Miquel, Eduardo (L)
Eduardo Miquel (1968-) is an independent researcher born in Valencia, Spain. He has dedicated 20 years to the study of Atlantis. In 2010 he published the first volume(a) of Legados de la Atlantida[0860](The Legacy of Atlantis), in which he supported the idea of Atlantis being an island continent situated in the Atlantic, with its remnants now the Azores archipelago.He claims that it was destroyed over time by three catastrophic events.
In volume 2[0861], published in 2011(b), he suggested that the ancient Egyptian civilisation had its origins in Atlantis. Both of these books, in Spanish, can be downloaded as free pdf.files.
(a) https://www.bubok.es/libros/176243/LEGADOS-DE-LA-ATLANTIDA-11
(b) https://www.bubok.es/libros/197369/LEGADOS-DE-LA-ATLANTIDA-12