Two Crops
The Altiplano, which simply means ‘high plain’ is a vast plateau in the Andes straddling South-Eastern Peru and Western Bolivia. For Atlantis seekers it is of interest as the location of Jim Allen’s Pampa Aullagus which he controversially maintains is the site of Plato’s lost city(a).
>In 1973, James Bailey published The God-Kings and The Titans [0149] , in which he claimed that the Americas were colonised as early as 5000 BC and provided the copper and tin for the development of the Bronze Age in the Old World. He was an early proponent of the idea that Atlantis was located in Bolivia or Peru, with its capital city being either Tiahuanaco or Chan Chan, on the coast.
Bailey published a follow-up book, Sailing to Paradise [0150] in 1994 in which he added further support for his Atlantis in America contention. Additionally, he placed the Garden of Eden somewhere on the Bolivian Altiplano.. He also noted that the irrigation systems of Mexico allowed farmers to raise three crops a year [p.63] and similarly on the coastal plains of Peru, offering echoes of Plato’s description of agriculture in Atlantis.<