An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    OCTOBER 2024 The recent cyber attack on the Internet Archive is deplorable and can be reasonably compared with the repeated burning of the Great Library of Alexandria. I have used the Wayback Machine extensively, but, until the full extent of the permanent damage is clear, I am unable to assess its effect on Atlantipedia. At […]Read More »
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    Joining The Dots

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Puerto Rico

Underwater Anomalies *

Underwater Anomalies claimed as Atlantis related have been ‘identified’ in recent years on various Google Earth underwater anomalyimages. The one that received the most widespread attention was situated in the Atlantic west of the Canaries. Bernie Bamford, a British aeronautical engineer, got widespread media coverage in 2009 with this ‘new’ discovery. However, it is claimed that these features were discovered even earlier by Larkin & Cynthia Jones(h).

The location in question purports to show a gridlike street system. However, the scale involved would suggest ‘streets’ half a mile wide, which even for Atlanteans would have been rather unlikely. Google updated its data with a technical explanation for the anomaly(b)(k). However, Michael Jaye is unwilling to accept Google’s response and has described the gridlike feature to have been the Plain of Atlantis(f). A comparable site(c) near Puerto Rico has been highlighted by Deb Johnson, which can probably be explained similarly.

Bernhard Beier wrote an extensive article for Atlantisforschung on the evolution of the controversy surrounding Bamford’s claim and concluded with In this case, the Atlantis reference was created solely by the media, which acted completely independently of competence – and thus created another, small ‘Atlantis myth’ in the world.”(j)

A slightly different type of image has been spotted in lakes in the Peruvian  Andes(d) as well as Manzanillo Bay in the Dominican Republic(e). These images of shallower waters show a range of rectangular shapes that stop dead where they meet the shore with no continuation on land. Once again I suspect flawed processing of the scanning data.

Apart from the fact that all of the above lack any of the circular features so vividly described by Plato. It is obvious that they cannot all be Atlantis and in all probability none are. No effort has been made to match any of these anomalous images with the topographical details provided by Plato!

May 2022 saw more nonsense of this ilk in the tabloids, with headlines proclaiming the discovery of a ‘Yellow Brick Road to Atlantis’, north of Hawaii in the Pacific. In fact, the ‘road’ is a recognised volcanic feature and has never been claimed as anything else by its discoverers(i).

In a similar manner, it was reported in 2011 that divers on the coast of the Greek island of Zakynthos initially thought that they had discovered the remains of a lost port city, when they found  “some very unusual underwater formations came into view, including some strange pillars, walkways and even what appeared to be courtyards. Writing in the journal Marine and Petroleum Geology, a team of environmental researchers has now revealed that these peculiar structures are not actually archaeological remains at all.

 After being carefully examined by archaeologists, geologists and professional divers from both Greece and the United Kingdom, it was clear that the disk and doughnut-shaped columnar features were a type of mineralization feature. They were being generated by the escape of chemicals, mainly methane, emerging from hydrocarbon-rich layers hiding below a semi-ruptured fault.

 Microbes lurking in the sediment there appeared to be using the carbon in the methane as a source of energy. As they oxidized the methane, these bacteria and archaea were inadvertently changing the chemistry of the sediment they were living in to form a natural cement. To geologists, this is known as ‘concretion,’ and it can result in a number of new rock formations.” (l)

(a) See:


(c) (offline)



(f) The Explorers Club – Events – NYC – Public Lecture Series feat. Michael Jaye (


(h) Atlantis – Just Another Sea Floor Anomaly? – YouTube 

(i) Scientists Find a ‘Yellow Brick Road’ in a Never-Before-Seen Spot of The Pacific Ocean : ScienceAlert *

(j) Googleatlantis – The alleged “localization” of Bernie Bamford – ( 

(k) Atlantis revealed at last… or just a load of old Googles? | Daily Mail Online


Bermuda Triangle *

The Bermuda Triangle is the name given to an area of sea encompassed by Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. In his article, “Sea Mystery at Our Back Door”, George X. Sand described the disappearance of several aeroplanes and ships, including the story of Flight 19 in the October 1952 issue of Fate magazine. Sand was the first to define the borders of the then, unnamed Bermuda Triangle. It wasn’t until February 1964 that Vincent Gaddis coined the name “Bermuda Triangle” in an article published by Argosy Magazine(i).


It alleged that within this area there has been an inordinate loss of ships and aircraft. It is an issue that captured the attention bermuda triangleof the ever-present ‘batty brigade’, who linked the area with UFO’s, underwater crystals and, of course, Atlantis. Much has been written about the subject, beyond the efforts of one or two authors, writers in the main, have offered very little original material, preferring to re-hash existing and sometimes rather dubious material.


The writer most readily identified with the Bermuda Triangle is Charles Berlitz who gave us two books[168][169] on the subject, in which he linked it with alien abductions, UFO’s and of course, Atlantis. Bill Hanson is also a supporter of an Atlantis connection.


More recently, a German historian, Dr Michael Preisinger, has claimed to have mapped magnetic anomalies in the area(j), which have led some to conclude that they may be caused by micro-wormholes. Preisinger has suggested that there may be some connection between these anomalies and the fact that the U.S. Navy’s Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Centre (AUTEC) are based in the area with a possible UFO connection. Before anyone jumps to the conclusion that Dr Preisinger is just another attention-seeking nut, it must be pointed out that he has offered a rational explanation for many of the allegedly man-made stones of the “Bimini Wall” namely, the fact large quantities of ballast stones were jettisoned in the area during the American Civil war. Gavin Menzies made a similar suggestion but with a twist, in his book 1421, he speculated that the Chinese fleet suffered damage during a storm and landed at Bimini where they used their large square ballast stones to build an emergency drydock, the remains of which is now the Bimini Road!


GianJQuasar_sGian Quasar, who appears to be attempting to take up Berlitz’s mantle, has written a comprehensive volume[174] on the Bermuda Triangle supported by an interesting website(a), which is to be transferred to a new address(d). A sequel to his book is also in preparation. Quasar barely touched on the subject of Atlantis in his book, where he wrote “It is true, of course, that the greatest electromagnetic and undersea phenomena do recur where Cayce predicted that Atlantean ruins would exist.”


In December 2015, The Telegraph (UK) published a sober review(b) of the Bermuda Triangle story, in my view, effectively debunking it. A year later Norwegian scientists claimed(c) that underwater methane explosions were responsible for losses in the ‘Triangle’.


The British tabloid The Daily Star in its January 29th, 2017 edition(e) published a pathetic article that vaguely attempts to link Atlantis with the Bermuda Triangle. I can only assume it was a slow news day! Marina Michaels, the psychic, also locates the centre of Atlantis as almost congruent with that of the Bermuda Triangle(f). On May 13th, 2018, The Daily Star regurgitated the previous year’s nonsense.


In 2020, a further lame attempt to link Atlantis with the so-called Bermuda Triangle was made on the American TV show, Forbidden History. Needless to say, it gave Jason Colavito an opportunity to dispose of this hogwash(h).


Statistically, it would appear that the Bermuda Triangle is no more dangerous than anywhere else,  a view borne out by the fact that insurance underwriters do not load premiums for travelling there. This view was highlighted in 2017 by Australian scientist Dr Karl Kruszelnicki(g).


The Popular Mechanics website had a 2023 article reiterating the conclusions of scientists who attribute losses of ships or planes in the ‘triangle’ over the past century to probabilities. An explanation endorsed by Lloyd’s of London(k), the world’s greatest insurance market.


(a) (offline April 2016)





(e) Bermuda Triangle mystery EXPLAINED: ‘Lost City of Atlantis underwater’, incredible claims | Daily Star ( *





(j) Atlantis Rising magazine – Issue 18 



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