Pérez-Sánchez, Miquel
Miquel Pérez-Sánchez is a Spanish architect with a fascination with the Giza pyramids(a). He is now advocating an idea that was in vogue in the 19th century, namely that information, astronomic, historic and prophetic, were encoded in the measurements of the structure of the Great Pyramid. However, he has gone further by adding to it the ancient system of gematria, where every letter in an alphabet has a numerical value. Pérez-Sánchez has reversed this and translated numbers ‘identified’ in the Pyramid back into letters. One of these was equivalent to ‘Atlantis’! Whether this is in English, Greek or Hebrew is not clear.
Another of his startling claims is that the Great Pyramid was surmounted by a sphere, an idea that understandably drew highly critical comments (e)(f).
The byoweb.net website added that “After the discovery and publication of his first book, the author and his team are now looking for funding to the Atlantis project, including a campaign of underwater archaeology in the Mediterranean Sea where they are sure to have located the mythical island described by Plato.”
Further comments and interesting images are to be seen on ancient-code.com, including Pérez-Sánchez’s statement(b) that “the Great Sphinx is not contemporary with the pyramids that surround it, but it is the product of a much earlier civilization that shaped and carved it around the eight millennium BC.”
Pérez-Sánchez has recorded all his ‘discoveries’ in his book, La Gran Pirámide, clave secreta del pasado[1142] and provides some supporting videos(c) of his lectures(d).
>A critical commentator offered the following information (originally in Spanish). “The Catalan architect has brought together his collection of absurdities, comparable to those of (Ben) Carson, in his work La Gran Pirámide, clau secreta del passat, for which, presented as a thesis, he obtained a doctorate laude in 2012 from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). The website on which Pérez-Sánchez sells his thesis in ten volumes in Spanish is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture . In April, the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and the Athenaeum of that city sponsored the presentation of the work in the capital of Spain and, in May, the pseudo-historian did the same in Seville at the Casa de la Ciencia del Consejo Superior de Scientific Research (CSIC). Is there room for greater insults to science, to culture?”(g) <
(a) https://web.archive.org/web/20191023154358/https://www.antiguoegiptoxxi.com/about-2/ (Sp)
(b) Researchers discover what was located on top of the Great Pyramid (archive.org)
(c) https://web.archive.org/web/20200202033427/http://www.antiguoegiptoxxi.com/antiguo-egipto-xxi/editorial/ (Spanish)
(d) See Archive 2779)
(e) See: https://web.archive.org/web/20161126042152/https://www.travelarchaeology.org/web/112286/
(f) https://magonia.com/tag/miquel-perez-sanchez/ (Spanish)
(g) Miquel Pérez-Sanchez – Magonia (magonia-com.translate.goog)