Zimbales Mountains
The Zimbales Mountains of the Philippines was the site of the discovery of an unusual stone by a group of fossil collectors in 1985. It measured 11 x 7 inches and was two inches thick. One of the group, 20-year old Ronnie Alonzo, was convinced the markings on the rock were not fossilised insects but in fact were an ancient map. He concluded that it was a world map that included a reference to the location of Atlantis in the Atlantic.
Alonzo claims to have researched his theory for twenty years and in 2005 a paper on his theory was one of 34 selected from nearly 200 submitted, to be presented to the Atlantis Conference held on the Greek island of Melos. Alonzo is currently pursuing his master’s degree in archaeology at the University of the Philippines.
Alonzo now supports his theory with a website(a).
(a) https://www.keystonecode.org/