Harth, Jordi Guri *
Jordi Guri Harth is the author of a 2024 Kindle book Atlantis – The Cypriot Empire [2092]. It is a feeble attempt to breathe new life into the idea of Cyprus as Atlantis, a claim promoted by Robert Sarmast, with great fanfare, some years ago, but of which, little has been heard from him in recent times.
Thorwald C. Franke has published a short critical review(a) of the book, pointing out a number of weaknesses that he identified in it.
Harth is also the author of a paper on the academia.edu website titled The Odyssey and the Epimenides Paradox(b).
(a) Atlantis Newsletter Archive – Atlantis-Scout (Newsletter 224) *
(b) (PDF) The Odyssey and the Epimenides Paradox | Jordi Guri – Academia.edu