An A-Z Guide To The Search For Plato's Atlantis

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    NEWS September 2023

    September 2023. Hi Atlantipedes, At present I am in Sardinia for a short visit. Later we move to Sicily and Malta. The trip is purely vacational. Unfortunately, I am writing this in a dreadful apartment, sitting on a bed, with access to just one useable socket and a small Notebook. Consequently, I possibly will not […]Read More »
  • Joining The Dots

    Joining The Dots

    I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.Read More »

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Hinzpeter, Georg

Georg Hinzpeter was influenced by the Moon-capture ideas of Hanns Hörbiger. However, when he suggested some modifications,  he fell foul of the Nazis and was informed “that his work was no longer going to be supported by the regime because it deviated from Hörbiger’s original theory.” (b)

After the war, he contributed to Sykes Atlantis magazine, theorising that the destruction of Atlantis coincided with the capture of our present satellite, an event that he claimed to have taken place around 11,500 years ago.(a)

Hinzpeter, a member of the German Hoerbiger Society, claimed that our Moon was captured by the Earth in June of 8498 BC and that it became the zero date for the Maya!(c)

(a) Atlantis, Vol.4, No,4, November 1951


(c) Atlantean Research, Vol 3, No.1, May, 1950 *


Aryan is a term used to denote “peoples speaking Indo-European (or specifically Indo-Iranian) languages, or ancient peoples thought to have spoken Proto-Indo-European, the hypothetical language from which Indo-European languages are believed to derive.

An Aryan Atlantis was proposed by Ignatius Donnelly in his famous 1882 book(a), selectively employing biblical texts and a variety of mythologies to support his view.>However, he did not use the term in the racist manner it came to be employed just four decades later.<

Donnelly also promoted the popular 19th-century idea that India was subjected to an invasion by Aryans from the northwest. This idea is still debated today with opponents of the idea, such as the American-born Vedic scholar, David Frawley, who see the Aryans, not as invaders but indigenous Indians[0817]. Graham Hancock quotes Frawley extensively in support of his ancient civilisation views.

The term ‘Aryan’ was also used to describe one of Blavatsky’s imaginary ‘root races’, however, some argue that it was used in a ‘spiritual’ sense, but this is debated.

>The World History Encyclopedia offers an excellent overview of the origins of the Aryans(b) as well as the etymology of the name itself. It explains how “it was first applied as a self-identifying term by a migratory group of people from Central Asia (Kazakhstan) later known as Indo-Iranians (who settled on the Iranian Plateau) and, later, applied to Indo-Aryans (who traveled south to settle northern India).” It seems that this group integrated with the people of the Indus Valley. When, in the 2nd millennium BC, the Indus Valley civilisation declined, supposedly due to climate change, its people moved south. This may also have been exacerbated by a decline in trade, due to internal strife in two of their principal trading partners, Mesopotamia and Egypt.<

Today the term is primarily used to describe the family of languages known as Indo-European. Unfortunately, the word has also a dark side to its history, with its arrogation by the Nazis to describe their ‘master race’.


(b) *

Pringle, Heather (M)

Heather Pringle “is a Canadian science writer who specializes in Heather Pringlearchaeology.” She has written many articles as well as a number of books and has her own website(a). Among her work is the prize-winning The Master Plan[0032], in which she charts the work of the Nazi Ahnenerbe, founded by Himmler, whose mission was to search for the lost civilization of an ancient master race.” Included in this fascinating book is an interesting account of the Hermann Wirth’s obsession with Atlantis in the North Atlantic as well as Edmund Kiss’ work at Tiwanaku in Bolivia.

*[A recent paper(b) by Pringle and Krista Langlois offers evidence that the Bering Strait during the last Ice Age was in fact a vast area of land the size of Australia and that it provided a crossing point, for humans and animals earlier and for longer than previously believed.

Pringle has also turned her attention to the Vikings in an interesting National Geographic article(c).]*



(c) National Geographic, March 2017 p.34]*

Treuil, René (L)

 René Treuil  (1940- ) is a French professor of prehistory with a special interest in the ancient Aegean Treuiland since 2003 he has been professor emeritus at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Although Treuil is an Atlantis sceptic, he published Le mythe de l’Atlantide[1088] in which he reviews a number of the locations theories on offer, as well as the cultural and political uses that Plato’s narrative has been put to over the centuries, particularly its misuse by the Nazis.

Vrilology *

Vrilology is defined by the Church of Vrilology website(a) as  “the practice of harnessing the Life Force that we share with the Gods, which we call, Vril, through the practice of Seither and Galdor sciences.” This cult claims to trace its origins back to the old Norse religion which they describe as a pan-European religion and which they claim will have the most meaning for people of European ancestry. They also claim that they trace their philosophy back even further to around 10,000 BC when the ‘Gods’ visited a group of Caucasian people living around the Black Sea imparting to them the secrets of Vrilology which enabled the group to develop into ‘supermen’ which led to the development we call Atlantis!

The only reason that I have included any mention of this silly pseudo-religion is that their website has a lengthy article(b) about the Black Sea Atlantis including material from Ryan & Pitman and the Schoppes.

Reading through the Vrilology website and despite its frequent protestations, I could not help feeling that there was a neo-Nazi undertone to the entire cult. My feelings appeared justified by an American site criticising certain cult members in New Jersey. Another site confirmed my misgivings(d).

Another site(e), heavily laced with bovine manure, offers a way into our hollow earth using a ‘vril generator’, which of course can be bought through the site.

An account(f) of Vril, mediums, Nazis and the link to the Aldebaran solar system will provide you with some light relief. Equally entertaining are the pathetic attempts by some New Age nutters to try and associate Nikola Tesla with vril(g).

Nevertheless, this vril nonsense has now been expanded by Xavier Séguin, who suggests that megalithic dolmens and menhirs can generate vril energy, which can be used to expedite the maturing of wine(i)!

Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873) was a British novelist who introduced us to vril in his 1871 novel Vril: The Power of the Coming Race[1336](h). Some of his ideas were ‘borrowed’ by Blavatsky.










Waddell, Laurence Austine

Laurence Austine Waddell (1854-1938) was a British surgeon, philologist and amateur archaeologist as well as a Professor of Chemistry and Pathology among other accomplishments. He was fascinated by the Sumerians who had been rediscovered in the 19th century. He identified the Sumerians as Aryan and even went so far as to claim Sumerian/Phoenician [1943]+ ancestry for the Britons, Welsh, Anglo-Saxons, Irish-Scots, Early Germans and Scandinavians[814.6]+!

The Edda is generally accepted as an important source of Norse mythology. However, in 1930 Waddell published British Edda[815]+ claiming that the text had been originally composed in Britain.

>In 1925, Hermann Wieland claimed in Atlantis, Edda und Bibel[816]+ that Atlantis had been an ancient German homeland. An English translation was produced in 2016 [1944] by an Australian right-wing publisher. This sort of literature laid the foundation for some of the twisted political ‘theology’ of the Nazis.<






Serrano, Miguel

Miguel Serrano (1917-2009) was a former Chilean diplomat in which capacity he was MIGUEL SERRANOappointed ambassador to India from 1953 until 1962. He was also an unrepentant nazi sympathiser since 1939 and over time he developed what became known Esoteric Nazism, which continues to have support particularly in his native Chile, where there are still substantial numbers of Nazi followers(a).

*Joscelyn Godwin relates[789.126] how Serrano claimed that “the Germans also found there was a way of communication with the Hollow Earth and its secret cities, where the First Hyperboreans had taken refuge from the disaster that reversed the Poles. There a secret base was prepared during the war years, and thither Adolf Hitler escaped in a vimana (flying saucer plane) to direct the “esoteric war” to this day.”*

The spitfirelist website notes that when “Serrano returned to Chile after the Pinochet coup in 1973. Finding the regime unsympathetic to his ideas, he adopted “the role of intellectual gadfly“.[9] In May 1984, Serrano gave the Nazi salute at the funeral in Santiago of SS Colonel Walter Rauff.[9] He convened a rally in Santiago on 5 September 1993, in honor of Rudolf Hess, and in memory of the 62 young Chilean Nazi supporters who were shot dead while occupying a social security building during an abortive coup in 1938.[1][10] “(c) 

Two books by the Chilean historian, Rafael Videla Eissmann, are concerned with Serrano’s views on Atlantis. Many of his other works, mainly in Spanish, are available as pdf files(b).





Godwin, Joscelyn

Joscelyn Godwin (1945- ) was born in England and is currently professor of Joscelyn Godwinmusicology at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. Although he has written on his chosen subject he has also ventured into the realms of Theosophy, the Mystery Traditions and the esoteric generally. Included in his output is a life of Athanius Kircher[1130].*In 2009, this book was revamped as Athanasius Kircher’s Theatre Of The World, which has been described as “essentially a big-budget version of the previous book.” [1593]*

In his 1996 book Arktos[789] he traces the history of polar wandering theories together with the polar connection with some Nazi ideology. His latest offering, Atlantis and the Cycles of Time[746] is a very comprehensive history of occult view of the Atlantis mystery.

A brief biography of Godwin together with his impressive bibliography is available on the Colgate University website(a).


Lissner, Ivar Arthur Nicolai (L)

Ivar Arthur Nicolai Lissner (1909-1967) was born in what is now the Latvian city of Livani. After an unhappy sojourn in Russia the family returned to Riga, the Latvian capital and subsequently moved to Berlin. He joined the Nazi Party in 1933 and remained with it in spite of the fact that the Gestapo spent three years trying to prove his father’s Jewish ancestry until they dropped charges in 1940. Lissner had moved to Japan acting as a press attaché, in reality a double-agent for both the Nazis and the Soviets. Eventually, he was accused of being a Soviet spy and imprisoned and tortured but eventually acquitted by a Japanese court and released before the end of the war.

Ivar LissnerAfter the war be developed his career as a journalist in Germany and France. He had authored a number of books before the war and continued writing afterwards. Two of his later books have been translated into English which deal with ancient civilisations, The Living Past [726] and The Silent Past[725]. He supported the idea that Tartessos in Spain had been Atlantis, and extensively cites the work of Adolf Schulten in support of this contention.

Gorsleben, Rudolf John

Rudolf John Gorsleben (1883-1930) was an occultist concerned with GorslebenGermanic origins and rune magic and was associated with the Thule Society, which was later absorbed into the Nazi Party. Gorsleben subsequently founded the Edda Society. He believed the location of Atlantis had been in the Arctic regions [1692.50].