Carlotto, Mark
Mark Carlotto is a keen supporter of Charles Hapgood‘s theory of crustal displacement. His endorsement is outlined in his 2018 book, Before Atlantis [1600] and a supportive website(a). His focus is concentrated on the original alignment of ancient sites that appear to consistently point to different locations for the North Pole in ancient times suggesting a crustal displacement a la Hapgood, Flem-Ath and others. Carlotto offers a new Pole Shift theory(b).
In a separate paper, Carlotto offers a more focused study that concentrates on antediluvian cities in Mesopotamia that appear to be aligned with different locations held by the North Pole in earlier times. Based on Hapgood’s theory of crustal displacement, Carlotto concluded that these cities should be dated much earlier than generally accepted! (e)
Carlotto also found that “In examining the alignments of megalithic sites in northern Europe it has been determined that more than a dozen appear to point toward a geographic location near or within modern-day Paris. The earliest sites (late Neolithic) that face in this direction are not aligned with celestial events such as solstices or lunar standstills. However, later sites are oriented to celestial events as well. That these sites both reference celestial events and a specific geographic location suggests that their locations could not have been chosen at random. The probability that over a dozen sites are aligned to face a specific geo-location is extremely small. Despite the common belief that Neolithic people were organized in relatively small groups, this finding suggests they had knowledge of a larger group/higher level of organization that was connected in some way with a place of importance – a location near Paris, and could align sites hundreds of kilometers away to that location.” (g)
Moving on to Egypt, he contends in a 2021 paper that the Sphinx may have been part of a lunar temple aligned with the rising of a full moon!(f)
For me, Carlotto’s credibility took a dive when he unexpectedly began a discussion(c) on the ‘Face’ on Mars! It is interesting that Carlotto echoes Graham Hancock‘s idea of a very ancient global civilisation on Earth as well as Mars [2003].
“Before Atlantis proposes that our current technological civilization was preceded by a series of earlier civilizations stretching back more than 100,000 years. Preliminary findings presented here lead to the obvious question of whether an earlier civilization from Earth might have constructed the Face and other structures on Mars long ago”.
Carlotto touches on the subject of Atlantis(d) including the suggestion of a Mesoamerican and Caribbean location. He comments on the Plain of Atlantis – “It is interesting to note that 2000 x 3000 stadia = 229 x 344 miles is roughly the size of the Yucatan Peninsula”!
(a) Before Atlantis – New Evidence of Past Civilizations
(b) A New Theory of Earth Crustal Displacement – Before Atlantis
(c) As Below, So Above? New Evidence of an Ancient Connection Between Earth and Mars – Before Atlantis
(d) A Commentary on Plato’s “Myth” of Atlantis – Before Atlantis
(f) A New Interpretation and Dating of the Sphinx based on the Moon – Before Atlantis