An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    OCTOBER 2024 The recent cyber attack on the Internet Archive is deplorable and can be reasonably compared with the repeated burning of the Great Library of Alexandria. I have used the Wayback Machine extensively, but, until the full extent of the permanent damage is clear, I am unable to assess its effect on Atlantipedia. At […]Read More »
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    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Books marked > indicate that a copy is held in the Atlantipedia library.

Jean-Marcel Cadet
[1287] Memoire sur les jaspes et autres pierres precieuses de l’isle de Corse
^Available online:

Michael A.Cahill
[818]P> Paradise Rediscovered Vol 1 (Glass House Books, Brisbane, 2012)
[819]P> Paradise Rediscovered Vol 2 (Glass House Books, Brisbane, 2012)

Théophile Cailleux
[393] Pays Atlantiques décrits par Homère (Atlantic countries described by Homer) (Maisonneuve et cie, Paris, 1879)

Harold Augustin Calahan
[616] Atlantis: The Lost Continent (The American Mercury, Nov. 1946)

Philip S. Callahan
[1528] Ancient Mysteries, Modern Vision (Acres USA, Greely. CO, 2001)
[2020]E>Paramagnetism (Acres USA, Austin, Texas, 1995)

Tommaso Campanella
[1419] Epilogo Magno (Original, 1595. Reale accademia d’Italia, Rome, 1939)

André & Denise Capart
[1062] l homme et les déluges (Hayez, Bruxelles, 1986)

Walter Cappicciola
[1560] Antiche Civiltà Scomparse (Ancient Civilisations Disappeared) (Prima Tipografia Mogorese, Mogoro, 2009)
[1561] L’ altra Atlantide (The other Atlantis. Civiltà scomparse, antiche conoscenze, megalitismo e Sardegna Disappearing civilizations, ancient knowledge, megalithism and Sardinia) (Arkadia, Cagliari, 2018)

Marilena Carabatea
[1826]P>Greek Mythology (Adam Editions, Athens, 1997)

Annabel Caras
[2014]E>Atlantis 2021 (Kindle, 2022)

Paul Elias Cardozo Puentes
[1803] Reescribiendo Atlántida (Rewriting Atlantis) (Privately published, 2020).

Mairéad Carew
[1645] Tara and the Ark of the Covenant (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2003)

Giovanni Rinaldo Carli
[087] Lettres Amercaines (Buisson, Paris,1788)
^Available online: (French)

Mark Carlotto
[1600] Before Atlantis (Kindle, 2018)

Pierre Carnac
[218] L’Histoire commence à Bimini (Laffont, Paris 1973)
[219] L’Atlantide, Autopsie d’un Mythe (Rocher, 2001)

Rhys Carpenter
[220] Discontinuity in Greek Civilisation (Cambridge University Press, 1966)
[221]P>Beyond the Pillars of Heracles (Delacorte, New York, 1996)
[1919] Folk Tale, Fiction And Saga In The Homeric Epics (University of California Press, 1946)

Rachel Carson
[1267] The Sea Around Us (Oxford University Press, 1951)
^Available online: ><
[1268] Silent Spring (Houghton Mifflin, Boston,1962)
^Text available online:

M. Cary & E.H. Warmington
[1982]H>The Ancient Explorers (Pelican, Baltimore. MD, 1963)

Bartolomé de las Casas
[1521] History of the Indies (Historia de Las Indias) (begun in 1527 in 3 vols)
^Available online: (Vol.1 1875)

Nicholas Caspary
[2060] Plato’s Atlantis: On the Origin of Religion (Kindle, 2023)

Richard Cassaro
[1207] Written in Stone (Deeper Truth Books, Bronx, New York, 2011)
[1208]E>The Missing Link (Kindle – Deeper Truth Books, 2016)
[1659] Mayan Masonry (Deeper Truth Books, 2018)

Dennis Cassinelli
[1612] Uncovering Archaeology (D.Cassinelli, 2009)

Lionel Casson
[1193] The Ancient Mariners (Princeton University Press, 1991)

Vittorio Castellani
[224] Quando il mare sommerse l’Europa: dal mistero dei druidi ad Atlantide (Ananke, Turin, 1999)

Rodney Castleden
[225]P> Atlantis Destroyed (Routledge, London, 1998)
^Available online:
[226]P> Mycenaeans (Routledge, London, 2005)

Domingos Leite de Castro
[1480] A Atlântida, in Revista de Guimarães, v. 28, n. 1-2 (Jan.-Apr.1912), p.5-16
[1481] A Atlântida e as Dez Cassiterites, in Revista de Guimarães, v. 29, n. 3 (Jul. 1912), p. 97-115

Christopher Catling
[1989]P> Archaeology Step-by-Step (Hermes House, London, 2009)

Pier Paolo Cavallin
[1049] Atlantide fu la Tirrenide (HUS, Rome, 1968)

Richard Cavendish (Editor)
[2000]H> Encyclopedia of the Unexplained (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1974)

Nigel Cawthorne
[1800]P>Doomsday: 50 Visions of the end of the World (Arcturus, Wigston, 2004)

Edgar E. Cayce, Gail Cayce Schwartzer, Douglas G. Richards
[618] Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited [Harper Collins, 1988]
[917]> Edgar Cayce on Atlantis (Warner Books, New York, 1968 & 1998)
^Available online:

Charles J. Cazeau & Stuart D. Scott, jnr
[878]P>Exploring the Unknown (Da Capo Press, New York, 1979)

Sebastian Celestino & Carolina López-Ruiz
[1900] Tartessos and the Phoenicians in Iberia (Oxford University Press, 2016)

Christoph Cellarius
[1304] Notitia orbis antiquiti (2 vols, Gleditsch, Leipzig,1701)
^Available online: Vol 1, Cambridge, 1702 Vol 2, Leipzig, 1732

C.W. Ceram (Kurt Wilhelm Marek)
[1095] Gods, Graves and Scholars (Alfred A.Knopf, New York, 1951)
[1096] The Secret of the Hittites (Alfred A.Knopf, New York, 1956)

Dr. Émile Mir Chaouat
[227] Lumiére sur L’Atlantide (G. Michel, Marseilles, 1953)

Henry Chapin
[637] The Search for Atlantis (Cromwell Collier, New York, 1968)
^Can be read online:

June Power Chaplin
[228] The Native Rock (Geoguide Publishing, 1996)

Charles River Editors
[1585] The Phaistos Disc and Antikythera Mechanism (Kindle, 2018)
[1586] The Phaistos Disc (Kindle 2018)

Clark R. Chapman & David Morrison
[1717]H>Cosmic Catastrophes (Plenum Press, New York, 1989)

Robert Charroux
[766]P>The Mysterious Past (Futura, London, 1974)
[875]P>Lost Worlds (Fontana, London, 1974)
[1039]P>The Mysterious Unknown (Corgi, London, 1973)
^Available online:

Maurice Chatelain
[1111]E> Our Cosmic Ancestors (Temple Golden Publishing, 1988)
[1848] Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space (Doubleday, New York, 1978)
^Available online: Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Albert Mikhailovich Chechelnitsky
[515] Atlantida Incognita (Terra-knizhny Club, 2004)

Luciano Chiereghin
[1572] Atlantide al Microscopio (Atlantis Under the Microscope)(Europrint, Rovigo, 2007)

V. Gordon Childe
[1983]P>The Dawn of European Civilisation (Paladin, 1957)

David Hatcher Childress
[620]P> Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe and the Mediterranean
(Adventures Unlimited, 1996)
[1034]The Mystery of the Olmecs (Adventures Unlimited, 2007)
[1229] Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific (Adventures Unlimited, 1988)
[1252] Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis (Adventures Unlimited, 1991)
[1303] Anti-Gravity and the World Grid (Adventures Unlimited, 1993)
[1355] Technology of the Gods (Adventures Unlimited, 2000)
^Available online:
[1743] Ark of God (Adventures Unlimited, 2016)

Alex Chionetti
[1768] Mysteries of the Tayos Caves: Lost Civilizations Where the Andes Meet the Amazon (Bear & Co., 2020)

Patrick Chouinard
[864] Forgotten Worlds (Bear & Co, 2012)
[1424] Lost Race of the Giants (Bear & Co., 2013)

Albert Churchward
[903] The Origin and Evolution of the Human Race (George Allen & Unwin, London, 1920 and Kessinger, 1994)<Available online:
[943] Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man (A&B Books, 1996)

Jack Churchward
[773] Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu (Ozark Mountain Publishing, AR, 2011)
[1577] The Stone Tablets of Mu (Ozark Mountain Publishing, Huntsville, AR, 2018)
[1778] Crossing the Sands of Time: An Examination of the History and Legends of the Great Uighur Empire (J.E. Churchward, 2019)

James Churchward
[233] The Lost Continent of Mu (Ives Washburn, New York, 1931)
[234] The Children of Mu (Ives Washburn, New York, 1931)
[1215] The Sacred Symbols of MU (Ives Washburn, New York, 1933)
[1945] Cosmic Forces of Mu (Ives Washburn, New York, 1934)
[1946] The Second Book of Cosmic Forces of Mu (First published in 1935. Republished in 1972 by Paperback Library)

Giovanni Antonio Ciantar
[1462] De B. Paulo Apostolo in Melitam Siculo-Adriatici maris insulam naufragio…. (Venice,1738)
^Available online:

Marco Ciardi
[1246] ATLANTIDE: Una controversia scientifica da Colombo a Darwin
(ATLANTIS: A scientific controversy from Colombus to Darwin). (Carocci, Rome, 2002)
[1247] Le metamorfosi di Atlantide (Carocci, Rome, 2011)

Grahame Clark
[1984]P>World prehistory (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977)

Arthur C. Clarke
[1028]H>Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! (Voyager, London, 1999)

Dean Clarke
[1726] Atlantis – Ancient Maritime Culture (Kindle, 2020)

Hyde Clarke
[242]> Examination of the Legend of Atlantis in Reference to Protohistoric Communication with America, (Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1886).
^Available online:

Peter A Clayton
[1899]H>Chronicle of the Pharaohs (Thames & Hudson, London, 2006)

Cindy Clendenon
[801] Hydromythology and the Ancient Greek World (Fineline Science Press, Lansing. MI, 2009)

Eric H. Cline
[1005]EH> 117 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Princeton University Press, 2014)

Victor Clube & Bill Napier
[290] Cosmic Winter (Oxford, 1990)
[291] The Cosmic Serpent (Universe Books, 1982)

Philip Clüver (Philippi Cluverii)
[1092] Introductio in Universam Geographiam (John Nicholson, London, 1711)
^ This edition is available online: (Latin)

John Cogan
[729] The New Order of Man’s History (Elton-Wolf, 2002)

Roger Coghill
[494]E> The Message of Atlantis (Kindle, 2012)
[1249] Memoirs Of An Inconvenient Scientist (Kindle, 2011)

Ronan Coghlan
[727]P> Companion to Atlantis and other Mystery Lands (Xiphos Books, Bangor, 2009)
[793] The Encyclopaedia of Arthurian Legends (Element Books, Dorset, 1991)

John Philip Cohane
[0971]P>The Key (Fontana, 1975)
[1250] Paradox: The case for the extraterrestrial origin of man (Random House, 1977)
[1254] The Indestructible Irish (Meredith Press, New York, 1969)

Norman Cohn
[1985]H> Noah’s Flood (Yale University Press, New Haven, 1996)

Jason Colavito
[0915]E> Faking History ( Books, Albany, NY, 2013)
[1128] Mysteries of Ancient America (2011)
[1129] The Origins of the Space Gods (2011)
^^Available online:
[1723] The Mound Builder Myth (University of Oklahoma Press, 2020)
[1876]H>The Legends of the Pyramids (Red Lightning Books, Bloomington, Indiana, 2021)
[2021]E>The Orphic Argonautica ( Books, Albany, NY, 2012)

Jacques Collina-Girard
[0999] L’Atlantide retrouvée? Enquête scientifique autour d’un mythe (Belin, Paris, 2009)

Andrew Collins
[072]H> Gateway to Atlantis (Headline, London 2000)
[073]H> From the Ashes of Angels (Michael Joseph, London, 1996)
[074]H> Gods of Eden (Headline, London, 1998)
[075]H> The Cygnus Mystery (Watkins Publishing, London, 2006)
[631]P> Beneath the Pyramids (4th Dimension Press, Virginia Beach, 2009)
[895] Lightquest (Eagle Wing Books,US, 2012)
[983]P>Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods (Bear & Co., Rochester, VT.2014)
[1197] Atlantis in the Caribbean (Bear & Co. 2016)
[1509] The Cygnus Key (Bear & Co., 2018)
[2102] Karahan Tepe (Bear & Co. 2024)

Andrew Collins & Chris Ogilvie-Herald
[1898]H>Tutankhamun (Virgin Books, London, 2002)

Andrew Collins & Greg Little
[1672] Denisovan Origins (Bear & Co., 2019)

Steven Collins & Latayne C. Scott
[1625] Discovering the City of Sodom (Simon & Schuster, 2013)

John Robert Colombo
[626] O Rare Denis Saurat (Colombo & co. Toronto, 2003)

Ferdinand Columbus
[1536]The Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus by his Son Ferdinand (Translated and annotated by Benjamin Keen) (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 1959)

J. Colville
[1220] The Lost Continent of Atlantis (J. Burns, London, 1884)
^Available online:

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
[235] Atlantis – Discovering the Lost City (Impala, South Africa, 2005)

José Luis Concepción
[825]P> The Guanches: Survivors and their Descendants ( Author, Tenerife, 1984)

George Constable (Editor)
[1150] Mystic Places (Time-Life Books, 1987)

Mark Cook
[2075] Rewriting History: The decipherment of Linear A (Sydney, 2022)

Carleton S. Coon
[1988]H>The Origin of Races (Jonathan Cape, London, 1963)

George H. Cooper
[236]P> Ancient Britain: The Cradle of Civilisation (Hillis-Murgotten, San Jose, 1921) (republished by Kessinger, Montana, 2003).
[237] The Druid Bible (V. Hillis & Sons, 1936)

Julian Cope
[1780]H> The Megalithic European (Element – HarperCollins, London, 2004)

Philip Coppens
[238] The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel: The Last Secret of the Templars and Masons (Adventures Unlimited 2004)
[239] The Canopus Revelation: Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris (Adventures Unlimited, 2004)
[240] Mestdagh’s Theory on a Lost Civilisation (Stichting Mens en Kultuur, 1993)
[241] Land of the Gods (Adventures Unlimited, 2007)
[759] P>The New Pyramid Age (O Books, Winchester, 2007)
[1275]P> The Lost Civilisation Enigma (New Page Books, Wayne NJ, 2012)
[1525] The Ancient Alien Question (New Page Books, Wayne. NJ, 2011)

C. Corbato
[223] Atlantide (Archaeologia Classica 4, 1952, p.228-240)
[885] In margine alla questione atlantidea. Platone e Cartagine (Arch. Classica 5, 1937, pp  26-42)

António Cordyero
[1294] Historia Insulana das Ilhas a Portugal Sugeytas no Oceano Occidental (1717)
Available online: l  (Volume One, Lisbon, 1866)

William Corliss
[1311]D> Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts (Sourceproject Project, 1978)
^Availanle online:

Francis  Macdonald Cornford
[852] Plato’s Cosmology: The Timaeus of Plato Translated with a Running Commentary (Routledge & Keegan Paul, London, 1935)^Available online:

Isaac Preston Cory
[714]>Ancient Fragments (William Pickering, London, 1832)
^ Available online:Ancient Fragments (I. P. Cory) – Index (

Marcello Cosci
[611] Dai satellite le prime immagini della mitica Atlantide (The First Satellite Images of the Mythical Atlantis) (Felici, 2007)

Cosmas Indicopleustes
[1245] Christian Topography (translated by J. W. McCrindle)(The Hakluyt Society, London,1897)
Available online:

Antonieta Costa
[1967] The Mound of Stones: Azores megalithic rocks and enigmatic inscriptions rearrange the old Atlantic geography (Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbruecken, 2013)

Francesco Costarella
[1636] ATLANTIDE e DILUVIO: le due facce di una stessa medaglia? (Kindle, 2018)
[1637] ATLANTIDE ERA QUI! (Prima Parte): Un cratere d’impatto davanti allo Stretto di Messina. (Kindle, 2019)
[2015] Atlantis was here: Third Part: sudden emersion of the Aspromont. (Youcanprint, 2021)

Arthur Cotterell
[866]H>Chariot (Pimlico, London, 2004)
[1986]H>The Minoan World  (Book Club Associates, London,1979)

Leonard Cottrell
[1861]P>Reading the Past (J.M. Dent, London, 1972)

Maurice Cottrell
[1987]H>The Lost Tomb of Viracocha (Headline Books, London, 2001)
[1988]H>The Tutankhamun Prophecies (Headline Books, London, 1999)
[1989]H>The Supergods (Thorsons, London, 1997)

Paul Couissin
[245] L’Atlantide de Platon et les origines de la civilisation (Aix en Provence : Editions du feu, 1928)

Jack Countryman
[1312]H> Atlantis and the Seven Stars (St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1979)

Matthew P. Courville
[1960]P> Ancient Navigators; Phoenician Colony of Atlantis (Library & Archives Canada, 2022)

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

[246] À La recherché de l’Atlantide (The Research of Atlantis) (Flammarion, Paris, 1981)

Ashley Cowie
[1454]E> A Twist in Time (Alchemy International Publishing, 2016)

H. S. Cowper
[1566]H> The Hill of the Graces (Methuen & Co., London, 1897)

Simon Cox
[247] Cracking the Da Vinci Code
[248] Illuminating Angels and Demons
[249] The Dan Brown Companion
[250] Unlocking the Solomon Key
[251]H> A-Z of Atlantis (Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh, 2006)
[252] A-Z of Ancient Egypt (Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh, 2006)
[253] A-Z of the Occult (Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh)
[254] A-Z of Arthurian Legends (Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh)

Eva Crane
[1870] The World History of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting (Routledge, Oxford, 1999)

Thomas Crawford Johnston
[1902] Did the Phoenicians Discover America? (James Nisbet, London, 1913)
^Available online: Did the Phoenicians discover America? : Johnston, Thomas Crawford : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Scott Creighton
[1817] The Giza Oracle (Lulu, 2016)

Michael A. Cremo
[1703]H> Forbidden Archaeology (Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing,L.A.)

Enrique M. Crespo
[1397] Civilizacion Luna: La Existencia de la Atlantida (Trafford Publishing, 2008)

Keith Critchlow
[1793]H>Time Stands Still (Gordon Fraser, London, 1979)

Alexander Cruden
[1847]EH>Concordance to the Old & New Testament  (F. Warne, London)

Barry Cunliffe
[2081] The Extraordinary Voyage of Pytheas the Greek (Walker & Co. New York, 2001)
The extraordinary voyage of Pytheas the Greek : Barry W. Cunliffe : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Derek Cunningham
[954]E> Khyung The Stone Age Astronaut (CreateSpace, 2012)
[955] 400,000 Years of Stone Age Science (CreateSpace, 2013)

Kevin Curran
[1113]E> Fall of a Thousand Suns (Kindle 2014)

Margaret Anne Cusack
[1342] Popular History of Ireland (Irish National Publications, 1868, 2nd edition)
^Available online:

George Cuvier
[1586] A Discourse on the Revolutions of the Surface of the Globe (Carey & Lea, Philadelphia, 1831)
^Available online: