An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    NEWS September 2023

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Kehnscherper, Günther

Günther Kehnscherper was a German pastor and university lecturer. As a researcher who has written on the Minoans and Mycenaeans and then in 1978 published a work In search of Atlantis[687]. He reviews the most popular theories of the period in light of discoveries at that time. It may now be considered somewhat dated. He agreed with many of Spanuth’s conclusions, identifying the Atlanteans as the Sea Peoples, originally from the North Sea.

>Atlantisforschung has published a list of nine theses supported by Kehnscherper.

  1. All reports about the Atlanteans in Plato are connected with the Great Migration of the early Urnfield people and their attack on Mycenae, Athens and Egypt.
  2. A comparison of Plato’s statements with the Egyptian texts shows that Plato’s repeated assertions that his report is a retelling of ancient Egyptian texts are true.
  3. The comparison between the information given by Plato, the inscriptions from Medinet Habu, Homer’s cantos about the Hyperboreans and the island of the Phaeacians and the archaeological finds shows that the Atlanteans connected Plato with the Sea Peoples of the time of Ramses III. , i.e. the early Urnfield people, are identical.
  4. Plato used messages that, according to Egyptian information and archaeological finds, can also be dated in Athens to the late Bronze Age between 1450 and 1200 BC.
  5. The name ” Atlanteans ” for the Sea Peoples – Urnfield People coalition is an invention of Plato.
  6. The description of Basileia, the capital of the ten kingdoms of Atlantis, is a Plato construction with very few “real” building blocks. The sources do not provide any precise information about the homeland of the Atlanteans/Sea Peoples. The agrarian structure of the Bronze Age in the Urnfield area knew no centers of palaces and rulers comparable to those in the Mediterranean area. Plato described Basileia as a Greek from the polis Athens imagined a mighty barbarian city.
  7. The plan of Plato’s Atlantis capital could be based on merchant and seafarer reports (Greek topoi) about the large Bronze Age cult centers in Brittany and southern England. Plato’s ideal city is the oversized ground plan of Stonehenge in England.
  8. The vague statements made by Plato and the Egyptian inscriptions about the sunken King’s Island can only refer to the Bronze Age marshes in the North Sea. Only there, between Helgoland and Jutland, have settled areas disappeared in the ancient horizon in the period in question. The marshes bordered the northern outskirts of the Urnfield district. The demise of the Bronze Age marshes is proven, but not that it was the royal island of the Urnfield people. The Atlantis of Plato consisted of ten kingdoms, but only one area, just part of the marsh, sank. However, the Great Migration seems to have started from the northern outskirts of the Urnfield District.
  9. It was not Atlantis that sunk in the North Sea, but rather a small piece of the northern settlement area of ??the Atlanteans(a).<

(a) Günther Kehnscherper’s nine main theses – ( (Eng) *