Gardiner, Philip
Philip Gardiner is an English researcher and successful author. His interests include secret societies, alternative history and the Holy Grail(b). His best-known work is The Shining Ones[1228], not to be confused with a book of the same name by the late Christian O’Brien. Gardiner has written a short article(a) in which he suggests America held the land of Atlantis, being the only large landmass beyond Gibraltar, where he believes Plato’s ‘Pillars of Heracles’ were located.
Based on a number of factors including linguistics, he favours Mexico as the location of Plato’s lost land!(e)
Some of Gardiner’s papers are available on the Bibliotecapleyades website(d).
Gardiner is also the narrator of a 2014 documentary entitled Atlantis, The Lost World(c).
(a) See Archive 2920
(d) Philip Gardiner (
(e) *