Evola, Julius
Julius Evola (1898-1974) was an Italian philosopher and although he was politically right-wing in his views, he did not formally join the National Fascist Party. However, when Italy surrendered to the Allies in September 1943, he moved to Germany where he worked as a researcher for the SS Ahnenerbe.
According to Evola in his Rivolta contro il mondo modern[1326], he claimed that the Atlanteans were Hyperboreans, Nordic supermen, who originated at the North Pole. It has been noted that many of his ideas regarding prehistory are closely related to Theosophy(b). This book has been translated into English[1327] and is available online.
According to Evola in his Revolt Against the Modern World (1934), he claimed the Atlanteans were Hyperboreans, Nordic supermen, who originated at the North Pole.
The New York Times of February 10th 2017(c) has, worryingly, identified racist Evola as a possible influence on the thinking of Stephen K. Bannon, one of Donald Trump’s top advisors.
There is a website dedicated to Evola’s work(a).
(a) Julius Evola – His Main Views In His Own Words (archive.org) *
(b) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Evola
(c) Steve Bannon Cited Italian Thinker Who Inspired Fascists – The New York Times (archive.org)