Goropius Becanus, Johannes
Johannes Goropius Becanus (1519-1572) was a Dutch physician and linguist, although he was of the opinion that the Dutch language had been used in the Garden of Eden and was the mother of all other languages(c) ! We hope his knowledge of medicine was better than his linguistics. He was also one of the first to propose the Doñana Marshes of Andalusia as the site of Atlantis(a)(b). This can be found in the Hispanica section of his Opera[1437] published posthumously in 1580.
*Goropius also declared that Tartessos was the biblical Tarshish and was the capital of Plato’s Atlantis.*
(a) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Location_hypotheses_of_Atlantis#South
(b) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Location_hypotheses_of_Atlantis#South
(c) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_Goropius_Becanus