An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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Skender Hushi

Hushi, Skender (L)

Skender Hushi is an Albanian ‘researcher’ who recently announced to the world that he had discovered ‘Atlantide’. This dramatic ‘news’ is contained in a 55-page booklet, I Have Discovered Atlantide[0899], that was retailing at an exorbitant $32 (Kindle – $7).

Hushi bases his claim on the Emerald Plates of Thoth(c), who was allegedly the last king of Atlantis, which he claims lasted from 50,000 BC until 10,000 BC. He further claims that plain of Atlantis matches a description of Ireland, which he informs us was a former Albanian-speaking country!

It is obvious to me that Hushi knows as much about Ireland as he does about Atlantis. Like so many others who have entered into this field he does not know the difference between assertion and evidence. If anyone wishes to engage in some literary masochism, without paying the over inflated price of a hard copy, they can indulge themselves on Hushi’s website(a) where most of the text is available in badly translated English(b).

Hushi  seems to locate Atlantis in the Atlantic, west of Ireland with Rockall its last visible remnant. His rambling text ranges over Giza, giants, pole shift, Incas, ancient space travel and the etymology of many Albanian words, which he assumes to have been the language of Atlantis!




Language of Atlantis

The Language spoken in Atlantis is, obviously, unknown. However, as Atlantis was a military alliance and according to Plato, spread over hundreds of miles, it is likely that its territory included a number of different spoken languages. Nevertheless, readers might be entertained by some of the wilder speculation (a) that the subject has generated.

Edgar Cayce ‘revealed’ that the Atlanteans did not need language as they used telepathy to communicate!*John Van Auken , a director of Cayce’s A.R.E., tells us that this changed when “As we Children of God, or “Morning Stars” as the book of Job referred to us, pushed our minds deeper and deeper into matter (this third dimensional plane), we became more individualized, and our expansive consciousness was narrowed into this world of form and physicality. When we were finally ‘out of Spirit, out of the ability to have all the attributes of the spiritual or unseen forces…’ (Cayce Reading 364-10) and more fully in matter, then we moved toward writing and speaking.” There is lots more balderdash like that on the same site(c).*

In the seventeenth century, Olof Rudbeck concluded that Swedish was the language of Atlantis and the foundation for Greek and Latin. In recent times Felice Vinci claimed that Homeric Greeks spoke Finnish, while Skender Hushi thinks Albanian was the language of Atlantis[899].

Atlantean (Dig Adlantisag), was a language created for the film Atlantis: The Lost Empire by Marc Okrand, who worked with John Emerson, a designer at Disney, to produce an alphabet for the language.(b)

(a)  (link broken Nov. 2019)



Ireland *

Ireland according to James Bramwell [0195.181], was first identified with Atlantis as early as circa 1250 AD in the Speculum Regale (The King’s Mirror)(g) which was written in Norway. Apart from that, Ireland was less controversially was first suggested in the 18th century as a possible location of Atlantis by the English geologist John Whitehurst. The idea lay dormant for over a century until the early part of the 20th century when George H. Cooper [236]  suggested that Cork harbour fits Plato’s description of the harbour of Atlantis. Fifty years later an official guidebook claimed that one of the outposts of Atlantis was to be found on the west coast of Galway. As a nation famed for its storytelling we have never let truth stand in the way of a good tale.


The mythical Hy-Brasil was shown west of Ireland on maps as early as 1325 and incredibly, was not removed from naval charts until 1865. The UK’s Daily Star (21/5/16) with typical tabloid accuracy told its readers(f) that Hy-Brasil was off the coast of ‘Britain’!


In 1976, Steiner Books, New York, republished a book under the misleading title of Atlantis in Ireland. One may be excused for viewing this as a blatant case of exploitative opportunistic publishing. The original text was written by Henry O’Brien and  published in London (1834) as The Round Towers of Ireland. Apart from being written in the rather turgid English of the period, there is not a single reference to Plato or Atlantis to be found in that volume.


Diodorus Siculus, in a well-known passage (Bk 1.158), that is claimed by some as a reference to Ireland(h), describes it as ”an island in the ocean over against Gaul, to the north, and not inferior in size to Sicily, the soil of which is so fruitful that they mow there twice in the year.” Some consider this to be reminiscent of the Platonic reference to the two crops a year gathered in Atlantis. However, I am more inclined to think that Diodorus was referring to Britain. Diodorus also mentions the Irish singular temples of ’round form’, however, this seems too early to be a reference to the round towers and more likely to be an allusion to the astronomically aligned mounds such as Newgrange, Dowth and Knowth in Ireland or Stonehenge in Britain!


Bob Quinn has written and lectured on possible ancient cultural links between North Africa and Ireland. This idea may have been reinforced by a number of 19th century reports that visitors from North Africa were able to understand the Irish language!(i)


In 1923, Conor MacDari, who’s eccentricity was comparable with that of Comyns Beaumont, published Irish Wisdom Preserved in the Bible and Pyramids [1157], which among a litany of bizarre claims, proposed that Atlantis had been located in Ireland.


When Ignatius Donnelly came to the subject of Ireland, he attributed an Atlantean origin to so the various waves of settlers that came to the post-glacial island. He substitutes evidence with assertion and speculation. Donnelly further claimed that the famous round towers of Ireland are proof that the people of Atlantis settled in Ireland.


More recently Ulf Erlingsson, a Swedish geographer, insisted that with a claimed probability



Hill of Tara

factor of 99.98%, that his interpretation of Plato’s text demonstrates that Ireland was home to Atlantis [319]. The subtitle of the book, Mapping the Fairy Land, is probably a good guide on how seriously to take this book, particularly as it is by an author who hails from the land of the original Trolls.


In March 2008, it was reported that a Dr. Jac Hummer had mounted an expedition to South America with the intention of discovering the r emains of St. Patrick under a pyramid there. But it gets better – he then explains that such a discovery will prove his theory that Ireland is Plato’s lost island of Atlantis! I can only conclude that this is a hoax story.


Irish legend speaks of the Domnu, people of the deep sea from a land that disappeared beneath the waves. However, Ireland is still above the waves and in contrast to Plato’s statement that even in his time the location of Atlantis was marked by impassable shallows. Since sea levels have generally risen only slightly since Plato lived, he cannot have been referring to Ireland.


John Douglas Singer in his slender book, Ireland’s Mysterious Lands and Sunken Cities [828], has carried out an investigation into the ancient legends of Ireland and their possible connection with Plato’s Atlantis. He points out that Ireland has the greatest number of legends relating to sunken cities and islands! He draws on the works of Egerton Sykes and Lewis Spence among others.

Ireland was also nominated by Thomas Dietrich as an early colony of Atlantis in The Origin of Culture.


Somewhat incongruously, the website of extremist, Dejan Lucic, has an extensive and fully referenced article entitled The Irish Origins of Civilisation(a), including not a few controversial sources such as, Comyns Beaumont, Ralph Ellis and John Gordon.


Around 2010, a father and son team Francis J.Ward & Francis P.Ward seeminglly published their first book The Truth Against the World-Red Phoenix Rising & the Return of the Thunder Gods [1156], in which they express the view that Atlantis was a global, maritime empire based in Ireland”.(c)


In 2013, Skender Hushi informed the world that Albanian had been the original language of Ireland and Atlantis! Another equally odd claim came from Zoltán Simon who proposed that the ancient Hun Calendar came from Ireland [0549.147]!


More recently Jonathan Northcote has identified Ireland as Plato’s Gadeira [1369]


Evidence for the earliest humans in Ireland is now dated as 10,500 BC.(d)(e)


In July 2020, Erlingsson’s Atlantis in Ireland theory was recycled by a website(j) with the title of ‘Keystone University’. It promises to build a world-class enterprise centre in Ireland in 2025. The site implies that Keystone has the support of Brian Tracy, an American self-development speaker. While Keystone seems to focus on business success and personal development, it incongruously includes a study of Atlantis a la Erlingsson as part of its course! It has published two papers on the Ancient Origins website(k)(l).


The Atlantis claims of Keystone were found earlier in January on YouTube and while it ostensibly appeared to add the gravitas of an educational institution to the subject of Atlantis, it was only a smokescreen for an attempt to entice people to sign up for overpriced seminars. Jason Colavito drew attention(m) to this at the time and to the more recent articles on Ancient Origins(n).


(a) See:

(b) Archive 2833 | (




(f) (link broken) * {l(g)









Albania has not been excluded from the quest for links with Atlantis. Andi Zeneli had a website that delved into the ancient history of Albania which from the 10th century BC was part of Illyria. He makes great use of the controversial Oera Linda Book and linguistics in order to produce a convoluted association between Albania and Atlantis.

Zeneli had a separate website, also defunct, that dealt more specifically with the history of the ancient Illyrians.

There was also an ancient kingdom of Albania in the Caucasus between Iberia and and the Caspian Sea, approximately where Azerbaijan is now situated. It was once thought that the Adriatic Albanians had originated there but this was disproved on linguistic grounds in the 19th century.

ancient albaniaA more recent claim is that satellite imagery has revealed a network of lines near Durrés, west of Tirana, which are the remnants of Plato’s Atlantean canals, with co-ordinates of 41.08-41.02 N and 19.23 E. A blogsite(c) is also home to a number of articles adding further support to the Durrés theory.

The Albanian hypothesis, however interesting has so far failed to answer many of the critical questions raised by Plato’s dialogues. Where were the Pillars of Heracles? What evidence is there for Albanian (Illyrian) influence extending to Tyrrhenia and Libya? Why did Plato not simply say that Atlantis had been located next door in the western Balkans? Without an answer to these and other questions we are forced to consider the Durres location is, at best, speculative.

However, in a desperate attempt to bolster this theory it has been pointed out(e) that the Illyrian tribe in the region was called Taulanti and the region itself Taulantis, inferring that it was modified to ‘Atlantis’!

In 2013 Skender Hushi announced that Albanian had been the language of Atlantis and Ireland!

A YouTube clip(d) offers a more graphic presentation of the theory while another link(f) offers a number of satellite images of Durres.



