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Showing posts with label Bananas.

Showing posts with label Bananas.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Banana: A Fruit that Really should not Exist


The Biggest Secrets Of The World


Time and again we come across certain evidences about our past which we turn a blind eye to. We can’t explain these without being labeled a crazy conspiracy theorist. Should that scare us from unveiling the truth? Plain truth that is staring hard at us from centuries. Or is it an agenda of the powerful to control this knowledge and hence, control the world? Let’s keep an open mind and try to review some of these Out-Of-Place-Artifacts (OOPArts) and mysterious accounts…

Banana: A Fruit that Really should not Exist



Most people are completely unaware of this fact but there is a fruit that is eaten by millions of people all around the world everyday that is quite remarkable and in all reality, simply shouldn’t exist. I’m talking of course, about the banana. Bananas are actually the most mysterious fruit in the world because bananas have no seeds and what makes this even more mysterious is the fact that they are found in almost every country in the world.


Now that may not sound so odd at first but let me fully explain this enigma to you: Firstly, banana plants are not trees; they are actually a perennial herb. The trunk of the plant is really nothing more than the plants outer leaves. The real stem of the plant doesn’t actually become visible until it pushes out through the top to produce the large purple flower that will eventually develop into the fruit. Then, having finished its perennial reproductive cycle, the plant dies. The problem here, is that in the reproductive cycle of the banana, seeds are completely absent from the mature fruit! A new ‘seedling’ (known as a ‘sucker’) can only ever be generated from a piece of the plants rootstock and yet bananas are found in almost most every place on earth, even on quite remote and isolated islands.


How in the world did they all get there?


The seeds certainly weren’t carried across the oceans by prevailing winds. To fully appreciate this anomaly first consider that the only other seedless plants that exist anywhere in the world are things like seedless grapes, naval oranges and the many genetically modified varieties of commercial vegetables that can now be purchased, the point is, any other seedless plants that exist, anywhere in the world, are all that way because they have genetically modified!


And yet here we have the humble banana, which is also the only food in existence that contains exactly the correct requirements of vitamins and minerals for mans metabolism completely. It is the only food that man can live on healthily, by itself, with complete nutrition, it is found all over the world and yet we have no knowledge of how it could possibly have come into being. It seems highly improbable that the worldwide distribution of a seedless fruit that is perfectly tailored for sustaining man would have just somehow ‘happened.’


It is extremely unlikely for such a plant to have ever been produced by nature all on its own and many people believe that somehow, somewhere, sometime, someone in our far distant past genetically engineered bananas into the widely dispersed and remarkably nutritious plant that we find everywhere in such abundance to day.


These people cite that bananas are living daily proof of an ancient culture that spanned the entire globe in remote pre-history. Botanists also now tentatively agree that the spread of the banana plant appears to have radiated outward from the Pacific region. [Alternatively bananas may have originated in Africa, which is the area that has the most different kinds of bananas, and the transpacific exchange of bananas is a much later secondary diffusion. Genetic studies on both bananas and coconuts seem to suggest both separate centers in Africa and Southeast Asia, and the two different ages for diffusion of the plants in both areas. This information has been run on this blog before in earlier entries-DD]


The Banana plant incidentally, is not actually a fruit or a vegetable, but it does reach a height of around 30 feet at maturity which makes it the Worlds largest herb and the tallest plant in existence that does not have a woody trunk.


  1. Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis the Antediluvian World,

 Chapter VI, the Testimony of Flora and Fauna (p.57)

But Professor [Otto] Kuntze pays especial attention to the banana, or plantain. The banana is seedless. It is found throughout tropical Asia and Africa. Professor Kuntze asks, “In what way was this plant, which cannot stand a voyage through the temperate zone, carried to America?” And yet it was generally cultivated in America before 1492. Says Professor Kuntze, “It must be remembered that the plantain is a tree-like, herbaceous plant, possessing no easily transportable bulbs, like the potato or the dahlia, nor propagable by cuttings, like the willow or the poplar. It has only a perennial root, which, once planted, needs hardly any care, and yet produces the most abundant crop of any known tropical plant.” He then proceeds to discuss how it could have passed from Asia to America. He admits that the roots must have been transported from one country to the other by civilized man. He argues that it could not have crossed the Pacific from Asia to America, because the Pacific is nearly thrice or four times as wide as the Atlantic. The only way he can account for the plantain reaching America is to suppose that it was carried there when the North Pole had a tropical climate! Is there any proof that civilized man existed at the North Pole when it possessed the climate of Africa?

Is it not more reasonable to suppose that the plantain, or banana, was cultivated by the people of Atlantis, and carried by their civilized agricultural colonies to the east and the west? Do we not find a confirmation of this view in the fact alluded to by Professor Kuntze in these words: “A cultivated plant which does not possess seeds must have been under culture for a very long period–we have not in Europe a single exclusively seedless, berry-bearing, cultivated plant–and hence it is perhaps fair to infer that these plants were cultivated as early as the beginning of the middle of the Diluvial Period.”

Is it possible that a plant of this kind could have been cultivated for this immense period of time in both Asia and America? Where are the two nations, agricultural and highly civilized, on those continents by whom it was so cultivated? What has become of them? Where are the traces of their civilization? All the civilizations of Europe, Asia, and Africa radiated from the Mediterranean; the Hindoo-Aryans advanced from the north-west; they were kindred to the Persians, who were next-door neighbors to the Arabians (cousins of the Phœnicians), and who lived along-side of the Egyptians, who had in turn derived their civilization from the Phœnicians.
It would be a marvel of marvels if one nation, on one continent, had cultivated the banana for such a vast period of time until it became seedless; the nation retaining a peaceful, continuous, agricultural civilization during all that time. But to suppose that two nations could have cultivated the same plant, under the same circumstances, on two different continents, for the same unparalleled lapse of time, is supposing an impossibility.

We find just such a civilization as was necessary, according to Plato, and under just such a climate, in Atlantis and nowhere else. We have found it reaching, by its contiguous islands, within one hundred and fifty miles of the coast of Europe on the one side, and almost touching the West India Islands on the other, while, by its connecting ridges, it bound together Brazil and Africa.


Egyptian Banana Plant from Wikipedia


Bananas are known to have been cultivated since 8000 or 9000 BC at least, The first place they can be pinned down as being domesticated is probably New Guinea. Two wild species of seed bananas are thought to have been important in the development of domesticated bananas and plantains: Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana.  Musa balbisiana is native to India, Southern China and South Asia, while Musa acuminata  is native to Africa just south of the Sahara and Indonesia (Including New Guinea). An important independent area of Musa acuminata cultivation is the Lakes region of Eastern Africa and it is possible that banana cultivation there can be traced back to the early  postglacial wet period when related cultures stretched as far away as Lake Chad. the findings of banana experts in Africa and America is at variance with the findings of botanists that work only in the South Asian area. A separate seed banana known as the Pacoba has been identified in South America and it has fossil forebearers that run back to the Oligocene (Zhirov). Bananas produced for peasant economies in the Atlantean areas are frequently called “Plantains” although that name has no particular biological significance.(Information from Wikipedia plus additional from rival sources)