An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    NEWS September 2023

    September 2023. Hi Atlantipedes, At present I am in Sardinia for a short visit. Later we move to Sicily and Malta. The trip is purely vacational. Unfortunately, I am writing this in a dreadful apartment, sitting on a bed, with access to just one useable socket and a small Notebook. Consequently, I possibly will not […]Read More »
  • Joining The Dots

    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Archive 3922

This translation from the Russian is printed as received


VORONIN ALEXANDER (the pseudonym is Alex Bran, Athanasius Bran), – the Russian historian and atlantologist.

Was born on April, 26th,1954 inTula(Russia). By training the lawyer-jurist. Since1999 amember of the Union of journalists ofMoscow.

The initiator of atlantological movements in Russiain the late nineties – the beginning 2000, carrying out of congresses, conferences, art exhibitions on a problem of Atlantis. The organizer and the participant of the First, Second and Third Russian congresses of atlantologists, passing in 2000, 2003 and 2007 according to under the aegis of Institute of oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences of  P.P. Shirshov.

The editor-in-chief of the almanac specially devoted to Atlantis and the basic problems of atlantology «Atlantis: problems, searches, hypotheses» (Moscow, 1999, 2001, 2002).

The president of «Russian society on studying of problems of Atlantis» (ROIPA) from the moment of its basis (2003). The initiator of creation in Russia of  the Museum of Atlantisof N.F. Zhirov for preservation Russian atlantological heritages, including Russian.

Since 2004 edits in publishing house  «Veche» some book series «Library of Atlantis», «Secrets of ancient civilizations», «Relics and world treasures».

In October 2011 he participated in the scientific and research expedition on the sailing vessel  «Running on  waves» in the frameworks of the project «To the sources of Europe». Visited Rome, Athenes, Sardinia island,Pantelleria,Malta,Nisiros,Cyprus.

From 2012 the chief editor of «the Almanac about the mysteries of ancient civilizations: Cronos».

Spends active research work on search of historical evidences and the artifacts confirming the fact of existence of great civilizations of the past, including Atlantis. The initiator of an official recognition atlantology, as the science forming a certain synthesis of existing scientific directions for the subsequent searches and competent research of traces disappeared cultures.

In the almanac «Atlantis: problems, searches, hypotheses» are published the fantastic story «Green bottle» and works on atlantology: «Lords of Ogenon. Mythology of Atlantis», «the Russian bibliography about  Atlantis». Also for the first time have been published in Russian atlantological biographies of Michael Lomonosov, Avraam Norov, Vasily Kapnist, Michael Menshikov, Vladimir Bogachyov, Elena Blavatskaya, Ignatius Donnelli.

In the book «Mythology of Atlantis. Lords of Ogenon» (1999-2002) author has tried to isolate from a great number of the Euroasian myths and legends, with attraction of Pythagorean materials, the unique legend connected with Atlantis by Plato. Along with known mythological characters, such historical and legendary persons as the tsarina Savsky, Solomon, Sanhuniaton, Ehnaton, tsarina Hatshepsut, Pifagor, Filolaj, Gelon Sirakuzsky, Ferekid from Siros, Kir the Great, Kambiz, Ksenofont, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Antony Diogen, Lutsy Ampelius and Nonn from Panopolitania are connected with idea of great pra-civilization far back in the past, identified with Atlantis.

In book series of publishing house «Veche»  there were two books of Voronin «Sea colonies of Atlantis» (2004) and «Treasures and relics of the lost civilizations» (2010), the others under its edition: N.F. Zhirov «Atlantis. The basic problems of atlantology» (2004), R. Devin, C. Berlits «In search of the gone continent» (2004), L. Zajdler «Great accident» (2004), D. Sora «Atlantis and a kingdom of giants» (2005),I.Donnelli «The Twilight of the gods during Fire and Stone epoch» (2007), O.G. Muk «The Heavenly sword over Atlantis» (2007).

For the first time articles about life and creativity known atlantologists are published: Nikolay Zhirov, Deni Sora, Rozhe Devine, Charles Berlits, Otto Muk and Marko Bulloni.

In the book «Sea colonies of Atlantis» (2004) it is summed up atlantological researches in the world from the middle XX – prior to the beginning of the XXI-st centuries. On the basis of the scientific data and many analogies between cultures of the Old and New Worlds the author developed the concept of «multi – lands of Atlantis», which main countries were situated in the North Atlantic from the Bahamas to South-West of Europe and North-West Africa including the Azore plato, and many colonies  – to the whole planet. On the basis of the scientific given and numerous analogies between cultures of Old and New World the author has developed the concept «pluralities of the earths-Atlantis» which basic kingdoms settled down in Northern Atlantic and on the Azores plateau, and numerous colonies – on all planet. For the further development of this concept for Voronin it was necessary to enter concept «a new cultural complex of Atlantis» which assumes presence on the Earth certain material artifacts and the geophysical anomalies belonging to antediluvian culture of Atlantis. «The cultural complex of Atlantis», binding basically the Atlantic areas Old and a New World and described by Lewis Spens (1926), should be expanded to Indian, Pacific,Arctic and Antarctic continental and mainly shelf areas of both hemispheres of the Earth. In the book materials and photos of labyrinths, plates and others are used, is artificial the processed stone objects on Azores archipelago of Russian researcher Evgeniy Ermakov and, according to the author, belonging to unknown culture and concerning to before the Portuguese colonization of islands. All it proves existence on our planet many millennia back global, highly developed technogenic pra-civilisations which surpassed a level of development of modern mankind in variety of parameters.

For the first time in the book «Sea colonies of Atlantis» unknown earlier literary text under the name «Tree of Atlantis» is published. It is the manuscript of the middle of 1950th of the unknown Russian adherent entering into one ofMoscowmasons of the associations. The text can be carried to the category tamplier-mason legends about Atlantis, some of them have been published by Andrey Nikitin in several volumes «the Award of Russian tampliers» (2003-2005). The manuscript was in Michael Apollinarevicha Mihajlova’s (1926-1996) library, last representative of an ancient Russian sort of noble family, and as he said, was based on an unknown source of the end XVIII – the beginnings of XIX centuries M.A. Mihajlov is also the transmitter of the folklore message, almost coded message, about «the greatest treasures of an antiquity», ostensibly hidden on one of northern capes of Crete. Voronin has connected history about «the greatest treasures» with Atlantis and carriers of this secret, with a clan of Tantalum, Pelops and known antique philosophers Fales, Ferekid Sirossky, Solon, Pifagor, Plato and Apollonium Tianskiy. More detailed working out of this plot and a binding to them of other mythical treasures and relics of Atlantis are given in books «Treasures and relics of the lost civilizations» (2010), «Secret treasures of theMediterranean».

In 2008 Voronin publishes for the first time together with publishing house «Aquarius» a poem almost unknown in Europe and in Russia the poet-emigrant of Russian abroad George Golohvastov (1882-1963) «Destruction of Atlantis» (1938) in 8000 verses and article about his life and creativity on materials of archive of the Colombian university (USA). Extremely rich, mystical attitude of an antediluvian epoch sated with improbable bright occult paints, visionary lived by the poet, brings us to a creativity limit in truthfulness of the description of ancient life of atlants. Contemporaries of Golohvastov compared its product to the best European samples of an epic genre: Dante «the Divine Comedy», Tasso «the Released Jerusalem», Milton «Lost Paradise», Goethe «Faust». In 2009 Voronin it is awarded by the diploma of a name of William Shakespeare (Germany and Russia) within the limits of the National literary award «Gold Feather of Russia» for the contribution to development of history of literature of Russian abroad for materials about Golohvastov.

The author about 100 articles in the central periodical press and collections about the most ancient sources of a human civilization and culture. The book about Ancient Greek historian Feopomp and reconstruction of utopian constructions in  «Meropia»  became an important stage in the further researches. One of lines of activity of Voronin was preparation for work over «History of Russian atlantology» publications of separate biographies of known and less known people of Russian culture and a science were which preliminary stage: Michael Lomonosov, Avraam Norov, Vasily Kapnist, Elena Blavatskaya, Valery Brjusov, Michael Menshikov, George Golohvastov, Andrey Beloborodov, Vladimir Bogachyov, Nikolay Zhirov, Vladimir Sherbakov, Ekaterina  Hagemeister. (Link broken since early 2013)