An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    NEWS September 2023

    September 2023. Hi Atlantipedes, At present I am in Sardinia for a short visit. Later we move to Sicily and Malta. The trip is purely vacational. Unfortunately, I am writing this in a dreadful apartment, sitting on a bed, with access to just one useable socket and a small Notebook. Consequently, I possibly will not […]Read More »
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    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Moore, Tom T.

Tom T. Moore is an American self-help author and self-declared telepath, who has written on a variety of subjects including Atlantis and Lemuria(a). He conventionally places Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean and Lemuria in the Pacific. According to Moore, Atlantis was destroyed by a natural disaster 31,000 years ago and again 12,500 years ago as a result of a war!

Lemuria was larger than Australia and was formerly connected to Japan and for thousands of years was an idyllic place with its inhabitants vacationing in Hawaii!

However, Lemuria, also known as Mu, destroyed itself in an atomic war 7,500 years ago.

This ‘male cow effluent’, is expanded on in his Atlantis & Lemuria: The Lost Continents Revealed [1556].

(a) Atlantis & Lemuria—Latitudes & Longitudes | Ancient Code (*

Kocsis, Laszlo (L)

Dr. László Kocsis is an associate professor at South East European University, in Tetovo, Macedonia. He has contributed to two chapters in S.L. Danver’s Popular Controversies in World History[1269]. The first is entitled the existence of Atlantis is not entirely mythical which is a half-hearted support for the reality of Plato’s lost land. The second relates to Lemuria and is equally anodyne.

Part of the text is available online(a).

(a) (offline Jan. 2017)

Murray, John

John MurrayJohn Murray (1841-1914) was born in Canada of Scottish parents and renowned as an oceanographer and marine biologist, sometimes referred to as ‘the father of modern oceanography’, a term he also coined. He is also credited with being the first to recognise the existence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and of marine or oceanic trenches.

In 1933 it was reported(a) that an expedition named after Murray had discovered ‘traces’ of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean. However, this was the Lemuria hypothesised by Sclater rather than the total fantasy promoted by Blavatsky.

(a) Atlantis&searchLimits=sortby=dateDesc


Cattoi, Costantino

CattoiCostantino Cattoi (1894-1975) was an officer in the Italian Air Force during the First World War, during which he developed the cartographic value of aerial photography. In 1955 he got considerable media coverage for his concept of lost civilisations, which included Lemuria, Mu and Atlantis in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans respectively. He also posited an extension of Atlantis reaching into the Mediterranean as far as Italy and added his view that just offshore from Ansedonia, 70 miles north of Rome, may have been the location of the Atlantean capital!

Cattoi also announced that he had located three of the cities of Tirrenide between Porto Santo Stefano and Isola del Giglio, but he died without being able to find funding for the underwater exploration that would have proved his hypothesis(b).

(a),765131&hl=en (Toledo Blade Pictorial, June 5, 1955)

(b) See: (Italian)*

Geerts, L.C. *

L. C. Geerts is the Dutch author of the website. His background provides interesting reading(a). He has an extensive section regarding Atlantis, where he concludes as follows:

“In my book I will explain that there were at least 3 sunken continents (islands) in ancient times :

1. Atlantis, situated in the Atlantic Ocean, about 9,000 BC.

2. Lemuria (Mu), situated in the Pacific Ocean, about 20,000 BC.

3. The Egyptian Keftiu, situated in the Aegean See (Santorini, Thera), about 1,600BC.” 

The working title of the book referred to by Geerts was ‘Earths Ancient History, a theory about ancient times and dawn of Mankind’ and was due for publication in 2013 – so far only available on his website(c).

Geerts has also written a history of Dordrecht, Holland’s oldest city(b).

Even though Geerts ventures onto subjects even more contentious than Atlantis, his site is worth a visit.

In April 2018 Geerts’ website appeared to go offline. However, some of his ideas could still be read elsewhere(d). However, Geerts revamped his site and it is now available again with slightly modified web addresses..

(a) Preface by L.C.Geerts ( *

(b) Welcome (

(c) My-Manuscript ( 


Kruparz, Heinrich

Heinrich Kruparz is an Austrian geologist who has recently ventured into the world of Atlantology with Kruparzthe publication of Atlantis und Lemuria[990]. From the title, he obviously supports the idea of sunken continents with advanced civilisations in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Like many others, he views the Azores as the remnants of Atlantis.

Unfortunately, he appears to incorporate some of the wild ideas of Cayce and Blavatsky. Kruparz also offers his views in a lecture available on a YouTube clip(a).

>Kruparz has also written a paper (in English) on the mysterious megaliths of Nan Madol(b).<

(a) (German)

(b) · *

Nan Madol

Nan Madol is a large stone city on the Micronesian island of Pohnpei in the Western Pacific. The entire site covers 170 acres and according to Frank Joseph is comprised of an estimated 250 million tons of basalt!(b) An article on the Smithsonian website offers very different figures(c).

The city Nan_Madolhas a series of canals connecting the structures, which were built on nearly a hundred artificial islands. It has been called both the ‘Venice’ and the ‘Atlantis’ of the Pacific. Conventional archaeology dates the site to around 1200 AD.

James Churchward claimed Nan Madol as part of his concocted Mu. David Hatcher Childress has proposed that the site was part of Lemuria, another invention. Erich von Däniken in his The Gold of the Gods was happy to claim that as a result of extraterrestrial intervention, the ancient Micronesians, had mastered flight and used this ability to transport the stone for the construction of the city!

In 1979, Bill S. Ballinger published Lost City of Stone [1920], following the author’s visit to the island a few years earlier. In common with other commentators, he could not offer any credible explanation as to the identity of the site’s builders or its purpose.

Recent archaeological research in 2017, led by Mark McCoy from Texas Southern Methodist University, has, not unexpectedly, regenerated foolish speculation that the remarkable site might in some way be connected with Plato’s Atlantis(a).

Dr Heinrich Kruparz, the Austrian author of Atlantis und Lemuria [990] has also penned a paper (in English) on the mysterious megaliths of Nan Madol(d).

Another site offers a series of interesting images from Nan Madol(e).

>The megalithic site of Pohnpaid is less than four miles from the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Nan Madol, and is the subject of a book by Carole Nervig, The Petroglyphs of MU [2087]. She featured as Author of the Month on Graham Hancock‘s website for December 2022(f). The author includes a lot of waffle about earth grids created by an ancient Mother Culture a la Hancock!<


(b) Atlantis Rising magazine  #51  p.46


(d) · 

(e) Scientists are puzzled by this mysterious ancient city (

(f) The Petroglyphs of Mu: Pohnpei, Nan Madol and the Legacy of Mu – Graham Hancock Official Website *

Van Auken, John

John Van Auken is a well-known lecturer on the ‘readings’ of Edgar Cayce. He is a Director at the Edgar Cayce organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) having been associated with the A.R.E. since the late 1960s. He is the author of many books dealing with mysticism and ancient mysteries. He co-authored with Greg and Lora Little, Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis and Ancient South America[0889]. The latter mentions Plato just once, while an article on Van Auken’s own website(a) entitled Atlantis & Mu (Lemuria) has Plato completely ignored, which in my opinion leaves him unfit to discuss Atlantis. The article has been removed since.

Even more disturbing is his association with the rather dubious ‘diploma mill’, The International Metaphysical University(b), considered by some(c)(d) to be fraudulent.

Some years ago Van Auken was challenged by William Hutton to give the references of the six Cayce ‘readings’ that he had referred to in a lecture. The readings did not exist and the best that Van Auken could do was claim to have “misspoken”(e)!



*(c) See:



McMurrough-Mulhall, Marion

Marion McMurrough Mulhall (? -1922) was the wife of a famous Irish statistician, Michael George Mulhall (1838-1900) (his Dictionary of Statistics(b) was last published in 1970). She has written a number books, particularly about South America, but in 1911 she published Beginnings or Glimpses of Vanished Civilizations. In this interesting, if rather dated work of 136 pages, the author suggests that “The gods and goddesses of the ancient Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Hindoos, and the Scandinavians were simply the kings, queens, and heroes of Atlantis, and the acts attributed to them in mythology are a confused recollection of real historical events. The mythology of Egypt and Peru represented the original religion of Atlantis, which was sun worship. The oldest colonies from Atlantis were probably the Akkadians and Sumerians, who are thought as yet, according to Messrs.King and Halpto have been the original founders of the Babylonian and Egyptian civilization. The implements of the ” Bronze Age ” of Europe were derived from Atlantis. The Atlantians were also the first manufacturers of iron, and we know that Parthelon, when he visited Ireland, came in iron vessels of occidental blackness.”

The author discusses a number of aspects of ancient history including Atlantic landbridges. She argues that Ireland was Plutarch’s Ogygia and also comments on Lemuria and Easter Island. The full text can be read online(a).




Zarin (1944 – ) was originally from Pennsylvania but is now living in Las Vegas and claims to be a renowned psychic as well as a researcher on Atlantis. He is obviously a ‘colourful’ individual who produced an ebook in Zarin1-225x3002011 entitled Atlantis, the Deluge and the End of the Ice Age. I am not a fan of psychics or ‘channelled’ information. However, when I discovered that it was free, ($1.29 in 2020(a)), I downloaded it to my Kindle.

The first half of the book was a fairly pedestrian affair. Then we got to it, “a super strong  and unusual crystal” called the ‘atal’ stone which gave Atlantis its name! This crystal power gave them the potential for flight and which he says might have given them a military advantage. Which is rather strange when you find that they were defeated by the Athenians.

Zarin moved on with constant attempts to link the discoveries of Göbekli Tepe with Atlantis. He also includes suggestions of extraterrestrial visitors in our ancient past.

A recent report tells of Zarin seeing the Crucifixion, the image on the Turin Shroud and also that of the Virgin Mary on a large ‘Lemurian coding crystal’ from Madagascar, which according to Zarin was the centre of Lemuria.

Unfortunately, three more books by Zarin are looming, no doubt as soon as the material can be extracted from the rear end of some male cow!
