Florida (L)
Florida has recently entered the Atlantis Stakes with the suggestion that Harbour Island in Tampa Bay, Florida might be the location of Atlantis. Dennis Brooks has written a book or rather booklet[201], containing only 67 pages, which examines the topographical and climatic similarities between Harbour Island and Plato’s Atlantis. Investors are now being sought to develop Tampa Bay and Harbour Island as an “Atlantis” tourist destination! Brooks’ booklet has now been repackaged as Atlantis Conspiracy[202], which can be read online(a).
Brooks also claims that the Florida Peninsula was originally the 110×330 mile plain described by Plato. With a further rush of blood to his head Brooks suggests that the treasure of Atlantis is to be found on Oak Island, off Nova Scotia, where treasure has been sought for the past two centuries.
John Saxer of Tarpon Springs, Florida, in July 2006, outraged some by suggesting(b) that Tarpon Springs was at the centre of the biblical Garden of Eden and that Tampa Bay had been the port of Atlantis.
Coincidentally, Florida is also the home of a small town called – Atlantis, 90km north of Miami.
(a) https://bookacces.com/?p=243571 (offline July 2015)
(b) https://tboblogs.com/index.php/opinion/comments/whats_up_with_the_rocks/