Concordance *
A Concordance to the English language translations by R.G. Bury and Benjamin Jowett of the Atlantis sections of Plato’s Critias and Timaeus has been produced[702] by Joseph Warren Wells. It was available both in hard copy and as an inexpensive Internet download(a) but does not appear to be currently available. Wells has published separately details of the sources he employed in compiling this work(e).
A 2008 version of Wells’ valuable Atlantis work entitled Plato’s Atlantis is still available online(f). This edition also includes a useful concordance of Jowett’s translation of the Atlantis narrative.
Wells is also the author of a short paper on the sexual undertones in the Atlantis narrative(d).
Other online concordances to Timaeus and Critias are also available(b)(c).
(a) (Link broken)
(d) (offline 10.07.14)
(e) (link broken)
(f) Plato’s Atlantis | Atlantis FYI (link broken) *