Fox, Ian A.
Ian A. Fox is from Canterbury, New Zealand and for the past decade has developed his theory that Atlantis had been located in what we now know as Baffin Bay, between Greenland and Baffin Island. He published details of his ideas on his website(a) in 2002 and has now developed them into book form[0782].
A starting point for Fox is the 1665 speculative map of Atlantis by Athanasius Kircher. He then endeavours to match it to Plato’s description and then identifies the plain adjacent to the Atlantean capital with what existed 12,000 years ago in Baffin Bay.
A video clip of Fox’s presentation on New Zealand TV is available(b) online.
>An American commentator, Jason Sgarzi, has also opted for the Baffin Bay region as the location of Atlantis in one fleeting reference and claims to have proof. However, his website(c) has not provided any irrefutable proof! I found his writing style turgid and frankly, boring.<
In recent years, other researchers, Mario Dantas and H.D. Huffman have also identified the Greenland region as the most likely location of Atlantis.
(b) (link broken) *
(c) *