An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    NEWS September 2023

    September 2023. Hi Atlantipedes, At present I am in Sardinia for a short visit. Later we move to Sicily and Malta. The trip is purely vacational. Unfortunately, I am writing this in a dreadful apartment, sitting on a bed, with access to just one useable socket and a small Notebook. Consequently, I possibly will not […]Read More »
  • Joining The Dots

    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Great Pyramid

Davidovits, Joseph *

Joseph Davidovits (1935- ) is a French scientist who has worked on geopolymers since the 1970s. which can be used to create cement that is economically and ecologically superior to Portland cement.

In the late 1970s, Professor Davidovits shook the world of Egyptology with his claim that some of the blocks used to build the Great Pyramid had been cast rather than carved(a)(e)! This generated a debate that has rumbled on over the past four decades(c). Professor Michel Barsoum supports Davidovits(g), Professor Linn Hobbs of MIT is ambivalent(h), while geologist Dipayan Jana is strongly opposed(i).

Ioannis Liritzis is an archaeologist at the University of the Aegean, who, along with his team, challenged Joseph Davidovits’ theory in 2008. Liritzis pointed out that the material used to build Egypt’s most famous monuments “contain hundreds of thousands of marine fossils” that are distributed throughout the blocks in a manner compatible with natural rock(l).

In 2020, Davidovits published a rebuttal of arguments put forward by Jena and others, ensuring the continuance of the controversy for some time to come(k).

Not content with upsetting Egyptologists Davidovits has now annoyed archaeologists at other sites with his more recent claims that casting and not carving had also been used at Tiwanaku and Puma Punku in Bolivia(b) as well as on Easter Island(d)! This proposed connection between the Easter Island moai and South America is explained in an interesting video from Davidovits(j).

I have always been cautiously sympathetic towards Davidovits’ geopolymer theories, However, when I read of his claim that the Easter Island statues were also made with artificial stone, my doubts grew. I consulted my well-thumbed paperback copy of Thor Heyerdahl‘s Aku-Aku [1938] and found images between pages 112 and 113 showing unfinished giant moai in a quarry still with the back part of the statues to be cut free from the rock. The stone tools used for the sculpting of the giants still lay nearby. I am now waiting for Davidovits to comment on Stonehenge!

Furthermore, the claim of casting rather than carving implies the use of moulds, something that I have never seen represented on the walls of any of the tombs or temples of Egypt nor have the physical remains of any such moulds been found. Compounding this is the fact that sites identified by Davidovits as having used artificial stone, particularly Egypt and Easter Island, suffered from a dearth of suitable timber for making moulds!  

Davidovits has also published a short series of ebooks concerning the Bible and Egypt(f). Additionally, there are many other papers by Davidovits on the Researchgate website(m). relating to various aspects of his work.











(k) Archive 7474 | ( *

(l) Pyramids packed with fossil shells › News in Science (ABC Science) (  


Vigato, Marco M.,

Marco M. Vigato is an Italian researcher based in Mexico City with a passionate interest in the ruins of ancient civilisations around the world.

In 2021, he involved himself in the long-running debate regarding whether Khufu was responsible for the building of Giza’s Great Pyramid. Following a ten-point argument supporting Khufu as the builder of the GP by Matt Sibson, whom we’ve met before in these pages, Vigato responded by producing a list of fifteen reasons why Khufu was NOT the builder of the GP(a).

In January 2022, Vigato had his new book, The Empires of Atlantis [1830] published, in which he offers a hyperdiffusionist view of Atlantis. He “traces the course of Atlantean civilization through its three empires, as well as the colonies and outposts formed by its survivors in Egypt, Göbekli Tepe, India, Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean, and North and South America” and “reveals how the first Atlantean civilization lasted from 432,000 to 33,335 BCE, the second one from 21,142 to 10,961 BCE, and the third Atlantis civilization–the one celebrated by Plato–collapsed in 9600 BCE, after the Younger Dryas cataclysm.”(b).

I always thought, that if you are going to speculate – speculate big. Vigato has certainly done so.

Jason Colavito has produced a lengthy critique of the book and to say the least of it, he offers a withering review of ‘Empires’(c) and its author. He denounces Vigato’s thesis as fundamentally flawed noting that ?Vigato’s exploration of Atlantis hits all the usual notes, but he claims to have a radically different idea about how to prove the reality of Atlantis; namely, to absolve himself of the need for scientific evidence. “This is a nonconventional book that combines two radically different approaches: that of modern science and that of the Western esoteric tradition. The product is an entirely new picture of the true origins of civilization.” When material evidence fails, he gives himself permission to suggest esoteric and occult explanations, thus removing the argument from the realm of the provable.” For good measure, Colavito also throws in an accusation of racism.

Another harsh critique has come from Carl Feagans, an enthusiastic Atlantis sceptic who ended with “Vigato began his book with a conclusion. He tried to support that conclusion with pseudoscientific and fictional accounts he apparently gathered for 15 years.”(d)

>Vigato was chosen as Author of the Month for April 2022 on Graham Hancock’s website. His article(e) offers a synopsis of the main themes of his book. My principal gripe is with his proposed early date for the demise of Atlantis at 9500 BCE. Although this date is supported by a number of commentators, none have explained how Atlantis at that early period could have launched an attack on Athens and/or Egypt that did not even exist as functioning societies at that time or for some millennia afterwards.



(c) Review of “The Empires of Atlantis” by Marco M. Vigato – JASON COLAVITO 

(d) Book Review: Empires of Atlantis – Archaeology Review ( 

(e) The Empires Of Atlantis – Graham Hancock Official Website *

Liritzis, Ioannis

Ioannis Liritzis, is an archaeologist at the University of the Aegean who has proposed that the ancient Greeks journeyed across the Atlantic far as Canada in the 1st century AD. Liritzis presents his argument in a paper, co-authored with astronomer Panagiota Preka-Papadema, philosopher Konstantinos Kalachanis, meteorologist Chris G. Tzanis, and information technology consultant Panagiotis Antonopoulos(a).

Their claim is based primarily on the writing of Plutarch(b).

>In a 2018 review of their paper by Rebecca Boyle on the Hakai website a number of interesting points were offered including a range highly critical comments from respected maritime experts. Additionally, Boyle’s article clarifies the objective of the Greek team’s paper(f).

“The Greek researchers acknowledge in their paper that there is no evidence that the Greek sailors actually made these trips; they only set out to show its plausibility, using interdisciplinary approaches and scientific evidence.

“That ancient Greeks made it to Scandinavia and the New World … is not supported by archaeology yet, but the potentiality of such a hypothesis has been modeled by arguments and the reaflrmation of astronomical, geographical, and oceanographical factors,” they write.”<

Although Liritzis does not link his theory with the story of Atlantis, he does express his views on Plato’s narrative in a later paper(c).

Some years earlier Liritzis was engaged in another controversial subject when a study by him and his team challenged the theory of Joseph Davidovits, who claimed that the building blocks of the Great Pyramid had been cast on-site. Liritzis pointed out that the material used to build Egypt’s most famous monuments “contain hundreds of thousands of marine fossils” that are distributed throughout the rock in a manner compatible with natural rock(d). 

I note that Liritzis has also extended his interest into the growing field of disaster archaeology(e).

(a) (99+) Does Astronomical and Geographical Information of Plutarch’s De Facie Describe a Trip Beyond the North Atlantic Ocean | IOANNIS LIRITZIS, Konstantinos Kalachanis, and Chris G Tzanis – 



(d) Pyramids packed with fossil shells › News in Science (ABC Science) (

(e) ResearchGate 

(f) Did Ancient Greeks Sail to Canada? | Hakai Magazine *

Pardo, Fabien *

Fabien Pardo and Jean Seimple announced in 2016 that The Greenwich Meridian commemorates and secretly indicates the exact position of the capital of Atlantis! qui est appelé de nos jours, l’Antarctique. which is called nowadays, Antarcticaand “Remember that Atlantis is not a geographical place but the name of a civilization spread all over the Earth.” (a)

Their unusual claim appears to be based on a combination of geodesy and the features of the Great Pyramid!(b)

(a) (Link broken July 2020)

(b) (99+) THE GREAT PYRAMID DECODED | Fabien Pardo and Seimple Jean – broken) *

Seimple, Jean *

Jean Seimple is the pen name of a recent recruit to the ‘Atlantis in Antarctica’ club. However, his version of the theory is rather more exotic than most others. He supports his ideas with a 20-minute YouTube clip(a) in which he manages to link the angle of gabled roof supports over both the King’s and Queen’s chambers in the Great Pyramid together with the latitude of Greenwich and identify pointers to an ice-free Antarctica and Plato’s lost Atlantis! Simple has promoted his ideas in conjunction with Fabien Pardo. This definitely is one for the totally gullible.

Seimple has a website(b) supporting his book, Pour Eux v 1.618 (For They v 1.618), which can be downloaded in the original French or an English translation.

Apart from Atlantis, his site deals with a number of contentious issues, Planet X, Freemasonry and large dollops of numerology.

July 2016 saw the site ‘updated’(c).

Further posts from Seimple in 2019 regarding the Great Pyramid at the equinoxes are available with links to some new videos.(d) In 2021, he published another paper on the website linking Giza with the return of Planet X in 2022!(e)

A link to another 2021 paper by Seimple was forwarded to me. Unfortunately, the abstract went over my head, so I shall offer it in full –  “We will demonstrate that the gravitational characteristics of the Earth conducive to the emergence of life as we know it, appear indisputably in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza and that these same dimensions are linked to a very simple, unique, and magnificent equation. That the anomaly observed of 6° of the orbit of the Earth with the plane of the equator of the sun is engraved deeply inside the architecture of the Great Pyramid and that it is as well the reason for the divergence between the flattening factors of the Earth.”(f)

I would appreciate a simple explanation of what all that is supposed to mean. I found it ironic that Seimple includes a quote from Leonardo da Vinci – “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.

The paper is overburdened with masses of mathematical details relating to the Great Pyramid, which for me was reminiscent of the pyramidiocy that began in the 19th century.


(b) pour eux le livre – Site du livre – Pour Eux v1.618 – ( 

(c)  Atlantis & the pole Shift – Site du livre – Pour Eux v1.618 – (  


(e) (Link Broken) *



Ward, Francis J. & Francis P.

Francis Joseph Ward

Francis J. Ward

Francis J. Ward (1922- ) & Francis P. Ward (1951- ) are an American father and son team who have taken up the idea of Ireland being Plato’s Atlantis(a). They quote from Ulf Erlingsson, Cedric R. Leonard and the eccentric Conor MacDari in support of their view, which is that Atlantis was a global, maritime empire based in Ireland”. They also modestly claim that “Among other ancient mysteries, we have solved the hidden message of the Great Pyramid(b), and the riddles of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable, the Fisher King, Pahana—the Lost White Brother, the Kalki incarnation of Vishnu, and the fulfillments of the Star, Branch, and World Ruler Prophecies.”

Their first book, The Truth Against the World-Red Phoenix Rising & the Return of the Thunder Gods[1156], but their supporting website(c) is currently offline, which may not be a bad thing!


(b) (Link broken July 2o20) See: Archive 2835

(c) See:

MacDari, Conor

>Conor MacDari was the pen-name of John A. Geran (1860-1947) a writer who wrote about ancient Ireland. His son George P. Geran writing as Conor MacDari jnr expressed a number of bizarre ideas that invited comparison with some of the wilder suggestions of Comyns Beaumont. Many of MacDari’s books are available online(a).<

Among the delights offered by MacDari were:

Adam and Eve were both born in Ireland.

The Bible was originally written in Irish, not Hebrew.

The events of the Old Testament took place in Ireland.

The so-called Hebrew is but an artificial sacerdotal dialect of an ancient Irish priesthood.

The most ancient code of laws on earth was established in Ireland.

The origin of the pope traces back to the Irish Druids.

Ancient Greek history is mostly fiction and her classical personages are merely mythical characters taken from Irish culture.

The Irish built the Great Pyramid of Giza.

All the ancient British kings derived from Ireland.

And of course, that Atlantis was based in Ireland.

All this and more similar nonsense are contained within his book, Irish Wisdom Preserved in the Bible and Pyramids[1157] and sections of it published separately, such as The Bible: An Irish Book [1158]

(a)  *

Pérez-Sánchez, Miquel

Miquel Pérez-Sánchez is a Spanish architect with a fascination with the Giza pyramids(a). He is now advocating an idea that was in vogue in the 19th century, namely that information, astronomic, historic and prophetic, were encoded in Perez Sanchezthe measurements of the structure of the Great Pyramid. However, he has gone further by adding to it the ancient system of gematria, where every letter in an alphabet has a numerical value. Pérez-Sánchez has reversed this and translated numbers ‘identified’ in the Pyramid back into letters. One of these was equivalent to ‘Atlantis’! Whether this is in English, Greek or Hebrew is not clear.

Another of his startling claims is that the Great Pyramid was surmounted by a sphere, an idea that understandably drew highly critical comments (e)(f).

The website added that “After the discovery and publication of his first book, the author and his team are now looking for funding to the Atlantis project, including a campaign of underwater archaeology in the Mediterranean Sea where they are sure to have located the mythical island described by Plato.”

Further comments and interesting images are to be seen on, including Pérez-Sánchez’s statement(b)  that “the Great Sphinx is not contemporary with the pyramids that surround it, but it is the product of a much earlier civilization that shaped and carved it around the eight millennium BC.” 

Pérez-Sánchez has recorded all his ‘discoveries’ in his book, La Gran Pirámide, clave secreta del pasado[1142] and provides some supporting videos(c) of his lectures(d).

>A critical commentator offered the following information (originally in Spanish). “The Catalan architect has brought together his collection of absurdities, comparable to those of (Ben) Carson, in his work La Gran Pirámide, clau secreta del passat, for which, presented as a thesis, he obtained a doctorate laude in 2012 from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). The website on which Pérez-Sánchez sells his thesis in ten volumes in Spanish is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture . In April, the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and the Athenaeum of that city sponsored the presentation of the work in the capital of Spain and, in May, the pseudo-historian did the same in Seville at the Casa de la Ciencia del Consejo Superior de Scientific Research (CSIC). Is there room for greater insults to science, to culture?”(g) <

(a) (Sp)

(b) Researchers discover what was located on top of the Great Pyramid (

(c)  (Spanish)

(d) See Archive 2779)

(e) See:

(f) (Spanish)

(g) Miquel Pérez-Sanchez – Magonia (

Gigal, Antoine

Antoine Gigal is a French researcher, probably best known for her work on the pyramids of Sicily A.Gigaldescribed on her multilingual and well illustrated website(a). Her first love is clearly ancient Egypt, a passion that is evident throughout her website. She includes an interesting article on the method used to build the Great Pyramid proposed by Hasan Sayid Ahmad, which involves the use of sledges in the internal ascending passage(d).

She has only touched on the subject of Atlantis, apparently accepting its existence without involving herself in discussing any specific aspects of the story. An example of this is to be seen in her article on the Richat Structure(b).

Gigal was also a founder of the Giza for Humanity website(c).



*(c) See:*


Malkowski, Edward F.

Edward F. Malkowski is an American writer who coined the phrase ‘Civilisation X’ to describe a prehistoric ‘Greater Mediterranean civilisation’(i)* exemplified by pre-dynastic Egypt. His earlier Before the malkowskiPharaohs [657] was soon followed by Ancient Egypt 39,000 BCE [921]. Although he refers to Atlantis(a), he is somewhat ambivalent regarding its existence [657.284].

However, Malkowski is thoroughly fascinated by the Giza monuments, particularly the Great Pyramid(c), regarding which, he follows the ideas of Edward Kunkel(d) and John Cadman(e), who proposed that the Great Pyramid functioned as a water pump. However, Malkowski believes that such a pump had an additional function, namely, to generate compression waves that in turn would cause the pyramid’s granite beams to vibrate. Then, “with shafts leading to the Great Pyramid’s exterior, the ‘singing’ granite would project its sound into the atmosphere. This, in turn, would create an electrical field in the atmosphere according to physics research.” (f)  This gentle electrical field would have been used to generate plant growth in the surrounding land. Why it would be necessary to build such a huge ‘machine’ to promote growth on land that is renowned for its annually renewed fertility with the flooding of the Nile, completely eludes me.

>Nevertheless, the idea that the ancient Egyptians had some degree of electrical knowledge has been put forward from time to time a recent example of which has been proposed by an engineer, Andrew Hall, who offers his evidence for claiming that the ancient Egyptians had used electricity in an illustrated article(j) and a YouTube video (h). However interesting his ideas are, they are still based on speculation and a subjective interpretation of Egyptian hieroglyphs and wall paintings.<

Malkowski’s theory that the pyramids were used to promote agricultural fertility brings to mind the ideas expressed by the American scientist Philip Callahan, who has suggested that the electromagnetic properties of the round towers of Ireland “provide large-scale benefits for agriculture just as the small scale round towers have been demonstrated to be beneficial for potted plants”! However, Callahan’s claims go much further with his belief that “the pyramids, both Egyptian and Central American, were huge antigravity structures for levitating the priests. The pyramid acted like a huge “enlarger-type” condensing lens which concentrated the cosmic energy into the hollow resonant stone tower, which in turn was filled with the IR-paramagnetic, organic breath of chanting priests.” (g)

Malkowski has also written an interesting paper on Ice Age theories, which ends on a note of personal scepticism regarding currently accepted ideas(b).





(e) Great Pyramid Hydraulic Pulse Generator and Water Pump (



(h) Andrew Hall: Electricity in Ancient Egypt | Thunderbolts – YouTube *

(i) *

(j) Egyptian Hieroglyphs – Are we missing something? – The Daily Plasma *