Tartaria Tablets
The Tartaria Tablets are three clay tablets found in 1961 in Romania, which have been a source of controversy for over half a century. They are incised with symbols that have been compared with those of the Vinca culture in the same region. If the Tablets are a genuine script they possibly pre-date the Sumerian script by a thousand years, having been dated to 5300 BC! Because Plato told us that Atlantis had writing, a few unconvincing attempts have been made to link Atlantis with the Vinca culture(c).
Marija Gimbutas the celebrated archaeologist bravely declared that the Tablets were examples of the world’s earliest writing system.
Keith Massey who, along with his twin brother Kevin, has offered an interpretation of the Phaistos Disk has now produced a mathematical explanation for the Tablets and has outlined it in a YouTube clip(a).
>A 2022 blog on the Old European Culture website offers an interesting attempt to decipher some of what is referred to as the third tablet(d).<
A free 400-page book about Tartaria Tablets can be applied for online(b).
(a) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_UD-Dm1ge8
(b) https://www.prehistory.it/Tartaria_book/Tartaria_book_index_.htm
(c) https://web.archive.org/web/20190830053312/https://www.black-sea-atlantis.com/black-sea-atlantis/
(d) https://oldeuropeanculture.blogspot.com/2022/01/tartaria-tablets.html *