Yurchey, Doug *
Doug Yurchey (aka Tray Caladan) has written articles on a variety of subjects from advanced technology in the Bible to Bode’s Law(f). However, his views on Atlantis show a firm drift towards the Lunatic Fringe(h)*. He proposes that Atlantis had an electricity grid, based on principles later postulated by Nikola Tesla. He explains that any proof of this was washed away in catastrophic floods. He goes much further with an assertion that our distant ancestors not only had electricity but ‘cloning, space travel, atomic energy, anti-gravity, lasers, etc.’
In 2002, Yurchey published a paper detailing high-technology in the Bible, in which he also declares that “the Bible is the most amazing account of Close Encounters.”(g)
He also manages to put Yonaguni in the South China Sea instead of the East China Sea.
His comments regarding the early Amazon inhabitants are quite entertaining –
Yurchey has also attacked Erich von Däniken’s ‘ancient astronaut’ theories, but only because he thinks them unnecessary, as his (Yuchey’s) view of Atlantis being so technologically advanced that it makes the idea of aliens redundant(c).
Evidence is not produced to support any of his wild speculations, many of which are to be found on his website(a).
A cynic might be forgiven for attributing his outlandish views to his unrepentant support for the recreational use of marijuana(b).
2014 found Yurchey with a new name, Tray Caladan. But, although the name is new, he is still spreading the same old natural fertiliser(e).
(a) You searched for Yurchey – World Mysteries Blog (world-mysteries.com)
(b) https://archive.lewrockwell.com/spl2/reason-hemp-is-illegal.html
(c) Von Daniken’s Mistake (archive.org)
(d) https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/column.php?id=93290
(e) https://blog.world-mysteries.com/strange-artifacts/revelations-of-tray-caladan-doug-yurchey/
(f) https://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/new-order-to-the-solar-system/
(g) https://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/high-technology-in-the-bible/