Corsetti, Jimmy *
Jimmy Corsetti is the owner of the YouTube channel Bright Insight which deals with a range of what is considered ‘fringe’ subjects. Over the past few years, he has been advocating the Richat Structure as the remains of Atlantis, despite a total lack of archaeological evidence and so much scientific support for its identification as a ‘salt dome‘.
Corsetti was overjoyed and felt vindicated when David Edwards published Atlantis Solved [1926] in April 2022 which also endorsed the Richat Structure as Atlantis. However, Edwards admits that he has built his claim on Corsetti’s earlier ideas regarding Richat and is only offering an echo.
>It is now being trailed that Edward’s second book, Fingerprints of the Atlanteans, will be published in late 2023. We expect this to be a reprise of his first book. The pre-publication blurb ends with the claim that “this book changes everything!” I have heard that so many times before(a) and have always been disappointed. We can only hope that Edward does better this time rather than piggyback on Corsetti’s flawed ideas.<
(a) 25% OFF PREORDER – Fingerprints of the Atlanteans – A History Of ( *