An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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Deluge of Atlantis

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Karl Hepke and “Two Times Atlantis”

I really had not thought of trying to harmonise the theories of Old Atlantis and then the Last Atlanteans or Peoples of the Sea until I came upon the TOLOS Website of Karl Juergen Hepke. Hepke’s site is multilingual although parts of it are only available in German so far. Here is his Link for the Explanation of “Two Times Atlantis”
And here is the site index (German and English versions of the same pages are listed together):

Hepke’s basic thesis is that essentially BOTH Otto Muck and Jurgen Spanuth are correct: that there was an original Pleistocene-Island Atlantis and after its sinking the surviving cultures of the remaining Ten Kingdoms of Atlantis, of which Megalithic Europe was the most notable. Hepke also favours the preeminence of Tartessos (Tharsus) as the secondary Atlantis: but since the same brotherhood of the Ten Kings (The Tuatha) existed throughout the aream, the North Sea Atlantis and the North African Atlantis were also just as much “Atlantises” (Otto Muck also made this point: most of the secondary identifications for Plato’s Atlantis all exist in a common Atlantean culture zone and they are all related as descendants of the original Atlantis.)

The legendary old Atlantis in the Bermuda Triangle
It is nowadays regarded as scientifically proved, that nearly 10 000 – 12 000 years ago, or following a date of the old Maya-calendar about 9500 B.C. a devastating event happened on earth, which had far reaching consequences for life of that time and caused considerable regrouping of land and sea areas. So in Siberian ice were found mammouths, the flesh of which was so quickly frozen that it was, thousands of years after freezing , still edible. In hippopotamusses [rhinoceroses-DD] and other for Siberia not typical animals undigested food was found, which consisted of plants which are no more existent in Siberia. In northern Siberia, in Alaska and in North-Canada were found on natural elevations so much bones of suddenly died animals that the peak of these elevations was nearly totally made of these bones. [Ivan Sanderson speaks of this deposit as “Muck”-a layer of mixed mud, water ice, and undecayed animal flesh, unsorted as to the component parts, and containing remains of animals ranging from mere fragements , dismembered limbs and feet with adhering flesh on them, disarticulated bones and tusks up to nearly entire preserved corpses of animals of any size, dozens of species all mixed up together, AND with layers of volcanic ash running through the deposit as well. See “Riddle of the Frozen Mammoths”]

But also from other parts of the earth there are proofs of extermination of entire herds of animals which were found far away from their native country. So , for example, an gigantic graveyard of elephants was found in the Columbian Andes and an enormous field of dead sea-elephants [Walruses and sealions] in front of the coast of Georgia. All this points out to the fact, that large areas of the earth were struck by a sudden event. Change of climate together with gigantic floods at wide ranges of the land. This change of climate, which altered a time of rising warming in its opposite, a sudden cooling with far reaching consequences for flora and fauna, is called by science Dryas or Time of Tundras and is dated between 9000 and 8000 B.C.[Emphasis added by DD] It lasted nearly one thousand of years until gaining warming returned.

To the level of science of today there is only one theory that explains all these details of an world-wide catastrophe. It says, that an enormous meteorite or asteroid had struck the earth. It had enough energy to disturb the spin of earth. The earth began to stagger and the oceans left their natural bed cause of the mass-forces and flow over the lower situated countries in a gigantic wave, sweeping away all animal or human life and dumping it at places where the current stopped. In other areas, in which the water rose more slowly, because of greater distance to the sea, the animals could fly to hills, where the rising water drunk them at last.

In the memory of all people of the earth this event lives as story of “The Flood”, in which only survived who went into a ship or chest like Noah in the Bible or clung to a swimming beam and was washed ashore at a protruding mountain. In addition to the effect of the asteroid´s impact is today assumed, that earth had accumulated a considerable instability caused by the gigantic masses of ice, which had piled on the mountains of northern Europe for several kilometers. This instability was activated by the impact and both caused the tilt of the earth´s axis. By measuring of the magnetism of rocks was detected that the possible result of both was a moving of the North Pole from the south point of Greenland 3500 Km to the North, seen from the Atlantic. The Pole got into the Northern Ice Sea and the new beginning development of ice was now in the sea. Quite the contrary happened at the South Pole. Here moved the development of ice to the, until than nearly free of ice being, land of Antarctic.

Because the earth is on account of its iron bearing core a permanent magnet, staid the magnetic North and South Pole at its old place. This old place is situated on the Polar Circle and it is therefore possible, that before the described moving of the poles the earth´s axis was vertical to the orbit of the earth round the sun. That means , that there were no seasons on earth at that time. The sun shined more or less, corresponding to the degree of latitude. Because the poles got nearly no sunshine, it was possible, that there grew a gigantic mass of ice. Nevertheless the position of the earth´s axis vertical to its orbit can be seen as normal position from physical point of view, because nearly all physical forces are optimal in balance.

The assumption, that earth´s axis was vertical in time of the old cultures of Atlantis I, the old iranian {Middle-Eastern] culture and the old cultures of the East, which are not researched in that point until now, makes clear, why the calendars of these old nations, as the old Celts, the Egyptians and the Sumerians, counted with the moon. Because of the missing seasons the run of earth round the sun was without interest.

If you liked it more warm you went to the south, if you liked it more cool, you took the way to North. There were less thunderstorms and natural catastrophes and also less earthquakes. That this time left in human mind the idea of a “golden age” or an “paradise” is, facing these features, only natural. Today the earth is in an not equable position. The forces of sun and moon try to put it back in the old stable position and exert pressure on the swimming floes of the continents. This produces again and again earthquakes at the edges of these floes. The not equable position of the earth is also visible in the still resting swaying of the earth´s axis called “praecession”.

Although you could suppose, that the postponement of the poles, at the one side into the water and on the other side to the land of the Antarctic were nearly balancing each other, the level of the sea rose in the following time which was accompanied by a warming time and the end of a glacial epoch. The increase of the sea lies between 100 and 180 m because it was superimposed at several places by a rise of land.

A country which was struck extremely hard by the catastrophe was South and North America. To the knowledge of today it is supposed that the impact of the asteroid happened in the area which is today called the “Bermuda-Triangle”. This region is known as dangerous because there excessive many ships and aeroplanes get lost by unknown forces of nature. Because America is not far away and because there are no big mountains at the atlantic-side , which could break the waves of the ocean, America was nearly totally flooded. The result was, that in the lower land no life survived and nearly the same is valid for the countries and enormous islands in front of the America of that time, where many researchers suppose the old Atlantis I. These regions are flooded today by the sea with varying depth and only the peaks of some mountains rise up out of the water forming the islands of today and serve as an aid to orientation.

The center of this former country are the gigantic banks of Bahama with the islands of Andros, Exuma and Eleuthera. Western of them is the “Tongue of Ocean”, a ditch of depths round 8000 m and at its southern part there are two oval holes of several kilometre diameter and unknown depth where the impact holes of the asteroid are supposed. On this plate of Bahama were found astonishing things. It was before the flooding an expanded country with bays and inland waters and consisted of one ore some large islands. Since 1968 until now here were made surprising discoveries which are pointing to the fact, that this country has carried a signifying and varying culture before its destruction by the asteroid and following flooding.

Near Bimini were found under water constructions which you could take for roads, terraces, docks, and collapsed walls. In the utilization of gigantic stones they are remembering the time before the Inkas in Peru or the zyclopean constructions of Mykene, Kanaan or the megalithic tombs of western Europe.The most famous discovery is the Biminiwall or Biminiroad in 1968, an extended plaster of right- and polygonal formed stones of different size and strength. Many of the stones are right-formed or perfect cubic, what in nature does not occur in repetition. The bigger stones of three or four-and-a-half meter length form straight going avenues with two parallel roads. It is interrupted by two widenings of big flat stones the ends of which are positioned on upright set stones. This method of building is comparable to that used at west-european dolmen. The southeastern end of this road construction ends in a waved bend which surfaces again at an other place and gives the impression, that it had former surrounded whole Bimini. Three short dams, built of exactly formed big stones are of same width and are ending in cornerstones. Because all these constructions are under water, it is difficult to make excavations like on dry ground. Only experienced divers could identify ,that the bulky pillars which supported some of the stones could not be in that position by natural means and that at least these parts of the roads were built artificially. Additionally were found in the sea area of the Bahama-embankment as on the ground of the sea in the neighbourhood of Cuba, Haiti and Santo Domingo buildings as formed by human hand. Some of these buildings look like pyramids,terraces of temples or enormous buildings with domes. Northern of Puerto Rico were found the steps of stairs hewed into the rock, which lead to the former edge of the sea before 12 000 years. Divers, who found the anchor of an spanish galleon scratched the sea ground during its examination and detected, that it was lying on the mosaic floor of an terrace which was flooded before thousands of years by the sea.

All this shows really , that in this area the sea covers the remains of a great culture, which was nearly totally destroyed by the impact of the asteroid. Nearly, because the megalithic constructions at the west-european coast of the Atlantic show, that there were survivors of this culture, which were able to reconstruct some of the achievements of it and make a new beginning. The tecnical talents which are told of this high culture in the Indian Mahabharata, that they were able to construct aeroplanes and things like atom-bombs, were lost in the catastrophe and the thousands of years lasting process of relaxation. Why of all people the far away living Indians (D) saved the story of these sunken countries and its high culture and civilization until today is shown in other chapters of TOLOS.

Two times “Atlantis”
by Karl Juergen Hepke *

Platon gives in his report about “Atlantis” two unambiguous geographic details for the location. At first: Atlantis was situated behind the pillars of Herakles (hyper ten heraklei nyssai). The greek word “hyper” can mean as well: “on the other side of”,as “above”,as “behind” and several other, which is here not interesting or applicable. If you take it in the sense of “behind” or “above” and look at it in the view of the seafaring at that time -which was the only possibility to get from Egypt to Atlantis- it was situated at the coast of Iberia or Africa after passing the Street of Gibraltar. For seafaring at that time happened almost exclusively near to the next coast. Crossing the open sea, which was usually called “ocean” ,was only practised if it was sure and proved by experience that at the other side of the “ocean” was situated a country, which you could reach in a couple of days. But behind the Strait of Gibraltar there was no such country in the days of Platon until now.

The second unambiguous information in the report is, that the country that follows from Atlantis to the South, was the country of Gadeiros. There is no doubt at all, that Gadeiros is the later Gades, nowadays Cadiz. With that, the only possible position of the “Atlantis” described by Platon is situated in South-Iberia northern of the hilly country of Gadeiros. Africa can be excluded and over that all remaining places in the world that could be possible following the remaining information given by Platon. That is no new fact and there were and are several Atlantis-researchers seeing Atlantis for this reason in Andalusia, which is called in Arabian “andaluz”. A name which is linguistic not far away from the Egyptian “Atlantis”. But until now all these arguments are not accepted as sufficient. Therefore the German Atlantis-researcher Adolf Schulten felt obliged to dig in the manner of Schliemann at several places in the delta of the Guadalquivir in the beginning of the twentieth century. He offered up his whole property for that and however stayed without success. Finding the probably right place was reserved to the local archaeology of the little town named “El Puerto de Santa Maria” between Cadiz and Jeres de la Frontera. Since 1978 there was digging up on the hill of “Dama Blanca” which is positioned nearly 10 Km from the sea in front of a mountain.

From this mountain you can see clearly both named towns, the surrounding plain, the sea and the river Guadalete which is flowing into it. It is obvious that this was, strategically seen, a very convenient place for the foundation of a town. You must ask yourself, why Schulten had not seen the overwhelming fitness of this position. Due to the results of the digging up until now, probably here was found the tell of the famous town “Tartessos” from the time between 1000 and 300 B.C., which was destroyed finally by the Romans. It seems to be possible , that you can find under, or in the neighbourhood of it, the rests of the town of “Tharsis” from the time of 1600 until 1250 B.C., which was the ancestor of Tartessos and described by Platon under the name of “Atlantis”. It was destroyed by a natural desaster. Until 1998 there were found six layers (stratum) of settlement with clear pointing out to trade relations to the Greek thalassocraties. The “Empire of Tartessos” and the preceding “Empire of Atlantis” of the Bronze Age comprised to todays stand of knowledge also other old towns in Andalusia as Huelva, Niebla, Carmona and Carambolo, in which were made considerable discoveries from the Bronze Age.

Beside this, discoveries of old gold and copper mines are made in the recent time in the mountains north of the Andalusian plain. These mountains are nowadays called “Sierra Morena” and were described by Platon as the mountain range that protected the plain of Atlantis from the cold wind of the north. The plains of Andalusia are until now passed by canals corresponding to Platons description. Other features of the Platon description as two harvests a year, damp wind of the Atlantic, rests of elephants, bull- and horse breeding , megalithic tombs, the incident of earthquakes, ideal living conditions for a great number of people, growing of all imaginable sort of plants and trees are also fulfilled nowadays in Andalusia. If you look at the “islands positioned behind” of France, England, Ireland and the “opposite situated continent” of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, which extends as far as Russia, is this country truely bigger than “Lybia and Asia put together” as Platon tells.

The mystery of Platon´s “Atlantis” seems therefore solved.

But this is only effective for the “Atlantis” of the Bronze Age, described by Platon. Besides that, there is the “Atlantis” which occurs in the myths of many nations of the world under different names and sunk in a terrible catastrophe which carried off a large part of mankind.

This catastrophe is known in the Christian world under the name of “The Flood”. Following the knowledge of recent science, and there is nearly no discussion between all Atlantis researchers, it happened nearly 9500 B.C., that is 9000 years before the visit of Solon in Egypt, which was the basis of Platon´s Atlantis report. Platon also tells this in his report. And with that begins the muddle and for a lot of people the chaos, that makes the report of Platon incredible. Because 9500 B.C. there was no Bronze Age on earth. There were no settlements in Greece and there was no town of Athens, which could resist the penetrating Atlantians, as Platon tells.

For the solution of this puzzle there is only one possibility. The 9000 years, which told the Egyptian priest to the “ignorant Greeks”, were moon-years and not sun-years. In old times it was usual in Egypt, to count the years to the phases of the moon. An “Egypt-year” of that time corresponds nearly to a month of our calendar and went from full-moon to full-moon. For the seasons are not very distinct in Egypt this was much better to recognize than the position of the sun, which does not change the climate very much. This calculation to “moons” was usual in all old cultures, as in Mesopotamia and also in the old calendar of the Celts.(D) The 9000 moon years must therefore be shared by 12,34, for the moon goes round the earth 12,34 times in a sun-year. Than you get 729 years. Added up to the time of 500 B.C., when Solon was in Egypt, you come to 1229 B.C. Following todays knowledge, 1250 B.C. happened the natural disaster in which Platons Atlantis sunk down and 1190 B.C. was the first battle between Egypt and the sea-peoples. The natural disaster of 1250 B.C. caused a nearly 600 years lasting worsening of the climate , which was the cause of the “migration of the sea-people” as the Egyptians called it. The consequence of this migration was, that the whole Near East as far as Egypt and India was historically unambiguous provable rolled up by the penetrating “Atlantian” people. They passed into history as “Sea-people” , “Aramaeas”, “Arias” naming only some very good known.

But what happened to the mythical “Atlantis” of the Mayas and other nations before 11500 sun-years at 9500 B.C. The “Atlantis” of the Flood and where was positioned this “Atlantis” of many researchers. It is truely proved and nearly undeniable, that the catastrophe of the Flood happened on the whole earth, for it is known in the myths of all old nations. As cause of the Flood you can therefore eliminate local events like catastrophic explosions of volcanos. What is only possible is a cosmic event like the impact of a big asteroid or comet on earth. Because nobody has found a big crater of this time on dry ground the impact must have happened in the sea. The supposed impact craters are two gigantic holes in the sea ground south of the Bahamas in the so-called “Bermuda-triangle” in the western Atlantic. This at least because America was struck especially hard by this catastrophe.

Nearly all human and animal life and all culture disappeared in this area. America was thrown back in its cultural development by this catastrophe nearly 10000 years. It is hold for proved that almost the whole lowland and low mountain ranges were flooded by a gigantic wave. Also it is maintained by some researchers that some coastal areas in the west of America were lifted 3000 m in this catastrophe.
[Certainly parts of Canada were lifted up as much as 3000 m after the Ice Age ended and from Isostatic Rebound: the same thing happened in parts of Northern Europe as well.-DD]

The gigantic wave arrived also in Europe, Asia and Africa. Thanks of the bigger extension of the land and stronger mountain ranges of the continents, the effect was not so complete here. On protect situated mountains men and animals were spared out by the water and survived in climatic convenient situated areas also in catastrophic thunderstorms and cold spells, which followed the catastrophe and went on for nearly 1000 years. In the weather statistic of earth this time is known as Dryas or Time of Tundras. Following the today predominantly accepted theory, the enormous impact of the asteroid caused some rolling of the earth spin with following postponement of the poles of 3200 Km to the pole position of today. The prior position of the North Pole was probably the southern point of Greenland, where is positioned today only the magnetic North Pole. This could mean that earth´s axis was vertical to the earth´s orbit round the sun before this postponement of the poles. This position is physically seen the normal position and more stable than todays inclination of 23 degrees.(D)

This would mean, that before the postponement of the poles, there were no seasons on earth. Because of that, the climate was much more quiet and consistent. The surface of the water on earth and especially in the Atlantic was 150 m lower than today and there existed a large number of big islands and large areas round the coasts of today. The Atlantic was a calm bathing pool like today some regions of the Pacific and it was possible to get from island to island with simple boats. That means, the earth was in that time really the paradise which exists in the myths of many nations. In many regions of the world there was a big lowland like “Atlantis” in front of the continents and islands. These lowlands sunk in the rising of the water surface of nearly 180 m after the catastrophe. So it is explained, that in nearly all regions of the world there are Atlantis-legends and discoveries of sunken great cultures. Also the before told calendar to “moons” of the old nations would find with this its natural explanation and make clear why, for example, the old Celts had a calendar period of five years (D) and not of one. Also explained is the amazing meaning of the observation of sun, moon and stars, the changing of the length of night and day and their effect on the nature by men living about 5000 B.C. All this was new for them and they tried to explain these difficult occurrences and put it in an order. We, men of today, are adapted to this situation and we have developed furnishings which enable us to live sufficient comfortable under these conditions. Men living at 5000 B.C. began with that development and probably still hoped, that the conditions of their lost paradise came back. This hope is no more existent in todays mankind and we are trying to create our little paradise of ourselves.

* Karl Juergen Hepke is graduate engineer and since 1980 working at the research of early history . He is author of books and editor of the Internet-sites and

[Hepke repeats Spanuth’s rationale for reading the date of Atlantis’ downfall as equalling the Phaethon event. I disagree because for me the date is an astronomical one referring to the Precession of the equinoxes and hence it really is intended to refer to 9000 solar calendar years. Furthermore, Hepke gives good reason for using Muck’s date for the event. While I fully endorse BOTH events and the dates supported for either one, the date for Phaethon is not the same date as the date given for the destruction of Atlantis as given by the Egyptian priest: There are two different kinds of catastrophes being described and distinguished from one another and the Phaethon event is categorically differentiated from the Destruction of Atlantis in the Atlantis dialogues of Plato. There is no good reason to equate the two and certainly no textual justification for doing so.]

-Best Wishes, Dale D.