The Manna Machine
Bremer, Dieter
Dieter Bremer (1952- ) is a German researcher, who has written two Atlantis-related books[1022/3]. Unfortunately, he has a number of strange beliefs that cast doubts on his ability to engage in critical thinking. For example, he contends that Friedrich Schiller’s Ode to Joy (the anthem of the European Union) contains references to Atlantis(a) and also claims that the winged disks found in Sumerian art represent a space station, which crashed! In brief, he proposes that Plato’s Atlantis was a prehistoric space station(b). Bremer also provides a spirited defence of The Manna Machine[0755] by George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, combined with some bizarre theories regarding Christ(e). Incredibly, Bremer was invited to deliver a paper to the 2011 Atlantis Conference on the concentric circles of Plato’s Atlantean capital.
>>Xavier Séguin has also endorsed the daft idea that “Atlantis was a gigantic spaceship controlled by Atlas, son of Poseidon. It turns out that Captain Atlas missed the takeoff and a mother ship of 3,000 km in diameter fell into the ocean. We understand, in this case, the extravagant wave height of the flood that is found in every legend on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean: the tsunami was 4 km high !! (f)<<
In February 2018, Bremer published the third volume in his Atlantis series, which is entitled Die Lokalisierung von Atlantis (The localisation of Atlantis) [1552] with an English translation in the offing. However, until that is available, Atlantisforschung offers an illustrated article by Bremer giving a broad outline of his theories(d).
On the Atlantisforschung website Bremer describes the demise of his orbiting ‘Atlantis’ as follows – “Afterwards, the basic spacecraft known as “Atlantis” had unrecoverable propulsion problems. As a result, year after year, Earth’s gravity pulled it further and further downward in a spiral.” Not satisfied with this tragic event he also considers the impact of his Atlantis as the cause of the biblical Deluge!(d).
Some of Bremer’s ideas regarding Atlantis were apparently influenced by those of Jakob Vorberger(c).
(a) Dieter Bremer | Atlantis Mythologie (
(c) Mesopotamische Überlieferungen | Atlantis Mythologie (
(d) The sinking of Atlantis – ( (English)