Zschaetzsch, Karl Georg
>Karl Georg Zschaetzsch (1870-1946?) was a German intellectual and supporter of the Völkisch Movement, who, in 1920, placed Atlantis in the Atlantic and identified its people as Aryans. He also classified the Phoenicians as Aryan!<
He described the Atlanteans as having had blonde hair and blue eyes, which sounds sadly familiar. His views were adopted by the Nazi Ahnenerbe. Zschaetzsch also supported the idea of a cometary impact being involved in the destruction of Atlantis.
Zschaetzsch suggested that Atlantis was situated in the Azores and published a map illustrating this.
For those who can read German and are interested in the madness of that period, Zschaetzsch’s book Atlantis – die Urheimat der Arier (Atlantis: The Original Home of the Aryans) can be downloaded from the Internet(a) for €5. As a bonus, Zschaetzsch eventually reveals that he is descended from Jupiter and that his unpronounceable name is really just a corruption of Zeus!
(a) https://web.archive.org/web/20041011020316/https://www.germanische-freunde.de/zschaetzsch.html