An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis


Books marked > indicate that a copy is held in the Atlantipedia library.

Siegfried Kadner
[732] Urheimat und Weg des Kulturmenschen (Homeland and the Way of Civilised Man) (E. Diederichs, Jena, 1931).
[733] Rasse und Humor (J. F. Lehmanns, Munich,1936)

Eckart Kahlhofer
[715] Atlantis im Dritten Jahrtausand (Atlantis in the Third Millennium) (2010)

Peter Kalkavage
[851]P> Plato’s Timaeus (Focus Publishing, 2001)

Holger Kalweit
[1024]Irrstern über Atlantis (The Comet of Atlantis) (J.K. Fischer, 2012)

Professor Michal Kamienski
[420] The Date of the Submersion of Poseidonia (Atlantis 9, p.43-48, London, 1956)

Heinz Kaminski
[689] Atlantis: Die Realität (Bettendorf, 1997)
[707] Von Stonehenge nach Atlantis – Sternenstraßen der Vorzeit (Bettendorf, 1995)

Patroclus Kampanakis
[421] The Procataclysm Communication of the Two Worlds via Atlantis (Constantinople, 1893)

Josef Karst
[422] Atlantis under liby-äthiopische Kulturkreis (Heidelberg, 1931)

P. Karthigayan
[1241] History of Medical and Spiritual Sciences of Siddhas of Tamil Nadu
(Notion Press, Triplicane, Chennai, 2016)

Andis Kaulins
[423] Stars, Stones and Scholars (Trafford Publishing, 2004)

Marcus Keane
[1828]H>The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland (Hodges, Smith & Co., Dublin, 1867)

B. Keen
[1500] The Life of the Admital Christopher Columbus by His Son Ferdinand
(Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 1959)

Günther Kehnscherper
[687] Auf der Suche nach Atlantis (Urania, Leipzig, 1978)

Lynne Kelly
[1258] The Memory Code (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2016)

Alan H. Kelso de Montigny
[649] International Anthropological and Linguistic Review (Vol 1, No.4, p229-38)
[1198] How did Language Originate (De Montigny, Havana,1949)

Edward Vaughan Kenealy
[1354] The Book of God (Reeves & Turner, London, 1866/7)
^Available online:

J. Douglas Kenyon
[802]PE> Forbidden History (Bear & Co., Rochester, VT, 2005)
[1191] Forgotten Origins (Atlantis Rising, 2015)

Lee R. Kerr
[807]E> Griffin Quest – Investigating Atlantis (Lee R. Kerr, 2011)
[1104]P>Atlantis of the Minoans and Celts (CreateSpace, 2015)
[1675]E> Atlantis Aftermath (Createspace, 2018)

Stephen P. Kershaw
[1406] (Editor) The Penguin Dictionary of Classical Mythology (Penguin, 1991)
[1407] A Brief Guide to the Greek Myths (Avalon Publishing, 2007)
[1408] A Brief Guide to Classical Civilization (Kindle, 2010)
[1409] A Brief History of the Roman Empire (Constable & Robinson, London, 2013)
[1410]PE> A Brief History of Atlantis (Kindle, Sept. 2017)

[1585]H> The Search for Atlantis (Pegasus, New York, 2018)

David Keys
[1330]H>Catastrophe (Century Books, London, 1999)

David King
[530]H>Finding Atlantis (Harmony, 2005)

David A. King
[603] Astronomy Across Cultures (editor H. Selin, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, 2000 pp.585-613)

Jesse King
[1278] The Mosaic Account of the Creation Affirmed (Jesse King, Philadelphia PA, 1892)
^Available online: The Mosaic account of the creation affirmed, and silent monitors of the past described and illustrated : King, Jesse. [from old catalog] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Athanasius Kircher
[1203] Mundus Subterraneus (Janssonium & Waesberge, Amsterdam, 1678)
^ Available online:

Frédérik Klee
[794] Le déluge (Masson & Charpentier, Paris, 1847)
^Available online: epub (French)

Friedrich Kluge
[1107] De Platonis Critia (Typis Orphanotrophei, Hallis, 1909) (Latin)
^Available online:

Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas
[1358]H> Uriel’s Machine (Century Books, London, 1999)
[2009]P>The Hiram Key (Arrow Books, London, 1997)
[2010]P>The Book of Hiram (Arrow Books, London, 2004)

Laura Knight-Jadczyk
[1679]E> The Secret History of the World (Limitless Corporation, 2002)

Alexander Knörr
[1605] Hagar Qim (Ancient Mail, Gross-Gerau, 2009)

A.F.R. Knötel
[628] Atlantis und das Volk der Atlanten (F.W. Grunow, Leipzig, 1893)
^Available online: German Gothic text

Peter Kolosimo
[427]P> Not of This World (Sphere Books, London, 1970)

A.N. Kontaratos
[255] Atlantis: Fact or Fiction (Proceedings of the 2005 Conference, Heliotopos, Athens, 2007, pp.79/80)

Charles R. Kos
[1591] In Search of the Origins of the Pyramids (Plus Ultra Books, 2015)

Giorgos Koukoulas
[1196] Atlantis Never Lost: The Story of Santorini (Kindle 2012)

Manolis Koutlis
[1617]P> In the Shadow: The Greek Colonies of North America and the Atlantic 1500 BC -1500 AD (Enskia, Limassol, 2018)

Rainer Kramer
[1020] Atlantis: Das Rätsel des Aristokles (Atlantis: The Riddle of Aristokles) (Twilight-Line GbR, 2009)

Adi Krdžalic
[1006] Atlantida zemlja dalekog zapada (Atlantis: Country in the Far West) (Sejtarija d.o.o., Sarajevo, 2001)

Damian Kreichgauer
[513] Die Aequatorfrage in der Geologie (The Equator question in geology)(Steyl, Haldenkirche, 1902)

Konrad Kretschmer
[1108] Die Entdeckung Amerika’s in Ihrer Bedeutung Fu?r Die Geschichte Des Weltbildes. (W. H. Kuhl, Berlin, 1892)
^ 40-page accompanying atlas is available online:

Thomas J. Krupa
[1010]P> Biblical Flood: Noah’s Ark and the Star of David (CreateSpace, Lancaster PA, 2014)

Heinrich Kruparz
[990] Atlantis und Lemuria (Weishaupt-Verlag, Gnas, 2009)

E.C. Krupp (editor)
[1842]P>In Search of Ancient Astronomies (Penguin Books, England, 1984)

Enrico Mattievich Kucich
[400] Journey to the Mythological Inferno (Rogem Press, Denver,CO, 2010)

Rainer W. Kühne
[429] Antiquity (Vol. 78, No. 300 June 2004)

Michio Kushi & Edward Esko
[1381] Forgotten Worlds (One Peaceful World Press, Becket MA, 1992)
^Available online:

Jean Benjamin De LaBorde
[1266] Histoire abre?ge?e de la Mer du Sud (Chez P. Didot L’Ai?ne?, Paris, 1791)
Available online:

Joseph-François Lafitau
[1285] Moeurs des Sauvages Amériquains, Comparées aux Moeurs des Premiers Temps (Chez Saugrain l’aîné …, Charles-Estienne Hochereau …,Paris, 1724)
^Available online: Vol.1 (French)
[1286] Customs of the American Indians Compared with the Customs of Primitive Times (The Champlain Society, Toronto, 1974) (English translation by William Fenton and Elizabeth L. Moore)

Malena Lagerhorn
[1546] Ilion (Hyperborea AB, Järfälla, 2016)
[1547] Heracles (Hyperborea AB, Järfälla, 2017)

Kurt L. Lambeck
[430] Antiquity (Vol. 70, No. 1. (1996) pp. 588-611)

Hubert Lampo
[1482] Toen Herakles spitte en Kirke spon (Ontwikkeling, Antwerpen, 1957)

Peter Lancaster-Brown
[1840]H>Megaliths. Myths and Men (Blandford Press, Poole, 1976)

Alan & Sally Landsburg
[1529] In Search of Ancient Mysteries (Corgi, London, 1974)

Robin Lane Fox
[1403]P> Travelling Heroes (Penguin Books, London, 2009)

Robert John Langdon
[919]E>Prehistoric Britain: The Stonehenge Enigma (ABC Publishing, 2010)
[1242] Dawn of the Lost Civilisation (ABC Publishing, 2016)
[2069] 13 Ancient Things That Don’t Make Sense in History (Self-published, 2022)

Ingrid & P. Werner Lange
[1125]Vineta, Atlantis des Nordens (Vineta: Atlantis of the North) (Urania-Verlag, Leipzig 1988)

Adamantia (Amanda) Laoupi
[1233]P> Pushing the Limits (Metron Publications, Princeton, NJ, 2016)
[1963] Disaster Archaeology: The Science of Archaeodisasters (Kindle, 2019)

Isaac La Peyrére
[1300] Prae-Adamitae(Amsterdam,1655) subsequently published in English as Men before Adam (London)
^Available online:PraeAdamitae sive exercitatio super versibus duodecimo decimotertio et decimoquarto capitis quinti Epistolae D. Pauli ad Romanos quibus inducuntur primi homines ante Adamum conditi : Isaac de La Peyrère : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive *

[2011]P>New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology (Hamlyn, New York, 1978)

John Esse Larsen        
[1048] Odyssey: Issa fra Od (Books-on-Demand, 2012)

Pierre-André Latreille
[1018] Mémoires sur divers sujets de l’histoire naturelle des insectes, de géographie ancienne et de chronologie (Deterville, Paris,1819)
^Available online: French

Louis de Launay
[615] Où était l’Atlantide (Revue de France, 1st May 1936)

William Lauritzen
[431]E> The Atom and the Soul: A Bold New View of the Origin of Religion and Science
[745]E> The Invention of God (Kindle, 2011)
[1001]E> Atlantis 2012 (Kindle, 2011)

Paul A. LaViolette
[432]P> Earth Under Fire (Starlane, New York, 1997)
[433] Genesis of the Cosmos (Bear & Co., Rochester, 2004)

Ian Lawton
[1690] (with Chris Ogilvie-Herald)P>Giza: The Truth (Virgin, London, 2000)
[1691]H> Genesis Unveiled (Virgin, London, 2003)
[1750]P>Atlantis: The Truth (Rational Spirituality Press 2020)
[1751] Mesopotamia: The Truth (Rational Spirituality Press 2020)

Shane Leach
[2007]E> Prehistory Explained (Kindle, 2023)

Walter Leaf
[434] Homer and History (Macmillan & Co., London, 1915)
^Available online:

Paul Le Cour
[1411] A la recherche d’un monde perdue (2nd ed., Leymarie, Paris, 1931)

André Pierre Ledru
[1261] Voyage aux îles de Ténériffe, la Trinité, St-Thomas, Ste-Croix et Porto-Rico (Arthus Bertrand, Paris, 1810)
Available online: (Volume One)
and (Volume Two)

Jason Lee
[931]>The Truth About the Lost Continent of Atlantis (e-book, 2013)

Sir Henry Desmond Prichard Lee
[435] Timaeus and Critias, (Penguin Classics, London, 1971)
(The 2008 revised edition omits the Appendix on Atlantis!)

Michael LeFlem
[1958] Visions of Atlantis (Independently Published, 2022)

Mark Lehner
[436]P> The Egyptian Heritage (A.R.E. Press, 1974)
[437]H> The Complete Pyramids (Thames & Hudson, London, 1997)

Joachim Lelewel
[1760] Die Entdeckung Der Carthager Und Griechen Auf Dem Atlantischen Ocean (Berlin, 1831)
^Available online: Die Entdeckungen der Carthager und Griechen auf dem Atlantischen Ocean : Lelewel, Joachim, 1786-1861 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive  Gothic German

Robert Leighton
[2012]P>Sicily before History (Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 1999)

Peter Lemesurier
[1798]H>Gods of the Dawn (Thorsons, London, 1998)

Gilles Le Noan
[912] The Ithaca of the Sunset (Tremen, 2005)

Francois Lenormant & E. Chevallier
[424] A Manual of the Ancient History of the East (1869)
Available online: ^

R Cedric Leonard
[130] Quest for Atlantis (Manor Books, New York, 1979)
[131]P>Quest for Atlantis II (lulu Press, 2005)
[132] Flying Saucers, Ancient Writings and the Bible (Exposition Press, New York, 1969)

Evelino Leonardi
[438] Le origini dell’uomo (The Origin of Man) (Corbaccio, Milano, 1937)

Augustus le Plongeon
[439] Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx (Kegan Paul, London, 1896)
[1489] Vestiges of the Mayas (John Polhemus, New York, 1881)
^Available online:

Brinsley Le Poer Trench
[769]P>The Sky People (Tamden, London, 1971)
[770]P>Temple of  the Stars (Fontana, London, 1973)
[778] Finding Lost Atlantis Inside the Hollow Earth (1979, (r)Abelard, 2005)

Armand Marie Leroi
[1318] The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science (Bloomsbury Circus, London, 2014)

T. C. Lethbridge
[440]P> The Legend of the Sons of God (Keegan Paul, London, 1972)

Pierre Leveque
[343] Ancient Greece – Utopia and Reality (Thames & Hudson, London, 1994)

David H. Levy
[1868]>Comets (Touchstone, New York, 1998)

Joel Levy
[441]H> The Atlas of Atlantis (Godsfield Press, London, 2007)
[1008]P> Lost Histories (Vision Paperbacks, London, 2006)

Willy Ley
[827]H> Another Look at Atlantis and Fifteen Other Essays (Doubleday, New York, 1969)

Henri Lhote
[442] The Search for the Tassili Frescoes (Dutton, New York, 1958)
^Available online:

Arnold L. Lieber
[1888]P>The Lunar Effect (Corgi Books, London, 1979)

A Rousseau-Liessens
[443] Les Colonnes, d’Hercule et l’Atlantide (The Pillars of Hercules and Atlantis) (Brussels, 1956)
[444] Geographie de l’Odyssee. (Brepols, Bruxelles, 1962)

Ivan Linforth
[041] Solon the Athenian (Berkeley, 1919)
^Available online:

Justus Lipsius
[1493] De Constantia (Christophe Platin, Antwerp, 1584)
^Available online:
English Translation by John Stradling, 1594, modified by Jan Garret, 1999
^Available online:

Ivar Lissner
[725]H> The Silent Past (Ratselhafte Kulturen)(Jonathan Cape, London, 1963)
[726] The Living Past (Jonathan Cape, London, 1957)

Gregory Little
[791] The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Native American Mounds & Earthworks (Eagle Wing Books, 2008)

Gregory and Lora Little
[060] The A.R.E.’s Search for Atlantis (Introduction by Andrew Collins) (Eagle Wing Books. 2003).

Gregory & Lora Little with John Van Auken
[889]P> Ancient South America [Eagle Wing Books, Memphis TN, 2002]

Marius Lleget
[445] La Atlantidá (A.T.E., Barcelona, 1977)

John Lock?
[1089]P> The Mystery of Atlantis (CreateSpace, 2015)

Georg Lohle
[446] Die Weltgeschichte – Der wahre Ursprung (World History – The True Origin) (Bohmeier, Leipzig, 2003)

H.P. Lovecraft
[1522] At the Mountains of Madness (Astounding Stories, Vol. 16, No. 6 (February 1936), p.8-32; Vol. 17, No. 1 (March 1936), p. 125-55; Vol. 17, No. 2 (April 1936), p. 132-50.)

José Álvarez López
[447] Realidad de Atlantida (Almafuerte, Buenos Aires, 1960)
[448] Reconstruccion de Atlantida (Kier, Buenos Aires 1978)

António José Lopes Navarro
[1562] O Grande Enigma (Faro, 1983)

Ted Loukes
[2056]E>Moses and Akhenaten: Brothers in Alms (Kindle, 2015)

René A. Schwaller de Lubicz
[449] Temple of Man (Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, 1998)
[450] Le Temple dans l’Homme (Cairo, 1949)
^Available online:
[451] Le Temple de l’Homme (Paris, 1957)

John V. Luce
[120]P> The End of Atlantis (Thames & Hudson, London, 1969)
[121] Lost Atlantis: New Light on an Old Legend (McGraw Hill, New York, 1969)
[122] Atlantis, Fact or Fiction (Bloomington 1978) J. R. Fears (ed.).
[123]> The Changing Face of the Thera Problem (Classics Ireland, 1994 Vol. 1, UCD, Dublin)
[1579]H> Celebrating Homer’s Landscapes (Yale University, 1998)

Bertil Lundman
[269] The Races and Peoples of Europe ( IAAEE Monograph No. 4,translated from German by Donald A. Swan, New York, 1977).

John K. Lundwall
[1747] Mythos and Cosmos (C & L Press, 2015)

Charles Lyell
[1472] Principles of Geology (John Murray, London, 1830. 3 3vols)
^Available online: (Fourth Edition vol 1, 1835) (4 volumes, change pdf number)
[2090] Elements of Geology (John Murray, London, 1838)
^Available online: Elements of geology : Lyell, Charles, Sir, 1797-1875 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

George Lynch
[1639] Impressions of a War Correspondent (George Newnes, London, 1903)
^ Available online: