Books marked > indicate that a copy is held in the Atlantipedia library.
Martin Ebon
[0286]P> Atlantis: The New Evidence (New American Library, 1977)
Allan W. Eckert
[0357] The HAB Theory (Little Brown, Boston, 1976)
Arthur Sidney Eddington
[1497] The Borderland of Astronomy and Geology (Smithsonian Institute, 1925)
David Edward
[1926]P> Atlantis Solved: The Final Definitive Proof (Kindle, 2022)
Henry M. Eichner
[0287]H> Atlantean Chronicles (Fantasy Publishing, California, 1971)
Rafael Videla Eissmann
[0792] Roberto Rengifo y el secreto de la América aborigen (Puerto de Palos, Buenos Aires, 2008)
[0799] Miguel Serrano y La Atlantida (Puerto de Palos, Santiago, 2007)
[0800] Desde La Atlantida (Puerto de Palos, Santiago, 2008)
Johan S. Ellefsen
[1968]P> Solon’s Atlantis (Privately published, 2023)
Ralph Ellis
[0517] Thoth, the Gizeh Architect (Edfu Book, 1997)
[0656] Tempest and Exodus (Adventures Unlimited, 2002)
[0951] Eden in Egypt (Edfu Books, 2013)
[1563] K2: Quest of the Gods (Edfu Books, Cheshire, 2000)
[1684] Scota, Egyptian Queen of the Scots (Edfu Books, 2013)
Richard Ellis
[0288]P> Imagining Atlantis (Vintage, New York, 1999)
[1624]H> Encyclopedia of the Sea (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2000)
Joseph S. Ellul
[0289]> Malta’s Prediluvian Culture at the Stone-Age Temples with special reference to Hagar Qim, Ghar Dalam, Cart-ruts, Il-Misqa, Il-Maqluba and Creation (Printwell, Malta, 1988)
Jean d’Eraines
[1056] Le problème des origines et des migrations (E.Leroux, Paris, 1914)
^Available online: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6571245x.r=.langES
[0761] Geographika (translated by Duane W. Roller)(Princeton University Press, 2010)
Gunnar Eriksson
[0529] The Atlantic Vision: Olaus Rudbeck and Baroque Science, (Science History Publications, 1994)
Dr. Ulf Erlingsson
[0319]H> Atlantis from a Geographer’s Perspective (Lindorm Publishing, 2004)
Douglas Erskine (John Stuart Buchan)
[1154] A Bit of Atlantis (A.T. Chapman, Montreal, 1900)
^available online: https://www.forgottenbooks.com/readbook/A_Bit_of_Atlantis_1000688954#1
Archie Eschborn
[1351] The Dragon in the Lake (Xlibris, 2006)
José Luis Espejo
[1606] Ecos de la Atlántida (Echoes of Atlantis) (Editorial Base, Barcelona, 2018)
[1607] Los hijos del Edén: toda la verdad sobre la Atlántida (The Children of Eden: The whole truth about Atlantis) (Ediciones B, 2009)
Martin K. Ettington
[1641]E>The Real Atlantis (Privately published, 2018)
Johannes Jacobi Eurenius
[1320] Atlantica Orientalis (1751)
^Available online: https://archive.org/details/atlanticaorient00euregoog (1764)
Loraine Evans
[1781]H>King of the Ark (Simon & Schuster, London, 2000)
Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz
[1099]P>The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries (Oxford University Press, 1911)
^Available online: https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/ffcc/ffcc110.htm
Caleb Everett
[1776]>Numbers (Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 2017)
Julius Evola
[1326] Rivolta contro il mondo moderno (Urlico Hoepli Editore, Milano, 1934)
[1327] Revolt Against the Modern World (Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, 1994)
Henri-Paul Eydoux
[0927]H>Facts and Enigmas in Archaeology (Ferni, Geneva, 1978)
Peter Van Eys
[1222] Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis de Platone Mosaïzante. (F. Halma, Franeker, 1715)
George Stanley Faber
[0962]>The Origin of Pagan Idolatry (F&C Rivingstons, London, 1816) (3 vols.)
Roger Facon
[1433] Quand l’Atlantide resurgira (Alain Lefeuvre, Nice,1979)
Bertil Falk
[0294] Atlantis och Svenskarna (Lindquists, Stockholm, 1974)
Kevin Falzon
[0869]P>The Gospel of Forbidden Truth (Scarlet Sky Books, Malta, 2012)
Lionel & Patricia Fanthorpe
[0655] Mysteries and Secrets of the Masons (Dundurn, Toronto, 2006)
David Fasold
[1054]H>The Discovery of Noah’s Ark (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1990)
Father Sergio
[1514] The Legend of Atlantis (CreateSpace, 2014)
^ Available online: https://fathersergio.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/the-legend-of-atlantis1.pdf
Robert Feather
[1812]H>The Copper Scroll Decoded (Thorsons, London, 1999)
Dr. Kenneth L. Feder
[0295] Frauds, Myths and Mysteries (Mayfield Publishing, 1998)
Robert W. Felix
[1688] Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps (Sugarhouse Pub/. 2008)
Barry Fell
[1769]H> America B.C (Wildwood House, London, 1978)
[1770]H>Saga America (Times Books, New York, 1980)
Mario la Ferla
[1081] L’uomo di Atlantide (Stampa Alternativa, 2003)
Fernando Fernández Díaz
[1808] Atlántida encontrada y demostrada (Kindle, 2020)
[1809] Capitales Imperiales de Tartessos (Kindle, 2020)
[1810] Cómo encontramos la verdadera Troya (y su Cultura material) en Iberia
Silvia Ferrara
[2083] The Greatest Invention: A History of the World in Nine Mysterious Scripts (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2019)
Robert Ferro & Michael Grumley
[0594]H>Atlantis: The Autobiography of a Search(Doubleday, New York, 1970)
Reginald Aubrey Fessenden
[1012]>The Deluged Civilisation of the Caucasus Isthmus (Chap.1-6, T.J.Russell, Boston, 1923)(Chap.11, Boston, 1927)(Chap.7-10,1933)
^Available online: https://www.radiocom.net/Deluge/Deluge1-6.htm Chapters 1-6
^Available online: https://www.radiocom.net/Deluge/Deluge7-10.htm Chapters 7-10
^Available online: https://www.radiocom.net/Deluge/Deluge11.htm Chapter 11
Helen M. Fessenden
[1615] Fessenden: Builder of Tomorrows (Coward McCann, New York, 1940)
^Can be read online: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.b4540711;view=1up;seq=9
Carl Festin
[0753] Flykting Från Atlantis (Refugees from Atlantis) (Jengel, Östersund, 2007)
Georg Feuerstein, Subash Kak & David Frawley
[0817]P> In Search of the Cradle of Civilisation (Quest Books, Wheaton IL, 2001)
Louis Guillaume Figuier
[0296] La Terre et les Mers (Paris, 1872)
^Available online : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k22526x
Paula Findlen (editor)
[0425] Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who Knew Everything [Routledge, 2004]
Irving Finkel
[0995]P> The Ark Before Noah (Hodder & Stoughton, 2014)
Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman
[0280]P> The Bible Unearthed (Touchstone, New York, 2002)
Moses I. Finley
[1139] The World of Odysseus (New York Review Books, 1954)
[1953] Aspects of Antiquity (Viking Press, New York, 1968)
Richard Firestone, Allen West & Simon Warwick-Smith
[0110]P>The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes (Bear & Co., Rochester, Vermont, 2006)
George Firman
[0913] Firman portolano (Atlantis Enterprises, Santa Ana.CA, 1978)
[0914] Atlantis, A Definitive Study (Hallmark Litho, New York, 1985)
Steven Roger Fischer
[1520] Glyph-Breaker (Springer Verlag, 1997)
Doug Fisher
[1924] Maps, Myths & Paradigms (Cophee House Books, 2018)
R.K. & Martini Fisher
[1372]E>Time Maps: History, Prehistory and Biological Evolution (Kindle, 2015)
J. Fitzgerald Lee
[1169] The Great Migration (Skeffington & Son, London, 1932)
William R. Fix
[0871]H>Pyramid Odyssey (Mayflower Books, New York, 1978)
^Published in French as EDGAR CAYCE : LA GRANDE PYRAMIDE ET L’ATLANTIDE, available as a pdf file
^Available online: https://www.pdfarchive.info/index.php?pages/Fi
[0872]P>Star Maps (Octopus Books, London, 1979)
P.P Flambas
[1368]E>Plato’s Caribbean Atlantis (Vivid Publishing, 2016 – Kindle)
Rand & Rose Flem-Ath
[0062]P>When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis (Stoddart, Ontario, 1995)
[1090] Killing Moses (oncetherewasawayPress, 2014)
[1594]E>From Atlantis to the Promised Land (Kindle, 2017)
[0981]P>Atlantis Beneath the Ice (Bear&Co., Rochester,VT, 2012)
Rand Flem-Ath & Colin Wilson
[0063]P> The Atlantis Blueprint, (Little, Brown & Co., London, 2000)
Rose Flem-Ath
[0297] Field of Thunder (Stoddart, Toronto, 1997)
N, C. Flemming
[1682] Cities in the Sea (Doubleday, New York, 1971)
Edward Taylor Fletcher
[1155] The Lost Island of Atlantis (Quebec, 1865)
^Available online: https://archive.org/details/cihm_41642
Ronald Fletcher
[1138] The Woodchester Mosaic Decoded (Gloucestershire Earth Mysteries, 1990)
William M. Flinders Petrie
[1660] The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh (1883) Reprinted by Histories and Mysteries of Man, London, 1990)
Wayback Machine (archive.org)
The first and probably best edition is also available online: – https://archive.org/details/cu31924012038927/page/n17
Flying Eagle & Whispering Wind
[0138] Atlantis-Motherland (Cosmic Vortex, Hawaii, 2004)
Brien Foerster
[0923]>Lost Ancient Technology of Peru and Bolivia (Kindle, 2013 & Lulu, 2012)
[1487]E> Lost Ancient Technology of Egypt (Createspace, 2014)
[2047]E>Aftershock (Createspace, 2016)
Jean-Albert Foëx
[0721] Les Mysteres du Mond Submerge (Laffont, Paris, 1964)
Katherine Folliott
[054]P> Atlantis Revisited (H&B Publications, Surrey, 1984)
Anatoly T. Fomenko
[1823]P>History: Fiction or Science? 1 (Delamere Pub, Isle of Man, 2003)
Edward Fontaine
[1277]How the World was Peopled (D. Appleton, New York, 1872)
^Available online: https://www.forgottenbooks.com/en/books/HowtheWorldWasPeopled_10040735
Edward Forbes
[1471] Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain (Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, London 1846. Vol. 1 pp 336-432)
^Available online: https://books.google.ie/books?id=H74QAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA336&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
H. Edward Forrest
[0298] The Atlantean Continent – Its Bearing upon the Great Ice Age & the Distribution of Species (Witherby, London, 1933)
Joseph François de Fortia d’Urban
[1314] Mémoirs pour servir a l’histoire ancienne du globe terrestre (The History of the Ancient World) (Vol.IX, Paris, 1809)
^Available online: https://www.pdfarchive.info/index.php?pages/Fo
John Foster Forbes
[0299] Giants, Myths and Megaliths (1945) [with Iris Campbell]
[0315] Unchronicled Past (Simpkin Marshall, London,1938)[reprinted Kessinger Publishing, 2004]
Robert L. Fowler
[0375] Early Greek Mythography Volume 1: Text and Introduction. (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000).
Hugh Fox
[1171]EH> Gods of the Cataclysm (Dorset Press, New York, 1976)
Ian Fox
[0782]> Atlantis Beneath Baffin Bay (Fox Type Publ., Christchurch, N.Z.,2010)
Robert Fox
[1168]H>The Inner Sea (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1993)
Karl A. Frank
[1009]H>Sturm aus Atlantis (Hoch, Dusseldorf, 1975) German
Alfred Franke
[0907] Atlantis, Wahn oder Wirklichkeit (Mannus, 1978)
Thorwald C. Franke
[0300] Mit Herodot auf den Spuren von Atlantis (Books on Demand Gmbh, 2006)
[0706] Aristoteles und Atlantis (Books on Demand Gmbh, 2010)
[0880]P> Aristotle and Atlantis (Books on Demand Gmbh, Norderstedt, 2012)
[0881]P> (Franke editor) Atlantis and Syracuse (BoD, Norderstedt, 2012)*(Original Swedish by Gunnar Rudberg – Atlantis och Syrakusai, 1917)(English translation by Cecelia Murphy, edited by Franke)
[1255]P> Kritische Geschichte der Meinungen und Hypothesen zu Platons Atlantis (Critical history of the hypotheses on Plato’s Atlantis)(BoD, 2016)
[1858] Platonische Mythen (BoD, 2021)
Stephen E. Franklin
[0301] Origins of the Tarot Deck (McFarland & Co., 1989)
[1387] Typhon: A Chronology of the Holocene Period
^Can be read online: https://neros.lordbalto.com/Contents.htm
Sergio Frau
[0302] Le Colonne d’Ercole: Un’inchiesta(The Pillars of Hercules)(Nur Neon, 2002)
[1553] Omphalos: il Primo Centro del Mondo (Nur Neon, 2017)
Charles Frazee
[1068] Atlantis (Artesian Press, Provo,UT, 2007)
James George Frazer
[0696]> Folk-Lore in the Old Testament (Macmillan, London, 1918, 3 vols)
^Available online: https://archive.org/details/folkloreinoldte00frazgoog
Wynn Free
[1678] The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? (Frog Books, 2004)
Gordon R. Freeman
[0891]P>Hidden Stonehenge (Watkins, London, 2012)
Barbara Freitag
[1331] Hy Brasil: The Metamorphosis of an Island (Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2013)
Martin Freksa
[0303] Das Verlorene Atlantis (The Lost Atlantis) 1997 – Translated as
[0691]P> Traces of the Atlantic Civilization (Pluramon, 2009)
Sigmund Freud
[1091]E>Moses and Monotheism (Hogarth Press, 1939)
^Available online: https://archive.org/details/mosesandmonothei032233mbp
Richard Freund
[0879] Digging Through History: Archaeology and Religion from Atlantis to the Holocaust (Rowman & Littlefield, 2012)
Walter Friedrich
[0428]H> Fire in the Sea: The Santorini Volcano: Natural History and the Legend of Atlantis. (Cambridge University Press, 2000)
Werner E. Friedrich
[0695]P> Prähistorische Flutkatastrophe im Schwarzen Meer und Atlantis
(Prehistoric Deluge in the Black Sea and Atlantis) (self-published, 2006)
Ronald H. Fritze
[0709]H>Invented Knowledge (Reaktion Books, London, 2009)
Leo Frobenius
[1279] The Voice of Africa.Translated by Rudolf Blind (London, 1913)
^Available online: https://www.forgottenbooks.com/en/books/TheVoiceofAfrica_10065316 Vol I
Fabrizio Frongia
[1609] Le torri di Atlantide (Il Maestrale, Nuoro, Sardinia, 2012)
K. T. Frost
[0304] The Critias and Minoan Crete (Journal of Hellenic Studies 33, 1913, 189-206)
Perceval Frutiger
[0639] Les Mythes de Platon (Alcan, Paris, 1930)
^ https://ebookoninternet.com/1177973/les-mythes-de-platon-etude-philosophique-litteraire-perceval-frutiger.html (offline April 2016)
Michael Fsadni, O.P.
[0595]P>The Girna: The Maltese Corbelled Stone Hut (Dominican Publication, Malta, 1999)
Alexandra Ioana Furdui
[1598] Island: Myth…Reality …or Both? (Publicious Pty, Queensland. 2017)
David Furlong
[0285]H> The Keys to the Temple (Piatkus, London, 1997)
Rupert Furneaux
[0829]P>Ancient Mysteries (Futura, London, 1976)
Henry Fynes-Clinton
[1559] Fasti Hellenici (Oxford University Press, 1834)
^Vol. I available online: https://archive.org/details/fastihellenic01clin
^Vol. II available online: https://archive.org/details/fastihellenic02clin
^Vol. III available online: https://archive.org/details/fastihellenic03clin