Sonnemann, Ulrich
Ulrich Sonnemann (1912-1993) was a German philosopher, who, because of his Jewish background, had to flee from Nazi Europe to America in 1941. While there he taught as a professor of the German language. He also gained attention with a book on graphology. However, his interests extended as far as Atlantis, about which he wrote a number of papers(a). One quote from his work is interesting –
“I’ve always found Atlantis fascinating, yes when in my youth I read the relevant dialogues of Plato, the Timaeus and the Critias. It is not clear why Atlantis must necessarily be attributed to a mythology, because Platobelongs to a period that we know today as the Greek Enlightenment and in which there is a very clear anti-mythological tendency. Everything is described so meticulously that there can be no doubt that – at least in Plato’s mind – it was historical.
What strikes me about many things is what is called “jumping to conclusion” in English: that fantastic tendencies are already inferred when the topic is formulated; that where one finds certain theses not very credible or has something to criticize about them, one does not engage critically with them, but makes the whole topic taboo; that, in other words, one exhibits behavior contrary to science.”
(a) Ulrich Sonnemann – (