Neith was an ancient Egyptian goddess and patron god of Sais, where Solon is said to have learned about Atlantis. Neith is often identified with the Greek goddess Athena as well as the Berber and Punic goddess Tanith (Tanit, Tanut), although this has been disputed(a). Tanith is said to be derived from the Phoenician lunar goddess and claims have been made that Tanit was also a Hyksos goddess.
>A paper(e) outlining the appearance of Tanit on Iberian coins of villages that had been in contact with the Phoenicians can be read on the website.
Some years ago Egerton Sykes noted in his Atlantis magazine “that the Egyptian goddess Neith (NTH) was the same as Tanith (TNH) and Athene (THN), the letters in brackets being the Egyptian consonants for the names.”(d)
The association of Greek with Egyptian deities was originally told to us by Herodotus(b). A similar connection between Greek and Hindu gods has also been identified(c).
(a) See:
(b) See: Archive 2574
(d) Atlantis AT142 p47 *
(e) *