An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    OCTOBER 2024 The recent cyber attack on the Internet Archive is deplorable and can be reasonably compared with the repeated burning of the Great Library of Alexandria. I have used the Wayback Machine extensively, but, until the full extent of the permanent damage is clear, I am unable to assess its effect on Atlantipedia. At […]Read More »
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Marcel Mestdagh

Jeffries-Fox, Bruce

Bruce Jeffries-Fox is an American musician, who recently completed a musical based on the content of Sumerian cunieform tablets. influenced by the writings of Zechariah Sitchin!

His Enduring Mysteries website contains a number of interesting essays on ancient history subjects, which includes two(a)(b) devoted to the possibility of Atlantis in France, based on the ideas of Marcel Mestdagh and Philip Coppens’ book, The Lost Civilization Enigma [1275].

(a) Atlantis in France 1 (*

(b) Atlantis in France 2 (*


Sens is an ancient town in the Champagne region of central France. Before Roman domination it had been the capital of the Gallic Senones tribe, which gave the town its name.

Marcel Mestdagh firmly believed that Sens was the capital of an ancient culture that he equated with Atlantis. Filip Coppens, asens-atlantis keen student of Mestdagh’s research, has promoted his work, providing a brief overview of Mestdagh’s discoveries in one of his last books[1275.188]. Mestdagh identified a form of road system, laid out in giant ovals with radials centred on the ancient city of Sens where the greatest concentration of megalithic monuments in France existed(a) . Coppens also notes the remarkable fact that Mestdagh also discovered a similar road system in England centred on Nottingham!


Mestdagh, Marcel

Marcel Mestdagh, (1926-1990) was a Belgian historian whose curiosity was Sens Atlantissparked by the discovery of unusual street patterns in the Belgian city of Ghent. This led to a lifelong interest in the Viking culture that had settled on both sides of the English Channel. It was this study of the Vikings that led him to realise that they had knowledge, now forgotten, of the purpose of many of the megalithic monuments which Mestdagh identified as a form of a road system, laid out in giant ovals with radials. At the centre of these ovals was the ancient city of Sens where the greatest concentration of megalithic monuments in France existed.


The late Philip Coppens informed us[1275.184] that a further strange discovery by Mestdagh was that the ancient road network he identified, centred on Sens, was mirrored by a similar network of roads in England centred on Nottingham!>>Mestdagh’s findings brings to mind another strange discovery in France claimed by Xavier Guichard (1870-1947) who was a police detective and philologist. Between 1911 and 1936 he carried out an extensive study of French place-names and found that there were at least 400 sites with names derived from Alesia and centred on today’s town of Alaise. When mapped, these hundreds of sites all lay on lines radiating from Alaise, reminiscent of Alfred Watkins leylines!<<


In the course of his investigations, Mestdagh discovered an aspect of the mestdaghStonehenge-Avebury complex that had been overlooked, namely that the two sites were situated on the circumference of a huge oval. He further discovered that this oval was on a scale of 1/10th of the ovals that he had discovered in France. It will be obvious that ovals can be drawn using any two points.


{Filip} Philip Coppens, following Mestdagh’s work, has persuasively argued that Atlantis was the centre of a far-flung megalithic civilisation with its centre located where the ancient city of Sens now stands(e). Coppens returned to Mestdagh’s theories in his 2012 book, The Lost Civilisation Enigma[1275], which in turn led to two supportive essays from Bruce Jeffries-Fox in 2015(c)(d), who includes the observation that while Coppens was initially happy to follow Mestdagh and identify Sens as Atlantis he executed a volte-face and declared that “from c. 4500 to 1200BC, a major civilization existed in Europe about which we know very little.”


In a 1997 lecture(f) Coppens said “I believe that the megalithic civilization was instrumental in creating and propagating certain knowledge about things we are only now beginning to realise…….I wholeheartedly believe the megalithic civilization unravel certain enigmas that the Great Pyramid and all the wonders of Egypt and Sumer combined will not be able to solve.” Unfortunately, Coppens did not elaborate on the enigmas that he was referring to.


A Dutch website(a) give a brief overview of Mestdagh’s theory. Mestdagh’s Atlantis ideas were published posthumously by Coppens in two books, Atlantis [1289] and Pre-Atlantis[1290], both in Dutch.


A YouTube clip(b) also gives some idea of Mestdagh’s theory.


(a) (Dutch) (offline Dec. 2015)


(c) Atlantis in France 1 (

(d) Atlantis in France 2 (



Coppens, Philip

CoppensPhilip Coppens (1971-2012) was born in Belgium and until his death was living in North Berwick, Scotland.  He began his career as an investigative journalist and eventually took to lecturing and writing articles(i) and books[238][239] on a wide range of subjects. In on of his last books[241] he investigates the Neolithic alignments of the Lothian region of Scotland.

Another of his books[240] offered support for the theory of Marcel Mestdagh, who postulated that the city of Sens in France was the centre or capital city of an ancient culture, which he believed to be Atlantis. He returned to Mestdagh’s theories in his 2012 book, The Lost Civilisation Enigma[1275].

Coppens had been previously published as Filip Coppens. His website(a) went offline in December 2017.

He also published The New Pyramid Age[759] in which he reviewed the most recent pyramid discoveries such as at Caral and discussed the possible implications of their existence on every continent.

Jason Colavito, a full-time sceptic, has published some harsh words about Coppens’ reliability(b). In October 2012 war continued between the two them(c).  This relates to Coppens’ then recent book, The Ancient Alien Question[1525], whose advertising blurb declares that “Philip Coppens demonstrates that there is substantial proof that our ancestors were far more technologically advanced than currently accepted, and that certain cultures interacted with non-human intelligences. Our ancestors were clearly not alone.”(d)(l) Colavito continued his assault with further harsh words regarding Coppens’ more recent publication, The Lost Civilization Enigma(e). A further response continued the battle(f). Readers can follow the ‘debate’ on the relevant blogs.

Coppens died in Los Angeles on December 30th 2012 as a result of angiosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. A poignant report of his last days is available online(g).

Coppens’ widow Kathleen McGowan-Coppens is an author with a number of books exploring the Divine Feminine. She has also contributed to the US Ancient Aliens TV show(h). Jason Colavito has recently (Jan.2015) discussed(j) her claim to be a descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene!!!

The aforementioned claim has now apparently landed McGowan with an accusation of plagiarism by a Suzanne Olsson. Colavito has more details on his site(k).

(a)  (Offline Dec. 2017)


(c)  (offline 12/10/13)




>(g) Philip Coppens Of ‘Ancient Aliens’ Passes Away [Report] (<


(i) See:


