Careaga, Shifu *
Shifu Careaga is an independent researcher based in Kentucky. He has written on a wide range of subjects, with many of his papers available on the Academia.edu website(a). Included in his output is an interesting and up-to-date extensive overview of Atlantis research(b), as well as a paper On the Origins of Religions(c). He is also an advocate for the Electric Universe theory(d).
In 2021, he published a lengthy paper challenging Jimmy Corsetti’s suggestion that the Richat Structure had been the location of Atlantis. He begins the paper with a list of nine reasons for rejecting Corsetti’s claims(e).
(a) Shifu Careaga | University of Kentucky – Academia.edu (archive.org) *
(c) (PDF) On the Origins of Religions | Shifu Careaga – Academia.edu (archive.org) *
(d) Electric Universe Updates Episode With Shifu Careaga (Part 13) – The Electric Pulse (archive.org)
(e) (PDF) Ashes of Atlantis – part 1 | Shifu Careaga – Academia.edu (archive.org)