Christian Fundamentalists *
Christian Fundamentalists or at least some of them have voiced extremely negative views on Atlantis. One site refers to “Atlantis and its satanic and occult underpinnings”, while an English language website(a) in Finland denounces the story of Atlantis as the work of the Anti-Christ, while on the other hand, prominent creationists, such as Bodie Hodge, James I. Nienhuis and others have no difficulty in accepting the possibility of Atlantis’ existence!
Another fundamentalist website, Genesis Veracity Foundation ventures to discuss Evenor and his wife Leucippe, the parents of Clieto who married Poseidon and in turn were the parents of the first ten kings of Atlantis (Critias 113c-114c). In the process it manages to give both Evenor and Leucippe a sex change, identifying the former as the biblical Eve and ‘her’ partner as Lucifer! It seems that their ability to understand Plato is even worse than their various interpretations of the Bible.
(a) Atlantis (archive.org) *
Cleito was the daughter of Evenor and Leucippe [one writer has even sought to equate them with Eve and Lucifer!!]. Although Cleito was a mere mortal, she became the wife of Poseidon, the founder of Atlantis. According to Plato Cleito gave birth to five pairs of twins, of whom Atlas was the first born and was appointed as the primary ruler of Atlantis while his brothers reigned over the other nine kingdoms (or colonies?). In order to protect Cleito, Poseidon built a palace (Critias 113d) in the centre of Atlantis surrounded by the famous concentric rings of land and water, which according to some translations (including Jowett’s) were so perfect that it was as if they had been created on a lathe. I find it odd that people who accept that that Poseidon was a mythological figure, are not also prepared to accept his home as equally unreal. What I’m suggesting is that Plato’s description of the divine residence and its environs is just a literary invention and that it is an exercise in futility to look for an historical Atlantis that matches the architectural perfection depicted by Plato.
The story of Atlantis is unconnected to the rest of Greek mythology with the exception of references to Poseidon and Atlas.
Evenor and his wife Leucippe were the parents of Clieto who married Poseidon, who in turn became the parents of the first ten kings of Atlantis (Critias 113c-114c).
One fundamentalist website(a) manages to give both Evenor and Leucippe a sex change, identifying the former as the biblical Eve and ‘her’ partner as Lucifer!
(a) https://genesisveracityfoundation.com/2013/02/08/platos-atlantis-story-covers-biblical-history-garden-of-eden-to-the-exodus-out-of-egypt/ (offline 11/2/14)