The Trident is the accepted symbol of Poseidon the Greek god of the sea who ruled over Atlantis. A stylised trident is also the symbol of the Ukraine, a fact that has prompted some to suggest that this was the result of Atlantean refugees fleeing there.
Vladimir Pakhomov has claimed that the trident was reminiscent of the mountains of Atlantis when viewed from the sea. However, this is just wild speculation as it is most likely that such an outline would only be valid from one or two positions of the ocean, which is as useful as the stopped clock that is correct at least twice a day.
J. G. Bennett has pointed out that the symbol of Poseidon was the trident, an image that occurs on many Cretan frescoes.
A more exotic idea(a) is that the Euro symbol, € , which has four points, has been inspired by the trident at the instigation of modern Atlantean survivors! There are times when you could be forgiven for thinking that drug testing for the writers of such daft ideas should be mandatory.