An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    NEWS September 2023

    September 2023. Hi Atlantipedes, At present I am in Sardinia for a short visit. Later we move to Sicily and Malta. The trip is purely vacational. Unfortunately, I am writing this in a dreadful apartment, sitting on a bed, with access to just one useable socket and a small Notebook. Consequently, I possibly will not […]Read More »
  • Joining The Dots

    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Dendera Zodiac

Dendera Zodiac

The Dendera(h) Zodiac is a well-known bas-relief taken from the ceiling of the Hathor temple at Dendera in Egypt. The temple was constructed during the Graeco-Roman Period and removed by the French in 1821 and brought to Paris, where it can now be viewed in the Louvre.

Inevitably, there is controversy regarding the date that the zodiac was intended to represent. Not unexpectedly, the zodiac has also been drawn into the Atlantis debates with Albert Slosman claiming that the zodiac indicates a date of July 27th 9792 for the destruction of Atlantis[0550]!  Slosman’s extreme ideas on the subject greatly influenced the thinking of others, including Patrick Geryl & Gino Ratinckx, Wolter Smit and Carlos Barcelo. Hossam Aboulfotouh has also offered an alternative interpretation of the Dendera Zodiac(a), with many more available on the internet.

Robert Bauval has written a series of seven short papers about Dendera and its Zodiac(b). A 2012 paper by Dr Rosalind Park & Bernard Eccles also offers a study of the Zodiac’s date(c).

>A March 2023 report revealed that another spectacular zodiac was discovered in the Temple of Esna which is about 60km south of Luxor, where restoration work has been going on since 2018(e).<



For the other six papers substitute 1058 with 1062, 1065, 1067, 1074, 1076, and 1080.

(c) (99+) (PDF) DATING THE DENDERA ZODIAC – EGYPT’S FAMOUS GRECO-ROMAN “ZODIAC” (2012) | Roz Park and bernard eccles –

(d)  *

(e) Complete Depiction of The Zodiac Found in Ancient Egyptian Temple : ScienceAlert *

Aboulfotouh, Dr. Hossam

Dr. Hossam Aboulfotouh (1960 – ) is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture in the Egyptian University of Minia. He has daringly suggested that Atlantis was sited in the Nile Delta and destroyed in 3070 BC(f). 

Unfortunately, he has supported this contention with very little evidence. In his website(a) he wanders somewhat, discussing ancient metrology and hieroglyphics. He also offers a decoding of the Dendera Zodiac(e).

R. McQuillen offers a much stronger case for an Egyptian location. However, both Aboulfotouh and McQuillen have opted for the west of the Nile delta near Canopus as having been the location of the Pillars of Heracles referred to by Plato. It is interesting to note that the late Ulf Richter studied the topographical details provided by Plato and concludes that the capital city of Atlantis was constructed on a river delta.

In three rather technical papers(d) Aboulfotouh calculates the date of the building of the Great Pyramid at Giza as 3055 BC, which he claims was also the time of the Deluge or what he refers to as the “tsunami of the Mediterranean”. He also outlines his views on the methods used to design the Giza complex using ‘The Horizon Theory’.(b)(d)

Diego Ratti, in his 2021 book, Atletenu [1821], has placed Atlantis in Egypt’s eastern Nile Delta with Avaris its capital and so identifying the Hyksos as Atlantean.

Aboulfotouh has also written a paper on the tilt of the Giza pyramids’ entrance passages proving “that the pyramids’ designer was able to include the geographic, astronomical and time parameters in one relativistic equation, encoding the date of the design of the Giza pyramids in the tilt of the entrance passage of the Great Pyramid.”(c)

Some years ago Aboulfotouh put forward detailed plans for the rehabilitation of historic Cairo(h), but it seems that bureaucratic inertia has prevented any progress with his suggestions.

Aboulfotouh published a number of papers on the website relating to ancient Egypt and the mathematical knowledge of the time there. One of his most unusual contributions is a paper entitled Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence Using the Architectonic Magic Codes, which he suggests could be converted in a musical piece that might be recognised by both parties!(g) Steven Spielberg used a similar idea nearly 50 years ago in Close Encounters of the Third Kind!



(c) Wayback Machine ( 





(h) (99+) Rehabilitation of Historic Cairo, Final Report, Chapter-6 on Framework Plan, UNDP, Cairo, 1997. | Hossam Aboulfotouh –*