Hanebu (Haou-Nebout) *
Hanebu (Haou-Nebout) is an Egyptian term that apparently means “behind the islands” and is claimed by Frank Joseph to be a reference to the Sea Peoples. The same idea is promoted by Ellis Peterson(b). However, it is more generally accepted that the name was the one by which the Egyptian first identified the Greeks(a), which certainly seems more plausible.
Pierluigi Montalbano, the Sardinian researcher, discusses in two papers the Hanebu and their possible association with the Atlanteans and/or Minoans(c)(d)!
Fabio Marino in a paper entitled The Atlantis of the Egyptians the author engages in a detailed examination of the meaning of Haou-Nebout(f), but is also less than certain about its meaning.
Atlantisforschung offers an article that discusses the variety of spellings and meanings associated with the term ‘Hanebu’. The thrust of the paper appears to endorse Jürgen Spanuth‘s claim that the Egyptians used the term Hanebu to describe the Sea Peoples or as Spanuth prefers, the North Sea Peoples(g).
The name has also been applied in more recent times to some of the Nazi secret flying machines that were in development towards the end of the war(e).
(a) Egypt the Birthplace of Greek Decorative Art. (archive.org) *
(b) Amber and Ancient Egypt Hidden History Part 8 (archive.org)
(c) https://pierluigimontalbano.blogspot.com/2010/06/atlantide-haou-nebout.html
(d) https://pierluigimontalbano.blogspot.com/2010/06/atlantide-haou-nebout_15.html
(e) Disc Aircraft of The Third Reich (archive.org)
(f) https://www.academia.edu/16194076/Atlantis_of_Ancient_Egypt
(g) Hanebu (Haunebu) – Atlantisforschung.de (atlantisforschung-de.translate.goog)