Roberts, Anthony
Anthony Roberts (1940-1990) was born in London and devoted most of his life to a study of the prehistoric landscape of the British Isles and in particular was obsessed with the Glastonbury Zodiac and eventually moved there, where he founded his own publishing operation, Zodiac House Publications. His first major work, Atlantean Traditions in Ancient Britain[728], deals with what he perceived were vestiges of Atlantean civilisation throughout the British Isles, including the megaliths, ley lines, zodiacs as well as the mythologies of the islands. Roberts saw Atlantis as an Atlantic culture that influenced both sides of that ocean.
>Roberts was very taken with William Blake’s poetic view of Atlantis and frequently quoted him. However, I was disappointed to find that Roberts also supported the ancient astronauts claims of Erich von Däniken, Andrew Tomas and Peter Kolosimo.<