Judy Johnston
Johnston, Judy
Judy Johnston was the author of a short paper(a) in the 1930’s which reviewed the leading opinions of the day and arrived at no firm conclusion except to declare that ”Thus the case of Atlantis rests. If the Platonian story is ever to be completely proved, ‘a great array of substantial evidence’ will have to be. presented. Almost every branch of science will have to be represented and a great deal of research will need to be done. But whether or not the story of. the lost continent can ever be proved, it will no doubt continue to live, ‘for it was chiefly to the ideal imagination – the portion of the mind which prefers to believe the impossible just because it is impossible that the dream of Atlantis appealed’.”
(a) https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1584&context=manuscripts