An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    NEWS October 2024

    OCTOBER 2024 The recent cyber attack on the Internet Archive is deplorable and can be reasonably compared with the repeated burning of the Great Library of Alexandria. I have used the Wayback Machine extensively, but, until the full extent of the permanent damage is clear, I am unable to assess its effect on Atlantipedia. At […]Read More »
  • Joining The Dots

    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Books marked > indicate that a copy is held in the Atlantipedia library.

R.H. MacArthur & E.O. Wilson
[1575] The Theory of Island Biogeography (Princeton University Press, 1967)

Conor MacDari
[1157] Irish Wisdom Preserved in Bible and Pyramids (Daylight Publishing, Boston, 1923)
^Excerpts available online:
[1158] The Bible: An Irish Book
^available online:

Donald A. Mackenzie
[459]H>Myths of Pre-Columbian America (Gresham, London, 1923)
^Available online:
[460] Myths of Crete and Prehistoric Europe (Gresham, London, 1917)
^Available online:
[1030]H>Myths and Traditions of the South Sea Islands (Gresham, London, 1930)
^Available online:

Bernhard Mackowiak
[1176] Atlantis: Nachrichten aus versunkenen Welten (Atlantis: News from a sunken world)(Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1997)

Shirley MacLaine
[1211] Above the Line (Atria Books, New York, 2016)

Charles Maclaren
[541] Dissertation on the Topography of the Plain of Troy (Combe, Edinburgh, 1822)
^Available online:

John Macmillan Brown
[1155] The Riddle of the Pacific (T.F. Unwin, London, 1924)
^Available online:;view=1up;seq=13

Michael Macrae
[985]P>Sun Boat:The Odyssey Deciphered (C-Far Books, 2014)

Ralph van Deman Magoffin
[1383] The Romance of Archaeology (Garden City Publishing Co., N.Y., 1929)
^Read online:
[1384] Lure and Lore of Archaeology (Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1930)
^Available online :;view=1up;seq=1

Bill Maguire
[604]P>Apocalypse: A Natural History of Global Disasters (Cassell, 1999)

Jacques de Mahieu
[775] Die Flucht der Trojaner (Grabert, Tübingen, 1985)

Thomas Major
[1644] The Ruins of Paestum, otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Graecia (T. Major, London, 1768)
^Available online :

Alberto Majrani
[1875]  L’astuto Omero (Cunning Homer) (Filottete, 2020)

Dr. René Malaise
[461] Atlantis en Geologisk Verklighet (Nordiska Bokhandeln, Stockholm 1951)
[462] Atlantis and the Ice Age* (Atlantis 14, 23-40, London, 1961)
[463] Ocean Bottom investigations and Their Bearings on Geology (Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Mar-April 1957)
[464] Atlantis – A Verified Myth (Lidingö, Sweden, 1973)
[1455] Land-bridges or Continental Drift (Lidingö, Sweden, 1972)

Edward F. Malkowski
[657]P>Before the Pharaohs (Bear & Co., Rochester, VT, 2006)
[921] Ancient Egypt 39,000 BCE (Inner Traditions/Bear & Co., 2010)

Arlington H. Mallery
[666] Lost America (Overlook, Washington DC, 1951)

Vincent H. Malmström
[2016]P>Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon (University of Texas, Austin, 1997)

Moe M. Mandelkehr
[337] The Causal Source for the Geological Transients at 2300 BC (Chronology & Catastrophe Review, 1999:1, pp.3-16)

Zlatko Mandzuka
[1396]E>Demystifying the Odyssey (Authorhouse UK, Bloomington, IN, 2014)

[1373] Aegyptiaca (Translation by W.G. Waddell – Harvard University Press, 1940)
^Available online:

Irmgard Männlein-Robert
[1779] Longin – Philologe und Philosoph (B. G. Teubner, Leipzig, 2010 reprint)

Doris Manner
[466] Die versunkene Stadt. Atlantis entdeckt? [The Sunken City, Atlantis Discovered?] (1991)
[467] Revolution – Der Geist des Wassermann (Books on Demand, 2003)
[1376] Atlantis, Nazca und Andere Rätsel (Atlantis, Nazca and Other Puzzles) (Books on Demand, 2008)

Sturt W. Manning
[957] A Test of Time (Oxbow Books, Oxford, 1999)

Jaime Manuschevich
[468] La Atlantida: el Mito Descifrado (Atlantis: The Deciphered Myth) (Autoedicion, Santiago, Chile, 2002)

Michel Manzi
[731] Le Livre de l’Atlantide (Glomeau, Paris, 1922)
^Available online: (French)

Ammianus Marcellinus
[1058] Translated by John C. Rolfe ( Heinemann, London, 1935) 3 vols.
^ Available online:
[1059] Translated by C.D.Yonge (George Bell, London, 1894)
^ Available online:

Jo Marchant
[1460] Decoding the Heavens: Solving the Mystery of the World’s First Computer
(Windmill Books, London, 2009)

Juan de Mariana
[1653] Historiae de rebus Hispaniae (Petri Roderici, Toledo, 1592)
^Available online:

Mariani, Bizzi & Facchielli
[1073] La Scienza di Atlantide (Edizioni Lunaris,1996)

Diego Marin, Ivan Minella & PErik Schievenin
[972]P>The Three Ages of Atlantis (Bear & Co., Rochester,VT,2013)

Spyridon Marinatos
[469] Peri ton Thrulon tes Atlantidos (Kretica Chronica 4, 1950, 195 – 213)

Paolo Marini
[713] Atlantide: Nel cerchio di Stonehenge la chiave dell’enigma (Atlantis: The Circle is the Key to the enigma of Stonehenge) (Mursia, Milan, 2007)

Ruggero Marino
[1915] Christopher Columbus: The Last Templar (Destiny Books, USA, 2007)

Jean Markle
[470] Carnac et L’enigme de L’atlantide (Carnac and the Enigma of Atlantis) (Pygmalion, 1987)
^Available online: (French)

Andrzej Marks
[741] Atlantyda: Fantazja czy rzeczywisto??? (Atlantis: Fantasy or Reality?) (KAW, Gdansk, 1986).

A. Marmer
[1634] The Sea (D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1930)
^Available online :

Manuel Gómez Márquez
[599] La Atlantida de Piri Reis (Lectorum Publishers, New Jersey, 1984)

Richard O. Marsh
[1551] White Indians of Darien (G. P. Putnam, New York, 1934)
^Available online:

Peter Marshall
[1721]H>Europe’s Lost Civilization (Headline Books, London, 2004)

Alexander Marshack
[1633] The Roots of Civilization (McGraw-Hill, 1972)

Michael Martin
[1640] Atlantis (Capstone Press, Minnesota, 2007)

Rod Martin jnr.
[1623]E>Proof of Atlantis? (Kindle, 2019)
[1710]E>Mission Atlantis (Tharsis Highlands Publishing, 2020)
[2049]E>The Bible’s Hidden Wisdom (Kindle. 2014)

Thomas Henri Martin
[471] Études sur le Timée de Platon (Paris, 1841 and Arno Press, New York, 1976)

Thomas R. Martin
[344]P>Ancient Greece (Yale University Press, 1996)
^Available online: (2nd Edition)

Santiago Martinez Concha
[2055]E>The Discovery of Atlantis (Kindle, 2013)

Charles Frédéric Martins
[1440] Du Spitzberg Au Sahara (J.-B. Bailliére, Paris, 1866)
Available online:

Oliviera Martins
[270] A History of Iberian Civilization (Oxford University Press, 1930)

Mario Mas Fenollar
[1802] El descubrimiento de la atlántida histórica: Aclaraciones al Bronce Antiguo en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica (Punto Rojos Libros, Seville, 2006)

Gerald Massey
[1515] Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World (Celephaïs Press, Leeds, 2008)
^Available online:
[1929]H>A Book of the Beginnings (University Books, Secaucus, NJ, 1974) 2 Vols

Phil Masters
[1558] The Wars of Atlantis (Osprey Publishing, Oxford, 2015)

Cotton Mather
[1415] The Christian Philosopher (E. Matthews, London, 1721)
^Available online:

Gene Matlock
[472]P>The Last Atlantis Book you’ll ever have to Read (Dandelion Books, 2001)
[473] Jesus and Moses are Buried in India, Birthplace of Abraham and the Hebrews, (iUniverse, 2000)
[474] India Once Ruled the Americas (Writer’s Showcase Press, 2000)
[475] Yishvara 2000 – The Hindu Ancestor of Judaism Speaks to This Millennium (Writers Showcase Press, 2001)

W.H. Matthews
[1686] Mazes and Labyrinths – a General Account of their History and Development (Longmans, Green & Co.,London, 1922)
^Available online:

Enrico Mattievich Kucich
[400] Journey to the Mythological Inferno (Ekath Publications)
^Available online:(99+) ENRICO MATTIEVICH –

Alan Mattingly
[1948]E> Plato’s Atlantis and the Sea Peoples: A Review of Context and Evidence.(Kindle, 2021)

E. W. Maunder
[1137] Astronomy of the Bible: An Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References in the Holy Scripture (T. Sealey Clark, London, 1908)
^Available online:
(Republished in 2002 by Ross & Perry, Haddonfield NJ)

James W. Mavor Jnr.
[265]P>Voyage to Atlantis (Souvenir Press, 1969)

Adrienne Mayor
[1043] The Amazons (Princeton University press, 2014)

Jean Mazel
[663] Enigmes du Maroc (Robert Laffont, Paris, 1971)
[1256] Avec les pheniciens (Robert Laffont, Paris, 1976)

Ernest G. McClain
[1082] The Pythagorean Plato (Nicolas-Hays, York Beach, Maine, 1978)
[1284] Myth of Invariance: The Origins of the Gods, Mathematics and Music from the Rig Veda to Plato (Nicolas-Hays, York Beach, Maine, 1976)

John Ramsay McCulloch
[1321] A Dictionary: Geographical, Statistical and Historical 2 vols (Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, London, 1841/2)
^Available online:

James H. McCulloh
[876]Researches, philosophical and antiquarian (Lucas Fielding, Baltimore, 1829)
^Available online:
[1588] Researches on America (Joseph Robinson, Baltimore, 1817)
^Available online:

Duane McCullough
[703] Spirit of Atlantis (D. McCullough, Key Largo, Florida, 2001, 3rd ed.)

Seán McGrail
[1949] Boats of the World (Oxford University Press, New York, 2001)

John McHugh
[1892] The Celestial Code of Scripture (Monkfish Books, New York, 2021)

Gregory McIntosh
[510] The Piri Reis Map of 1513 (University of Georgia Press, 2000)

Mark A. Menamin 
[1738] Phoenicians, Fakes and Barry Fell (Meanma Press, 2000)
^Available online:

David McMullen
[477] Atlantis: The Missing Continent (Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1983)

Marion McMurrough Mulhall
[1343] Beginnings or Glimpses of Vanished Civilizations (Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1911)
^Available online:

James Mellaart
[1843]P>The Neolithic of the Near East (Thames & Hudson, London, 1975)

Leonardo Melis
[478] Shardana – I Popoli del Mare (2002)

Kurt Mendelssohn
[1885]P>The Riddle of the Pyramids (Cardinal, London, 1976)

Aubrey Menen
[1806] Cities in the Sand (Thames & Hudson, London, 1972)

Gavin Menzies
[780]H>The Lost Empire of Atlantis (Harper Collins, New York, 2011)
[939] 1421:The Year China Discovered the World (Bantam, 2003)
[940] Who Discovered America (William Morrow, 2013)

Martin Meredith
[1301] Elephant Destiny (New York, NY, 2001)

Dimitri Merezhkovski
[479] Atlantis-Europe the Secret of the West (Anthroposophic Press 2000).

Roger Mermet
[664] Le Passe Anterieur: Lascaux, L’Atlantide Et L’ile De Paques (France-Empire, Paris, 1993)

Henrietta Mertz
[396] Wanderings of Odysseus (Athene Volume 22, No.2, Summer 1961)
[397] Wine Dark Sea (1970)
[398] Pale Ink-Two Ancient Records of Chinese Explorations in America (R.F.Seymour, Chicago, 1953)
^available online:
Republished as a paperback and retitled Gods from the Far East (Ballantine, New York, 1972)
[399]H>Atlantis: Dwelling Place of the Gods (Chicago, 1976)
[621]P>The Mystic Symbol (Ancient American Magazine, Colfax, 2004)

Marcel Mestdagh (through Filip Coppens)
[1289] Atlantis (Stichting Mens & Kultuur, Ghent, 1990)
[1290] Pre-Atlantis (Stichting Mens & Kultuur, Ghent, 1994)
[1291] De Vikingen bij ons (Stichting Mens & Kultuur, Ghent, 1989)

George Michanowsky
[282]H>The Once and Future Star (Hawthorn Books, New York, 1977)

Michael of Greece & Denmark
[1219] La Crète, épave de l’Atlantide (Crete, Wreckage of Atlantis) (Juilliard, Paris, 1971)

John Michell
[0206]P>The View Over Atlantis (Abacus, London,1973)
[0704]P>The New View Over Atlantis (Thames & Hudson, London, 1983)
[1796]P>City of Revelation (Abacus, London, 1973)
[1797]P>The Flying Saucer Vision (Abacus, London, 1974)
[1798]P>The Old Stones of Land’s End (Garnstone Press, London, 1974)

Anton Mifsud
[1587]H>Dossier-Malta- Neanderthal (The Prehistoric Society of Malta, Attard, Malta, 2016)
Available online:
[1737]P> Dossier Malta-Evidence for the Magdalenian (Proprint. Malta,1997)
[1666]P> David’s Ruts (The Prehistoric Society of Malta, 2019)
Available online:
[1671]HE>The Island of God (The Prehistoric Society of Malta, 2017)
Available online:
[1722]>Longheads-Malta (The Prehistoric Society of Malta, 2020)
Available online:
[1736]>Sahara 2005 – Expedition 14 (The Prehistoric Society of Malta, 2019)
Available online:

Anton Mifsud, Simon Mifsud, Chris Agius Sultana, Charles Savona-Ventura.
[209]P>Malta – Echoes of Plato’s Island (Prehistoric Society of Malta, 2000)
^Available online:

Anton Mifsud & Charles Savona-Ventura
[210] The Science and mythology of the Maltese “Atlantoi” (Treasures of Malta, 2003, 9(3):53-58,96)
[211] On the track of Atlantis. (The Sunday Times [of Malta], 18th August 2002)
[212]>Facets of Maltese Prehistory. (Prehistoric Society of Malta, Malta, 1999)
[213] Prehistoric Medicine in Malta (Proprint Co, Malta, 1999)
[214]P>Hasan’s Cave (Heritage Books, Valetta, 2000)

Anton Mifsud & Simon Mifsud
[215] Dossier Malta – Evidence for the Magdalenian (Proprint, Mosta, 1997)
Available online:

Crichton E.M. Miller
[1918]E> The Golden Thread of Time (Pendulum Publishing, 2000)

David Miles
[2018]H>The Tale of the Axe (Thames & Hudson, London, 2016)

Richard Miles
[1540]P> Carthage Must Be Destroyed (Penguin Books, London, 2011)

Veljko Milkovic
[1932] Panonska Atlantida (The Pannonian Atlantis) (Vemirc, Novi Sad, 2020)

Thomas O. Mills
[1844] The Book Of Truth: A New Perspective on the Hopi Creation Story (lulu 2009)
[1845] Stonehenge – If This Was East (CreateSpace, 2016)

Richard Milton
[521]H>The Facts of Life (Fourth Estate, London, 1992)

Eduardo Miquel
[860]>Legados de la Atlantida 1.1 (Bubok, Madrid, 2010)
[861]>Legados de la Atlantida 2.1 (Bubok, Madrid, 2011)
^Available online:

Steven Mithen
[390]P>After the Ice (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 2003)

Jean-Pierre Mohen
[1839]H>The World of Megaliths (Facts On File, New York, 1990)

Michel de Montaigne
[1019] Of Cannibals (1575)
^Available online:

Luana Monte
[485] Atlantis: L’Isola Mysteriosa (ECIG, Genoa, 2004)

David R. Montgomery
[2029]E>The Rocks Don’t Lie (W.W.Norton, 2013)

Richard Mooney
[842]P>Colony:Earth (Panther Books, St. Albans, 1974)
[1078]P>Gods of Air and Darkness (Panther Books, St. Albans, 1977)
^Available online:

Tom T. Moore
[1556] ATLANTIS & LEMURIA: The Lost Continents Revealed (Light Technology Publishing, Flagstaff AZ, 2015)

Ernesto Morales
[1398] La Atlantida (Coleccion Antorcha, Buenos Aires, 1940)

Alexandré-César Moreau de Jonnès
[136] Les Temps Mythologiques (Didier, Paris, 1876)
^Available online:
[614] L’ocean des anciens et les peuples prehistoriques (Didier, Paris, 1873)
^Available online:

Antonio Morena Checa
[1063] La Atlántida. El mito hecho realidad (Atlantis. The myth comes true) (CreateSpace, 2014)

Abbe Théophile Moreux
[716] L’Atlantide A-T-Elle Existe?(Atlantis does Exist?) (Gaston Doin, Paris, 1924)

Renaud Morieux
[1262] The Channel: England, France and the Construction of a Maritime Border in the Eighteenth Century (CUP, Cambridge, 2016)

Antonio Moro
[0974] Atlantide. Il continente ritrovato (Atlantis. the continent found) (Este, Ferrara, 2013)

Alison Moroney
[033] Pathway to Atlantis (Sydney, 1998)

Charla Jean Morris
[970]E>From the First Rising Sun (AuthorHouse, Bloomington,IN, 2011)

Margaret Morris
[683] The Great Pyramid Secret (Scribal Arts, Michigan, 2010)
[1200] The Egyptian Pyramid Mystery Is Solved!: Volume 1: The Mysteries (2004)
[1201] The Egyptian Pyramid Mystery Is Solved!: Volume 2: The Solution (2004 )

Tony Morrison
[1036]H> Pathways to the Gods (Academy Chicago Publishers, 1988)

Gabriel de Mortillet
[1338] Bulletins de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris IV° Série. Tome 8, 1897.
^Available online: pp. 447-453 (French)

Chris Morton & Ceri Louise Thomas
[2019]H>The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls (Thorsons, London, 1997)

Sabatino Moscati
[505] The Phoenicians (I.B. Tauris, 2001)
[1052]P> The World of the Phoenicians (Phoenix Giant, London, 1999)

Charles P. Mountford,
[133] Ayer’s Rock: Its People, Their Beliefs and Their Art. (Angus & Robertson. Amended reprint: Seal Books, 1977. ISBN 0-7270-0215-5)

Farley Mowat
[1765]H>The Alban Quest (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1999)

Otto Muck
[098]H>The Secret of Atlantis ((Collins, London, 1978)(Original German edition [1468])
^Available online:
[1468] Alles über Atlantis (Econ Verlag, Dusseldorf – Vienna, 1976)
[1100] Geburt der Kontinente: Ein Protokoll zum 8. Schöpfungstag  (Econ Verlag, 1978)

Richard Muller
[1712]H> Nemesis (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, New York, 1988)

Martin J. Mulloy
[2086] The Irish in America (Angel Guardian Press, Boston, 1906)

Gustavo Muniz
[2082] Orion: The Connection between Heaven and Earth (Kindle, 2020)

Joseph Munlo
[1452] Aha-Men-Ptah: The Empire of the Islands (Trafford Publishing, 2008)

Stuart Munro-Hay
[1965] The Quest for the Ark of the Covenant (I.B. Tauris, 2006)

Giuseppe Mura
[1570] Sardegna: l’isola felice di Nausicàa (Grafica del Parteolla, Dolianova, 2009)
[2068] Tartesso in Sardegna (Grafica del Parteolla, 2018)

D.M. Murdock
[2058]E>Did Moses Exist? (Stellar House, Seattle, 2014)

Anthony Murphy
[1762] Dronehenge (Liffey Press, Dublin, 2019)

Anthony Murphy & Richard Moore
[1441]P> Island of the Setting Sun (The Liffey Press, Dublin, 2006)

Karen Mutton
[952]P> Sunken Realms: A Survey of Underwater Ruins from Around the World (Adventures Unlimited, 2009)