnings as follows:

“Starting at the end and work forwards, the last Cataclysmic event is when the Earth is renovated by fire. It is discussed in 2 Peter 3:5-13 and Revelation 20:7-15. The Earth is turned into a sea of fire and lava. There are no longer any oceans. This event could be cause by a large impactor 100- 200 miles in diameter.

Before that happens there will be a millennium, a thousand years, of peace. Revelation 20:1-6 – God made a promise to the Jewish people, during this time he will begin to fulfill it. Before that there is a Great Tribulation. This event is discussed in Matthew 24:21, Revelation 8:5-13, Revelation 6:12-17, Revelation 16:17-21 and Revelation 18:8-10,21 to name a few. The damage falls in line with the damage that would be created from an impactor in the 2-3 mile diameter range. Across many cultures, dragons have been symbolic of comets. As a result, if the damage during the Great Tribulation, was done by an impactor, it is somewhat natural to believe that the impactor would be a comet.”

Astronomers keep insisting that comet impacts with Earth are rare. However, if the brown dwarf object called ‘Vulcan’ herein exists, such cosmic impacts would be frequent, and this is what is found. Furthermore, what about Christ curing people (Mark 6:5) with a mere touch? That would be a neat trick to have available and He did also say:

(John 14:12) Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

Maybe we can do likewise. Its sure worth a scientific investigation.

Infinite Soul Avatars are everybody’s essence twin. They exert a powerful influence on any sentient species into when they manifest. Hans Christian Andersen and Ryborg Voigt were Essence Twins ( In Ballad, Stories Or Fact). It is both interesting and significant that one of Andersen’s most famous tales is “The little Mermaid”. A similar circumstance is found with the Great Pyramid of Giza. The “inch” and the “golden ratio” are common to both the Ark relic and the Great Pyramid. Ed Leedskalnin (1887 – 1951) built the Coral Castle near Homestead, Florida for his essence twin Anges (his “Sweet Sixteen”). He moved up to 30-ton blocks of coral by himself, claiming to know the secret of how the pyramids were built. The implication from both the mathematical values and the coral castle suggests that an avatar of the Infinite Soul motivated the Nommos to travel to Earth and build the Ark. To the survivors of the Great Flood, these would truly be regarded as ‘angels’.


Noah’s Ark has been found numerous times, from the time of Moses, to the time of Josephus to the time of the Crusaders to the present. Fasold found it recently by using geographical triangulation techniques specified by the ancients. Indications that this is the Ark are supported by fossilized material, metallurgy and structural marine engineering results that match recorded historical legends.

The Ark appears to be a solid-hulled reed-raft 300 Egyptian cubits long with a maximum beam of 80 cubits (the hollow hull vessel depicted in Figure 18 would likely have been breached by collision damage during its wild ride). The 30- cubit depth is indicated by part of the bow that has collapsed and by discovered structural design that would resist sagging and hogging. It apparently had a light water displacement of about 23,600 long tons and a draft of about 15 cubits. The Ark appears to have been lightly loaded, not utilizing most of the 24,000 tons it could have carried. The Ark is far too complex to have been engineered and built by humans of the time. A stabilizing rectangular Moon Pool along the Ark’s center-line is one such example. Further, the Ark’s metallurgy reveals iron (not generally available until 2,000 years later) and other metals that were not available until the 20th century.

The Ark may have been built by the Nommos, our Artisan co-sentient Combo alien species who relish building things. These extraterrestrial alien amphibians would likely have a considerable background in marine engineering and construction of nautical vessels. They may also have been familiar with the structural engineering properties provided by “reeds”. They are reported to have arrived from the Sirius star system in time correlation with Noah’s Flood. They are believed to have provided the humans of the day with knowledge of our solar system, the Sirius star system and at least one example of a major meteorite impact forming a large lake. Cuneiform writing and wheeled vehicles may have been the “alien technology” of that day. Like today, the aliens considered humans to be “deceptive”. Their leaders may not have told others of the impending catastrophe and that may be why so few saved.

Five comet swarms are believed to be generated by our Sun’s unlit companion star. One is predicted to have pass through the inner solar system in 3078 BC but may have actually passed by around 3195 BC. The Nommos arrived in time correlation with the passage of the swarm. It appears that they had enough knowledge of the trajectories of the threatening comets that they could predict the time and location of a dangerous strike. Multiple impacts are believed to have caused tsunamis or super-tides (or both), two of which were the source of Noah’s Flood. The timeline is as follows.

  1. 3300 – 3200 BC – The Nommos visit Earth; the Dogon, Egypt and new technology (wheels & sail boats, cuneiform writing) appear.
  2. 3250 and 3000 BC – Theological analysis bounds the date of the Great Flood.
  3. 3195 BC – Tree Ring data shows a cold spell (from a comet strike believed to be the cause of the flood).
  4. 3200 to 2800 BC – Scientific evidence of catastrophic events around the Biblical Flood Period are found.
  5. 2750 to 2500 BC – The Epic Of Gilgamesh appears, tales written in cuneiform writing.

The timeline, the Nommos reports, the amazing phi based marine engineering, the advanced metallurgy and the biblical & historical reports all fit. This is Noah’s Ark and it was constructed by aliens to help a human culture survive a catastrophic comet impact! Moreover, they have returned as we may once again be in such danger. The Ark relic is the smoking gun that links the US government (through Los Alamos Laboratories) to both the UFO cover-up and to an upcoming comet impact threat that could kill billions. Should this event occur, it could either re-direct the course of human civilization or even destroy all mankind.

The Nommos may have been motivated to save humanity by an avatar, possibly one like Christ, Buddha, etc. This avatar would have assumed their body type. It is not unreasonable that such an avatar may soon once again influence the events happening on planet Earth.



  • 9 This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.
  • 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
  • 11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.
  • 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.
  • 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.
  • 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress 16 wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.
  • 15 This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be (300 cubits) 450 feet long, (50 cubits) 75 feet wide and (30 cubits) 45 feet high. 17 The Hebrew cubit is variable, about 18″ long.
  • 16 Make a roof for it and finish [5] the Ark to within (one cubit) 18 inches of the top. Put a door in the side of the Ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.
  • 17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.
  • 18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the Ark-you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you.
  • 19 You are to bring into the Ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.
  • 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive.
  • 21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.”
  • 22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him.


1 The LORD then said to Noah, “Go into the Ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.

  • 2 Take with you seven 18 of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,
  • 3 and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.
  • 4 Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”
  • 5 And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.
  • 6 Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on the earth.
  • 7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the Ark to escape the waters of the flood.
  • 8 Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground,
  • 9 male and female, came to Noah and entered the Ark, as God had commanded Noah.
  • 10 And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth.
  • 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month-on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
  • 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.
  • 13 On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the Ark.
  • 14 They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings.
  • 15 Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the Ark.
  • 16 The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the LORD shut him in.
  • 17 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the Ark high above the earth.
  • 18 The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the Ark floated on the surface of the water.
  • 19 They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered.
  • 20 The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than (15 cubits) twenty feet. 19, 20
  • 21 Every living thing that moved on the earth perished-birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind.
  • 22 Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died.
  • 23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the Ark.
  • 24 The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.


·  1 But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the Ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

·  2 Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heavens had been closed, and the rain had stopped falling from the sky.

·  3 The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down,

·  4 and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

·  5 The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible.

·  6 After forty days Noah opened the window he had made in the Ark

·  7 and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth.

·  8 Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground.

·  9 But the dove could find no place to set its feet because there was water over all the surface of the earth; so it returned to Noah in the Ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to himself in the Ark.

·  10 He waited seven more days and again sent out the dove from the Ark.

·  11 When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth.

·  12 He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him.

·  13 By the first day of the first month of Noah’s six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth. Noah then removed the covering from the Ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry.

·  14 By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry.

·  15 Then God said to Noah,

·  16 “Come out of the Ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives.

·  17 Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you-the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground-so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it.”

·  18 So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives.

·  19 All the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground and all the birds-everything that moves on the earth-came out of the Ark, one kind after another.

·  20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it.

·  21 The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though 21 every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.

·  22 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”


1. Different translations of the Bible translate the wood used in the construction of the Ark variously as: Gopher wood in the King James Version, Cypress wood in the New International Version, etc. Matt Slick (at his excellent apologetics website: Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry) presents a fascinating discussion of this matter which is worth looking into further. Quite simply, he raises the point that Gopher wood may not have been wood from a specific tree, such as Oak or Maple, as much as it was wood of a specific style, such as Plywood or Particle Board. Instead of being solid timbers from a specific tree
Gopher wood may actually have been a laminate of some type. Laminated wood is used today as an inexpensive yet strong construction material, plywood is used frequently as subfloor and roof sheeting in the construction of our homes. If this is true then the strength of the Ark would have been tremendous since a laminated beam is much stronger than a solid beam of the same dimension. But a more likely translation is the following: “Gopher wood” is a misreading and scribal error. “Kopher” wood is correct and means wood (any wood) that is covered with Kopher. Kopher is bitumen. In the Genesis text (6:14), the context is clear. The GPR wood used, (a scribal error) is to be covered in KPR. G and K in Hebrew are so similar that inexperienced Hebrew “scholars,” such as those translating the King James Version of the Bible, could have been prone to such errors.. Regarding the preservation of the wood over the 100 year long construction period we know that God told Noah to coat the Ark with pitch or resin. This material is a natural preservative and would be sufficient to ensure the preservation of the Ark during the 100 years or so that Noah and his sons were building the Ark. If a “year” and a “month” time periods were confused, construction of the Ark over a nominal 8 or 9 year period would be a reasonable number of years for such a project. Windsor points to previous reed raft construction techniques suggested that the reeds had to be cut and woven into the reed raft within a single year or season.

3. It is supposed that Noah and his sons took 100 years to build the Ark. This number is arrived at quite simply by subtracting the age of Noah when we first hear of him (500 years old at the birth of Shem, Ham, and Japheth) from the age of Noah when he entered the Ark (600 years) and is based on the assumption that Moses, in compiling Genesis, would have utilized documents written by those concerned. Moses therefore incorporated Noah’s personal journal into the work that bears his name. Luke followed a similar process when he compiled the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts in the New Testament. If Moses truly did make use of Noah’s journal then it stands to reason that the first time a year is given in Noah’s case represents his age when he began to build the Ark.

4. The 120 years mentioned early in Genesis 6 seems to indicate the maximum number of years which God would permit humans to live in the post flood world. This was the age to which Noah lived and is in keeping with the sudden and dramatic decline in life span after the flood. The Epic OF Gilgamesh considered in the next appendix discusses a medicine or elixir that possibly was to be provided by the “alien”. Perhaps Noah was only 40 at the beginning of the Ark’s construction. Assuming an eight or nine year construction period, he would be around 50 at the initiation of the flood. Gilgamesh (AKA Noah) lost the medicine, thus leading to the long life/short life interpretation of this material.

5. Of the total vertical height of the Ark there is good reason to believe that 15 cubits of it was submerged (Genesis 7:20 records that the depth to which the mountains were submerged was at least 15 cubits thereby implying that the draught of the Ark itself was no greater than this figure). This seems a reasonable presumption given the structural considerations offered herein. The inertia of the super-tide or tsunami could have been such that the water rushed up and down hills and mountains, and its depth would have been variable.

6. The Chinese character for ship (as in a large vessel) is formed from the character for a small boat plus the character for eight and the character for mouth (implying a person).



Tablet I and Tablet II from the Epic of Gilgamesh both refer to a “meteorite” or a celestial object which fell from the sky and was related to the God Anu. The implication is that the meteorite represents a space ship or flying saucer. Notice the aquatic reference to a “might trapper” who releases animals from the traps set for them. Following are some examples from Tablet I.


  1. He heeded his father’s advice.
    The trapper went off to Uruk,
    he made the journey, stood inside of Uruk,
    and declared to … Gilgamesh:
    “There is a certain fellow who has come from the mountains-
    he is the mightiest in the land,
    his strength is as mighty as the meteorite(?) of Anu!
    He continually goes over the mountains,
    he continually jostles at the watering place with the animals,
    he continually plants his feet opposite the watering place.
    I was afraid, so I did not go up to him.
    He filled in the pits that I had dug,
    wrenched out my traps that I had spread,
    released from my grasp the wild animals.
    He does not let me make my rounds in the wilderness!”
    A mighty alien, operating in and around water, is present.
  2. Gilgamesh said to the trapper:
    “Go, trapper, bring the harlot, Shamhat, with you.
    When the animals are drinking at the watering place
    have her take off her robe and expose her sex.
    When he sees her he will draw near to her,
    and his animals, who grew up in his wilderness, will be alien to him.”
    Gilgamesh seeks to catch the alien with a harlot.
  3. Gilgamesh got up and revealed the dream, saying to his mother:
    “Mother, I had a dream last night.
    Stars of the sky appeared,
    and some kind of meteorite(?) of Anu fell next to me.
    I tried to lift it but it was too mighty for me,
    I tried to turn it over but I could not budge it.
    The Land of Uruk was standing around it,
    the whole land had assembled about it,
    the populace was thronging around it,
    the Men clustered about it,
    and kissed its feet as if it were a little baby (!).
    I loved it and embraced it as a wife.
    I laid it down at your feet,
    and you made it compete with me.”
    Gilgamesh dreams of a massive meteorite (or a space ship)
  4. The mother of Gilgamesh, the wise, all-knowing, said to her Lord;
    Rimat-Ninsun, the wise, all-knowing, said to Gilgamesh:
    “As for the stars of the sky that appeared
    and the meteorite(?) of Anu which fell next to you,
    you tried to lift but it was too mighty for you,
    you tried to turn it over but were unable to budge it,
    you laid it down at my feet,
    and I made it compete with you,
    and you loved and embraced it as a wife.”
    “There will come to you a mighty man, a comrade who saves his friend-
    he is the mightiest in the land, he is strongest,
    his strength is mighty as the meteorite(!) of Anu!
    You loved him and embraced him as a wife;
    and it is he who will repeatedly save you.
    Your dream is good and propitious!”
    His mother claims the dream is of a man who will help Gilgamesh (e.g. Utanapishtim, the Faraway?).
  5. A second time Gilgamesh said to his mother:
    “Mother, I have had another dream:
    “At the gate of my marital chamber there lay an axe,
    “and people had collected about it.
    “The Land of Uruk was standing around it,
    “the whole land had assembled about it,
    “the populace was thronging around it.
    “I laid it down at your feet,
    “I loved it and embraced it as a wife,
    “and you made it compete with me.”
    Gilgamesh has another dream.
  6. The mother of Gilgamesh, the wise, all-knowing, said to her son;
    Rimat-Ninsun, the wise, all-knowing, said to Gilgamesh:
    “”The axe that you saw (is) a man.
    “… (that) you love him and embrace as a wife,
    “but (that) I have compete with you.”
    “” There will come to you a mighty man,
    “” a comrade who saves his friend–
    “he is the mightiest in the land, he is strongest,
    “he is as mighty as the meteorite(!) of Anu!”
    Again his mother claims this is of someone who will help him.
  7. Gilgamesh spoke to his mother saying:
    “”By the command of Enlil, the Great Counselor, so may it to pass!
    “May I have a friend and adviser, a friend and adviser may I have!
    “You have interpreted for me the dreams about him!”
    After the harlot recounted the dreams of Gilgamesh to Enkidu
    the two of them made love.
    Gilgamesh acknowledges that a Great Counselor will come to befriend him.



Preliminary analysis of the Ark’s structure permits us to understand the Epic Of Gilgamesh in a clearer light. Tablet XI The Story of the Flood is documented below. The comments relating the Epic to the Ark and the thesis of this web site that it was built by an alien species are in italics.

Tablet XI – The Story of the Flood

  1. Gilgamesh spoke to Utanapishtim, the Faraway:
    “I have been looking at you,
    but your appearance is not strange-you are like me!
    You yourself are not different-you are like me!
    My mind was resolved to fight with you,
    (but instead?) my arm lies useless over you.
    Tell me, how is it that you stand in the Assembly of the Gods, and have found life!”
    Utanapishtim is an extra-terrestrial alien and certainly would be from far away. The difference in appearance is noted, but Gilgamesh recognizes Utanapishtim as sentient.
  2. Utanapishtim spoke to Gilgamesh, saying:
    “I will reveal to you, Gilgamesh, a thing that is hidden,
    a secret of the gods I will tell you!
    Shuruppak, a city that you surely know,
    situated on the banks of the Euphrates,
    that city was very old, and there were gods inside it.
    The hearts of the Great Gods moved them to inflict the Flood.
    Their Father Anu uttered the oath (of secrecy),
    Valiant Enlil was their Adviser,
    Ninurta was their Chamberlain,
    Ennugi was their Minister of Canals.
    Ea, the Clever Prince(?), was under oath with them
    so he repeated their talk to the reed house: ‘Reed house, reed house! Wall, wall!
    A massive flood is destined to occur. The location of an old alien base revealed.
  3. O man of Shuruppak, son of Ubartutu:
    Tear down the house and build a boat!
    Abandon wealth and seek living beings!
    Spurn possessions and keep alive living beings!
    Make all living beings go up into the boat.
    The boat which you are to build,
    its dimensions must measure equal to each other:
    its length must correspond to its width.
    Roof it over like the Apsu.
    I understood and spoke to my lord, Ea:
    ‘My lord, thus is the command which you have uttered
    I will heed and will do it.
    But what shall I answer the city, the populace, and the Elders!’
    A wide Ark is specified.
  4. Ea spoke, commanding me, his servant:
    ‘You, well then, this is what you must say to them:
    “It appears that Enlil is rejecting me
    so I cannot reside in your city (?),
    nor set foot on Enlil’s earth.
    I will go down to the Apsu to live with my lord, Ea,
    and upon you he will rain down abundance,
    a profusion of fowl, myriad(!) fishes.
    He will bring to you a harvest of wealth,
    in the morning he will let loaves of bread shower down,
    and in the evening a rain of wheat!”‘
    Food will be provided from heaven?
  5. Just as dawn began to glow
    the land assembled around me-
    the carpenter carried his hatchet,
    the reed worker carried his (flattening) stone,… the men …
    The child carried the pitch,
    the weak brought whatever else was needed.
    On the fifth day I laid out her exterior.
    It was a field in area,
    The Ark was lofted (design laid out) in a field. This is a normal way to design a ship.
  6. its walls were each 10 times 12 cubits in height,
    An Ark deck area 120 cubits by 120 cubits is indirectly implied.
  7. the sides of its top were of equal length, 10 times It (12?) cubits each.
    I laid out its (interior) structure and drew a picture of it (?).
    I provided it with six decks,
    thus dividing it into seven (levels).
    A Ark of six decks (three in the hull and three in the deckhouse) is implied.
  8. The inside of it I divided into nine (compartments).
    Figure 6 (generated from ground penetrating radar) illustrates transverse bulkhead that would appear to divide the Ark into 9 compartments. The presence of the Moon Pool makes it appear to have more than 9 compartments.
  9. I drove plugs (to keep out) water in its middle part.
    The implication is that the Moon Pool was initially closed off to the waters in which it floated, perhaps to aid in the launching procedure.
  10. I saw to the punting poles and laid in what was necessary.
    Three times 3,600 (units) of raw bitumen I poured into the bitumen kiln,
    three times 3,600 (units of) pitch …into it,
    there were three times 3,600 porters of casks who carried (vegetable) oil,
    apart from the 3,600 (units of) oil which they consumed (!)
    and two times 3,600 (units of) oil which the boatman stored away.
    The Ark was coated with a tar like substance for waterproofing purposes.
  11. I butchered oxen for the meat(!), and day upon day I slaughtered sheep.
    I gave the workmen(?) ale, beer, oil, and wine, as if it were river water,
    so they could make a party like the New Year’s Festival.
    … and I set my hand to the oiling(!).
    The boat was finished by sunset.
    A great celebration accompanied the completion of the Ark.
  12. The launching was very difficult.
    They had to keep carrying a runway of poles front to back,
    until two-thirds of it had gone into the water(?).
    The Ark was launched by rolling it into the water on logs.
  13. Whatever I had I loaded on it:
    whatever silver I had 1 loaded on it,
    whatever gold I had I loaded on it.
    Metal (ballast?) was loaded onto the Ark.
  14. All the living beings that I had I loaded on it,
    I had all my kith and kin go up into the boat,
    all the beasts and animals of the field and the craftsmen I had go up.
    The Ark was loaded with animals and people (craftsmen and relatives). Some translations indicate 50, not 8.22
  15. Shamash had set a stated time:
    ‘In the morning I will let loaves of bread shower down,
    and in the evening a rain of wheat!
    Go inside the boat, seal the entry!’
    Food (Manna?) was provided by the Gods (or aliens) and they told Gilgamesh to seal the entrance to the Ark.
  16. That stated time had arrived.
    In the morning he let loaves of bread shower down,
    and in the evening a rain of wheat.
    I watched the appearance of the weather-
    the weather was frightful to behold!
    I went into the boat and sealed the entry.
    Storm clouds form.
  17. For the caulking of the boat, to Puzuramurri, the boatman,
    I gave the palace together with its contents.
    Gilgamesh gives away his palace.
  18. Just as dawn began to glow
    there arose from the horizon a black cloud.
    Adad rumbled inside of it,
    before him went Shullat and Hanish,
    heralds going over mountain and land.
    Erragal pulled out the mooring poles,
    forth went Ninurta and made the dikes overflow.
    The Anunnaki lifted up the torches,
    setting the land ablaze with their flare.
    Stunned shock over Adad’s deeds overtook the heavens,
    and turned to blackness all that had been light.
    The… land shattered like a… pot.
    The debris cloud preceding the comet strikes raining fire (torches) and sets fires. The tsunami (or tide) strikes the dikes. Debris from the strike darkens the area.
  19. All day long the South Wind blew …,
    blowing fast, submerging the mountain in water,
    overwhelming the people like an attack.
    No one could see his fellow,
    they could not recognize each other in the torrent.
    The gods were frightened by the Flood,
    and retreated, ascending to the heaven of Anu.
    The gods were cowering like dogs, crouching by the outer wall.
    Ishtar shrieked like a woman in childbirth,
    The winds and waters raged and carried the Ark about in the darkness.
  20. the sweet-voiced Mistress of the Gods wailed:
    ‘The olden days have alas turned to clay,
    because I said evil things in the Assembly of the Gods!
    How could I say evil things in the Assembly of the Gods,
    ordering a catastrophe to destroy my people!!
    No sooner have I given birth to my dear people
    than they fill the sea like so many fish!’
    The gods–those of the Anunnaki–were weeping with her,
    the gods humbly sat weeping, sobbing with grief(?),
    their lips burning, parched with thirst.
    Civilization, as Gilgamesh had known it, was washed away.
  21. Six days and seven nights
    came the wind and flood, the storm flattening the land.
    When the seventh day arrived, the storm was pounding,
    the flood was a war–struggling with itself like a woman writhing (in labor).
    The sea calmed, fell still, the whirlwind (and) flood stopped up.
    I looked around all day long-quiet had set in
    and all the human beings had turned to clay!
    The terrain was as flat as a roof.
    I opened a vent and fresh air (daylight!) fell upon the side of my nose.
    I fell to my knees and sat weeping,
    tears streaming down the side of my nose.
    I looked around for coastlines in the expanse of the sea,
    and at twelve leagues there emerged a region (of land).
    On Mt. Nimush the boat lodged firm,
    Mt. Nimush held the boat, allowing no sway.
    One day and a second Mt. Nimush held the boat, allowing no sway.
    A third day, a fourth, Mt. Nimush held the boat, allowing no sway.
    A fifth day, a sixth, Mt. Nimush held the boat, allowing no sway.
    The Ark wallows in the flood waters runs aground.
  22. When a seventh day arrived
    I sent forth a dove and released it.
    The dove went off, but came back to me;
    no perch was visible so it circled back to me.
    I sent forth a swallow and released it.
    The swallow went off, but came back to me;
    no perch was visible so it circled back to me.
    I sent forth a raven and released it.
    The raven went off, and saw the waters slither back.
    It eats, it scratches, it bobs, but does not circle back to me.
    The birds are released to find land. One does; the waters are draining back into the ocean basins.
  23. Then I sent out everything in all directions and sacrificed (a sheep).
    I offered incense in front of the mountain-ziggurat.
    Seven and seven cult vessels I put in place,
    and (into the fire) underneath (or: into their bowls) I poured reeds, cedar, and myrtle.
    The gods smelled the savor,
    the gods smelled the sweet savor,
    and collected like flies over a (sheep) sacrifice.
    The animals are released and sacrifices are offered.
  24. Just then Beletili arrived.
    She lifted up the large flies (beads) which Anu had made for his enjoyment(!):
    ‘You gods, as surely as I shall not forget this lapis lazuli around my neck,
    may I be mindful of these days, and never forget them!
    The gods may come to the incense offering,
    but Enlil may not come to the incense offering,
    because without considering he brought about the Flood
    and consigned my people to annihilation.’
    Note to remember the destruction brought on the Earth by the flood.
  25. Just then Enlil arrived.
    He saw the boat and became furious,
    he was filled with rage at the Igigi gods:
    ‘Where did a living being escape?
    No man was to survive the annihilation!’
    The “Gods” had decreed that mankind was to die.
  26. Ninurta spoke to Valiant Enlil, saying:
    ‘Who else but Ea could devise such a thing?
    It is Ea who knows every machination!’
    The Ark is a ship of the “Gods”.
  27. La spoke to Valiant Enlil, saying:
    ‘It is yours, O Valiant One, who is the Sage of the Gods.
    How, how could you bring about a Flood without consideration
    Charge the violation to the violator,
    charge the offense to the offender,
    but be compassionate lest (mankind) be cut off,
    be patient lest they be killed.
    Instead of your bringing on the Flood,
    would that a lion had appeared to diminish the people!
    Instead of your bringing on the Flood,
    would that a wolf had appeared to diminish the people!
    Instead of your bringing on the Flood,
    would that famine had occurred to slay the land!
    Instead of your bringing on the Flood,
    would that (Pestilent) Erra had appeared to ravage the land!
    It was not I who revealed the secret of the Great Gods,
    I (only) made a dream appear to Atrahasis, and (thus) he heard the secret of the gods.
    Now then! The deliberation should be about him!’
    The “Gods” caused the flood, particularly Enlil.
  28. Enlil went up inside the boat
    and, grasping my hand, made me go up.
    He had my wife go up and kneel by my side.
    He touched our forehead and, standing between us, he blessed us:
    ‘Previously Utanapishtim was a human being.
    But now let Utanapishtim and his wife become like us, the gods!
    Let Utanapishtim reside far away, at the Mouth of the Rivers.’
    Utanapishtim is to be taken back to his home star system. Perhaps he was a human in a previous life, or possibly an avatar from an alien species.
  29. They took us far away and settled us at the Mouth of the Rivers.”
    “Now then, who will convene the gods on your behalf,
    that you may find the life that you are seeking!
    Wait! You must not lie down for six days and seven nights.”
    soon as he sat down (with his head) between his legs
    sleep, like a fog, blew upon him.
    Recall that the Nommos (who may have constructed the Ark) were a species of amphibians.
  30. Utanapishtim said to his wife:
    “Look there! The man, the youth who wanted (eternal) life!
    Sleep, like a fog, blew over him.”
    his wife said to Utanapishtim the Faraway:
    “Touch him, let the man awaken.
    Let him return safely by the way he came.
    Let him return to his land by the gate through which he left.”
    Perhaps a UFO or saucer ride offered.
  31. Utanapishtim said to his wife:
    “Mankind is deceptive, and will deceive you.
    Come, bake leaves for him and keep setting them by his head
    and draw on the wall each day that he lay down.”
    She baked his leaves and placed them by his head
    and marked on the wall the day that he lay down.
    The first loaf was dessicated,
    the second stale, the third moist(?), the fourth turned white, its …,
    the fifth sprouted gray (mold), the sixth is still fresh.
    the seventh–suddenly he touched him and the man awoke.
    Note that Utanapishtim refers to mankind as if it was another (and very deceptive) species. Aliens have twice described us as such recently.
  32. Gilgamesh said to Utanapishtim:
    “The very moment sleep was pouring over me
    you touched me and alerted me!”
    Utanapishtim spoke to Gilgamesh, saying:
    “Look over here, Gilgamesh, count your leaves!
    You should be aware of what is marked on the wall!
    Your first loaf is dessicated,
    the second stale, the third moist, your fourth turned white its …
    the fifth sprouted gray (mold), the sixth is still fresh.
    The seventh–at that instant you awoke!”
    Gilgamesh said to Utanapishtim the Faraway:
    “O woe! What shall I do, Utanapishtim, where shall I go!
    The Snatcher has taken hold of my flesh,
    in my bedroom Death dwells,
    and wherever I set foot there too is Death!” Home Empty-Handed
    The passage of time?
  33. Utanapishtim said to Urshanabi, the ferryman:
    “May the harbor reject you, may the ferry landing reject you!
    May you who used to walk its shores be denied its shores!
    The man in front of whom you walk, matted hair chains his body,
    animal skins have ruined his beautiful skin.
    Take him away, Urshanabi, bring him to the washing place.
    Let him wash his matted hair in water like ellu.
    Let him cast away his animal skin and have the sea carry it off,
    let his body be moistened with fine oil,
    let the wrap around his head be made new,
    let him wear royal robes worthy of him!
    Until he goes off to his city,
    until he sets off on his way,
    let his royal robe not become spotted, let it be perfectly new!”
    Utanapishtim curses Urshanabi, the ferryman. (Note the aquatic references because Utanapishtim is believed to be a member of the alien amphibious Nommos species.)
  34. Urshanabi took him away and brought him to the washing place.
    He washed his matted hair with water like ellu.
    He cast off his animal skin and the sea carried it off.
    He moistened his body with fine oil,
    and made a new wrap for his head.
    He put on a royal robe worthy of him.
    Until he went away to his city,
    until he set off on his way,
    his royal robe remained unspotted, it was perfectly clean.
    Gilgamesh and Urshanabi boarded the boat,
    they cast off the magillu-boat, and sailed away.
    Gilgamesh is cleaned up and sets sail for a new destination. (Note there is some civilization left, which implies that the flood was local, not world wide as many religions preach.)
  35. The wife of Utanapishtim the Faraway said to him:
    “Gilgamesh came here exhausted and worn out.
    What can you give him so that he can return to his land (with honor) !”
    Then Gilgamesh raised a punting pole
    and drew the boat to shore.
    Gilgamesh is to be given a parting gift.
  36. Utanapishtim spoke to Gilgamesh, saying:
    “Gilgamesh, you came here exhausted and worn out.
    What can I give you so you can return to your land?
    I will disclose to you a thing that is hidden, Gilgamesh,
    a… I will tell you.
    There is a plant… like a boxthorn,
    whose thorns will prick your hand like a rose.
    If your hands reach that plant you will become a young man again.”
    The promise of eternal youth (or maybe just some medicine.
  37. Hearing this, Gilgamesh opened a conduit(!) (to the Apsu)
    and attached heavy stones to his feet.
    They dragged him down, to the Apsu they pulled him.
    He took the plant, though it pricked his hand,
    and cut the heavy stones from his feet,
    letting the waves(?) throw him onto its shores.
    The anchor stones recognized and “explained”.
  38. Gilgamesh spoke to Urshanabi, the ferryman, saying:
    “Urshanabi, this plant is a plant against decay(!)
    by which a man can attain his survival(!).
    I will bring it to Uruk-Haven,
    and have an old man eat the plant to test it.
    The plant’s name is ‘The Old Man Becomes a Young Man.'”
    Then I will eat it and return to the condition of my youth.”
    Gilgames acquires the medicine, but decides to check it out on someone else before he takes it.
  39. At twenty leagues they broke for some food,
    at thirty leagues they stopped for the night.
    Seeing a spring and how cool its waters were,
    Gilgamesh went down and was bathing in the water.
    A snake smelled the fragrance of the plant,
    silently came up and carried off the plant.
    While going back it sloughed off its casing.’
    Gilgames loses the medicine.
  40. At that point Gilgamesh sat down, weeping,
    his tears streaming over the side of his nose.
    “Counsel me, O ferryman Urshanabi!
    For whom have my arms labored, Urshanabi!
    For whom has my heart’s blood roiled!
    I have not secured any good deed for myself,
    but done a good deed for the ‘lion of the ground’!”
    Now the high waters are coursing twenty leagues distant,’
    as I was opening the conduit(?) I turned my equipment over into it (!).
    What can I find (to serve) as a marker(?) for me!
    I will turn back (from the journey by sea) and leave the boat by the shore!”
    At twenty leagues they broke for some food,
    at thirty leagues they stopped for the night.
    They arrived in Uruk-Haven.
    Gilgamesh said to Urshanabi, the ferryman:
    “Go up, Urshanabi, onto the wall of Uruk and walk around.
    Examine its foundation, inspect its brickwork thoroughly-
    is not (even the core of) the brick structure of kiln-fired brick,
    and did not the Seven Sages themselves lay out its plan!
    One league city, one league palm gardens, one league lowlands, the open area(?)
    of the Ishtar Temple, three leagues and the open area(?) of Uruk it encloses.
    Gilgamesh finds a home.



A group of lamaist monks are lead a cave which is the repository (Time Capsule) of ancient technology (machines, lifts, artificial lights similar to the one described used on the Ark and others) as well as models of cities (alien or human?). While this cache exists in Tibet, others are said to exist in Siberia, South America (under or near a pyramid) and in Egypt. A sphinx is sometimes associated with them thereby implying that they were formed within a few centuries of 3000 BC. Images from thought-picture machines were offered that implied UFOs or flying saucers as well as cities and bridges being destroyed by bombs or meteorite strikes. Diatribes of leaders calling for war was presented, sounding unnervingly like today. A mixture of human actions and alien artifacts may be involved and these have not been effectively separated.23 It has been suggested that the possible incursion of the USA’s military forces into Iraq, where ancient Samaria is located, is for just such technologies. After all, the US intervention in Granada may have been to silence its calls for UN investigation of the UFO phenomena.

A Time Capsule Of Alien(?) Technology
As Narrated by T. Lobsang Rampa

I looked in considerable astonishment. At first I could not see the entrance, all I saw was a dark shadow looking much like a dried-up watercourse, or the stain of minute lichen. Then, as we crossed the ledge, I saw that there was indeed a crack in the rock face. A big lama grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me into the rock fissure saying, good-naturedly, “You go first, and then you can chase out any rock devils and so protect us!” So I, the smallest and least important of the party, was the first to enter the Cave of the Ancients. I edged inside, and crept round the rock corners. Behind me I heard the shuffle and scrape as the bulkier men felt their way in. Suddenly the light burst upon me, for the moment almost paralyzing me with fright. I stood motionless by the rocky wall, gazing at the fantastic scene within. The Cave appeared to be about twice as large as the interior of the Great Cathedral of Lhasa. Unlike that Cathedral, which always was enshrouded in the dusk which butter lamps tried vainly to dispel, here was brightness more intense than that of the full moon on a cloudless night. No, it was much brighter than that; the quality of the light must have given me the impression of moonlight. I gazed upwards at the globes which provided the illumination. The lamas crowded in beside me, and, like me, they gazed at the source of light first. My Guide said, “The old records indicate that the illumination here was originally much brighter, these lamps are burning low with the passage of hundreds of centuries.”

For long moments we stood still, silent, as though afraid of waking those who slept throughout the endless years. Then, moved by a common impulse, we walked across the solid stone floor to the first machine standing dormant before us. We crowded around it, half afraid to touch it yet very curious as to what it could be. It was dulled with age, yet it appeared ready for instant use – if one knew what it was for and how to operate it. Other devices engaged our attention, also without result. These machines were far, far too advanced for us. I wandered off to where a small square platform about three feet wide, with guard rails, rested on the ground. What appeared to be a long, folded metal tube extended from a nearby machine, and the platform was attached to the other end of the tube. Idly I stepped on to the railed square, wondering what it could be. The next instant I almost died of shock; the platform gave a little tremor and rose high into the air. I was so frightened that I clung in desperation to the rails.

Below me the six lamas gazed upwards in consternation. The tube had unfolded and was swinging the platform straight to one of the spheres of light. In desperation I looked over the side. Already I was some thirty feet in the air, and rising. My fear was that the source of light would burn me to a crisp, like a moth in the flame of a butter lamp. There was a “click” and the platform stopped. Inches from my face the light glowed. Timidly I stretched out my hand-and the whole sphere was as cold as ice. By now I had regained my composure somewhat, and I gazed about me. Then a chilling thought struck me; how was I going to get down? I jumped from side to side, trying to work out a way of escape, but there appeared to be none. I tried to reach the long tube, hoping to climb down, but it was too far away. Just when I was becoming desperate, there was another tremor, and the platform started to descend. Hardly waiting for it to touch ground I leaped out! I was taking no risks that the thing would go up again.

Against a far wall crouched a great statue, one that sent a shiver up my spine. It was of a crouching cat body, but with the head and shoulders of a woman. The eyes appeared to be alive; the face had a half-mocking, half-quizzical expression which rather frightened me. One of the lamas was on his knees on the floor, gazing intently at some strange marks. “Look!” he called, “this picture writing shows men and cats talking, it shows what is obviously the soul leaving a body and wandering in the under-world.” He was consumed with scientific zeal, poring over the pictures on the floor – “hieroglyphs” he called them-and expecting everyone else to be similarly enthused. This Lama was a highly trained man, one who learned ancient languages without any difficulties at all. The others were poking around the strange machines, trying to decide what they were for. A sudden shout made us wheel round in some alarm. The tall thin Lama was at the far wall and he seemed to have his face stuck in a dull metal box. He stood there with his head bent and the whole of his face concealed. Two men rushed to him and dragged him away from the danger. He uttered a roar of wrath and dashed back!

“Strange!” I thought, “even the sedate, learned lamas are going crazy in this place!” Then the tall, thin one moved aside and another took his place. So far as I could gather, they were seeing moving machines in that box. At last my Guide took pity on me and lifted me up to what apparently were “eye pieces.” As I was lifted up and put my hands on a handle as instructed, I saw inside the box, men, and the machines which were in this Hall. The men were operating the machines. I saw that the platform upon which I had ascended to the light-sphere could be controlled and was a type of moveable “ladder” or rather a device which would dispense with ladders. Most of the machines here, I observed, were actual working models such as, in later years, I was to see in Science Museums throughout the world.

We moved to the panel which the Lama Mingyar Dondup had told me about previously, and at our approach it opened with a grating creak, so loud in the silence of the place that I think we all jumped with alarm. Inside was the darkness, profound, almost as if we had clouds of blackness swirling about us. Our feet were guided by shallow channels in the floor. We shuffled along, and when the channels ended we sat. As we did so, there came a series of clicks, like metal scraping against metal, and almost imperceptibly light stole across the darkness and pushed it aside. We looked about us and saw more machines, strange machines. There were statues here, and pictures carved in metal. Before we had time to more than glance, the light drew in upon itself and formed a glowing globe in the center of the Hall. Colors flickered aimlessly, and bands of light without apparent meaning swirled round the globe. Pictures formed, at first bluffed and indistinct, then growing vivid and real and with three dimensional effect. We watched intently …

This was the world of long, long Ago. When the world was very young. Mountains stood where now there are seas, and the pleasant seaside resorts are now mountain tops. The weather was warmer and strange creatures roamed afield. This was a world of scientific progress. Strange machines rolled along, flew inches from the surface of the Earth, or flew miles up in the air. Great temples reared their pinnacles skywards, as if in challenge to the clouds. Animals and Man talked telepathically together. But all was not bliss; politicians fought against politicians. The world was a divided camp in which each side coveted the lands of the other. Suspicion and fear were the clouds under which the ordinary man lived. Priests of both sides proclaimed that they alone were the favored of the gods. In the pictures before us we saw ranting priests-as now purveying their own brand of salvation. At a price! Priests of each sect taught that it was a “holy duty” to kill The enemy. Almost in the same breath they preached that mankind throughout the world were brothers. The illogicality of brother killing brother did not occur to them.

We saw great wars fought, with most of the casualties being civilians. The armed forces, behind their armour, were mostly safe. The aged, the women and children, those who did not fight, were the ones to suffer. We saw glimpses of scientists working in laboratories, working to produce even deadlier weapons, working to produce bigger and better bugs to drop on the enemy. One sequence of pictures showed a group of thoughtful men planning what they termed a “Time Capsule” (what we called “The Cave of the Ancients”), wherein they could store for later generations working models of their machines and a complete, pictorial record of their culture and lack of it. Immense machines excavated the living rock. Hordes of men installed the models and the machines. We saw the coldlight spheres hoisted in place, inert radio-active substances giving off light for millions of years. Inert in that it could not harm humans, active in that the light would continue almost until the end of Time itself.

We found that we could understand the language, then the explanation was shown, that we were obtaining the “speech” telepathically. Chambers such as this, or “Time Capsules,” were concealed beneath the sands of Egypt, beneath a pyramid in South America, and at a certain spot in Siberia. Each place was marked by the symbol of the times; the Sphinx. We saw the great statues of the Sphinx, which did not originate in Egypt, and we received an explanation of its form. Man and animals talked and worked together in those far-off days. The cat was the most perfect animal for power and intelligence. Man himself is an animal, so the Ancients made a figure of a large cat body to indicate power and endurance, and upon the body they put the breasts and head of a woman. The head was to indicate human intelligence and reason, while the breasts indicated that Man and Animal could draw spiritual and mental nourishment each for the other. That Symbol was then as common as are Statues of Buddha, or the Star of David, or the Crucifix at the present day.

We saw oceans with great floating cities which moved from land to land. In the sky floated equally large craft which moved without sound. Which could hover, and almost instantly flash into stupendous speed. On the surface vehicles moved some inches above the ground itself, supported in the air by some method which we could not determine. Bridges stretched across the cities carrying on slender cables what appeared to be roadways. As we watched we saw a vivid flash in the sky, and one of the largest bridges collapsed into a tangle of girders and cables. Another flash, and most of the city itself vanished into incandescent gas. Above the ruins towered a strangely evil-looking red cloud, roughly in the shape of a mushroom miles high.

Our pictures faded, and we saw again the group of men who had planned the “Time Capsules.” They had decided that now was the time to seal them. We saw the ceremonies, we saw the “stored memories” being fitted into the machine. We heard the speech of farewell which told us-“The People of the Future, if there be any!”-that Mankind was about to destroy itself, or such seemed probable, “and within these vaults are stored such records of our achievements and follies as may benefit those of a future race who have the intelligence to discover it, and having discovered it, be able to understand it.” The telepathic voice faded out, the picture screen turned black. We sat in silence, stupefied by what we had seen. Later, as we sat, the light grew again and we saw that it was actually coming from the walls of that room.

We rose and looked about us. This Hall was also littered with machines and there were many models of cities and bridges, all formed of some kind of stone or of some type of metal the nature of which we were unable to determine. Certain of the exhibits were protected by some quite transparent material which baffled us. It was not glass; we just did not know what the stuff was, all we knew was that it effectively prevented us from touching some of the models. Suddenly we all jumped; a baleful red eye was watching us, winking at us. I was prepared to run for it when my Guide the Lama Mingyar Dondup strode over to the machine with the red eye. He looked down at it and touched the handles. The red eye vanished. instead on a small screen we saw a picture of another room leading from the Main Hall. Into our brains came a message, “As you leave, go to the room (???) where you will find materials with which to seal any opening through which you entered. If you have not reached the stage of evolution where you can work our machines, seal this place and leave it intact for those who will come later.”

Silently we filed out into the third room, the door of which opened at our approach. it contained many carefully sealed canisters and a “picture-thought” machine which described for us how we might open the canisters and seal the Cave entrance.



After investigating a time capsule of advanced (alien?) technology, the lamas attempted what we could call today a “remote viewing” experience. It seems to tell of an event involving a tsunami (or tide) flooding across the land. Meteors streak across the skies and the Earth trembles. It further tell of humans surviving in lava tubes and boats (Noah’s Ark?) as well as them eating sweet food from the skies. See Gilgamesh, item 15. As this remote viewing was “timed” to investigate the happenings just before or around the sealing of the technology in the Time Capsule, and as that event is related to the Sphinx, it would seem to be around 3,000 BC. This is the time of Noah’s Great Flood so it is a “remote viewing” of that event as seen from another perspective. Catastrophism was not a popular subject in 1963 when this narration was written24

Remote Viewing The Great Flood

As Narrated By T. Lobsang Rampa

We sat upon the floor and discussed that which we had seen and experienced. “Wonderful! Wonderful!” said a lama. “Don’t see anything wonderful in it,” said I, brashly. “We could have seen all that by looking at the Akashic Record. Why should we not look at those time- stream pictures and see what happened after this place was sealed up?” The others turned enquiringly to the senior of the party, the Lama Mingyar Dondup. He nodded slightly and remarked, “Sometimes our Lobsang shows glimmerings of intelligence! Let us compose ourselves and see what happened, for I am as curious as you.” We sat in a rough circle, each facing in, and with our fingers interlocked in the appropriate pattern. My Guide started the necessary breathing rhythm and we all followed his lead. Slowly we lost our Earth identities and became as one floating in the Sea of Time. All that has ever happened can be seen by those who have the ability to consciously go into the astral and return – conscious – with the knowledge gained. Any scene in history, from an age no matter how remote, can be seen as if one were actually there.

I remembered the first time I had experienced the “Akashic Record.” My Guide had been telling me about such things, and I had replied, “Yes, but what is it? How does it work? How can one get in touch with things that have passed, that are finished and gone?” “Lobsang!” he had replied, “you will agree that you have a memory. You can remember what happened yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. With a little training you can remember everything that has happened in your life, you can, with training, remember even the process of being bom. You can have what we term ‘total recall’ and that will take your memory back to before you were born. The Akashic Record is merely the ‘memory’ of the whole world. Everything that has ever happened on this Earth can be ‘recalled’ in just the same way as you can remember past events in your life. There is no magic involved, but we will deal with that and hypnotism – a closely related subject – at a later date.”

With our training it was easy indeed to select the point at which the Machine had faded out its pictures. We saw the procession of men and women, notables of that time no doubt, file out of the Cave. Machines with vast arms slid what appeared to be half a mountain over the entrance. The cracks and crevices where surfaces met were carefully sealed, and the group of people and the workmen went away. Machines rolled into the distance and for a time, some months, the scene was quiet. We saw a high priest standing on the steps of an immense Pyramid, exhorting his listeners to war. The pictures impressed upon the Scrolls of Time rolled on, changed, and we saw the opposing camp. Saw the leaders ranting and raving. Time moved on. We saw streaks of white vapor in the blue of the skies, and then those skies turned red. The whole world trembled and shook. We, watching, experienced vertigo. The darkness of the night fell over the world. Black clouds, shot with vivid flames, rolled around the whole globe. Cities flamed briefly and were gone.

Across the land surged the raging seas. Sweeping all before it, a giant wave, taller than the tallest building had been, roared across the land, its crest bearing aloft the flotsam of a dying civilization. The Earth shook and thundered in agony, great chasms appeared and closed again like the gaping maws of a giant. The mountains waved like willow twigs in a storm, waved, and sank beneath the seas. Land masses rose from the waters and became mountains. The whole surface of the world was in a state of change, of continuous motion. A few scattered survivors, out of millions, fled shrieking to the newly risen mountains. Others, afloat in ships that somehow survived the upheaval, reached the high ground and fled into any hiding place they could find. The Earth itself stood still, stopped its direction of rotation, and then turned in the opposite direction. Forests flashed from trees to scattered ash in the twinkling of an eye. The surface of the Earth was desolate, ruined, charred to a black crisp. Deep in holes, or in the lava-tunnels of extinct volcanoes, a scattered handful of Earth’s population, driven insane by the catastrophe, cowered and gibbered in their terror. From the black skies fell a whitish substance, sweet to the taste, sustaining of life.

In the course of centuries the Earth changed again; the seas were now land, and the lands that had been were now seas. A low- lying plain had its rocky walls cracked and sundered, and the waters rushed in to form the Sea now known as the Mediterranean. Another sea nearby sank through a gap in the sea bed, and as the waters left and the bed dried, the Sahara Desert was formed. Over the face of the Earth wandered wild tribes who, by the light of their camp fires, told of the old legends, told of the Flood, of Lemuria, and Atlantis. They told, too, of the day the Sun Stood Still.

The Cave of the Ancients lay buried in the silt of a half drowned world. Safe from intruders, it rested far beneath the surface of the land. In course of time, fast-running streams would wash away the silt, the debris, and allow the rocks to stand forth in the sunlight once more. At last, heated by the sun and cooled by a sudden icy shower, the rock face would split with thunderous noise and we would be able to enter.

We shook ourselves, stretched our cramped limbs, and rose wearily to our feet. The experience had been a shattering one. Now we had to eat, to sleep, and on the morrow we would look about us again so that we might perhaps learn something. Then, our mission accomplished, we would wall up the entrance as directed. The Cave would sleep again in peace until men of goodwill and high intelligence would come again. I wandered to the Cave mouth and looked down upon the desolation, upon the riven rocks, and I wondered what a man of the Old Times would think if he could rise from his grave to stand beside me, here.

As I turned in to the interior I marveled at the contrast; a lama was lighting a fire with flint and tinder, igniting some dried yak dung which we had brought for that purpose. Around us were the machines and artifacts of a bygone age. We – modern men – were heating water over a dung fire, surrounded by such marvelous machines that they were beyond our comprehension. I sighed, and turned my thoughts to that of mixing tea and tsampa.


  • 1. Seitz; A PROBABLE CAUSE OF CRUSTAL SHIFTS OF THE EARTH; Royal Astronomical Society of Canada; 1998
  • 2. Robert Temple; THE SIRIUS MYSTERY New Scientific Evidence Of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago; Destiny Books, One Park Street, Rochester Vermont, 05767.; 1998; pg. 296. Figure 53.
  • 3. Robert Temple; THE SIRIUS MYSTERY New Scientific Evidence Of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago; Op. Cit.; 1998; pp. 68 and 322.
  • 4. (Benest and Duvent, “IS SIRIUS A TRIPLE STAR?” Astronomy And Astrophysics; Volume 299, 1995; pp. 621). And
    Robert Burnham Jr.; .BURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK; Dover Publications, Inc, New York, 1978; pg. 395 ff.
    “The possible duplicity of Sirius B (e.g. a Sirius B & C) is an unsolved question. Philip Fox in 1920 reported the image to be “persistently double” in 231′, separation 0.8″. Since Fox was an experienced observer and was using the same 18.5 inch telescope with which the companion was originally detected, his observations should carry some weight. The suspected third star has also been seen by R.T.Innes in South Africa and by the well known double star expert van den Bos. Due to the great difficulty in the observations, it has not been possible to verify these reports. A third star in the system might explain reported slight irregularities in the orbits of the visible pair. In 1973, however, a thorough study by I. W. Lindenblad at the U.S. Naval Observatory concluded that there is no astrometric evidence for the existence of a third body in the Sirius system. And there, for the present, the matter rests.” However, the small 0.05 solar mass Sirius C suggests that it could be a flare star like Wolf 424 B star. It would be “more visible” during a “flare” and less visible afterwards. It is asserted that these early observations were made while it was undergoing a flare. Given the suspicions circumstances found involving the IRAS point and (Vulcan or Planet X) association and that Vulcan’s theoretical period 4969 years derived using an IRAS point matches the one derived independently from comet impact data, 4980 years, it would hardly be likely that the Naval Observatory would concur Sirius C existed.
  • 5. Robert Temple; THE SIRIUS MYSTERY New Scientific Evidence Of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago; Op. Cit.; 1998; pp. 68, 301 – 302.
  • 6. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA Vol 2 pg 252, under Iron Age”.
  • 7. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITTANICA, 1985 ed., Vol.VI,” pg. 563, under “manganese.”
  • 8. Windsor, S. R., NOAH’S VESSEL: 24,000 DEADWEIGHT TONS: Catastrophism & Ancient History, January, 1992 pp. 5 – 31.
  • 9. Windsor: Private Communication 25 January 2003, 3 February 2003 & 4 February 2003.
    “[Name withheld] pestered David after Anna was diagnosed with brain cancer, after David had been financially taken to the cleaners by the plagiarists in Australia and the Australian court system, just before David was diagnosed with brain cancer, himself, after his sons were seeing their family fortunes being demolished by David’s intense interest in the Ark, etc.

    David apologized to me (Windsor) a month before he died for agreeing to let [name withheld] quote him in his recanting of his life’s work. David said (in tears, I might add) he was just too tired; he was sorry he had wasted his family’s resources over a twenty year project; he believed his pursuit had caused Anna’s illness, as well as his own.
    I am not certain David recanted exactly a month before his death. I remember it being a brief time and I remember David was already despondent about Anna’s and his own brain cancers. David’s was diagnosed about 4 months before his death and Annas was diagnosed several months before David’s.”

    It is interesting to notice that there has been a recent proposal for an Australian Spaceguard Survey, the Australian component of an international effort to detect Earth-threatening asteroids and comets. Further, the rare collection of Mother Shipton’s prophecies was revealed by a NEXUS reader who told us that, thirty years ago, she painstakingly transcribed them and managed to smuggle them out of the Mitchell Library, Sydney (now the State Library of New South Wales). The originals were kept in a locked room, along with many other volumes of prophetic writings deemed unsuitable for viewing by the general public. Shipton predicts two comet strikes and the arrival of an alien species by 2026. The discovery of Noah’s Ark confirms the past alien involvement prior to comet strikes.
  • 10. Windsor, S. R., 1993, NOAH’S ARK, ITS GEOMETRY: Catastrophism & Ancient History, January, pps. 40 – 57.
  • 11. Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight; URIEL’S MACHINE. Also see Scots solution to riddle of the pyramids
    Remains of buildings on Orkney dating from 3800 BC show an extremely sophisticated construction technique.
  • 12. Eric Von Daniken; THE RETURN OF THE GODS Evidence Of Extraterrestrial Visitations; Vega 64 Brewery Road, London, N7 9NT; 2002; pg. 39.
  • 13. Robert Temple; THE SIRIUS MYSTERY New Scientific Evidence Of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago; Op. Cit.; 1998. pg. 157.
    Nebiru (AKA Vulcan AKA Planet X) is identified as a star and “holds the crossing of heaven and Earth”. VULCAN’S LOCATION AT THE DAWN OF MANKIND describe how it operates when sentient beings are formed.

    According to the inscription on Plate 9, the Sirians (Nommos) know of 5 or 6 nearby solar systems that support sentient life. Table 13-4 found in GALACTIC LIFE – LOCAL LIMITATIONS finds 12 star systems within 13 light years of Earth that are in the proper Galactic location to support sentient life. Planets may have been detected in three of these by the older astrometric (wobble) technique but remain unverified by the newer Doppler technique.

Plate 9 and 10 (especially the latter) shows a likely illustration of a Nommos creature. It is like a snake with flexible arms and legs having web like appendages. The 400-year old face displayed offers an “Easter Island” impression. The Ark’s Moon Pool may have also offered a mechanism for the Nommos to exit and enter the Ark while afloat. Nommos quarters may have been directly above the Moon Pool and anchor stone operating mechanisms.

  • 14. Eric Von Daniken; THE RETURN OF THE GODS Evidence Of Extraterrestrial Visitations; Vega 64 Brewery Road, London, N7 9NT; 2002; pp. 39 – 40.
  • 15. Robert Temple; THE SIRIUS MYSTERY New Scientific Evidence Of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago; Op. Cit.; 1998; pp. 7 – 8.
  • 16. 1A 6:14 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.
  • 17. 6:15 Hebrew 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high (about 140 meters long, 23 meters wide and 13.5 meters high)
  • 18. 7:2 Or seven pairs ; also in verse
  • 19. 7:20 Hebrew fifteen cubits (about 6.9 meters)
  • 20. 7:20 Or rose more than twenty feet, and the mountains were covered
  • 21. 8:21 Or man, for
  • 22. Robert Temple; THE SIRIUS MYSTERY New Scientific Evidence Of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago; 1998; pp. 118 ff. It is unclear whether 50 refers to humans or aliens or both.
  • 23. T. Lobsang Rampa; THE CAVE OF THE ANCIENTS; Ballantine Books, a division of Random House, New York, NY.; Copyright 1963; pp. 88 – 94.
  • 24. T. Lobsang Rampa; THE CAVE OF THE ANCIENTS; Op. Cit.; pp. 94 – 97.